About Shaperla

Which to use?

  • Skulders,Shako,Occy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Full tals

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Fallen Creation said:
Well, since this is a privately owned forum, your constitutional rights don't apply here. If the owner doesn't like what you're saying, then they can boot you.

And I am almost positve that elly doesn't live in the United states, and my vote is in. Prison time for shap.
Fallen Creation said:
Well, since this is a privately owned forum, your constitutional rights don't apply here. If the owner doesn't like what you're saying, then they can boot you.
Doesn't matter. A public place, especially a business, still legally has to allow reasonable access. Thats why natzis and crap can march and picket around malls, which are private property. Thank New Jersey for that nonsense.

And it makes no difference where the site is, the US enforces its citizens rights abroad ;)


P.S. One of the things thats surprised me to learn in law school is how little disclaimers, warnings, etc mean. The vast majority mean absolutely nothing, no matter if you sign in blood.

For example:

--We are not liable for xxx.

Bzzt. You don't tell the court if you are liable, the court tells you if you are liable. A warning makes no difference.

--I sign and agree you am not liable for xxx...

Again, a private person can't sign away thier rights, even if they want to. If a duty is owned, too bad, no matter what you sign, no matter if both parties don't want it.


The point is, disclaimers like the one on this site have little, if any, legal power.
TheUnchosen said:
I don't get the point of the thread..
It'll either anger the moderator or stroke his ego...either serves the Forum no good.

*Points to Strid's Pit of Strid Sexing*
You get sent to the Pit and a demotion from "Druid poster" to "Druidic Maid/Butler". Your demotion will stay until further notice. Your name will be temporarily change to "Nancy" for the duration of your demotion.
And above all it shows that some people have nothing better to do... This seems to be the third phase of boredom.
1. phase: start looking at forums because you're bored with d2
2. phase: start posting OT stuff because you're bored with ontopic
3. phase: start something to get you kicked because you're bored with the forums.

PS: I'll vote anyways... I just can't skip a poll.
Why Druid forum got a new mod already while the pala forum is still without any of them for so long? :scratch:
This is unfair!:rant:
Hey guys its me Nacy again The Druid Butler


This was all just in good fun no harm intended i swear

Any ways since ive benn demoted :lol: do i get restricted of is it just a title :scratch: :lol:
-Ferro- said:
Why Druid forum got a new mod already while the pala forum is still without any of them for so long? :scratch:
This is unfair!:rant:
You want him? Take him, I'll pack his bags and have him there by lunch.
Beowulf said:
You want him? Take him, I'll pack his bags and have him there by lunch.

Druid drama, you can smell it from far away, and I love it (and you too). :drool:

Well, may I ask what the new mod has made to deserve the first popular punishmen in just a few day of job? Just curious... :creep: :creep:
-Ferro- said:
Well, may I ask what the new mod has made to deserve the first popular punishmen in just a few day of job? Just curious... :creep: :creep:

Became the mod ...
Oh my goodness a vote about some one who could ban you for life.

well I voted for:

total jerk
jail time
and ego maniac


nah hes not a bad mod, just haven't known him long so I don't know what to expect from him yet.
Uzziah said:
well I voted for:

total jerk
jail time
and ego maniac

just haven't known him long so I don't know what to expect from him yet.

For a minute there I thought you were my ex-girlfriend, thanks for clarifying. :lol:
First off .. how is this winning

'Relatively friendly, just don't tick him off'

you butt kissers !!!

Garbad_the_Weak said:
How can there be only 5 votes for other? Damn druid imposters. Any true druid would always vote other.


I second this motion ... Others should be up by like 20 votes .. this mean Shaperia h4xxor3d the votes ..... CHEATER !!!!
Voice said:
First off .. how is this winning

'Relatively friendly, just don't tick him off'

you butt kissers !!!

I second this motion ... Others should be up by like 20 votes .. this mean Shaperia h4xxor3d the votes ..... CHEATER !!!!
No no only Garbad did that!!!
-Ferro- said:
Why Druid forum got a new mod already while the pala forum is still without any of them for so long? :scratch:
This is unfair!:rant:

don't ask me, I'd mod every forum if they let me, all the mods combined are probably here slightly more than I am

garbad, I am following the true druidic practice of not voting until everyone else has and then selling my vote to the highest bidder, don't be bitter just because you can't set other to 666 anymore

I dunno, does he shower regularily? If so, then I vote he's a jerk, if not, then he'll blend right in here with all YOU STNIKING DRUIDS!


i instinctively chose other.. druid forum WAS the first forum i ever landed on.
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