- Jan 3, 2007
- 9,188
- 992
- 113
DISCLAIMER: Migration finished
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by Kool69 on Jun 3, 2005. The last post was made Jun 13, 2005.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by Kool69 on Jun 3, 2005. The last post was made Jun 13, 2005.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)
Colour Tourney! (Idea Not Original, Dur)
I was just thinking about the old colour tourney that had risen up and was thinking to myself how I had fun playing my character for the first nite before I was banned off Diablo for a while (I think it was about 8 months ago) Anyways I am setting off to start another tourney in its honor.
The Rules
- You will be HC
- You may restart once if your character dies or if you are not happy with your character.
- Your skill select will be by choice.
- You may select 10 skills and put any amount of skill points into those skills, for example if I was a Sorceress and selected firebolt, fireball, fire mastery, warmth, charged bolt, lighting, chain lighting, telekinisis, teleport, and lighting mastery I could place any wanted amount of skill points into only those skills.
- You will select a color: Blue, Red, Black, White, Gold/Yellow, Green.
- In Act 1 you may wear any armor and use any weapons but by Act 2 all visible armor (Helmet, Weapon Slot 1, Weapon Slot 2/Shield, Armor) must be only your color.
- This will be the color all your equipment must be.
- You may not MP
- You may not twink
- You may not mule (You can only use the inventory space allotted to you)
- You may play on any player setting.
- You must complete all quests in the order they are given.
- You must only clear an area once.
- Except the area which a act boss resides may be cleared (included the boss) up to three times. (Catacombs Level 2 & 3, Tal Rasha's Tomb, Durance of Hate level 2, Areas 2, 3, & 4 before Baal's Throne Room are also included in this rule)
- You must update every two weeks even if your character hasn't progressed any or you are assumed dead.
- When you are able to personalize an item send it to j**@*.com. This will be used for the semi-color character named prizes prize stash.
How to Win the Prize
- Basically the character farthest into the game at the end date wins!
- 11 PM Eastern Pacific June 02th is the official start time for this tourney.
- 10 PM Eastern Pacific July 02th is the official end date..
- The Prize will be handed out the following week.
Sign Up
- You must register to win.
- To register you must post: Your Forum Name, Your Character, Color, Skills Chosen, and Why You Picked That Color.
Have fun!
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