- Jan 3, 2007
- 9,191
- 995
- 113
DISCLAIMER: Migration finished 
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by Pb_pal on Jan 14, 2015. The last post was made Oct 22, 2015.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by Pb_pal on Jan 14, 2015. The last post was made Oct 22, 2015.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)
The children of Sanctuary had grown tired of watching their elders, parents, friends and peers all leave with fire in their eyes to fight the hordes of evil, only to return broken and hollow, or worse yet, not return at all. They had seen countless warriors venture out into the world, determined to spill the blood of every demon that dare walk their precious earth. They had always been taught to fight fire with fire, that the only thing these brutish monsters could understand would be an axe through the skull. Force had been used to allow the monsters to enter this world, and it must certainly be used to help them to exit. For years the war waged back and forth, blood shed in vast quantities on both sides, with the victories, losses, and casualties piling up every higher.
This simply could not go on, they thought.
Maybe the answer to all this violence and killing was not, in fact, more violence. Maybe the only way to conquer the evil that had overtaken their world was to attack it not with brute force, but with calm, level-headed tactics, and patience. LOTS of patience.
It was time to show the Evils of the world that cooler heads will ultimately prevail!
Welcome to the Passive Aggressive Tournament! This is a tournament where it pays to be passive (and just a little bit aggressive too
Instead of using all those high-powered skills that our enemies are expecting and prepared for, we will beat them with our superior intellect, cunning strategies, and the seemingly never-ending supply of patience and endurance that is the SPF.
Let's get to the rules!
General Rules:
1. HC, or SC with disqualification upon first death (feel free to continue to update, although you cannot win the tournament.)
2. Single-pass, untwinked only. (You may, of course, sprint from a WP to an uncleared area when starting a new session. Keep kills to an absolute minimum while maintaining safety, but all drops are off limits)
3. You may defer completion of "rewards" quests (Charsi Imbue, Anya Personalization, etc.) and return for the rewards at any point. You may also return to previous acts/difficulties for shopping purposes as you please.
4. ATMA/GoMule may be used as an extended stash (you may also hot-mule off, as long as you adhere to the rules. Please take extra care to avoid any problems, and you must declare if you are using it (as per the forum rules). I will be. Here is the relevant quote from the SPF Rules FAQ:
Hot muling is muling while the character you are muling from is in game. It's rarely done because of the risk of creating duplicate items (aka 'duping'). It's usually done with Gheeds because you can only carry one at a time. This is acceptable but should be declared and care must be taken so that the items are not duped.
So you are playing Teagan and she has a Gheeds. Another Unique charm drops.
Minimize to desktop and open ATMA or GoMule. You open Teagan and another character which doesn't have a Gheeds or any stash file.
You move Teagan's Gheeds to the other character or stash. You save that file and exit ATMA or GoMule.
Back in game you drop Teagans identified Gheeds on the ground and pick up the UnID'd one.
You play as normal and when you next exit you can put the 'new' Gheeds in the stash and get the first one back. Same as you would swap any other item.
However, it is not - and never has been - acceptable to restore backups with the intention of having a second chance at making an item whether through cubing sockets, crafting or making runewords. Similarly if you trade an item away, you delete the one on your hard drive. Duping is NOT acceptable.
Hot muling is muling while the character you are muling from is in game. It's rarely done because of the risk of creating duplicate items (aka 'duping'). It's usually done with Gheeds because you can only carry one at a time. This is acceptable but should be declared and care must be taken so that the items are not duped.
So you are playing Teagan and she has a Gheeds. Another Unique charm drops.
Minimize to desktop and open ATMA or GoMule. You open Teagan and another character which doesn't have a Gheeds or any stash file.
You move Teagan's Gheeds to the other character or stash. You save that file and exit ATMA or GoMule.
Back in game you drop Teagans identified Gheeds on the ground and pick up the UnID'd one.
You play as normal and when you next exit you can put the 'new' Gheeds in the stash and get the first one back. Same as you would swap any other item.
However, it is not - and never has been - acceptable to restore backups with the intention of having a second chance at making an item whether through cubing sockets, crafting or making runewords. Similarly if you trade an item away, you delete the one on your hard drive. Duping is NOT acceptable.
5. You may re-enter as many times as you wish, or enter multiple characters at once. You may sign-up any time.
6. Version 1.10+, RRM/RWM/FAM allowed. No MP, no Trading.
7. Any /players setting may be used at any time.
8. Save + Exit to avoid death is NOT allowed, and results in disqualification from the tournament. (you may, however, S+E if running from a previously cleared area and you get yourself in trouble.)
9. I will make and maintain a table with progress. This will hopefully eliminate mix-ups and missed updates(it's also less work for you!).
Tournament Specific Rules:
10. You may ONLY place points in and use skills allowed under the "Allowed Skills" list.. This also applies to synergies. If they are not on the allowed list, you cannot pump them. The only exception to this is pre-reqs, which will be allowed 1 point only.
11. All Ctc items, and charges may be used. These are NOT limited to "Allowed Skills".
12. +Class-Specific Skills granted from items may only be used if they they fall under the "Allowed Skills" category. IE. if you are playing a paladin and you find a Scepter with "+1 to Zeal (Paladin Only)", the item may be used but the skill (Zeal in this case) may NOT. This includes all class-specific aura-type skills as well.
13. All Skills granted from items that grant +Skills as a universal (non-class specific) skill MAY be used on any character. IE. +1 to Berserk from the Passion Runeword or the Fanaticism aura from the Faith Runeword. These skills are NOT restricted by the "allowed skills" category.
14. There are no restrictions on Stat-point allocation.
15. There are no restrictions on equipment for you or your mercenary.
16. Act 2 Mercenaries must abide by the "Allowed Skills" restrictions. IE. no Might(NM Offensive), Holy Freeze(NM Defensive). All other mercenaries are allowed (including all A3 Ironwolves).
17. Respec is banned for this tournament. (contact me directly if there are extenuating circumstances that need to be addressed)
18. The winner(s) of the tournament will be anyone who achieves Guardian status. The prize is my eternal admiration.
19. Have fun!
Allowed Skills
As stated in the rules, points may be placed in skills that do not comply with this list as pre-reqs, however, they may NEVER be used in combat (the only exception being any skills which satisfy the conditions under rule 13).
Javelin and Spear Skills: None
Passive and Magic Skills: All skills are permitted.
Bow and Crossbow Skills: None
Martial Arts: None
Shadow Disciplines: All skills are permitted.
Traps: Blade Sentinel, Blade Shield
Summoning Spells: All Golems, Summon Resist, Golem Mastery
Poison and Bone Spells: Bone Armor, Bone Wall, Bone Prison
Curses: All are permitted
Warcires: All except War Cry are permitted
Combat Masteries: All are permitted
Combat Skills: Leap
Defensive Auras: All are permitted
Offensive Auras: Blessed Aim, Thorns
Combat Skills: Holy Shield, Holy Bolt, Conversion
Cold Spells: Frozen Armor, Shiver Armor, Chilling Armor, Cold Mastery
Lightning Spells: Teleport, Energy Shield, Thunderstorm, Lightning Mastery
Fire Spells: Warmth, Enchant, Fire Mastery
Elemental: Cyclone Armor
Shapeshifting: Werewolf, Werebear, Lycanthropy
Summoning: All are permitted
So there you have it! I think it's pretty straightforward, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.
The tournament starts now, good luck to all participants!
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