[2018] Spirit Tournament [by Wolron]

Jan 3, 2007
DISCLAIMER: Migration finished :)

This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by jiansonz on Apr 23, 2018. The last post was made Jan 30, 2019.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)

The Spirit Tournament is officially underway. Join in!

Spirit Tournament

One second I was in a frenzied attack with a really huge Urdar in hell, the next second I was feeling absolutely no pain and all I could see were stars (stunned). Then, I found myself in this strange place standing before an Angel who is even taller than that Urdar. This could not be good?

“Mortal, I had such high hopes for you. But, you failed.”

“Forgive my obvious mortality, but this was not easy you know. I did last until Hell difficulty and with just a little luck I may have gotten to act 5!”

“No, I am not criticizing you for dying, that is expected. I am criticizing you for making a botch of dying. You are only about 99.7% dead and you cannot enter the Ethereal Plain unless you are completely dead. The three-sigma point is not adequate, you must take the entire trip.

This has never happened before. You seem to be a complete spirit, but there is something wrong. If you were fully spirit, you could not lift anything, but you do still have some mortal strength. Oh, not much, but enough to keep you out of here.”

“What does this mean? If I cannot enter the Ethereal Plain and yet I am dead, what is there left for me?”

“Ah, a good question. Let me seek the advice of the council and I shall return.”

It has been hours since the Angel left, and all I see is absolute blackness. This would not be a good place to spend eternity. I can feel some strength in my body, but I am so much weaker. I can only barely raise my arms. I suppose that is no problem here. After all, there are no Urdars to attack and there are no chests to open. If there were, I would be in big trouble. Speaking of trouble, here comes that Angel again. I hope he has some ideas on how I can get out of here.

“Spirit, you look a bit worried. If you are not extremely worried, you should be. I have talked to the council and they will not accept your entrance to the Ethereal Plain. However, they did have a solution. You will simply return to your world as you are and surely it will not be long before you will finish your botched attempt at death. Realize that when you get there, you will have minimum strength and may find survival a bit difficult; but that’s good. If that were not enough, your skills are completely gone and you will not easily be able to relearn them. Do you have any questions?”

“Just how weak am I, can I lift an axe? Can I wear armor? Can I run? Oh, I hope I can run.”

“As for your strength, I have some good news for you.

First, there are items that are so insubstantial that they have no weight at all. These items are referred to as “Ethereal” because they are from the Ethereal plains. You can pick up and use any number of these items.

Second, the following items are light enough for even you to use: gold that you find, gems, runes, jewels and scrolls.

Third, there are seven types of items that you are very limited in your ability to carry. These are keys, potions, scroll books, arrows, bolts, the Horodric Cube, and charms. Your backpack is limited on how many of these you can carry.

The bad news is that lifting most other items is impossible for you.

“Well, that is not so bad, at least it gives me some hope of survival….. Ah, what do you mean most other items are impossible to lift?”

“There are three exceptions that will allow you to wear or wield substantial items. Three times in your quests, you will come to the aid of a fine young woman by the name of Anya. If you succeed in saving her and killing the one who brought her to harm, she will personalize an item of your choice. Since your name will be on it, it will be as light as a feather and You will be able to lift it and either wear it or weild it.

Any other questions Spirit?”

“Yes, three more. First, how do I get an item to Anya? It would probably be too heavy for me to carry.”

“Good point. The only way to get a non-ethereal item to Anya is to empty all your stuff into your in-game stash, go out into the field, pick up that single item and take it back to camp. This could be dangerous, but it will be worth it. You can store it in your stash until you meet Anya and get her reward.”

“Second, what did you mean when you said that my skills were going to be hard to relearn?”

“In the beginning, you will only be able to develop skills if you focus on a single area (skill tree) of expertise. If you survive long enough, you may be able to move on to a second, or even a third group of skills, but survival for that long is not likely.

What is your last question, Spirit?”

When do I go back…”

And, the answer was obvious as I found myself here in the Rogue Camp. They expect me to die quickly, and I suppose I will die up to their expectations. But hey, everyone likes a challenge, even a Spirit.


Tournament Rules:


There are three classes of equipment based on your ability to store and use it:

(1) Ethereal items have no weight, but they still do have a strength requirement that you must meet if you want to wear or weild them. You can collect any ethereal items that you find and you may bring them back to camp, store them in your stash or sell them.

(2) Gems, jewels, runes, rings and amulets have no weight and have no strength requirements. You may pick up as many as you like and use them in any way that the game allows. You will likely put them in your stash or in your backpack, but they do not count in the "squares" that are mentioned in the next category.

(3) There are some other items that do have some limits on how many can be carried. These are scrolls, scroll books, keys, potions, arrows, bolts, Charms, oil, gases, and the horodric cube. There are limits on how many of these you can have in your backpack. Your backpack has 40 squares. Your character begins the game having access to some number of squares determined by dividing the starting strength by 2 (round up if the result is not an integer). For example, the Necromancer has a starting strength of 15, so he would have 8 squares available (7.5 rounded up to 8). After that, your character gains 1 square for every three levels. A level 45 Necromancer would have his initial 8 plus 15 more based on being at level 45 for a total of 23 squares.

All other items are considered "substantial" and you may not pick them up. This includes starting equipment, so you must drop all starting equipment.

NOTE: There are exceptions to that last statement.

First, if you find an item that you want to collect and mule off to ATMA, go ahead and do so. Just do not utilize them in the game.

Second, the Angel told you about Anya and her personalization item. You are going to have to be able to lift an item and drag it back to camp for the Anya reward. You are allowed to do that with exactly one item during each difficulty level. To do this, you spot the item in the field and remember where it is. You return to town and empty all items that you are carrying in your backpack or belt into your stash. Then you return to the item, pick it up and carry it back. Note that since you emptied your backpack, you have no scroll to use to get back to town again. I plan to drop a scroll with the treasured item before going back to town.

A few comments on equipment:
(1) Repairing ethereal items is impossible, but some are magically equipped to renew themselves. Those items will be heavily sought after.
(2) Charsi embues of ethereal items are often (if not always) ethereal.
(3) Your mercenary has the same restrictions that you have.
(4) You may acquire items in the field, in stores, or by gambling. No tweaking your character from your item collections.
(5) Since you can carry as many socket fillers as you like, socketed ethereal items will be valuable. However, when the item wears out, those gems and runes are gone too.
(6) Quest items may be carried, but they cannot be used except to fulfill their intended purpose.
(7) When you get the Horodric Cube, you may want to carry it with you. If you do, it costs you 4 squares, but the 12 squares inside it are free to use.
(8) You may acquire the Anya reward item by gambling or by purchasing it from Larzuk.


When you start out, you will be limited to putting skill points into only a single skill tree. This restriction will continue throughout normal difficulty. When you reach nightmare, you can begin to use skills in a second skill tree. When you reach hell difficulty, you will have all skills available to you. Note that skill points can be saved for later difficulty levels rather than used immediately.

Items that give skill mods can be used even when the skill is in another skill tree that you cannot assign skills to at the moment.


You are very weak, and you cannot easily get stronger. There is one opportunity for assigning attribute points to strength, the Alcor points in Act 3. You are not forced to use strength points for these attribute points, and for each of these points that you place in some other attribute, you gain another usable square in your backpack. Therefore, all regular level-up attribute points must go into the other three attributes, Vitality, Energy and Dexterity. NOTE: Charms and equipment will occasionally help the strength issue, and amethysts can be put into sockets to get strength.


Any mercenary may be used. However, you are not allowed to temporarily move to another town just to switch mercenaries. When you arrive in a town, you can switch to the local merc, but you cannot change merc type again until you get to the next town. Remember, mercenaries have the same equipment restrictions that your character has.

ATMA Stash

The ATMA stash (or any other muling program) cannot be used until you gain the ATMA reward for killing Radament. After that, it is usable for the rest of the game. Anything can be put there and anything can be returned to the game. NOTE: between the limits on your backpack and the delay in using ATMA, you will probably have to sell many gems and runes that you get prior to the Radament quest.

Scoring {Scoring is rather complex}

To calculate your score, it will be necessary to have all equipment and charms in place when you go to the “in game” character screen to look at strength and life.

Score = 5 x waypoints activated + Life - 2 x Strength - 5 x Level

Example: At the end of act 1, Bluto is level 20, 9 waypoints have been activated, his Life is 191 and his strength is 32.

Score for Bluto = 5 x 9 +191 - 2 x 32 - 5 x 20 = 45 +191 - 64 - 100 = 72

Other basic rules

1. HC only. When Spirit dies again, it will be done right!
2. Only Version 1.14 is permitted. The Rune Word Module may be used.
3. No Multi-Player permitted. No trading permitted.
4. You may play on any players setting you wish and change that setting as you see fit.
5. You may not use the escape key to bail out of a rough battle. If you cannot run away or portal out, RIP.
6. You must solve all quests (grayed out by the end of the act). Waypoints can be skipped if you like.
8. This is a single pass tournament. When you save and then reenter, you may rerun a small area due to the need to enter at the last waypoint. This should be kept to the barest minimum and should be done on Players 1 until you get back to where you were.
9. You are not allowed to go back to previous acts or previous difficulty levels for any reason except to visit stores. This means that all rewards must be collected before you leave the act. After killing Baal, you may elect to do the Cow Level. (You do not have to do the Cow Level!)The Cow Level is considered part of Act 5 and you may go back to Harrogath after killing the cows to use your socket quest or Anya personalization quest.


Replays are allowed, but you must select a new character type each time. That means that you are limited to 7 attempts.

Signing Up

The plan is to start on June first (2018). That will depend upon interest, so let me know if you intend to give this a try. If several of you decide to enter, I will post a final set of rules to include any additions and clarifications that are made as a result of your questions and suggestions.
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Definitely an interesting concept, but very tough indeed.

Wolron said:

You are very weak, and you cannot easily get stronger. There are only two opportunities for assigning attribute points to strength, The Alcor points in Act 3 and the points from the two levels that you receive for freeing Izual from his demon in Act 4...

You don't get two levels from killing Izual, just two skill points. So no attribute points there.
Awesome looking tournament! Initial thoughts are that it will lean very heavily towards casters for obvious reasons, and bow-wielding chars/mercs are not useable. Caster classes typically have low base str, so should be interesting how people manage to equip some of the heavier items. Save those amethysts! I really like the concept of emptying the backpack to get that "worth it" item out of the field for personalization, very creative!

All in all looks like fun, I love when tournaments force you to explore an area of the game you never really look at. I don't have tons of time for single-pass full clear play anymore, but I'd likely give this a whorl when it opened up.
mir2 said:
Very interesting idea!

Few questions:

Act1 merc can't use weapons right?

No points in STR right?

Can we sell eth items?
Act 1 merc will not have a bow to equip, but as I recall, the game gives her a bow that is not displayed in the merc equipment. I will try to check that out.

Your strength will be limited to Alcor attribute reward points (5) and the charms and equipment you collect.

You can sell anything that you can carry. Ethereal items and socket fillers are the obvious ones, but anything that can be put into your backpack is sellable. The only problem with selling that I can see is that you are allowed to collect an item for Anya to personalize and you could abuse that by collecting multiple items and just selliing them. That will not be allowed, so I will have to modify the rules to clarify that.
Wolron said:
NOTE: You may not pick up “substantial” items and bring them back to sell them. Gold will be a bit difficult to acquire, but certainly not impossible because there are many chests out there that contain gold and many monsters that carry some. NOTE: There are two exceptions to this. First, if you come across some great item that you want to put into your personal collection, you may do that but you cannot use the item in this tournament. Second, the Anya quest item to be personalized can be picked up and brought back to the camp, but you must completely empty your backpack when you do that. That means either going back to camp to empty your backpack into your stash, or dropping everything on the ground and hope that it is still there when you go back to get it. NOTE: you are forbidden to abuse this exception just to take items back to camp and sell them. You are only allowed to do this once in Act 5 of each difficulty level and the item must be given to Anya to personalize. What I intend to do is always be on the lookout for that perfect Anya item. If I get a three socketed rare bow in act 1, I will save it! Of course, if I get something even better later, I would kick myself and dutifully let it lay out there to rot. ANOTHER NOTE: Gambling for an item or buying an item from Larzuk may be easier and safer. Only one gambled item may be kept unless you luck out and gamble for an Ethereal item (is that possible???).
I have difficulties reading the section above. Maybe you could clear it up a bit with a bullet point list or separate it into a couple of paragraphs? Also, with "empty your backpack" do you mean everything in the equipment slots as well as the inventory?
I usually just steal them from another tourney (here is jiansonz's)

Player:            Name:           Class:       Build:            Level:   Area:
----------------   ------------    -----------  ----------------  ------   ----------------
Wolron             TBD             Necromancer  TBD               1        Rogue Encampment
Thanks for the tips!

I decided that it would be a good idea to try a nice easy sorceress (Teradia) just to test whether or not the tournament was possible. I discovered that it is, but just barely. The problem is that Teradia is so limited in how much she can carry. As a sorceress, she starts with only 5 squares available for potions/scrolls/keys. One thing that I had forgotten helps the problem a bit. The belt has 4 places to store potions and scrolls even when you don't have a belt. The tournament rules will allow those spots as freebies. A 3 or 4 tier belt could be very useful.

I am in the habit of playing on P8. I am doing it with Teradia, but it could be that other character types may find that a bit too challenging. It was a real struggle to get past Blood Raven, but now Teradia has a mercenary. The merc would like a real bow, but she is getting along with her game bow (sort of like an ethereal bow). I would switch to another merc as soon as I get to act 2.

I have noted something that I should have realized immediately. You cannot always detect when an item is ethereal. Gloves/belts/boots are obvious when they are gray, but magic or rare items are harder to verify. You have to pick them up. That seems against the tournament rules, but it is not. Just look at it as finding an item and then reaching down and turning it over. If you can turn it over, it is etereal (role playing).

So far, my sorceress (Teradia) has two ethereal items. A buckler with a socket (waiting for a diamond chip) and a pretty nice spiked club with 10% increased attack speed. She has killed several critters with that club to save mana. She also has two rings and a rare amulet. Nothing special, but the best part of this tournament is that every small victory is so rare that it feels real good when it occurs.

I have found that identify scrolls are not really needed. Most things that you "reach down and turn over" are not ethereal and do not need to be identified. When you do find a charm, it usually does not take too long to find a scroll to use to id it.

One bothersome discovery is that you end up accidentally picking up stuff when you are chasing around trying to avoid trouble. The only practical answer to that problem is that you should try to avoid it and when it does happen, you simply drop the item as soon as you discover it.

My next experiment will be with a more difficult character. Probably a Paladin. Unlike the sorceress, he will have to use melee techniques to vanquish the opposition. One good thing is that he will have a few more squares in his backpack to work with. I sure hope he finds an ethereal weapon quickly.
Wolron said:
One bothersome discovery is that you end up accidentally picking up stuff when you are chasing around trying to avoid trouble. The only practical answer to that problem is that you should try to avoid it and when it does happen, you simply drop the item as soon as you discover it.
If you use the /nopickup command (typed as a message in game) you won't pick anything up unless you're holding alt (or whatever your "show items" key is) down. I often use this in tournaments where I don't want to be picking up junk.
Wow, an even harder reiteration of the already hard tournament you hosted in 2011? My Paladin is still awaiting Act III normal from the tournament back then xD I still intend to finish him (along with 18 other unfinished tournament characters, 6 of which are from your tourneys).

I'd be in for it, but this really leaves almost no possibilites to play something different than a caster. IIRC, in 2011, you were able to use items with some "spirity" Prefix (Angel etc.) which made it more plausbile to try something different than casters.

If one is allowed to use Anya's quest reward though to equip a non-ethereal item, this might make a Holy shock/HF or Holy Fire Paladin playable - punch your way to Act V, then personalize a weapon or bow...might even make a FC Druid or an Enchantress or a Phoenix Striker feasible...or even an Amzon (relying on your Valk and merc to kill everything till you get a weapon from Anya's quest). Barbarians on the other hand...they'd have to rely on their merc for all the killing till Act V...might be tedious :rolleyes:

EDIT: The STR investment rule almost seems the most restricting...even if you do find ehtereal items, you probably won't be able to wear those because you only can invest 15 points in STR during the whole game...even amulets and rings won't do much good in this case I suppose. You might consider lowering the restrictions a bit, otherwise melee characters will be punished all the harder? What about the rule from 2011, where you were allowed to spend one point per level in STR?
mir said:
So we can use all the inventory for sellable items or only the limited space?
The inventory that you can put in your backpack is very limited. First of all, you cannot pick up any substantial items (no rare, magic, gray, green, gold or white items unless they are ethereal. You can pick up all the socket fillers, all the rings, all the amulets and all the ethereal items that you want. For other items (potions/scrolls/scroll books/keys/Charms/arrows/bolts/oil/gas/etc.) you have limited space that you can use in your backpack depending on your character type and the level you are at. I am testing the tournament with a sorceress who started out with only 5 squares available to her in her backpack and 4 spots in her belt. I am now at level 11 and that gives me 3 more squares. It makes things a bit challenging.

You refer to sellable items. Note that you cannot sell any equipment unless it is ethereal because you are not strong enough to carry it back to town. You can sell all the socket fillers and rings and amulets that you find with no penalty on how many you can carry because they are so light that you can carry them. Other items such has potions/scrolls/rings/charms/arrows/etc. can be sold but you are very limited as to how many you can carry back to town.
Pb_pal said:
If you use the /nopickup command (typed as a message in game) you won't pick anything up unless you're holding alt (or whatever your "show items" key is) down. I often use this in tournaments where I don't want to be picking up junk.
Neat! I am going to try that and see how it works. If I understand what you are saying, I simply type in "/nopickup" using the message system and I will not be able to pick up anything unless I hold the show items key down. If I try this and do not like it, do I just type i "/pickup"?

Yes, it worked fine. Thanks!!
Grisu said:
Wow, an even harder reiteration of the already hard tournament you hosted in 2011? My Paladin is still awaiting Act III normal from the tournament back then xD I still intend to finish him (along with 18 other unfinished tournament characters, 6 of which are from your tourneys).

I'd be in for it, but this really leaves almost no possibilites to play something different than a caster. IIRC, in 2011, you were able to use items with some "spirity" Prefix (Angel etc.) which made it more plausbile to try something different than casters.

If one is allowed to use Anya's quest reward though to equip a non-ethereal item, this might make a Holy shock/HF or Holy Fire Paladin playable - punch your way to Act V, then personalize a weapon or bow...might even make a FC Druid or an Enchantress or a Phoenix Striker feasible...or even an Amzon (relying on your Valk and merc to kill everything till you get a weapon from Anya's quest). Barbarians on the other hand...they'd have to rely on their merc for all the killing till Act V...might be tedious :rolleyes:

EDIT: The STR investment rule almost seems the most restricting...even if you do find ehtereal items, you probably won't be able to wear those because you only can invest 15 points in STR during the whole game...even amulets and rings won't do much good in this case I suppose. You might consider lowering the restrictions a bit, otherwise melee characters will be punished all the harder? What about the rule from 2011, where you were allowed to spend one point per level in STR?
Yes, it is probably so tough that very few will try it. However, strength is not all that hard to come by. I found a grand charm with +4 STR early in act 1. After a while, I plan to put three perfect amythists in a piece of armor for 30 more strength. You don't need more than about 35 strength to use the leather based items. It will probably be harder to get ethereal weaponry that lasts long enough. That is why I want to try a melee Paladin and see how reidiculous it is.
Estimated market value