2020 Spring RFL Results Thread: Areas (Round Three)


Well-known member
Guide Author
Mar 14, 2020
This was quite the RFL, punctuated by the move to the new forum no less. Results were very exciting, theorycrafting was solid, and HC and 1.07 entrants made some noise.

Let's see what the finale had to offer: HC representing, some more 1.07 shenanigans, and a competitive bunch after the top 3, who were secure in their spots.
WoRG (1.07 HC) (10 pts)
Ohm 153.0
Ist 58.0
Pul 19.4
total 230.4

Pb_pal (HC) (8 pts)
Zod: 71.8
Lo: 15.1
Sur: 13.7
Sur: 13.7
Ohm: 10.1
Total: 124.4

Art_Vandelay (6 pts)
Cham 27,5
Lo 15,1
Vex 10,6
Vex 10,6
Vex 10,6
Total: 74,4

J-Dog (5 pts)
Jah 18.3
Vex 10.6
Vex 10.6
Ist 7.5
Ist 7.5
Total 54.5

ffs (4 pts)
Ber 20.5
Lo 15.1
Um 5.1
Um 5.1
Mal 5
Total: 50.8

Luhkoh (3 pts)
Jah - 18.3
Vex - 10.6
Ist - 7.5
Mal - 5
Mal - 5
Total = 46.4

Nano (2 pts)
Sur 13.7
Ist 7.5
Ist 7.5
Ist 7.5
Gul 7.1
Total: 43.3

Kstil3227 (1 pt)

Um 5.1
Mal 5
Vex 10.6
Jah 18.3
Total 39

Um 5.1
Gul 7.1
Gul 7.1
Ist 7.5
Vex 10.6
Total 37.4

Gul 7.1
Jah 18.3
Total 25.4

Ber 20.5
Total: 20.5

Pul - 3.4
Ist - 7.5
Total - 10.9

Pul - 3.4
Um - 5.1
Total 8.5

Pul 3.4
Total: 3.4

The final standings (drum roll):
An epic battle at the top, with perhaps a slight upset as 1.13 fended off 1.07, and steady results across all three rounds outmatched feast or famine:

1. Art_vandalay (21 points)
2 .Pb_pal (20 points)
2. WoRG (20 points)
4. Nano (11 points)
5. ffs (10 points)
6. Gripphon (7 points)
7. PhineasB (6 points)
8. Babyhell (5 points)
9. J-Dog (5 points)
10. Zemaj (3 points)
10. Luhkoh (3 points)
11. Arctodus (2 points)
11. CaseyJones (2 points)
13. MrBlonde (1 point)
13. Kstil3227 (1 point)

Full disclosure: I messed up scoring on Round 2, giving 7 points to third place, and an extra point all the way down from there. This reflects corrected scores from Round 2.

Thanks to everyone for participating and keeping this such a lively SPF event. Do it again next year? :)

PS. Please don't forget to post about your runner in the Meet the Rune Finders thread.
A very close top 3... but @art_vandelay had the margin on this last round to claim the title.

Congrats to everyone, thanks again to @PhineasB for hosting, see you all on MFO!

Will disclose my haul pic later, no full set so I haven't anything special this time - I could make a MFO vid tho... for now, full focus on @Vang's Random Tournament, with my Amazon that will hopefully fulfill the Amazon part of my HC Sept!
Thanks a lot @PhineasB for hosting and congrats to @WoRG and @art_vandelay! Also can't wait for the screenshot of that Zod drop @Pb_pal.

There's maybe around 150 AS runs mixed in and the rest is The Pits. I ran with 68fcr Javazon on P7.

The cows in Rogue Encampment have been giving me dirty looks all this spring. I guess they're tired of hearing our quarantine complaints since they've been in lock down and stuck in Rogue Encampment since year 2000. I had to try and get back in favor with them so all the loot I found during this RFL round 3 was donated to the cows in Rogue Encampment:
Here's the Jah:
Set items:
Elite unique armors (bonus HoZ):
Elite unique weapons (bonus Oculus):
Death's Fathom:
I saved something for the chickens too:

Overall I'm happy with the results. Runewise optimal score for me would have been 5 highrunes but the item drops were definitely better than expected. Especially considering the amount of mf which was 160% for the first 14 hours or so and after some gear swapping ended up at 260%.

- Death's Fathom (18%)
- Executioner's Justice
- Tomb Reaver (206ed / 37allres / 60mf / 3os)
- Messerschmidt's Reaver
- Veil of Steel
- Cerebus' Bite
- Steel Carapace
- Tal's amulet (three of them... silly RNG)

Other highlights for me:
- Nightwing's Veil 11%
- PComb skiller 12 fhr

- 4os eth Giant Thresher
- 4os 9ed/1ar Shadow Bow
- 4os 14ed Monarch
- 3os 1206def Sacred Armor

The Death's Fatom and Nighwing's are now on my Blizz sorc. Tomb Reaver found it's way into the hands of a Fireclaw druid. Tal's amulet completed the set so I'm testing it on a Nova/FB sorc.

I thought I'd make a thread where people could share their ideas of the builds they are planning on making with the wealth they've accumulated from these tournaments. It would also be a place for brainstorming and sharing ideas/getting feedback on your ideas. There's no such thread already, is there?

Thanks again, I had a blast!
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Congrats @art_vandelay on the overall victory! And big congrats to @WoRG for another awesome 1.07 showing. Any plans for all your new prehistoric rocks?


I'm happy to report that Ned, my new HC hammerdin, has survived his first (and hopefully not last!) RFL. Though... just barely.


Luckily, that was the only NDE he suffered. It was mostly due to me being stubborn, other than that the build has been extremely safe. Close one!


No surprises here, he ran exclusively the CS. I went for a more laid-back approach so I wouldn't push too hard in HC and pay the ultimate price, but generally did /p8 Gripp runs, stopping for finger mages and bosspacks between the seals.

His gear/build can be found in this post.


It only took 1 hr for the first to show up:

1:09 - Ohm
3:16 - Ist

He then had a huge gap where no qualifiers dropped. Then RNG caught up with him and the floodgates opened

11:14 - Um
11:20 - Lo
11:26 - Ohm
12:58 - ZOD!!


Wow! That officially completes my runedrop grail in HC to match my SC one. Not bad!

14:41 - Pul
14:56 - Sur
15:32 - Sur

And that was that. He closed out the rest of the set without any qualifiers, though I was definitely not complaining. Only 9 qualifiers total, but the quality was fantastic (only 3 runes under 10 points!).

Haul pic for the round:


Rune drops aside this was a strangely prolific set for other finds as well, especially considering he is only carrying 96 MF. His favourite finds included 3(!) SoJs, 2 Griswold's Valor, and a Death's Web (+1/-44).


Charms were nothing to shake a stick at either with 14 Skillers, an oh-so-close-to-perfect Gheeds (158/15/40), and some good SCs as well, the best listed below:

Graverobber's Grand Charm of Vita 
Grand Charm 
Required Level: 69 
Fingerprint: 0x64fb8608 
Item Level: 85 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+1 to Summoning Skills (Necromancer Only) 
+36 to Life

Captain's Grand Charm of Sustenance 
Grand Charm 
Required Level: 42 
Fingerprint: 0x5e0349e6 
Item Level: 85 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+1 to Offensive Aura Skills (Paladin Only) 
+26 to Life 

Fungal Grand Charm of Life 
Grand Charm 
Required Level: 42 
Fingerprint: 0x85735cbb 
Item Level: 85 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer Only) 
+18 to Life

Gheed's Fortune 
Grand Charm 
Required Level: 62 
Fingerprint: 0x2a9a7f08 
Item Level: 88 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
158% Extra Gold from Monsters 
Reduces all Vendor Prices 15% 
40% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items 

Ruby Small Charm of Good Luck 
Small Charm 
Required Level: 33 
Fingerprint: 0xec998475 
Item Level: 85 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Fire Resist +11% 
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items 

Ruby Small Charm of Good Luck 
Small Charm 
Required Level: 33 
Fingerprint: 0xbe137e0a 
Item Level: 85 
Version: Expansion 1.10+ 
Fire Resist +11% 
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

How about an item haulpic too?


Thanks again to @PhineasB for hosting, and congrats to all runners on all your new toys!
That's a very nice haul @Pb_pal !

Congrats to @art_vandelay for winning this year and grats to everyone for their nice rune and item hauls!

My round was pretty crappy....running with undergeared untwinked 99ers for XP but was hoping for a nice Ber or Jah drop, a griffons or titans...no luck.

First set was run with my Javazon....first couple hours I toggled between RoF and Pits....settled on Pits but was having no rune luck...took a turn back through arcane but still nothing dropping like I hoped...runes but all lower ones and the xp bar was barely moving. So back to the pits...it was 15 hours in until my first qualifier:

18:38 until my next:

And that was it...a very disappointing set...I did however reach 90 from 88 during the set so there was some progress. Picked up a few grailers as well.

So I decided to try a second set, this time with my untwinked bone necro starting in Arcane Sanctuary

18 minutes in my first qualifier:

I ran Arcane for 10 hours...that was the only qualifier. Mostly was running at P3 though I went through at p5 a few times too. Decided arcane wasn't a hit...mainly slow run times, no enigma/etc...and the way the mobs lined up CE was less effective than I hoped. Decided to try the flayer jungles hoping for some skillers as well as some lucky runes with all of those mobbing little guys.

CE worked pretty well here, had a decent map where I could walk from Way point to Flayer dungeon entrance with multiple boss packs and tons of flayers.
Managed 5 hours here with several runes, just none high enough to qualify (Sol seemed to be a popular drop for some reason) Grim did manage to level from 87 to 89.5 at least.

That was all the time I had so I didn't finish the set but both were very disappointing.

Thanks to @PhineasB for hosting this year!!
Thanks again @PhineasB for hosting this year.

Onto to the results. I GOT A POINT! wasn't expecting that all. I actually "placed" my first time running. I'll take it. Hopefully next time its a little higher. I definitely have some room for improvement that's for sure. I also learned an awful lot from the theory crafting and finer points of running these targets for runes while competing in this RFL. Congrats to all the runners and big Congrats @art_vandelay for the W.

Now the haul pic of runes from Rd. 3. Needed a drink after all that AS running with the Javazon.

Haul Pic.jpg

Run #158
AS Ohm.jpg

Run #164
AS Ist.jpg

Run #188
AS Pul.jpg

Run #190
AS Gul.jpg

Run #245
AS Ohm #2.jpg

Run #320
AS Pul #2.jpg

Run #361
AS Mal.jpg
Well not much to show this time, let's keep it straight and simple... got a Jah, so it's still pretty satisfying!

Lightning Fury 'zon droppings...is it worth a haulpic?

Base to be found?

The drop vids:

Well... I'm a lot in Amazon nowadays ;-)
Congrats on the shiny rocks, everyone.

I ran the first half with my untwinked 99er Barb (Baal), and the second half with my untwinked 99er Druid (Pit). The only meaningful drop for the Barb was a 5os Superior (7ED) Phase Blade. But he got a little past 97.2, so mission accomplished there. Druid then moved from a little into lvl 92 to lvl 94. Sole qualifier was a Ber part way into lvl 93, always nice:
Pit (Ber).jpg
He also picked up set Corona, Storm Spire, low-roll War Traveler, Medusa's, another Arachnid's and, during an off-timer break at Meph, Andy's. And had fun along the way, which is what matters. :) I'm going to finish the Sorc and Amazon in my Runeword Bonanza Sept next, and then will likely settle into Baal runs with the Barb at least to 97.5.
Congratulations to @art_vandelay for the overall win and @WoRG for the stage win.

My round was pretty poor, salvaged by one decent drop. I thought I started OK with an early Um and Vex getting me off to a reasonable start, along with a bonus Grandfather.

RFL2020 alvl87 Monyoya Grandfather.jpg

RFL2020 alvl87 Monyoya Vex.jpg

But then.... Nothing. Between hours 3 and 17 I had absolutely zero qualifiers. I levelled to 95 with one Hammerding and decided to switch to the Hammerdin I have used for the last two years, Smith.

At about 17h, finally I get a rune that I was looking for:
RFL2020 alvl87 Smith Jah.jpg .jpg
... almost missed it on the edge of the pack too.

I was hoping for a late surge but, except for a Mal, that was it. Must be the first time ever I have run 20h and not managed to post 5 qualifiers.

I forgot to go through the stash before I sorted it, but I also found:
3/18/16 Fine SC of Vita
28@ Mara's
+5/-5 Poison Die Facet

Many thanks for hosting @PhineasB
Congratulations to all the runners, but especially @art_vandelay for the win and @Pb_pal for the HC Zod!

For round 3, I decided to go with a 1.07 Multishot CB Zon running CS, just like last year, but in Hardcore this time... last year's runs had shown me that such a runner could be safe enough for hardcore with decent gear, and my round 2 HC WW barb, Pivot, had gotten all of the gear she lacked, and had crafted an awesome bow, so it was an obvious choice.

It worked well, though not as smoothly as I'd envisioned...my SC Zon has REALLY great gear, including my Saracen's ammy cubed from the Prismatic ammy formula, and my RavenFrost from the fire rez ring formula...lacking these, my new HC Zon really struggled to get her resists up! She ended up dedicating most of her charm space to resist charms (including grabbing all the great @rez charms Pivot got during round 2). This meant that her mana ball was MUCH smaller than my SC Zon's (her charms focus on +mana), so I had to restrict her investment in Multishot, as the mana cost rises per level. Also, while the bow Pivot crafted is awesome, it has rlvl83, so the first third or so of the runs were done with Goldstrike Arch, which does less damage and is slower than the crafted bow...but it was the best I had available in HC

So my new HC Zon, Artemis, started running at lvl79...she found that GSA was safe, but slow...if I tried to push speed, safety fell off FAST, and the harder I pushed, the faster it fell... Things got MUCH better when she hit lvl83 and could finally use Demon Fletch, as her runtimes were very nearly halved!! The poison damage on Demon Fletch, which I was initially unimpressed with, turned out to be significant as I discovered that in 1.07, poison duration from multiple items is summed rather than averaged as in modern patches! This meant it frequently finished off Storm Casters that had taken enough damage to flee (although this was annoying in RoF, as they usually died over lava and their drops were lost). Anyway, this is what Demon Fletch looks like after I got Larzuk to socket it and plunked in 3 ed%/fervor jewels:

Even with her faster runtimes, Artemis found NO qualifiers for the first 13 hours of her set. Other drops were also pretty poor compared to what I'd gotten in rounds 1 & 2... XP was good, but that was about it, so motivation was pretty low, and at the start of the last day of the round, she was still 7 hours short...but I had that day off from work, so I resolved to finish out her set. This was a GREAT decision, as apparently the stars were in alignment for 1.07 runes that day (@D2DC and @Yann both got Lo runes from poppables in 1.07 that day!!). Artemis got her first qualifier, a Pul from a boss Abyss Knight in RoF, on the second run of the day! Both of her other qualifiers came from Grand Visier of Chaos' pack...an Ist about halfway through, and an Ohm less than an hour later. She finished up her 20 hours just shy of dinging lvl88, so she did a few Shenk/Eldrich runs to get there.

So here's the haul pic...a bit apocryphal in that she did not fight Diablo while running...he takes too long, and his drops are bugged in 1.07, but it makes for a nice pic! The bit of red under Diablo's armpit is not blood, but her merc's corpse...he died about .2 seconds into the fight :rolleyes:

Overall, as mentioned, non-qualifiers were pretty poor compared to rounds 1 & 2, but she did get a few good ones...only 5 skillers, 2 w/+life: Sparking/Sustenance (23) & Captain's/Life (20), but she did get another Shimmering/Inertia GC, which was very welcome! She also cubed a fortuitous/of fortune ring with the fire rez formula, and got a couple nice druid hats, including a +6 Tornado/+5 Hurricane/+40 life blue Griffon Headress that could get 3sox from Larzuk!

Thanks to @PhineasB for hosting, and to all the runners for the comradery, theorycrafting, and motivation!!

Wow! What a tourney. Huge congrats to @art_vandelay on the win. Well deserved. Lol at that top 3 overall placement. So close. Big congrats to @WoRG and @Pb_pal for an insane tourney as well.

@J-Dog I absolutely loved the haul pics, and grats on fathom and jah.
@Pb_pal great job not dying, and congrats on the HC zod and dweb!
@WoRG that bow... that pelt... 🤯 <- usual reactions to a WoRG post.

Haul Pic

I wasn't feeling the best about this tourney. Nice finds and progress for me for sure, but I was hoping to score like 60+ in all of the rounds, and did it on none haha. Maybe saving all my luck up for next year. But for round 3, I was pumped to run some arcane, just because the area is so nice visually and I can't see me running it for any reason outside this tourney. I was happy enough with my javazon's gear and performance, and ran her 11 hours there. Had mal, ist, and another mal right at the end to show for it. I was pretty frustrated and switched to pitnecro, being like I might as well get some exp.

I'm not particularly fast at p7 pitnecro. Was doing like 1:45 runs, so a worse ratio to good runners' times than on my other characters. But what he lacked in efficiency, he made up for in luck. He dropped me both the Jah and Vex, for my very underwhelming quantity of 5 total qualifiers. But I'll gladly take a Jah any day ;)

Dropping Mang Song made my day, and made me so glad I switched to the pit. That brought me into the single digits of grailers remaining, and then a wisp a day or two later brought me to -8. Gonna have a tough time giving up those types of drops to return to the arcane sanctuary next year ;). Other S/U's weren't bad at all either for 310 pits runs. Nightwing's #5 (with Veil still needed for grail) was a bit annoying, but the Jah and the S/U's ended up making me very happy with the set ^^.

Thanks for hosting @PhineasB! And thanks everyone for making this a super fun tourney as always!
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Congrats @WoRG for the round and @art_vandelay for overall victory! Well done. I hope to see that Druid pelt in action some time @WoRG! I fooled around with AT running MF Windy Druid who focuses on Hurricane damage (see this vid), wish current-patch D2 had something like that for him to offer. ;)

Anyway, sorry about my lack of involvement these least couple of rounds. Wasn't really feeling D2 after round 1 somehow, again running a little less than 3/4 of a set for this round. Since I was too far away from any overall winning chances anyway, I ran P5 Nova Sorc in the Pit and mostly focused on boss packs with reasonably high MF.

Quite happy with her TC87 and rune finds, given it's from less than a full set and in a suboptimal rune finding area:

Screenshot 2020-06-01 at 16.26.18.png

I also ran P1 for a bit and I think on a really good map she could at the very least challenge Blizzard Sorc for top dog Sorc MF build honestly. Totally slept on as an MF char. Here's a gameplay vid I recorded when I just started to run:

That's P5 with 475 MF, obviously P1 is faster and can carry more MF. Once I feel like D2 again – and you know it's just a matter of time :) – I'll share some details on her.

EDIT: Oh and congrats @Pb_pal on yet another awesome HC performance!
Congrats to @art_vandelay ! Managed to hang on to that lead.



                  Zon   Zon
Area              Pit    AS
Players             7     7
Runs              561   646
Hours              10    10
Avg Time Per Run 1:04  0:56
Qualifiers          1     7
Ral                17    23
Small Charm        91   126
Grand Charm       101   125
Jewels             89   151
KPM               118   169

Ran with Javazon and split half the time between Pits and Arcane Sanctuary. Only a single qualifier, Mal rune, found in the 10 hour set in Pits. Even with the lower efficiency in Pits, 1 qualifier is a bit on the low side. Arcane brought it back with 7 qualifiers, but the quality wasn't there. I did score a few nice MF charms..

Amber Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x67813d20
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Lightning Resist +11%
7% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Ruby Small Charm of Good Luck
Small Charm
Required Level: 33
Fingerprint: 0x986ab99
Item Level: 88
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Fire Resist +10%
6% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

Griffon's Eye
Defense: 168
Durability: 13 of 20
Required Level: 76
Fingerprint: 0x9f08b7a3
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to All Skills
+25% Faster Cast Rate
-17% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+15% to Lightning Skill Damage
+115 Defense

Rainbow Facet
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0x2f437565
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
100% Chance to cast level 29 Blaze when you Level-Up
Adds 17 - 45 Fire Damage
-3% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+3% to Fire Skill Damage

Rainbow Facet
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0xc9524781
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
100% Chance to cast level 47 Chain Lightning when you Die
Adds 1 - 74 Lightning Damage
-4% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+4% to Lightning Skill Damage

Rainbow Facet
Required Level: 49
Fingerprint: 0x4f9b6f52
Item Level: 88
Version: Expansion 1.10+
100% Chance to cast level 31 Meteor when you Die
Adds 17 - 45 Fire Damage
-5% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+4% to Fire Skill Damage
Sorry for the late reply, but after 120 hours of RFL I fled for earlier patches, but I shouldn't put this up any longer. Congrats to @WoRG and @Pb_pal for the very close scores!
These are the runes from my second set and if I recall correctly in the first one I got a Lo and a Gul. But even better than the above qualifiers are these:
Sparking Grand Charm of Vita
Grand Charm
Required Level: 69
Fingerprint: 0xc34c0ed5
Item Level: 82
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
+39 to Life

Chilling Grand Charm of Vita
Grand Charm
Required Level: 69
Fingerprint: 0x192031fe
Item Level: 82
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Cold Skills (Sorceress Only)
+37 to Life

Fungal Grand Charm of Sustenance
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0xa1b2bef3
Item Level: 79
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)
+24 to Life
That's about it, I also got the obligatory 'once per tournament' 25+ Max Dmg jewel (26) and some decent SCs but not much else besides the realization that Java rules AS, Pits as well and Fissure Druid should definitely skip invaders in AT if they have poor man's equip (Ravenlore+Phoenix instead of Facet Sword+1.07 6 Fissure/3 Facet helm)

P.S. Can we please instate a one set maximum for next RFL? :cry:
Estimated market value