A few Guided Arrow Questions
Hello my Amazon friends and a Merry Christmas to you all!
I come here today as I am a little confused about this skill. I have virtually no real experience with it what so ever and would like to clear some things up.
1- Is there anything that doesn't work with it? (apart from pierce). Like does Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, Elemental damage, Chance to Cast, CS/DS etc etc all work with it?
2- What is its range? Will the arrow stop short, like Magic Arrow sometimes does or is it something i shouldn't worry about?
3- How extreme can i position myself away from a monster for me to shoot and the Arrow hit it?
Thanks all!
Hello my Amazon friends and a Merry Christmas to you all!
I come here today as I am a little confused about this skill. I have virtually no real experience with it what so ever and would like to clear some things up.
1- Is there anything that doesn't work with it? (apart from pierce). Like does Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, Elemental damage, Chance to Cast, CS/DS etc etc all work with it?
2- What is its range? Will the arrow stop short, like Magic Arrow sometimes does or is it something i shouldn't worry about?
3- How extreme can i position myself away from a monster for me to shoot and the Arrow hit it?
Thanks all!