?? about Ironmans

d3uces wild

New member
Jun 23, 2003
?? about Ironmans

A couple of my friends and I were going to have an ironman, once we were level 9, we could go back to town and buy whatever equipment we could use/buy. We can fill up our inventory with potions right before we begin to duel. So I was wondering, what would be the best build to use for an ironman. Taking them to level 9, without the den quest or mercs.
Valar-not-so-patend holy fire melee pally worked well on 2 of my ironmans. he did (IIRC) points into resist fire until the you can get the holy fire aura then pump that. just use regular attack or i guess you could use sacrifice but that would be dagerous.

also Matt had a zon that was banned from ironmans cuz it couldnt be beat. he wont tell anyone about it ( :rant: ) so i dont know much. i think it used poision and a bow. not sure though

My first one was a kicker who did alright. try and get ~2-3 points into BoS (Burst of Speed) and the rest into kick. if you happen to find the purple gems put them into armor, it will add to your dmg. your going to have mana problems so be sure to pack quite a few pots.

well thats about all i can help you with, good luck :thumbsup:
Me and Nerf-Herder did some ironmans earlier this morning and that HF Pally build he made kicked my a$$...I was a basher baba with really bad gear..

Nerf : I shall have my revenge.....ok maybe not but I'll have a beer and a smile.
The 1 Iron Man I ever did I won with a Druid. Managed to find a decent weapon and some decent armor and basically pumped wolves.
d3uces wild said:
A couple of my friends and I were going to have an ironman, once we were level 9, we could go back to town and buy whatever equipment we could use/buy. We can fill up our inventory with potions right before we begin to duel. So I was wondering, what would be the best build to use for an ironman. Taking them to level 9, without the den quest or mercs.

All depends on what is allowed, most people consider summons (wolves, ravens, skellies) or poison (or any other skill (holy fire) that eats away life while not actually attacking) bad manners. Necros with bone armor/posion dagger are tough since they can just keep recasting bone armor (also considered bad manners).

Some people allow unlimited mana/stamina/thawing potions and others only allow a belt full.

Sins with fists of fire can be tough, so can double swing barbs, the point of most ironman rules is to ensure that most builds have a chance.

Matt Uber Patented Zon Never To Be Discussed In Public Top Secret Elite Never Ever Defeated Except By A Level 91 TPPK Bone Necro Build is ....<cough>poison<cough>jav<cough>freezing<cough>arrow<cough>... now I have to kill you all
when we did our ironman, I ended up making an assassin and put one point into BoS, two points in claw mastery, and the rest into tiger strike(?) the level 1 martial art charge up skill. I ended up winning, with having 2x chipped sapphires in my weapon, ended up rurnning out of pots, as did the other person left, and I ended up winning with 4 life left. I will have to try the HF pally, thank you for the idea. :thumbsup:
Well i won a few iron mans with a dual claw using dragon claw and tiger strike asn. Also i would reccomend jab zons and molten boulder druids and 1 pt might 8 sacrifice pally if you have a good weapon like and 3 chip topaz morningstar and a good shield like a Rondache of blocking or something of the sort. Won one time with an static ice blast sorc by dim luck , Found + 2 to iceblast orb. Throw barbs are okay if you manage to get some pilums and not get hit. Another good one is a double swing barb with 1 pt mastery 1pt double swing 7 point bash.

Those are some of the ones i would reccomend from experience

First point i'd like to make out, excuse me if it was mentioned i only skimmed the replies, is to make sure you limit potion use, otherwise full inventory of potions can drag an ironman on for hours....good, bad, how bout just ugly :)

Second point is try holding it in inner or outer cloisters. Once everyone is lvl 9 they WP there b4 they begin. Saves from having to chase ppl from the front door of town to the Dark passage in stony.

As for builds, I think my most successful/unique build would have been Frost nova/CB sorc. Costs a few mana pots, but whooo weee, thats ruthless. Imagine a lvl 9, little to no res, get stopped in his footsteps by a quick FN, then blasted with CBs (he should have minimal resistance). I used a Frost nova staff for charges, a cb orb is ideal, and the rest of points went into cb.

Just my $0.02
IF ranged characters are allowed in your Ironman.. I found my Psychic Hammer Sin.. to do pretty well.. I'm guessing if I would have added BoS, it would have been amazing, so:

1 pre req
1 BoS
Rest Psychic Hammer
Inventory of MAna Potions

But.. if you're doing melee ironman.. well.. holyfire works well.
Never understood the rules of ironman. If potions are not allowed then replenish life items would be nice... skulls in armor/helm?
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