A few Guided Arrow Questions


New member
Dec 22, 2006
A few Guided Arrow Questions

Hello my Amazon friends and a Merry Christmas to you all!

I come here today as I am a little confused about this skill. I have virtually no real experience with it what so ever and would like to clear some things up.

1- Is there anything that doesn't work with it? (apart from pierce). Like does Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, Elemental damage, Chance to Cast, CS/DS etc etc all work with it?

2- What is its range? Will the arrow stop short, like Magic Arrow sometimes does or is it something i shouldn't worry about?

3- How extreme can i position myself away from a monster for me to shoot and the Arrow hit it?

Thanks all!
Re: A few Guided Arrow Questions

1. Pierce is the only one I can think of. All the rest works.

2. Don't worry about it.

3. If it finds a target to lock onto, you can shoot from quiet a distance.
Re: A few Guided Arrow Questions

3. In case you didn't know, try to get leech. If you see those red and/or blue swirls, you know you are hitting something. Might be handy when you sniping things not on your screen.

2. Are you sure the magic arrows stops? It's probably just a display bug similar to lightning fury IIRC. So I wouldn't worry about it.
Re: A few Guided Arrow Questions

thanks for the reply guys!

I am more concerned about 1.

So pierce is the only thing that doesn't work with GA? Hopefully this is the case.
Re: A few Guided Arrow Questions

Off the top of my head, Attack Rating buffs also have no effect because GA is auto-hit. :p Fires explosive arrows/bolts won't work either. As usual, +% Element won't work with non-skill ranged attacks. Of course, even with CtCs, there are limits, e.g. CtC Leap Attack on either Hit or Strike probably would have no effect, etc.

As for range, nothing to really worry about.
Re: A few Guided Arrow Questions

I remember Elemental dmg (psn scs) being added up to Guided Arrow, not sure though.
Re: A few Guided Arrow Questions

I remember Elemental dmg (psn scs) being added up to Guided Arrow, not sure though.

Yes, psn scs work with guided arrow :)

And yes, i think penetrate is the only thing that wont work with it (the one that passes through enemies)

Re: A few Guided Arrow Questions

And not even with correct information.

Penetrate is the skill for increased ar. Pierce is the on that passes through enemies. And both don't work with guided arrow as guided arrow is auto hit (hence doesn't need ar) and can't pierce anymore since 1.09.
Re: A few Guided Arrow Questions

And not even with correct information.

Penetrate is the skill for increased ar. Pierce is the on that passes through enemies. And both don't work with guided arrow as guided arrow is auto hit (hence doesn't need ar) and can't pierce anymore since 1.09.

Awwww remember when it could, though? Those were fun times... Seeing 4 GA's at once weaving their way back and forth through a boss...

Re: A few Guided Arrow Questions

True confessions, I used GA with the noob canon back in 1.09................. and loved it.:whistling:
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