[2009] Tournament: Green with Envy III [by Mortahi]

Jan 3, 2007
DISCLAIMER: Please do NOT post in this thread yet. We still need to migrate all posts from the old thread on diabloii.net to this thread. If you want to help, feel free to do so :)

This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by @Morathi on Jul 2, 2009. The last post was made Feb 20, 2010.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)

Tournament: Green with Envy III

Well its been almost one year since the 2nd coming of the Green with Envy tournament and after a bit of interest to create the 3rd edition i have decided to go ahead with it. Also the more tournaments the better i say 👍:nod:.

Characters & gameplay
  • Your character must be HC although it if you cant you may go SC, but a SC death disqualifies the character from further participation.
  • If your character dies, you may re-enter with another character. There is no limit to this rule, you may re-enter as many times as you wish.
  • Players can use versions from 1.10+
  • Red Rune Mod (RRM) may be used and the same with Rune Word Mod (RWM). However it is completely useless for this tournament.
  • Players can use any character class, any build, and assign stat and skill points as desired.
  • Any /players setting is allowed, and may be changed at will.
  • Any merc may be used.
  • Single pass only (no re running of act bosses and areas).
  • You may return to previous acts and difficulties, however you may not leave town.
  • Atma may be used as an extended stash (style points if you dont use it :nod:)
  • Quests and waypoints arn't compolsary, however if you want points then by all means complete them all (style points if you complete all). Quests can be completed whenever you wish (ex. you may use the normal socket quest in NM).

Equipment Rules ·
  • Your character must be Untwinked (no twinking of items, you must start with nothing)
  • Only green items (set pieces) may be equipped. White or grey items may be used until a green item is found for each slot (means no rings or amulets until a set item drops). After an appropriate green item has been found, you must use that item for that slot or go empty. Once you find multiple appropriate green items for a specific slot(helm, armour etc), you may decide which one you wish to wear.
  • Green weapons you find can be used towards any of the three weapon slots (primary, switch, merc) at your choice. The third green weapon you find must fill the last slot. If your merc cannot equip any of the three, he/she must go weaponless. If this occurs you may do a couple things. One is continue to use your current merc (who will be weaponless) and hope that an apporpriate weapon drops. Or two, you may switch mercs and equip it with the appropriate weapon (if of course the merc can equip it, if not it must remain weaponless until an appropriate weapon drops).
  • Sockets may only be filled with emeralds and jewels with the green graphics, Runes are not allowed to be filled into sockets.
  • All charms are allowed as with scrolls, potions, tomes etc.
  • Merc equipment must follow the same rules as your character (socketables and set items).
  • Quest items (e.g. Khalim’s Will) may be equipped temporarily only when necessary to complete quests. Quest rewards (Charsi, Anya) may not be equipped.
  • Gambling for green items is encouraged

Scoring ·
  1. 1 point for each WP gathered (including Rogue camp)
  2. 2 points for each quest completed
  3. 3 points for each set item equipped (this includes your merc).
  4. -1 point for each character level gained ( meaning your characters level).

Signup + Updates
This tournament starts now. Players may sign up at any time.
The tournament will run until interest has been lost (no posts in 2 weeks). Please sign up using the table below. Please restrain from posting the table if it becomes too big (i.e alot of participants), as it uses up to much space and takes too much time. Just post your information at the bottom of your post. Like this:

[highlight]Character name, build, act, difficulty, area level, points etc[/highlight]

Name        Character    Class       Area         Level    Points 
Morathi     Kaela        Assassin    Rogue Camp     1        0

***Table is ranked by points, not level.

Hopefully I have covered all the rules. If not please ask me and I will try and respond to you as soon as possible.

PS. This tournament is basically the exact same as the last one as far as rules go, however i have changed the merc rule up, to make it more easily understood.

PSS. sequana i hope your happy 😉.

Good luck and get GREEEN!!
Estimated market value