6-Eth Phase Blade on a PvP Kicker


New member
May 23, 2004
6-Eth Phase Blade on a PvP Kicker

Ok, here's one of my standard hairbrained ideas: build a PvP kicker around a 6-eth'd phase blade. It has a nice base speed, and with some extra IAS equipment I should be able to get away with using Fade (even if that means I lose 1 frame from my slowest kick). The problem I'm having is figuring out how to best compliment it. Primarily this would be for very specific duels where I'm not expecting to chase teleporters.

Actually, to be completely honest, I'm thinking about doing this for the Clan Honor forum. They have a few rules which make them much different than typical dueling groups:

1) no slow
2) no teleport
3) barbs and MA sins (including kickers) are the only builds that can BO
4) duels in NM so stacking resists is very easy
5) only one item can absorb a given damage type
6) no limit on PLR

Now, I'd flesh out the idea more, but I want to hear what you guys think about it. Also, more importantly (to my sanity) is I need some sleep, badly. So, with that, adieu, and I will be back later this weekend.
ilkori said:
Ok, here's one of my standard hairbrained ideas: build a PvP kicker around a 6-eth'd phase blade. It has a nice base speed, and with some extra IAS equipment I should be able to get away with using Fade (even if that means I lose 1 frame from my slowest kick). The problem I'm having is figuring out how to best compliment it. Primarily this would be for very specific duels where I'm not expecting to chase teleporters.

Actually, to be completely honest, I'm thinking about doing this for the Clan Honor forum. They have a few rules which make them much different than typical dueling groups:

1) no slow
2) no teleport
3) barbs and MA sins (including kickers) are the only builds that can BO
4) duels in NM so stacking resists is very easy
5) only one item can absorb a given damage type
6) no limit on PLR

Now, I'd flesh out the idea more, but I want to hear what you guys think about it. Also, more importantly (to my sanity) is I need some sleep, badly. So, with that, adieu, and I will be back later this weekend.

CH's still around? MA sins can bo now huh? That's interesting. Too bad I don't have a sin non-ladder.
I'll make one tomorrow and try it if I have time. I have to write a paper too. Eh, my last semester of lib arts classes before I start all my comp sci stuff.
Speederländer said:
I'll make one tomorrow and try it if I have time. I have to write a paper too. Eh, my last semester of lib arts classes before I start all my comp sci stuff.

do phase blades even come etheral?

"Never Ethereal: Rings, amulets, bows, crossbows, or on the always indestructible Phase Blades"

just copied and pasted that from www.purediablo.com item database.
For clarification, I am talking about a 6-socket phase blade socketed with 6x Eth runes which provide -12.5% defence each in PvP. The turns a 40k defence pally into a 10k defence pally, a 20k defence barb into a 5k defence barb, and a 4k defence druid into a 1k defence druid. Hope that clears things up a little.

As far as %reduction goes, that last 12.5% is amazingly important. I've struggled with making it 4-eth or 5-eth, but since I will only be using it against very high defence opponents, I would rather focus on the pure defence reduction. Without that last Eth rune, it would leave the target with 50% more defence, meaning a 15k defence pally, 7.5k defence barb, etc.

CH is still around, but it's in its death throws (which is fine since this will probably be my last character).

And, yes, Phase Blades can be ethereal. They can never spawn ethereal, however, with the 1.10 cube recipies you can upgrade a ethereal Crystal Sword or Dimensional Blade and it will become and ethereal PB.
ilkori said:
And, yes, Phase Blades can be ethereal. They can never spawn ethereal, however, with the 1.10 cube recipies you can upgrade a ethereal Crystal Sword or Dimensional Blade and it will become and ethereal PB.
I know this is a little off topic, but what is the recipie for that upgrade, I can't find it here or on the summit
I still gotta think that for most useful purposes, tat 6xeth is overkill.

This is why God created ITD!
Cube Recipes, look near the bottom. I think there is still a bug with upgrading armors, but weapons work great.

Most of the time those eths are overkill, and for PVM ITD is usually better. But, that's why this is only for PvP vs Barbs n Pallies who can load on the Defence like nobody's business. Most of the time I plan on using other equipment (Death's, Malice/Chaos, etc). Maybe I could get someone who already has a solid kicker to try this out a few times. *nudge nudge wink wink*

So, anyway, here was what I was thinking. The usual buffing buffing for venom, cta, etc. The stash would hold items for other duels as needed. Against high defence melee this would be the gear:
  • Weapon: Phase Blade socketed with 6 eth runes
  • Shield: Stormshield, naturally - gives 1 socket
  • Armor: Not sure, Enigma for a pure vit build, Bramble or Nat's otherwise, Duress if I really need the OW
  • Helm: .08 Valk for the 30's - gives 1 socket
  • Gloves: Trangs are the deafault, though I'm leaning towards Draculs. More hitting = more leaching, and I need the OW
  • Belt: Not sure here either, probably Arachnids for FCR and Skill, Blood Belt for OW, life, fhr (I'll roll these till I get a good one), or Verds if I need DR
  • Boots: I'd like Dancers, though I may go with Gores if I don't get enough OW from elsewhere. Also, a bit of CB can't hurt against those high life Barbs
  • Rings/Ammys: Either Angelics or Mara's/Metalgrid + rares with resists/fcr (and a Ravenfrost if I need CBF)
  • Charms: I'm thinking Shadow (at least for buffing), possibly switching to a few AR/life charms if I don't use Angelics.

I have a few concerns and goals with this. So, here are the goals and concerns:
  • The 86 FHR break, which can be pulled off with a few combinations. This character relies on lots of hits, which means recovery time is very important.
  • Attack Speed: If I find two couple 15ias/secondary mod jewels, I could put one in the shield and one in the Valk to reach the last BP with the Phase Blade while Faded (and easily reach the last bp with Deaths and BoS). If I can grab 10 more IAS from somewhere, then I can actually hit the fastest attack with Wizzy, Fleshripper, Lacerator, and a few other weapons while Faded. On the other hand, I could just skip on the extra IAS and stay with the 8/3 break. I don't know how much a difference it would make in playing, but it would be a hell of a lot cheaper. Or, I could always use the Verdungos and BoS and not worry about the attack speed issue.

If anyone is wondering about the chance to hit equations, here is a little table with the ratio of Def to AR (which is all that matters in the end; doubling your AR is the same as halving their Def). The # Hits column is out of 5 hits total.
Def/AR	|	Hit %	# Hits
-------	|------	-------	--------
8.00	|	11	0.56
4.00	|	20	1.00
3.00	|	25	1.25
2.00	|	33	1.67
1.50	|	40	2.00
1.00	|	50	2.50
0.75	|	57	2.86
0.50	|	67	3.33
0.25	|	80	4.00
0.10	|	91	4.55
0.00	|	100	5.00
Using 6 Eth runes should, in theory, should divide their defence by 4, thus giving anywhere from 1 to 1.7(ish) more hits per round of kicks. With blocking 75% that adds one more actual hit every 2.3-4 rounds. On the other hand, that means they have to block that many more, giving more chances to put them in blocking recovery. Any more thoughts on this? Maybe someone can decipher the best combination of gear to compliment it.
As far as I know you can only upgrade rares or unigues. So you cannot eth them.
And didnt they fixed the eth bug????
pollyester said:
As far as I know you can only upgrade rares or unigues. So you cannot eth them.
And didnt they fixed the eth bug????

1)He doesn't want an ethereal PB, he wants one socketed with eth.
2)Yes, the bug is fixed, now they work like they should. That's why he uses 6 eths, to get a total of 12.5*6=75% reduced defense.

Ilkori, I'm not really a sin-expert, but afaik that should work quite well. Go test it on open ;)

Haven't had a chance to build it yet. I need to finish finals first. I will definitely give an update if/when I build it.
DragonKnight_Aka said:
6 eth is a nice idea and if u use cloak of shadows u could be looking at -95% def

Cloak doesn't do much vs. characters with defense SKILLS. It only lowers the base defense, leaving the vast majority of their high defense (due to shout, defiance, etc.) in place.
Nice idea but flawed -- you're removing xx% from the def bonus of a barb or paladin, which is in the several hundreds. Turn a 600% EDEF barb into a 500% EDEF barb. Oh no.
one important factor: no such thing as eth phase blade. u can get a 6 os eth crystal sword but thats impossible to upgrade to phase blade. no such formula. u can only upgrade uniques and rares.
mcm said:
Nice idea but flawed -- you're removing xx% from the def bonus of a barb or paladin, which is in the several hundreds. Turn a 600% EDEF barb into a 500% EDEF barb. Oh no.
That'll be something I plan on testing along with the process. I have heard from several reputable sources that there is a difference from the -%def from the Eth rune and from skills (Conviction, Cloak of Shadows, etc.) work diffierently. On the other hand, other reputable sources say they work the same. Obviously this is going on the assumption that they do work differently, but it will be pretty obvious when all is built and tested.

mhl12 said:
one important factor: no such thing as eth phase blade. u can get a 6 os eth crystal sword but thats impossible to upgrade to phase blade. no such formula. u can only upgrade uniques and rares.
Maybe I wasn't clear the first time, but I am talking about a normal (non-ethereal) phase blade with six sockets, and each of those sockets filled with an Eth rune. Unfortunately the abbreviation for ethereal happens to be the same as the rune Eth.

It's possible to get an ethereal crystal sword/dimensional blade, imbue it, and then upgrade it to phase blade. But that was only a tangent in the conversation, and I forgot the words "rare" and "unique" in my post about upgrading.
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