Suo said:
Different family listings? As in +all skill levels and +skill tab levels?
Yes different families in previous patchs 1.07 IIRC you could craft items with +2 sorc skills, +2 fire tree. because they were in different families, This is no longer true you can get either +x all skills or +x skill tree not both.
This applies to all families of affixes chromatic and prismatic can not be on the same item for example. cruel and savage is another. this limits the possible combinations found on rares(lucky for us).
If a +skill affix is rolled first than the other affixes become far more probable.
when doing statistical calcs you have to take that into consideration this is why figuring out the probablility for xyz 6 affixed rare is so complex.
And I don't exactly follow what you mean by the last paragraph. If you mean that ed% which is spawned with the item doesn't get base def = max def+1, then I can demonstrate that with various examples.
In 1.09 IIRC you would get an automatic +1 def for having ED(defence)% so lets say you have a jewel with +10% ED(efence) {not that they exist just for example}
leather armor 1 socket def = 14
field plate 1 socket def = 102
when you add the jewel in D2LOD you would get the following:
leather armor def = (15.4) ->15
field plate def = (112.2) -> 112
now that makes sense but lets say we had a really bad jewel that was a +1% and added it in D2lod 1.09
leather armor def = (14.14) -> 15
field plate def = (103.02) -> 103
Even though the % was low enough that the leather armor should have stayed 14 it went up to 15. Thats where the max +1 comes from. So on superior armors where 1%-5% can be found the lower level armor ranges could be altered take the leather armor its range of values is 14-17 if its superior and has any %ed its range is 15-18 in d2lod 1.09.
In 1.10 this minimum of +1 when %ed is present does not exist. from above
leather armor (14.14) -> 14 as it should.
Superior items IIRC always get the max def or max attack for the item type. "cracked" always get the lower end of the def or attack. So in 1.09 the superior armors would always be +1 max if they had any %ed. This is not necessarily true in 1.10.