[2011] Rainbow Tournament [by Sid]

Jan 3, 2007
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by @Sid Sep 17, 2011. The last post was made Nov 20, 2011.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)

Rainbow Tournament


Your character must equip a 'rainbow' of items, by color of the item name. The first item you equip must be white. Then blue. Then grey. Then... well, you get the idea.

1. Any class, any build, any P# (change it as you like), any merc. Respec is allowed.
2. HC or SC, but one death and you are out. You can then join again with a new character if you like.
3. Untwinked. Extended stash via ATMA/Go Mule is allowed.
4. Single-pass.
5. RRM and RWM are allowed.
6. 1.10+.
7. No scoring - just see how far you can get.
8. You don't have to do all the quests or get all the waypoints, but you can if you want to.

The heart of this tournament is the special rules for equipping items.

An item's color is determined solely by the color of the text of the item's name. A quick and easy way to tell the color of an item if you're not sure is to drop the item on the ground and look at the color of the text when you mouse over it. Here is a quick reference...

White - Normal
Blue - Magical
Grey - Socketed or Ethereal
Yellow - Rare
Orange - Crafted
Green - Set
Gold - Unique or Runeword or Personalized

Your character has a variable number of slots to equip. This includes all equipment slots on the character (including weapon switch) and all the equipment slots on the merc. It does not include backpack storage (exception: charms - see below). The break-down is as follows:

2 weapon slots
2 Shield slots
2 ring slots

Merc Weapon
Merc Shield
Merc Armor
Merc Helm

Each identified charm you carry effectively adds a slot (since charms are 'equipped' like items - see rules for charms below).

You may reconfigure your equipment whenever you want, but you must follow the procedure outlined below whenever you do so.

1. Empty All Slots
First, strip off all equipment from all slots. Start with all slots completely empty. Also, remove all identified charms from your backpack and put them in your stash. (NOTE - Once you get used to the rules you may find you can skip this step and just alter your equipment as necessary. That's fine, so long as you are careful to ensure that all slots are legally equipped according to a legal color rotation).

2. Choose Your Color Rotation
Choose one of the 7 rotations shown below, depending on what colors of items you have available and want to equip. You must have at least 1 item of each color in your chosen rotation.

1. White -> Repeat
2. White -> Blue -> Repeat
3. White -> Blue -> Grey -> Repeat
4. White -> Blue -> Grey -> Yellow -> Repeat
5. White -> Blue -> Grey -> Yellow -> Orange -> Repeat
6. White -> Blue -> Grey -> Yellow -> Orange -> Green -> Repeat
7. White -> Blue -> Grey -> Yellow -> Orange -> Green -> Gold ->Repeat

3. Equip Your Slots
Equip your items into empty slots one at a time, following your chosen rotation.

You may never skip colors (ie - you can't equip a unique item if you haven't found a set item yet).

Once you reach the end of your rotation, as indicated by the Repeat notation, start the rotation over from the beginning by equipping a 2nd white item.

Keep equipping items in this fashion until either all slots have been filled or you don't have the appropriate color item to continue your rotation. If the latter occurs, you must leave all remaining slots empty.


All identified charms (exception: Bonus Charms - see Act Completion Bonuses below) you carry must be 'equipped' into your backpack as part of your normal rotation (it must be a charm of the appropriate color). Each charm carried effectively gives you 1 extra slot. If you ID a charm while adventuring and do not wish to count it in your rotation, you must either drop it and leave it or immediately TP to town to sell or stash it - do not adventure with it!

Two-Handed Weapons
A two-hander is still one item, and only counts one time in the rotation. A two-hander fills both the weapon and shield slot, combining them into 1 slot.

Quest Items
Quest items such as Khalim's Will and the Staff of Kings may be equipped temporarily to fulfill their purpose without regard to the rotation. If, for some reason, you actually want to adventure and fight with a quest item equipped, you must count it in the rotation according to it's color.

Unequippable Items (except charms)
Any items that are carried solely in inventory and never placed in an equipment slot are unrestricted. You are free to use potions, scrolls, keys, socket-fillers, etc. as you like. Be aware that filling sockets of a grey item will change it's color to gold if you end up creating a runeword.

Assuming 16 slots, at max you can have:

16 whites
8 whites and 8 blues
6 whites, 5 blues, 5 greys
4 whites, 4 blues, 4 greys, 4 yellows
4 whites, 3 blues, 3 greys, 3 yellows, 3 orange
3 whites, 3 blues, 3 greys, 3 yellows, 2 orange, 2 green
3 whites, 3 blues, 2 greys, 2 yellows, 2 orange, 2 green, 2 gold

Hagatha the Sorceress has equipped a white item, a blue item, and a grey item. She hasn't found a rare yet. She could equip a 2nd white, then a 2nd blue, then a 2nd grey, then a 3rd white, then a 3rd blue, etc, cycling through the first 3 items on the list. She follows this rotation until she has equipped an item in every slot (we'll say she hasn't found any charms). Then, joy of joys, she finds a yellow item! If she chooses to equip it, her rotation of items would now be white, then blue, then grey, then yellow, then a 2nd white, then a 2nd blue, then a 2nd grey, then a 2nd yellow. Since she doesn't have a second yellow, she wouldn't be able to equip any more items until she found a second yellow. Alternately, she could decide not to equip the first yellow she found, and keep her item rotation at white/blue/grey/repeat, so as not to have any empty slots.

At the end of each act, you may choose one of the following bonuses. Bonus 1, Bonus 2, and Bonus 3 must be used before going to the next act. There is no limit to the number of times you can select each bonus over the course of your character's career (but only once per act of course).

Bonus #1. Ten Runs
You may rerun 1 map up to 10 times in the act you just completed. You must make these runs before proceeding to the next act. You must take the closest route to the target and make an honest effort not to engage any monsters along the way, unless you absolutely have to in order to get to your target.
Both levels of small dungeons (such as The Pit, The Hole, etc) count as 1 map.
- If running the Countess, all levels of the tower count as 1 map.
- Both the Crypt and the Mausoleum (at the cemetary where Blood Raven is) together count as 1 map.
- All the false tombs (plus the real tomb) in the Valley of Kings count as one map. This does not include Duriel's lair. If you want to run Duriel however, you may also clear the real tomb each run (but may not enter the false tomb).
- The 6 small dungeons in the Kurast regions (upper, bazaar, and causeway) count as 1 map. This does not include the sewers. It includes the Disused Fane, the Ruined Temple, the Forgotten Temple, the Forgotten Reliquary, the Disused Reliquary, and the Ruined Fane.

- or -

Bonus #2. Bonus Charm
You may carry a bonus charm in your backpack. Bonus charms are not governed by the normal color rules, and are not 'equipped' as part of your color rotation as other charms. You must choose which charm is to be the bonus charm before proceeding to the next act. This charm will always be a bonus charm - you cannot swap it for another later in the game. You may choose not to carry a bonus charm and remove it from your backpack, but you may not replace it with a different charm.

- or -

Bonus #3. Twink Gems
Twink up to 5 gems of any quality to your character from a mule or your personal stash. No, you may not twink runes.

- or -

Bonus #4. Rez (SC Only)
This Bonus is saved until needed. When you die, you may 'cash in' this bonus in order to rez your character. You may not save more than 1 Rez at a time - if you already have a Rez saved when you complete an act, you must choose a different bonus.

And finally, the most important rule of all....

HAVE FUN! :alright:
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Re: Rainbow Tournament

Two comments:

Sid said:
Grey - Set or Ethereal
This 'set' has slipped in again. :) You mean Socketable.

Sid said:
This charm will always be a bonus charm - you can swap it for another later in the game. You may choose not to carry a bonus charm and remove it from your backpack, but you may not replace it with a different charm.
So, you can swap the bonus charm at any point, but... If you remove it, you cannot swap it, thus lose the option of swapping it? :confused:

Edit: Fixed. You are now no longer allowed to swap your bonus charm with another charm later.

Otherwise, looks good.
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Re: Rainbow Tournament

Will defianately join!
But not yet as i just died in my fashionistas tourny and i wan't to make some progress on my new char first 😉

Like Drystan said, Please clarify the bonus charm situation....

And make a kewl table once you make a char!

Re: Rainbow Tournament


Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   LVL   Highest WP   Highest Item On Rotation  #Bonus Charms  SC/HC[/highlight]
Malevolent     Prismatic  Sorceress    1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              HC

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   Lvl   Place Died   SC/HC[/highlight]


I hope that serves the purpose
Re: Rainbow Tournament

Excellent - thanks! 👍

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   LVL   Highest WP   Highest Item On Rotation  #Bonus Charms  SC/HC[/highlight]
Malevolent     Prismatic  Sorceress    1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              HC
Sid            Tyra       Amazon       1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              SC

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   Lvl   Place Died   SC/HC[/highlight]
Re: Rainbow Tournament

This does sound interesting. I am going to try it with an Assassin. Chloe will probably be a trapper that is heavy into blade fury and death sentry.

My first thought was that I should save items of color until it make sense to change the rotation. But my second thought is that I might as well change the rotation as soon as I get the next color because in the early game, being slightly nude is not a big deal.

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   LVL   Highest WP   Highest Item On Rotation  #Bonus Charms  SC/HC[/highlight]
Malevolent     Prismatic  Sorceress    1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              HC
Sid            Tyra       Amazon       1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              SC
Wolron         Chloe      Assassin     1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              SC

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   Lvl   Place Died   SC/HC[/highlight]
Re: Rainbow Tournament

Just an observation, but have you considered that several item types CANNOT be white? Amulets and Rings are always at least blue, and Charms are either blue or Gheed's(gold). It would be impossible to fill your 16 slots with whites...

Re: Rainbow Tournament

Another suggestion: I like the idea here, but the early placement of crafted items seems overly difficult. Since it is rather difficult to get a perfect gem in act 1 or even act 2, especially in single pass play, crafted items are going to be pretty near impossible for a good while... which means that runewords, set items and uniques are also unusable. I'd consider moving crafts to the end of the line.
Re: Rainbow Tournament

WoRG said:
Just an observation, but have you considered that several item types CANNOT be white? Amulets and Rings are always at least blue, and Charms are either blue or Gheed's(gold). It would be impossible to fill your 16 slots with whites...

True, but I don't see it as a problem.

If you elect to use all whites, your ring/ammy slots will be empty until you upgrade to a better rotation.

skunkbelly said:
Another suggestion: I like the idea here, but the early placement of crafted items seems overly difficult. Since it is rather difficult to get a perfect gem in act 1 or even act 2, especially in single pass play, crafted items are going to be pretty near impossible for a good while... which means that runewords, set items and uniques are also unusable. I'd consider moving crafts to the end of the line.

Hmm, you're right, that could be a problem. I anticipated a bottleneck but I thought it would be the cube - forgot it takes pgems to craft. I don't like the idea of moving crafts to the end of the rotation for other reasons, so I added a new Act Completion bonus to get you through the bottleneck if you need it - probably good to take it at the end of either Act 1 or Act 2.

Thanks for the input.

I do want to note that I have already started playing my 'zon and the 2 others that have signed up may have already started playing their characters too. So I won't be making any more rules tweaks unless something is really broken (which the pgems bottleneck may have been).
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Re: Rainbow Tournament

Yes i have started playing!

(only got to the cold plains though as p8 full clears is slow on a sorc! )

That is a good rule! I will probably use that for my act 2 reward as 10 countess runs will be vital to get some runes untill NM!
Re: Rainbow Tournament

Tyra is chugging along through Act 1 on p8. Best find so far is probably a large charm of shock +1-5 lt dam. My primary weapon is a 3-socketed spear. Current rotation is white/blue/grey/yellow.

I'm going for the Fend skill, which I've never used before. I opted for it because it doesn't have any synergies and only 2 pre-reqs, so it leaves lots of points free for passive defenses and passive crit, which so far is all I've been pumping. I also plan on taking decoy and valk.

My moron is pretty under-equipped right now, just using a blue long bow and socketed hard leather, which I didn't even bother to gem up. I'm saving gems for the cube, although I did go ahead and gem up my spear. Fend is higher level and I'm just using a level 1 Jab at the moment, so I decided it was worth it to use 3 gems in the spear for damage.

Tonite I cleared the Cold Plains, Underground Passage, Dark Wood, and rescued Cain. I decided to go back over the Dark Wood just before quitting and check behind the trees for hidden stashes and chests - they are easy to miss on that level. I was rewarded by finding 4 chests/stashes that I'd missed, one of which dropped my first ammy (a POS, unfortunately, and I can't fit it in the rotation anyway, so my ring and ammy slots are empty for now).

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   LVL   Highest WP   Highest Item On Rotation  #Bonus Charms  SC/HC[/highlight]
Malevolent     Prismatic  Sorceress    1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              HC
Sid            Tyra       Amazon       14    Dark Wood    Yellow                    0              SC
Wolron         Chloe      Assassin     1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              SC

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   Lvl   Place Died   SC/HC[/highlight]
Re: Rainbow Tournament

Black Marsh, Tamoe Highlands, Countess Tower, The Pit, and The Hole tonite. The Countess dropped a Ral and a set belt (Arctic something - cold res and cold damage).

A couple slightly close calls but nothing a pot or 2 couldn't fix. Pretty easy going so far.

Best find tonite was an item I gambled - javelins with a 05% ctc amp damage on hit. Also got my moron a better bow.

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   LVL   Highest WP   Highest Item On Rotation  #Bonus Charms  SC/HC[/highlight]
Malevolent     Prismatic  Sorceress    1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              HC
Sid            Tyra       Amazon       17    O Cloister   Yellow                    0              SC
Wolron         Chloe      Assassin     1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              SC

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   Lvl   Place Died   SC/HC[/highlight]
Re: Rainbow Tournament

Chloe has just finished act 2. The battle with Duriel was a bit difficult because she had to fight him almost alone. The shadow warrior did not last long at all. All other aspects of this Blade Fury assassin are excellent. She is at level 28. She took her countess runs as the bonus for act 1 and was going to take a Charm for act 2, but with the change in rules, she will mule in 5 perfect gems. I will have to think about that for a while to decide just what sort of crafting I should be doing.

Chloe has had 16 slots for most of her life thus far. She has 12. Her act 1 merc has 3. She has one charm slot. She may move to an act 3 merc to get the added slot to put whites into. I will have to see what two crafted items will do for her. She does have set items and uniques, so she could be rotating through all 7 colors.

As I modified the table, I noticed that I put SC down. That is wrong, Chloe is HC (I haven't played SC in several years!).

I will be editing this to explain what I have done with the new rule as soon as I figure it out. It may take a while:yes:.

So here is the plan: Act 3 merc gives four slots to add to my 12 and the two charm slots that I have allocated. That gives 18 slots. That means three While/Blue/gray/Yellow and two Orange/Green/Gold.

The 5 PGems were: Two Rubies and Three Diamonds. The three diamonds were put into a Kite Shield to give 57 resist all. The two rubies were used to craft light plated boots and heavy gloves:

Storm Grasp Heavy Gloves Defense: 5
+19 to Life; +6 to Maximum Stamina; 3% Life stolen per hit; 10% Chance of Crushing Blow

Eagle Brogues
Light Plated Boots Defense: 10
+17 to Life; 3% Life stolen per hit; Replenish Life +7; Repairs 1 durability in 33 seconds

OK, those are not bad, but nothing special either.

The set items used are a Cathans Seal ring (for the 6% life steal) and a Cleglaw's Claw in the weapons switch.
The gold items are both unique items: Centurian hard leather armor for Chloe and Deathhand Axe in her weapons switch.

All the rest are sort of routine. The merc has three white items and a gray large shield with three chip diamonds in it. Chloe has a Wrist Blade with a TAL and Flawless Emerald to get poison damage. The three blues are an amulet and two charms. The three rare items are a ring, a belt and a helm.

She has nearly perfect resistances due to her new shield. I think she is ready to go for Mephisto.

NOTE: I put Gold down as the highest item on rotation. However, I might have put down Yellow since my 18th slot is yellow. Which way was this intended?????

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   LVL   Highest WP   Highest Item On Rotation  #Bonus Charms  SC/HC[/highlight]
Malevolent     Prismatic  Sorceress    1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              HC
Sid            Tyra       Amazon       17    O Cloister   Yellow                    0              SC
Wolron         Chloe      Assassin     28    Kurast Dock  Gold                      0              HC

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   Lvl   Place Died   SC/HC[/highlight]
Re: Rainbow Tournament

Well, hell. If you're going to address my question in such a great way, then I suppose I gotta try it. Especially since D3 won't be out til 2012 apparently 😉

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   LVL   Highest WP   Highest Item On Rotation  #Bonus Charms  SC/HC[/highlight]
Malevolent     Prismatic  Sorceress    1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              HC
Sid            Tyra       Amazon       17    O Cloister   Yellow                    0              SC
Wolron         Chloe      Assassin     28    Kurast Dock  Gold                      0              HC
Skunkbelly     ROYGBIV    Assassin     1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              HC

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   Lvl   Place Died   SC/HC[/highlight]
Re: Rainbow Tournament

Wolron said:
NOTE: I put Gold down as the highest item on rotation. However, I might have put down Yellow since my 18th slot is yellow. Which way was this intended?????

I'd say you did it right. So we can tell at a glance who is wearing uniques, who is wearing set pieces but no uniques, who is still at rares (or sticking with rares), etc.

Sounds like Chloe is making nice progress. You've got some pretty good life leech going on.

skunkbelly said:
Well, hell. If you're going to address my question in such a great way, then I suppose I gotta try it. Especially since D3 won't be out til 2012 apparently 😉

Heh, glad you joined in!

Yeah, the wait is getting excruciating. But in a good way.
Re: Rainbow Tournament

Chloe has defeated Mephisto on P8. Sid, you are right about that life leech. She stood in front of Mephisto and used her level 7 blade fury until he was dead and she seldom had less than max health. The only danger was letting the mana get too low. It would be embarrassing to suddenly stop doing damage.

She found a couple set amulets in act 3 (Vidala's and Civerbs). She still prefers a blue amulet with +9 resist all, but it provides interesting options. She is still using her only two unique items. Neither are worth much. The Centurian armor is actually not as good as a Stealth, but she has not decided to make one of those yet. The deathspade axe is just taking up space in the weapon switch.

Her best item is still the Shield with +57 resist all. But she did gamble for this rare Circlet:

Imp Casque Circlet Defense: 20 +111 to Attack Rating; +8% resist all; Poison Resist +38%

She will take a charm for her act 3 bonus (Small Charm with +7 lighting resist and 1-4 lightning damage). This looks like one that she will always want to use and it only takes up one space in her backpack. She considered a +23 fire resist grand charm, but she does have two charm slots, so she will fall back on that if she needs it later.

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   LVL   Highest WP   Highest Item On Rotation  #Bonus Charms  SC/HC[/highlight]
Malevolent     Prismatic  Sorceress    1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              HC
Sid            Tyra       Amazon       17    O Cloister   Yellow                    0              SC
Wolron         Chloe      Assassin     32    Panda Fort.  Gold                      1              HC
Skunkbelly     ROYGBIV    Assassin     1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              HC

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   Lvl   Place Died   SC/HC[/highlight]
Re: Rainbow Tournament

Chloe has defeated Diablo on P8 and moved to the Barbarian stronghold at Harrogath. The battle with Diablo was a combination of casting the Shadow Warrior and riddling him with the blade fury spell. The warrior did not last long, so it took a while to wear Diablo down. Luckily, he did not cast that bone cage, so there were no close calls. Diablo dropped Isenhart's Parry (ho, hum...).

Chloe gambled for a rare plated belt with high poison resist. The only real purpose is to get the four rows of potion space. That belt cost her about 550,000 gold. Her bonus for act 4 is the +23 fire resist grand charm that she knows will be needed in NM if she is able to get there.

She is still considering replacing her Centurian armor with Stealth, but there is very little real purpose in it at this time.

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   LVL   Highest WP   Highest Item On Rotation  #Bonus Charms  SC/HC[/highlight]
Malevolent     Prismatic  Sorceress    1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              HC
Sid            Tyra       Amazon       17    O Cloister   Yellow                    0              SC
Wolron         Chloe      Assassin     35    Harrogath    Gold                      2              HC
Skunkbelly     ROYGBIV    Assassin     1     Rogue Camp   White                     0              HC

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   Lvl   Place Died   SC/HC[/highlight]
Re: Rainbow Tournament

I'm joining this with Rainbow_Dash, the rainbow assassin pony. I've chosen to go for Phoenix Strike, as I wanted a character that could create a rainbow of colours (as best as you can in D2.) I figure a fire kick, with chaos ice bolts, and maybe either a Death Sentry/Lightning traps, or Claws of Thunder as a backup.

Forum Name   Name         Class/Type   LVL   Highest WP   Item Rotation  #Bonus Charms  SC/HC
Drystan      Rainbow_Dash Assassin     12    Stoney Field Grey           0              HC
Malevolent   Prismatic    Sorceress    1     Rogue Camp   White          0              HC
Sid          Tyra         Amazon       17    O Cloister   Yellow         0              SC
Wolron       Chloe        Assassin     35    Harrogath    Gold           2              HC
Skunkbelly   ROYGBIV      Assassin     1     Rogue Camp   White          0              HC

Forum Name     Name       Class/Type   Lvl   Place Died   SC/HC

Edit: I've got to say, keeping track of how many of each item you have is harder than I thought. Had to shuffle spots around a few times already. Dashie made a little progress to show she's started. :)
Estimated market value