- Jan 3, 2007
- 9,188
- 992
- 113
DISCLAIMER: Tournament migration finished thanks to @Vildecor
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by kestegs on Mar 7, 2015. The last post was made Feb 20, 2017.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by kestegs on Mar 7, 2015. The last post was made Feb 20, 2017.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)
Wesley the Paladin and Natalya were rowing down a beautiful river a few miles outside of Kurast one day. He nervously rolled around an obsidian ring of the zodiac in his leather trousers, he had been dating Natalya for 5 months and he thought the time was right. He had been refreshing vendors for nearly 3 months looking for what he hoped would seal the deal on his proposal. He finally got up the courage, got down on one knee, pulled out the beautiful ring, and asked her to marry him. "If you will give me your hand in marriage I will be yours forever"
He waited, still on one knee, wishing he had found something better to wear than his rugged leather boots of thorns.
She looked pensive for some time and finally declared this: "How do I know you will really be with me forever? I've only known you for just a few months, how do I know you'll stay committed to me?"
Wesley said "Because I said so!" "you can trust me!"
"Not so fast" she stated plainly.
"Prove your commitment to me, and I'll marry you."
"Okay" He quickly responded, "Whatever you want I'll do"
The devious look he saw behind her eyes was a bit troubling.
"I have a list of demands for you, and you better do them all if you want to prove your commitment to me."
This sounds awfully well rehearsed he thought, oh well how bad can it be?
"Slay the 3 evils that torment our world. And do it 3 times."
"Got it! I'll set out straight away!"
She dryly responded: "You think that's all?"
"While doing this you must pick a specific skill set and stick to it, no matter how tough it seems, by this I might feel I can trust you to commit to a lifetime with me."
"You must also commit to a stat to specialize in. Go at it full on and show me you can be devoted to..."
Wesley interrupted her "But that's too hard, I'll either be too weak to wear any gear or have no life and die!"
"Fine, I'll allow you to commit to all 4, if you really want, but you better stick to it!"
"And as a punishment for even arguing with my rules you must commit to sticking with a difficulty while in each town area. Don't be taking some parts of an area at an easy pace and other parts at a difficult pace, that's no proof of commitment!"
"And if you ever face a trial by our peers you must not flee. This trial was meant to be, and must not be reset until you feel like you can do it easily. Be a man! Show me some commitment!"
"And pick a traveling partner and stick with them. If I can't even trust you to stick with a mercenary for this short time then I certainly can't trust you to stick with me for forever!"
"sheeesh, anything else?" Wesley muttered under his breath.
"Really?" "REALLY?" "Do you really want to push me?" She said angrily
"it's just....but...." He quickly backtracked
She quickly stopped his muttering "Fine, I'll give you one last requirement"
"YES!" He thought in his head
"You may not use anything to alter your ability to find things. I don't want you thinking that you can earn my trust by bringing me back something shiny. Your proof of eternal commitment is all I need"
With that she grabbed the ring out of his hand and stuck it on her finger. "I'll keep this for now. Just in case"
Wesley set out for the rogue camp with a heavy heart. He really loved her, and he just had to prove it to her how committed he was.
I hope that wasn't a lame story, story telling isn't my forte. Just wanted to give you an idea of my inspiration.
The following rules were partly borrowed...
General Rules:
1. HC, or SC with disqualification upon first death (feel free to continue to update, although you cannot win the tournament.)
2. Single-pass, untwinked only. (You may, of course, sprint from a WP to an uncleared area when starting a new session. Keep kills to an absolute minimum while maintaining safety, but all drops are off limits) If you need to S&E to not die while running through a previously cleared area that is acceptable.
3. You may defer completion of "rewards" quests (Charsi Imbue, Anya Personalization, etc.) and return for the rewards at any point. You may also return to previous acts/difficulties for shopping purposes as you please.
4. ATMA/GoMule may be used as an extended stash
5. You may re-enter as many times as you wish, or enter multiple characters at once. You may sign-up any time.
6. Version 1.10+, RRM/RWM/FAM allowed. No MP, no Trading.
7. Save + Exit to avoid death is NOT allowed, and results in disqualification from the tournament. (you may, however, S+E if running from a previously cleared area and you get yourself in trouble.)
8. I will make and maintain a table with progress. This will hopefully eliminate mix-ups and missed updates.
Tournament Specific Rules:
9. You must pick one /player setting to use for the entire act, pick the setting before you
leave town. If you forget to change it at any time just do it ASAP. You also get a new setting for every difficulty/act, so you could get 15 total. Cows will count as your act 1 or 5 difficulty, your choice.
10. You may ONLY place points in and use skills in a single skill tree. This also applies to synergies, if they are not in your tree, you cannot pump them.
11. All Ctc items, and charges may be used. These are NOT limited to your skill tree.
12. +Class-Specific Skills (only applies to your class) granted from items may only be used if they fall under your skill tree.
13. All Skills granted from items that grant +Skills as a universal (non-class specific) skill MAY be used on any character. IE. +1 to Berserk from the Passion Runeword or the Fanaticism aura from the Faith Runeword. These skills are NOT restricted by your skill tree.
14. You have 5 choices of how to allocate your stat points:
~All points into Vitality
~All points into Strength
~All points into Dexterity
~All points into Energy
~All points evenly distributed. If you chose this you may only spend points when you have four to spend.
15. You must never equip any magic find gear or equipment, including sockets. Ever. This includes your Merc. Your +Magic find should always be at "0" Gold find is not restricted.
16. Respec is banned. Be committed!
17. You must pick one Merc and stick with it the entire game. You may not use a Merc from another act if that is not your choice of Merc. If you do not chose to use a rogue you must get her killed ASAP, and never put any gear on her. You can allow your act 2 merc to respecialize once. He must have the same name (I believe that's realistic, correct me if I'm wrong) so that it's essentially the same merc then.
18. You may not reset the ancients. You must fight to the death on your first spawn.
19. The winner(s) of the tournament will be anyone who achieves Guardian status. The prize is awesomeness in your own mind, and probably most other people's as well, and certainly mine.
20. Have fun, and don't die.
21. This is supposed to be hard.
Good luck!
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