Fallen Creation said:
Well, since this is a privately owned forum, your constitutional rights don't apply here. If the owner doesn't like what you're saying, then they can boot you.
Doesn't matter. A public place, especially a business, still legally has to allow reasonable access. Thats why natzis and crap can march and picket around malls, which are private property. Thank New Jersey for that nonsense.
And it makes no difference where the site is, the US enforces its citizens rights abroad
P.S. One of the things thats surprised me to learn in law school is how little disclaimers, warnings, etc mean. The vast majority mean absolutely nothing, no matter if you sign in blood.
For example:
--We are not liable for xxx.
Bzzt. You don't tell the court if you are liable, the court tells you if you are liable. A warning makes no difference.
--I sign and agree you am not liable for xxx...
Again, a private person can't sign away thier rights, even if they want to. If a duty is owned, too bad, no matter what you sign, no matter if both parties don't want it.
The point is, disclaimers like the one on this site have little, if any, legal power.