ID Description Categ Type WT
1 You can place attributes points in STRENGTH or DEXTERITY attr Ability 2
2 You can place attributes points in VITALITY or ENERGY attr Ability 2
3 You can equip 1 set item equip Ability 2
4 You can equip 1 magic item equip Ability 1
5 You can equip 1 rare item equip Ability 2
6 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, competent up to 10, Master up to 15, Divine up to 20) skill Ability 3
7 Initiation : pick 1 skill tree (per character) : You can put only 1 pt in any skill from that tree, and use it skill Ability 2
8 You can equip any unique class specific item (orb, shrunken heads, pelts, barb helms, paladin shield, katars, amazon Bows, spears and javelins) equip Ability 3
9 You can equip any set body armor equip Ability 2
10 You can equip 1 more charm charm Ability 1
11 You can assign any number of skill points in skills unlocked at lvl 6 or before from a skill tree as soon as you have 1 maxed skill in that skill tree skill Ability 6
12 You can equip any rare weapon equip Ability 2
13 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
14 You can equip 1 item with the ethereal property equip Ability 2
15 You can equip any charm with poison resistance charm Ability 3
16 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
17 You can equip your mercenary with any weapon Gameplay Ability 3
18 You can equip any set belt equip Ability 2
19 You can equip 1 crafted / runeword item equip Ability 3
20 You can equip any item named after one of your character equip Ability 8
21 You can use any skill granted by an item (wand, amulet, …) skill Ability 1
22 You can equip 1 item with "Fast run/Walk" affixe equip Ability 6
23 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
24 You can equip any set ring equip Ability 2
25 You know how to insert runes, jewels or gems in items craft Ability 1
26 You can equip 1 item with "Increased Attack speed" affixe equip Ability 6
27 You can get 7 Wisdom Token in town at the cost of 1 LUM Rune (sold to merchant, you cannot buy it back) special Effect 2
28 You can equip any magic weapon equip Ability 1
29 You can equip any rare boots equip Ability 2
30 You can equip 1 more charm charm Ability 1
31 You can equip any charm with fire resistance charm Ability 3
32 Initiation : pick 1 skill tree (per character) : You can put only 1 pt in any skill from that tree, and use it skill Ability 2
33 You can equip 1 item with "mana leech" affixe equip Ability 6
34 You can equip any magic ring equip Ability 1
35 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
36 You can equip 2 more grand charms charm Ability 2
37 You can equip any rare ring equip Ability 2
38 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
39 You can respec your characters at will (tokens or quest reward) Gameplay Ability 9
40 You can chose to pick 2 other Ability Scrolls or 5 Wisdom Token special Effect 1
41 Chose one of your characters : from now, each time he kills a special monster and get Wisdom Token, he earns two extra Wisdom Token special Ability 4
42 You can equip any magic belt equip Ability 1
43 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
44 You can equip 1 more charm charm Ability 1
45 You can equip any magic shield equip Ability 1
46 You can equip your mercenary with any body armor Gameplay Ability 3
47 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
48 Resurrection : You can resurrect one of your character immediately after his death, in town, with all his stuff and abilities. He carries on his journey from the place of his death. special Effect 28
49 You can get 10 Wisdom Token in town at the cost of 1 PUL Rune (sold to merchant, you cannot buy it back) special Effect 3
50 You can equip any unique ring equip Ability 3
51 You can hire / resurect / heal a mercerary and equip him following your characters abilities Gameplay Ability 3
52 You can equip 1 crafted / runeword item equip Ability 3
53 You can equip any charm with all resistance charm Ability 6
54 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
55 You can equip any rare belt equip Ability 2
56 You can equip 1 item with "+x to all skills" affixe equip Ability 6
57 You can equip any unique belt equip Ability 3
58 You can equip any set weapon equip Ability 2
59 Family groth : if you have at least 1 dead char, create a new one (any class) : he must catch up with the rest of the family immediately. He starts with all family abilities. The dead character is replaced by the new one for the tournament final score. special Effect 21
60 You can equip any unique boots equip Ability 3
61 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
62 Mulligan : You can put back in the draw pool all your (unplayed) ability scroll in your hand and draw the same number of scroll minus 1 special Effect 3
63 You can equip any magic boots equip Ability 1
64 Can craft Blood items craft Ability 2
65 You can replay the act you just finished at the cost of 1WT for each replay session Gameplay Ability 1
66 You can equip 1 item with "Fast cast" affixe equip Ability 6
67 You can assign any number of skill points in skills unlocked at lvl 6 or before from a skill tree as soon as you have 1 maxed skill in that skill tree skill Ability 6
68 You can use any skill granted by an item (wand, amulet, …) skill Ability 1
69 You can equip any charm with cold resistance charm Ability 3
70 You can equip any set amulet equip Ability 2
71 You can use any skill granted by an item (wand, amulet, …) skill Ability 1
72 You can assign any number of skill points in skills unlocked at lvl 18 or before from a skill tree as soon as you have 2 maxed skill in that skill tree skill Ability 12
73 You can equip your mercenary with any helm Gameplay Ability 3
74 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
75 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
76 You can replay the act you just finished at the cost of 1WT for each replay session Gameplay Ability 1
77 You can equip 2 more large charms charm Ability 2
78 You can equip 2 more grand charms charm Ability 2
79 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
80 Can craft Hit Power items craft Ability 2
81 You can equip any magic class specific item (orb, shrunken heads, pelts, barb helms, paladin shield, katars, amazon Bows, spears and javelins) equip Ability 1
82 you can use any cube recipe involving runes(s), except craft formulas craft Ability 1
83 Can craft any glove recipe craft Ability 2
84 You can equip any magic amulet equip Ability 1
85 Discard a scroll in your hand, remember its WT cost : pick up new scrolls until the total amount of the picked scrolls's WT cost gets equal or becomes higher than half the discarded scroll's WT cost. special Effect 1
86 You can equip 1 crafted / runeword item equip Ability 3
87 you can use any cube recipe involving no runes craft Ability 1
** You know how to insert runes, jewels or gems in items craft Ability 1
89 You can equip any unique weapon equip Ability 2
90 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
91 You can hire / resurect / heal a mercerary and equip him following your characters abilities Gameplay Ability 1
92 You know all runeword recipe involving runes up to SHAEL craft Ability 1
93 You can equip any unique helm equip Ability 3
94 You know all runeword recipe involving runes up to PUL craft Ability 2
95 Can craft Caster items craft Ability 2
96 Chose 1 favorite set (by character) : characters can equip any item from their favorite set equip Ability 4
97 Can craft any amulet recipe craft Ability 2
98 You can equip any rare body armor equip Ability 2
99 You can give up any number of Ability Scroll and get 2 Wisdom Token by scroll (discarded Ability scrolls are destroyed) special Effect 1
100 You can equip any set class specific item (orb, shrunken heads, pelts, barb helms, paladin shield, katars, amazon Bows, spears and javelins) equip Ability 2
101 You can buy 4 new ability scroll in town at the cost of 1 UM Rune (sold to merchant, you cannot buy it back) special Effect 3
102 Initiation : pick 1 skill tree (per character) : You can put only 1 pt in any skill from that tree, and use it skill Ability 2
103 Can craft any belt recipe craft Ability 2
104 You can equip any rare shield equip Ability 2
105 You can use your Wisdom Token to get extra ability scroll in town at the cost of 3 WT by card (once only, 10 scrolls max.) special Effect 2
106 You can equip any set shield equip Ability 2
107 You can equip any rare helm equip Ability 2
108 You can give up any number of Ability Scroll and get 2 Wisdom Token by scroll (discarded Ability scrolls are destroyed) special Effect 1
109 You can buy 3 new ability scroll in town at the cost of 1 HEL Rune (sold to merchant, you cannot buy it back) special Effect 2
110 You can equip any unique body armor equip Ability 3
111 You can chose to pick 3 Ability Scrolls or 16 Wisdom Token special Effect 4
112 You can equip 1 item with "life leech" affixe equip Ability 6
113 You can equip 2 more small charms charm Ability 2
114 When re-running an act, you can kill the final boss too Gameplay Ability 18
115 You can equip 1 item with "Fast hit recovery" affixe equip Ability 6
116 Family trade : you can get items from your other characters' mule special Ability 15
117 You can equip any magic body armor equip Ability 1
118 You know all runeword recipe involving runes up to OHM craft Ability 4
119 You can equip any rare class specific item (orb, shrunken heads, pelts, barb helms, paladin shield, katars, amazon Bows, spears and javelins) equip Ability 2
120 You can equip 2 more small charms charm Ability 2
121 You can equip any charm with lightning resistance charm Ability 3
122 You can hire / resurect / heal a mercerary and equip him following your characters abilities Gameplay Ability 3
123 You can equip any rare amulet equip Ability 2
124 Can craft Safety items craft Ability 2
125 you can use any cube recipe involving runes(s), except craft formulas craft Ability 1
126 Second chance : Chose one of your characters : each time he gets (only) one Ability Scroll by finishing an Act, you can use once 1 WT to redraw the scroll (discarded scroll gets back into the draw pool) special Ability 9
127 You can assign any number of skill points in skills unlocked at lvl 6 or before from a skill tree as soon as you have 1 maxed skill in that skill tree skill Ability 6
128 You know all runeword recipe craft Ability 8
129 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
130 Draw 2 Ability scrolls, plus 2 extra scrolls for each dead (and not replaced) character from your family special Effect 6
131 Initiation : pick 1 skill tree (per character) : You can put only 1 pt in any skill from that tree, and use it skill Ability 2
132 You can buy 2 new ability scroll in town at the cost of 1 THUL Rune (sold to merchant, you cannot buy it back) special Effect 1
133 You can equip any unique shield equip Ability 3
134 You can equip 1 more charm charm Ability 1
135 Skill improvement : Pick 1 skill (per character) you already have 1 pt invested : improve your knowledge of that skill by 1 tier (Apprentice : invest up to 5 skill points, Efficient up to 10, Skilled up to 15, Master up to 20) skill Ability 3
136 You can replay the act you just finished at the cost of 1WT for each replay session Gameplay Ability 1
137 Mulligan : You can put back in the draw pool all your (unplayed) ability scroll in your hand and draw the same number of scroll minus 1 special Effect 3
138 You can equip 1 unique item equip Ability 4
139 Can craft any boot recipe craft Ability 2
140 You can equip 1 more charm charm Ability 1
141 You can equip any set boots equip Ability 2
142 You can equip any unique amulet equip Ability 3
143 You can equip any magic helm equip Ability 1
144 You can modify at will monsters' strength (access to /players command) Gameplay Ability 3
145 You can get 15 Wisdom Token in town at the cost of 1 IST Rune (sold to merchant, you cannot buy it back) special Effect 4
146 You can equip 3 more charms charm Ability 6
147 You can equip any set helm equip Ability 2
148 you can use any cube recipe involving no runes craft Ability 1
149 Mulligan : You can put back in the draw pool all your (unplayed) ability scroll in your hand and draw the same number of scroll minus 1 special Effect 3
150 You can replay the act you just finished at the cost of 1WT for each replay session Gameplay Ability 1
151 Name a class : draw 1 ability scroll for each (living or dead) character from your family who belong to this class special Effect 1
152 Initiation : pick 1 skill tree (per character) : You can put only 1 pt in any skill from that tree, and use it skill Ability 2
153 You can get 4 Wisdom Token in town at the cost of 1 SHAEL Rune (sold to merchant, you cannot buy it back) special Effect 2
154 You can equip 1 more charm charm Ability 1
155 Copycat : This scroll takes the cost and effect of one scroll of your choice you already used special Effect 0