[2005] Colour Tourney! [by Kool69]

Jan 3, 2007
DISCLAIMER: Migration finished :)

This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by Kool69 on Jun 3, 2005. The last post was made Jun 13, 2005.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)

Colour Tourney! (Idea Not Original, Dur)

I was just thinking about the old colour tourney that had risen up and was thinking to myself how I had fun playing my character for the first nite before I was banned off Diablo for a while (I think it was about 8 months ago) Anyways I am setting off to start another tourney in its honor.

The Rules
  • You will be HC
  • You may restart once if your character dies or if you are not happy with your character.
  • Your skill select will be by choice.
  • You may select 10 skills and put any amount of skill points into those skills, for example if I was a Sorceress and selected firebolt, fireball, fire mastery, warmth, charged bolt, lighting, chain lighting, telekinisis, teleport, and lighting mastery I could place any wanted amount of skill points into only those skills.
  • You will select a color: Blue, Red, Black, White, Gold/Yellow, Green.
  • In Act 1 you may wear any armor and use any weapons but by Act 2 all visible armor (Helmet, Weapon Slot 1, Weapon Slot 2/Shield, Armor) must be only your color.
  • This will be the color all your equipment must be.
  • You may not MP
  • You may not twink
  • You may not mule (You can only use the inventory space allotted to you)
  • You may play on any player setting.
  • You must complete all quests in the order they are given.
  • You must only clear an area once.
  • Except the area which a act boss resides may be cleared (included the boss) up to three times. (Catacombs Level 2 & 3, Tal Rasha's Tomb, Durance of Hate level 2, Areas 2, 3, & 4 before Baal's Throne Room are also included in this rule)
  • You must update every two weeks even if your character hasn't progressed any or you are assumed dead.
  • When you are able to personalize an item send it to j**@*.com. This will be used for the semi-color character named prizes prize stash.

How to Win the Prize
  • Basically the character farthest into the game at the end date wins!

  • 11 PM Eastern Pacific June 02th is the official start time for this tourney.
  • 10 PM Eastern Pacific July 02th is the official end date..
  • The Prize will be handed out the following week.

Sign Up
  • You must register to win.
  • To register you must post: Your Forum Name, Your Character, Color, Skills Chosen, and Why You Picked That Color.

Have fun! :D
Last edited:
Note: These are posts #2-20 from the original post.

Your Forum Name, Your Character, Color, Skills Chosen, and Why You Picked That Color.

Forum Name: Kool69
Character: PainterBlack, Necromancer
Color: Black
Skills: Add in later
Reasoning: Black is related to the Dead so eh why not.
Sounds like a fun Idea , but I think your start time was a little short notice. You might want to think about giving atleast 1 week notice, you'll get more people to join up.
This sounds fun, but i have one question... how do u get different coloured items?
Do you mean like you choose between rare, magical, unique, set, socketed (grey) etc? With the socketed ones when you make a rune word does that count as a unique color? or is that grey still?

What items are red colored?
atigdng said:
Do you mean like you choose between rare, magical, unique, set, socketed (grey) etc? With the socketed ones when you make a rune word does that count as a unique color? or is that grey still?

What items are red colored?
Did you ever use a Tal Rasha's Set. The items are purple. Did you get it? Items with +life are red mostly...

BTW, why there is no purple? That color is not used for magic/rare items or what?
Hm.. I'll give it a shot since I died quickly in the other tournaments I was joining. I actually was holding back a bit to hold a tourney of my own later on, but I could work on it a little longer so... let's go :)

Forum Name: Sint
Character: Yeller, Barbarian
Color: Gold/Yellow
Skills: Bash, Stun, Concentrate, Howl, Shout, Battle Orders, Battle Command, Iron Skin, Natural Resist.
Reasoning: Well, no special reasons to get this thing going.. Yellow items, since my eye fell on it. Concentrate ... it's been a long long time since I made one, and I actually want some boring play :D

edit.. yeah I knew I was forgetting something, 10th skill = berzerk :)
@Dark Warrior: Yes I understand it was short notice but I wanted it to be where people could sign up adn just start playing. Maybe I should of added that you can sign up at anytime.

@Hrus: AH!! I knew I was forgeting a color. ARGH ARGH. Anyways yes you can pick purple my apologies.

@atigdng: No you just pick a color. For example say I picked Black. I could wear a rare bonehelm that spawned with the color black, a shield socketed with a skull (turns items black), a wand socketed with a skull, and some other armor that was inherintenly black. Get it now?

Items that are red colored, a few off the top of my head items socketed with rubies, im pretty sure any items with the plus life suffix, and any rares that spawn with red as their color.

@Sir Lanksalot: The most common way to change the color of your item is to find a socketed item and either insert a ruby (red) sapphire (blue) skull (black) topaz (yellow) diamond (white) athymist (purple) or an emerald (green) to alter the color. Also rares randomly spawn with a color, some sets are always a certain color, and some uniques have their own unique colors.

@Sint Nikolaas: Glad to have ya on the tourney =D
Kool69 said:
The most common way to change the color of your item is to find a socketed item and either insert a ruby (red) sapphire (blue) skull (black) topaz (yellow) diamond (white) athymist (purple) or an emerald (green) to alter the color. Also rares randomly spawn with a color, some sets are always a certain color, and some uniques have their own unique colors.
Thanks. I'm in

Forum Name: Sir Lanksalot
Character: Rouge, Druid
Color: Red
Skills: Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Fissure, Volcano, oak sage, Raven, Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf, Grizzly and poison creeper just to make up numbers.
Reasoning: because red = life and life = good, especially in hc.
1) For color, is it color as shown on the screen as you move about, or color as in what the color of the equipment is while viewing your character in the 'inventory' tab?

Example: Boots are blue in color while viewing them on your character in the inventory tab; however are normal color on the screen while moving about.

Which 'color' are we talking about?

2) You have a 3 socket armor and have decided blue is your color; is it always true that if you place a blue gem in the first socket, it will turn that item blue in color?

a. From then it is ok to add other gems as the color is now planted?

b. I have a 3 socketed bow on a merc, color is blue in view of inventory tab, but shows up as white while in the playing view; this will refer back to question #1 on acceptability of color choice.

c. This socketed bow has the first socket a blue gem, then red and followed by topaz; had the color choice wanted been gold, should the topaz been put on first?

3) What color is ethereal considered to be?

4) Prize stash? No muling, so we just go ahead and sell all uniques that cannot be used by our character? Example is that I find a Unique Red Armor and I can only wear Yellow as my color choice; do I just sell the armor?

Those are a few questions I have, and Tundra was confused about #1 for which I did not know. We know you are not talking Blue as in magic, or Yellow as in Rare; but you are talking blue as in having cold attributes or supposedly yellow items having something to do with lightning if that is the color lightning attributes give.

Sounds like fun, here we go:

Forum Name: SwivelGuy2
Character name: FrostyBlue
Class: druid
Color: Blue
Skills: Arctic Blast, Cyclone Armor, Twister, Tornado, Hurricane, Oak Sage, Raven, Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf, Grizzly
Why blue: sapphires will give mana for arctic blast (my main skill) and it just goes with the whole freezy thing. Yeah. and nobody's picked blue yet.

Edit: Here's a question - gloves and boots - are they visible? should they need to color-match?
Swivelguy2 said:
Here's a question - gloves and boots - are they visible? should they need to color-match?
Kool69 said:
In Act 1 you may wear any armor and use any weapons but by Act 2 all visible armor (Helmet, Weapon Slot 1, Weapon Slot 2/Shield, Armor) must be only your color.
As far as i understand it is only the things that can be seen (see above quote). So the gloves and boots can be anything.
Swivelguy2 said:
Sounds like fun, here we go:

Forum Name: SwivelGuy2
Character name: FrostyBlue
Class: druid
Color: Blue
Skills: Arctic Blast, Cyclone Armor, Twister, Tornado, Hurricane, Oak Sage, Raven, Spirit Wolf, Dire Wolf, Grizzly
Why blue: sapphires will give mana for arctic blast (my main skill) and it just goes with the whole freezy thing. Yeah. and nobody's picked blue yet.

Edit: Here's a question - gloves and boots - are they visible? should they need to color-match?
FYI: Arctic blast and Inferno are bugged, you won't get anywhere with that skill.
May Warrior of Light take this challenge?

Forum Name: Warrior of Light
Character: WoL_II (it means Warrior of Light Second), Barbarian.
Color: White
Skills: 1) Bash, 2) Double Swing, 3) Double Throw, 4) Frenzy, 5) Howl, 6) Shout, 7) Battle Orders, 8) Battle Command, 9) Iron Skin, 10) Natural Resistance.
Reasoning: White is the favorite color for warriors of light.

“A warrior of the light has the qualities of a rock.
When he finds himself on flat terrain -- all around him is in harmony -- he remains stable. People can build their houses on top of what he created because the storm will not be destructive.
Nonetheless, when they put him on uneven terrain and nothing around him appears to respect or balance his work, he demonstrates his strength rolling in the direction of the enemy who threatens his choice. Without cruelty, but with decision, the warrior does not allow himself to be paralyzed by his adversaries.
A warrior of the light thinks of the good combat and of peace at one and the same time and knows how to act according to the circumstances.â€
im in
name ama
class is amazon
color is green
skillz are fire arrow ,explosive arrow, peirce, evade, dodge, avoid, penetrate
critical strike, cold and ice arrow.
reason amazons need lots of dex cause more dex means more dmg
Name is BL (dunno why)
Forum name is Manwe
Class is necromancer
Color is red
Skills are 1) Raise Skeleton, 2) Skeleton Mastery, 3) Teeth, 4) Corpse Explosion, 5) Bone Armor, 6) Bone Wall, 7) Amplify Damage, 8) Bone Spear, 9) Bone Spirit
reason I want rubies for +life, I think summon/bone necro should be fun to play
Condor said:
1) For color, is it color as shown on the screen as you move about, or color as in what the color of the equipment is while viewing your character in the 'inventory' tab?

Example: Boots are blue in color while viewing them on your character in the inventory tab; however are normal color on the screen while moving about.

Which 'color' are we talking about?
The color they show up as while moving around on the screen, only four items effect those colors, Armor, Helm, Weapon Socket 1, and Weapon Socket 2/Shield

Condor said:
2) You have a 3 socket armor and have decided blue is your color; is it always true that if you place a blue gem in the first socket, it will turn that item blue in color?

a. From then it is ok to add other gems as the color is now planted?

b. I have a 3 socketed bow on a merc, color is blue in view of inventory tab, but shows up as white while in the playing view; this will refer back to question #1 on acceptability of color choice.

c. This socketed bow has the first socket a blue gem, then red and followed by topaz; had the color choice wanted been gold, should the topaz been put on first?
Yes the item will always be blue.

a. Yes

b. Never had it happen but it would count as white.

c. Yes topaz should of been inserted first. For example I want a gold bow with 3 sockets I would first insert a topaz, then insert say a gem of wrath, and then say a ral rune.

Condor said:
3) What color is ethereal considered to be?
Depending on what gems are put into socketed ethereal items I believe they change color someone correct me if I am wrong. The unique ethereal go by the same rules as normal uniques would. Same thing for normal ethereals. Basically they follow the same rules as every other item and do not count as a color by themselves.

Condor said:
4) Prize stash? No muling, so we just go ahead and sell all uniques that cannot be used by our character? Example is that I find a Unique Red Armor and I can only wear Yellow as my color choice; do I just sell the armor?

Or you could give it to your merc, they may wear any colors since their outfit is not changed by equipment. Or you could sell it. Either one. Also if you find some amazingly rare item you are allowed to mule it off your character but not back on. Some examples SoJ, Bul Kathos, Etc Etc.

Condor said:
Those are a few questions I have, and Tundra was confused about #1 for which I did not know. We know you are not talking Blue as in magic, or Yellow as in Rare; but you are talking blue as in having cold attributes or supposedly yellow items having something to do with lightning if that is the color lightning attributes give.

Exactly I was speaking out the actual color property of the item not blue magic or yellow rare. Thank you for your questions I am sure they cleared up a lot for everyone and soon I will add a list of current players in the tourney. Thank you everyone for particitpating and good luck!

How to consider colors of originally colored items? If you look at steel items like helms or swords you can clearly see its color because its original color is white, you just add custom color by socketing of making item rare/set/unique. However if you take an item with non-white original color like crystal sword or cap you may only make it black, but not white. A Cap with sockets becomes black after socketing it with a scull, becomes red-brown, after socketing it with a ruby, however it isn't become white after socketing with a diamond. Is it possible to make “white†cap, crystal sword or any other colored item?

One must only clear an area once. How to be when you save game? For example you completely clear Stony Field, mark its way point, and than save and exit, because you haven't any time to play more. Next day you start the game again. How to play at the Stony Field. May you kill monsters on you way to The Underground Passage? May you kill Rakanishu on the way to Tristram? It is possible to kill no one at Normal difficulty, however you will die this way at Hell difficulty.
Warrior of Light] How to consider colors of originally colored items? If you look at steel items like helms or swords you can clearly see its color because its original color is white said:
One must only clear an area once. How to be when you save game? For example you completely clear Stony Field, mark its way point, and than save and exit, because you haven't any time to play more. Next day you start the game again. How to play at the Stony Field. May you kill monsters on you way to The Underground Passage? May you kill Rakanishu on the way to Tristram? It is possible to kill no one at Normal difficulty, however you will die this way at Hell difficulty.

Hmm lets just say normal you have to run through the areas dodging enemies, however in NM and Hell difficulties i will allow you to stay on the path and kill any enemies that threaten you. (Or the shortest route to the path and from the path to Rakanishu.) Hope that helps.

grrr playin my ama i accidentally put a point in magic arrow
so may i change my skill selection(no points in cold arrow)?
if i can then i guess ill take out cold/freeze and add magic and multi
Note: These are posts #21-36 (final post) from the original thread.

killmesh said:
grrr playin my ama i accidentally put a point in magic arrow
so may i change my skill selection(no points in cold arrow)?
if i can then i guess ill take out cold/freeze and add magic and multi
Sounds fine to me, you may change you skill selection, just post your revised skills here.
skillz are fire arrow ,explosive arrow, peirce, evade, dodge, avoid, penetrate
critical strike, magicarrow and miltishot.
ty caus i just found furs and didnt want to start again
@Kool69 Is this tourny still open for entry? This sounds like a fun way to start my journy into the world known as hardcore. I don't want to enter if the time is up, but if its still open I would be interested.
Ashmer Amadeus said:
@Kool69 Is this tourny still open for entry? This sounds like a fun way to start my journy into the world known as hardcore. I don't want to enter if the time is up, but if its still open I would be interested.
It sure is, just post your sign in information
Warrior of Light II has achieved Act 2 at character level 22. He will be VitaBarb with only 70 more points in strength and all other points in vitality. Main skill will be Frenzy, so Warrior has to kill monsters only with a single point in Double Swing at the time. In it hard at "/players8", but it is fun anyway. He is in just two character levels before Frenzy right now, so the real beating are coming soon...

Do you know how hard is to find white colored items in the game? It is impossible to make white item by socketing. Relatively white item becomes gray after socketing by diamond. There are no many white set items, famous Sigon's Set items, that are more "white" that other items in the game, are gray.

So, WoL_II just found items, that looks more "white". It is plain normal steel helmet and Splint Mail with two Falchions.

mr. White
Hardcore level 22 Barbarian
Frenzy VitaBarb.
Normal Act II.
So... I finally defeated Andariel, working trough act 1 was slow but not that dangerous. Sadly enough I hadn't find that much yellow items so I'm still running around with a crappy helmet.

level 21 Conc Barb
He's wearing Isenharts Sword (phew else I'd had to socket some crappy mace with a topaz), some rare ringmail (yellow around the shoulders), a crappy helmet and a yellow kiteshield. Nothing too great and this has allready prove to me that getting new and/or better items will be very... very hard.

Good luck :)
Warrior of Light said:
May Warrior of Light take this challenge?

Forum Name: Warrior of Light
Character: WoL_II (it means Warrior of Light Second), Barbarian.
Color: White
Skills: 1) Bash, 2) Double Swing, 3) Double Throw, 4) Frenzy, 5) Howl, 6) Shout, 7) Battle Orders, 8) Battle Command, 9) Iron Skin, 10) Natural Resistance.
Reasoning: White is the favorite color for warriors of light.
Kool69 said:
Sounds fine to me, you may change you skill selection, just post your revised skills here.
Kool69, is it possible to change skills, selected for Warrior of Light II? He needs sword mastery more than Battle Command.
If so, his ten skill would be: 1) Howl, 2) Shout, 3) Battle Orders, 4) Bash, 5) Double Swing, 6) Double Throw, 7) Frenzy, 8) Iron Skin, 9) Natural Resistance, 10) Sword Mastery.
Warrior of Light said:
Kool69, is it possible to change skills, selected for Warrior of Light II? He needs sword mastery more than Battle Command.
If so, his ten skill would be: 1) Howl, 2) Shout, 3) Battle Orders, 4) Bash, 5) Double Swing, 6) Double Throw, 7) Frenzy, 8) Iron Skin, 9) Natural Resistance, 10) Sword Mastery.
As long as you havent put any points into battle command, you may change to sword mastery, anyone who else decides to make a last minute change like this just do the same as WarriorofLight and let me know so I can approve your new set of skills.
Thanks. He doesn't have any points in other skills.
Could you answer some more questions, please?
May you wear Circlets, Coronets, Tiaras and Diadems of any color? They are not seen on game screen. May be you should consider the color of character's hair is this case?
May you use skills, granted by an item? For example may the barbarian, that have above ten skills use Whirlwind, given by his helm?
Ten hours of constant playing is over. :cheesy: Act 2 as well as Act 3 are completely cleared at "/players8" mode, all false tombs and all temples are also completely cleared. That was loooooooong journey but quite easy, -- no monsters in Act2 and Act3 of normal difficulty can compare to Frenzy VitaBarb with 1009 life and 7 frames per attack frenzy with around 140 max damage. All act bosses was killed three times, however they didn't drop any interesting items except ethereal pike for mercenary. Stormtree (super unique monster at the entrance to Lower Kurast) has dropped Manald Heal. Its mana leech is all that needed to keep mana pool full. So Warrior of Light II now keep frenzying all the time without any stop and without any damn blue potion. That is his best finding at the moment.

Now I need to sleep a bit before another crazy day of constant playing. :sleep:

mr. White
Hardcore level 33 Barbarian
Frenzy VitaBarb.
Normal Act IV.
Warrior of Light said:
Thanks. He doesn't have any points in other skills.
Could you answer some more questions, please?
May you wear Circlets, Coronets, Tiaras and Diadems of any color? They are not seen on game screen. May be you should consider the color of character's hair is this case?
May you use skills, granted by an item? For example may the barbarian, that have above ten skills use Whirlwind, given by his helm?
Hmm circlets... that is an interesting question, if the hair matches the color selected the it is okay white - necro, black assassin, red - druid, gold - sorceress (since she gets a gold little crown thing when she wears a circlet) gold - amazon, paladins and barbarians cannot wear circlets because brown is not an acceptable color. Yes you may use skills granted by an item. Awesome work on the Warrior Of Light, Frenzy is a fun and addicting skill
However, ...
Here is the pictures of Barbarian with Circlet and with naked head:
Barbarian with a Circlet
Barbarian without a helm
I think his head is white, isn't it?

P.S.: Is anyone else playing? :confused:
Warrior of Light said:
However, ...
Here is the pictures of Barbarian with Circlet and with naked head:
Barbarian with a Circlet
Barbarian without a helm
I think his head is white, isn't it?

P.S.: Is anyone else playing? :confused:
Okay yea barbarians can be white with circlets, I havent played one in a while sorry. And I am playing, however my dad deleted my profile off his computer (thats where ALL my d2 files where so now im back to nothing and my d2 install cd keeps giving me the error "cannot install unistall data" o_0, so I have to wait until I can get my copy from my friend.)
i wont be able to play im at my granys house and she has a laptop that she uses and it dosnt like d2 so im out sry.if one comes along later let me know.
sry my ama was doin good b4 i left too
Warrior of Light II is in Act 5 now. Las quest, that he completed, was Betrayal of Harrogath (kill Nihlathak). The way was easy, however it took quite a bit time. He did it on /players8 mode except Chaos Sanctuary because of that damn Oblivion Knights and their Iron Maiden.
Frenzy and Battle Orders are almost maxed. The life is ~1500 with BO.
The best findings was the fallowing Circlet and Grand Charm:

Wraith Crest
Defense: 26
Durability: 34 of 35
Required Level: 29
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 37
Fingerprint: 0x2a9313a8
Fire Resist +14%
Lightning Resist +14%
Cold Resist +14%
Poison Resist +54%
3% Mana stolen per hit
+1 to Barbarian Skill Levels
30% Faster Run/Walk

Sharp Grand Charm of Craftmanship
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 21
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 31
Fingerprint: 0xe5cf20c5
+74 to Attack Rating
+11 to Maximum Damage

mr. White
Hardcore level 43 Barbarian
Frenzy VitaBarb
Normal Act 5.
Warrior of Light said:
Warrior of Light II is in Act 5 now. Las quest, that he completed, was Betrayal of Harrogath (kill Nihlathak). The way was easy, however it took quite a bit time. He did it on /players8 mode except Chaos Sanctuary because of that damn Oblivion Knights and their Iron Maiden.
Frenzy and Battle Orders are almost maxed. The life is ~1500 with BO.
The best findings was the fallowing Circlet and Grand Charm:

Wraith Crest
Defense: 26
Durability: 34 of 35
Required Level: 29
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 37
Fingerprint: 0x2a9313a8
Fire Resist +14%
Lightning Resist +14%
Cold Resist +14%
Poison Resist +54%
3% Mana stolen per hit
+1 to Barbarian Skill Levels
30% Faster Run/Walk

Sharp Grand Charm of Craftmanship
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 21
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 31
Fingerprint: 0xe5cf20c5
+74 to Attack Rating
+11 to Maximum Damage

mr. White
Hardcore level 43 Barbarian
Frenzy VitaBarb
Normal Act 5.
sweet circlet and charm there =D 👍
Estimated market value