[2005] Weaponless Tournament II [by JohnnyBravo]

Jan 3, 2007
DISCLAIMER: Please do NOT post in this thread yet. We still need to migrate all posts from the old thread on diabloii.net to this thread. If you want to help, feel free to do so :)

To migrate a post, use the "multi-quote" function in the original thread for all posts of one page, insert the quotes, then copy and paste the text into this thread and insert quotes from original posts (i.e. quoted quotes) manually. Take a look at the latest post in this thread to see how migrated posts should look like. Once all posts from this thread have been migrated, the disclaimer will be removed and the thread open to new posts.

This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by skoolbus on Nov 30, 2005. The last post was made May 19, 2006.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)

Weaponless Tournament II

The Rules:

1: You must play HC.

2: You must do full clears. You can however skip areas and return to them later.

3: You can not repeat any areas. If you are forced to repeat an area, do not loot or touch any shrines.

4: No weapons are allowed.

5: You may use any other equipment you see fit.

6: Any players setting may be used and you can change it at any time.

7: You can not mule anything onto your character.

8: You can choose your class and may assign stat and skill points as you see fit.

9: You may use any merc at any time in any way you see fit, but they must go weaponless also.

10: You can not esc/save & exit to avoid death.

Exceptions to above rules:

A: The line of thrown potions may be used.

B: If you are playing assassin and using the kick line of skills you may not
use boots.

C: Charms and jewels are allowed, and recommended, to increase your damage.

D: Skills will be limited in the following ways:

Amazon: None

Assassin: Banned - Trap Tree.

Barbarian: Restricted - Warcry.

Druid: One minion cast at a time. Banned: Elemental Tree (Cyclone Armor is unrestricted).

Necromancer: One minion cast at a time. Restricted: Teeth, Corpse Explosion, Poison Explosion. Banned: Poison Dagger, Poison Nova, Bone Spear, Bone Spirit.

Paladin: Restricted - Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, Holy Shock. Banned - Blessed Hammer, Fist of the Heavens, Smite.

Sorceress: Limited to the following skills: Warmth, Enchant, Frost Nova, Teleport, Frozen Armor, Chilling Armor, Shiver Armor. Restricted - Frost Nova.

E: Restricted skills get only one point. You may use +skill items to boost restricted skills.

F: You may NOT use +skill items, charged items, or any other means to cast Banned skills. Banned skills may be used as prerequisites only.

12: Mulligan: if your character dies within Act1 normal, you can restart.

Here we go again. If you decide to join please post in the following format:

Name: Gaidoku
Class: Druid
Clvl: 24
Act/Diff: Act2/Normal
WP: Palace Cellar

If you have a character from the old tournament(s) you can start them up again or you can start a new character.
Note: These are posts #2-20 from the original thread.

JohnnyBravo said:
Necromancer: One minion cast at a time. Restricted: Teeth, Corpse Explosion, Poison Explosion. Banned: Poison Dagger, Poison Nova, Bone Spear, Bone Spirit.
Doesn't the necro have a major advantage here? I mean all they need to do is max out golem mastery and one of the golems and then let loose on some curses and a level one corpse explosion to create complete carnage. They could do this without any equipment for the most part. Maybe I'm wrong, I haven't played necros much.
Not really. Golems can't kill for the worth of their lives unless they are an Iron Golem created out of a high-end elite weapon (such as an IK stone-crusher).

Also monster infighting is useless as a corpse generating strategy once you hit hell (or perhaps even earlier).

An idea could be to ban Iron Golems created from weapons. (IE you could create an IG from a Pdiamonded pally shield if you wanted an elemental immune tank, but the aforementioned IK-maul golem would be banned).

BTW, what does restricted mean? Does it mean you might put points into the skill as a pre-req or synergy but not actually use it?
Yay, I'm in.

Name: not sure yet, I'll decide before I start
Class: Assassin
Clvl: 1
Act/Diff: Act1/Normal
WP: Rogue Encampment

Two questions. First, when can we start? If it's immediate, I feel my weekend going away already.

Second, are we doing the same with prizes as when GooberGrape ran it? All set and unique weapons donated to prize stash, winner takes all but 1, picked by whoever gets most Isenhart's Cases. Personally, I liked that setup.
Indemaijinj said:
BTW, what does restricted mean? Does it mean you might put points into the skill as a pre-req or synergy but not actually use it?

JohnnyBravo said:
E: Restricted skills get only one point. You may use +skill items to boost restricted skills.
no you are right. CE is the necro's best skill. max clay golem and golem mastery and a lvl1 CE with alot of plus skills you will have no trouble. CE needs to be ban not restriced unless you want a tourney of nothing but Necros
I naturally assume this is not a race against the clock as otherwise the tourney initiator has given himself a sizable head start already being in act 2 before posting the tourney start thread.
If jiansonz gets in on this, he's got a necromancer somewhere in Nightmare already, and is still going strong as I recall. And I think AlterEgo has a barbarian in Nightmare as well. My last assassin, until her surprise death (which STILL annoys me a year after), was holding out very nicely in Act 5 Nightmare. Remember, this is an old tournament, and there were several characters with a good bit of progress. Don't worry about racing anyone, just play at your own pace, and you'll do fine.
goltar25 said:
Two questions. First, when can we start? If it's immediate, I feel my weekend going away already.
You can start anytime you want to.

goltar25 said:
Second, are we doing the same with prizes as when GooberGrape ran it? All set and unique weapons donated to prize stash, winner takes all but 1, picked by whoever gets most Isenhart's Cases. Personally, I liked that setup.

Since this is not a race I have not decided what exactly the prize will be. I guess a "winner" would be a person that beats the game. The only problem is what if more than one person beats the game?

Everyone please collect all your set and unique items and as the tourney progresses I will decide on how they will be awarded.
Name: DeathEater
Class: Necromancer
Clvl: 5
Act/Diff: Act1/Normal
WP: Cold Plains

This will be interesting for me since I have rarely done anything with a necro. So far it has been pretty unevenful, but I haven't gotten very far.
JohnnyBravo said:
You can start anytime you want to.
Then it's time to start.

Name: Nyronil
Class: Assassin
Clvl: 1
Act/Diff: Act1/Normal
WP: Rogue Encampment
Off to bed for me...

Name: Annika
Class: Assassin
Level: 7
Act: 1 normal.
Quests: Den of Evil
Waypoints: Cold Plains

No charms yet, but a pair of sellable staves.
Name: Nyronil
Class: Assassin
Clvl: 7
Act/Diff: Act1/Normal
WP: Cold Plains

Nothing great yet, though I've got a large charm with some life on it that I'm waiting for level 9 to use. I've also been getting more rings than I normally do, 4 already. Only 1 really useful, +1 max damage, and it's not really great anymore now that I've got Fists of Fire. Time for a short break, and then back to killing. I've got to set up my area list again so I don't miss any of the small side areas that I normally skip.
@goltar: I may be mistaken, but iirc, doesn't the elemental charge ups all require a claw to use?
Immortal_Slayer said:
@goltar: I may be mistaken, but iirc, doesn't the elemental charge ups all require a claw to use?
Not quite. They can be done with no weapon equipped, or with a katar type weapon.
Name: Anna
Class: Amazon
Clvl: 1
Act/Diff: Act1/Normal
WP: None

Ok, I'll give this a go. I don't think that I'll last long but lets see what happens. Probably take my time with this one as I am doing the Gypsy Scoundrel tourney as well but looks like fun!
Name: Nyronil
Class: Assassin
Clvl: 12
Act/Diff: Act1/Normal
WP: Cold Plains

Well, that's it for the night for me. I've cleared out the Cold Plains and Burial Grounds, along with their associated side areas. Next time I play (probably Friday or Saturday) I'm moving on to the Stony Field. I've picked up a large charm with lightning damage, very helpful for when I run out of mana, which is happening frequently right now. For the moment, I've got a rogue henchmen, but she'll probably be replaced once I hit Act 2.
Allright, I'm in... mostely because I want to make an AI-Necro for a long time. He'll be slow as hell but hopefully perfectly safe. I just hope that Diablo targets my golem or merc...... :)

Name: Arti
Class: Necromancer
Clvl: 1
Act/Diff: Act1/Normal
WP: Rogue Encampment
Oh, oh, oh!

If I'm not mistaken nobody played an Amazon last time, so I've decided I'm going to pick one this time. Haven't chosen a name yet, but I'm definitely in.
Name: DeathEater
Class: Necromancer
Clvl: 14
Act/Diff: Act1/Normal
WP: Dark Wood

Well I couldn't sleep last night so I thought I could get in a little Diablo time. My travels from Cold Plains to the Dark Woods, and even to Tristam (sp?), was an adventerous one. One that seemed to be filled with luck. I picked up a new friend, Paige. She is a cold arrow rogue that offered to help me on my way.

The Rogue Encampment must have trained their rogue better since my last visit because Paige is a lot more helpful and damaging than her counterparts seemed to be. She follows, shoots, levels better than I remember them doing.

As I retired for the night last night I took a quick glance at my damage as it seemed to be going rather easy. The damage adds up quickly as to my surprise I was doing 10-25! As I said my travels last night were filled with luck. I found the following:

2-Ring of Craftmanship
+1 to Maximum Damage

Small Charm of Shock
Adds 1-5 lightning damage

Lapis Small Charm of Blight
Cold Resist +6%
+6 poison damage over 3 seconds

Grand Charm of Craftmanship
+1 to Maximum Damage

Soul Wing
Preserved Head
+5 to Mana
Poison Resist +5%
Adds 2-7 poison damage over 3 seconds
Attacker Takes Damage of 1
+2 to Clay Golem (Necromancer Only)
+1 to Raise Skeleton (Necromancer Only)
Repairs 1 durability in 33 seconds

I am having some trouble decided where to put skill points. Like I said I have not used the necromancer much especially their curses. Currently I have one point in each curse up to level 12 (Amplify Damage, Dim Vision, Weaken, Terror and Iron Maiden). I put 2 points into Bone Armor. And which golem to use long term, of course, my biggest decision. Right now I have 4 hard points into Clay Golem and 3 into Golem Mastery.

As for Golems my stragety so far is to put 5 points into each because it seems that they all have thier uses and then max one, but which one?
I named her "Brenna." There's a blonde in my Gym class with that name, though I hope that's not where I got it. :uhhuh:

Well, anyway, if there's one thing I learned from MasterShake (my WT1 Sorceress) it's that /p8 sucks so bad with 1-5 damage punches. So Brenna started off chugging at players 1. Although this means that I won't have Decoy when I face Duriel (I'm pretty sure) and not Valkyrie until Act IV I figure this is the better way for my sanity.

At any rate, after the Den it was pretty obvious that I would want a merc as quickly as possible (and I KNEW her name would be "Aliza") so I dashed up the road and cleared the Burial grounds and the tomb areas. Then I stopped.

[highlight]Brenna[/highlight] the singular unarmed Amazon
Level 5
Normal Cold Plains-next area Cold Plains
Estimated market value