Emerald Lin, the Conclusion...
Upon resuming her trip through the Crystalline Passage, Emerald rolled some easy monsters: Hell Witches, Infidels, and Mages. Meager life and no poison immunes! It was a total rout. The first cool find here was the
set spired helm. Hmm... That makes 3 out of 4 for the "Heaven's Brethren" set, I only need the shield to complete another "seen and sold" set. The rest of the Passage was tame, except for the last bit of unexplored hallway which housed double-boss packs of witches and infidels. When the dust settled, Emerald had her first
elite repeat. Actually, I was more excited about the rare colossus sword. Mighty elite rares are always fun to find (this one was anything but mighty, blah..)
On to the Frozen River: Rot Walkers, Frozen Creepers, and Vipers. Time consuming, but again no poison immunes and no major threats. After a steady full clear, Anya was freed and I was free to gamble again. Lacking only a nice +skills amulet, I focused entirely on gambling dozens of them (instead of 60% amulets, as I'd been doing) until I finally hit
a stunner. Nice! +2 skills and only a small net MF loss versus my Coral Amulet of Fortune. With the extra cold resist and Malah's resistance scroll, I made another gear change. I swapped my rare plated belt for the Goldwrap (newly upgraded to a Battle Belt). Ka-ching! More full-time MF and Gold Find
Major slowdown in Nihlathak's Halls! Lots of Poison Immunes. And plenty of unleechables to give me headaches managing the merc. From a non-sparkly chest in the Halls of Anguish, another
elite unique weapon! Wow, this would've been fun for my tankazon. Fast, big damage, freeze +4, lvl 10 Arctic Blast. Oh well, moving on...
Halls of Pain was easier, with Guardians, Heirophants, and Night Lords. I found another heavy exceptional armor,
Black Hades Chaos Armor. Like Griswold's armor, it has high defense and 3 sockets, plus a nice boost of 54% damage to demons. The timing of this find was good, I was contemplating "Hel"ing the topaz out of Griswold's and putting in a couple fervor jewels for the merc. Instead, I sold Griswold's and set up Mizan with the Hades, socketed with a plain jewel of fervor, camphor jewel of fervor, and a decent rare jewel,
seen here.
Mizan didn't see much action while trying his new armor. Halls of Vaught had Poison Immune Returned Archers and Pit Vipers. The bugged viper poison attacks killed him instantly. Even the valk often lost 80% of her life when engaging a new pack. I quickly realized Mizan was useless, and didn't bother to resurrect him. I assisted the valk with PMH throwing knives and let her finish them off. Decoys were blasted off profusely. After a full clear, I brought Mizan with me for the killing blow against Nihlathak. No good drop from him though.
I had more trouble on the Glacial Trail, with two poison immune species, Pit Vipers and Bone Warriors. Emerald gets very fidgety when she can't lend her massive poison attack to the group effort. I gotta get my drops though, so I waited patiently and honed my casting techniques.
Nothing news-worthy occured until I hit the Ancient's Way, where I had a cake walk against Abominables, Afflicted, and Rogues. A monster dropped one of Bul-Kathos'
children. Yet another elite I've never seen before. Awesome!
I was able to defeat p8 Hell Ancients! I did several rerolls until I got no Extra Fast or Cursed. I littered the area with stacks of javelins and potions. First, I led my gang around until Mizan hit each Ancient while wielding Blackhorn's and Woestave, for a big slowing effect. Then I switched Mizan's helm to Guillaume's, and set up a position where Madawc threw into a pillar. I burned through many potions keeping Mizan alive, but eventually got a semi-stable situation where the valk tanked and Mizan hacked away with Steel Pillar. I switched his gear often to refresh the slowing and life steal. Mizan eventually was killed but had done some good damage with 60% CB. Poison clouds and the valk did the rest, after a long wait.
Plague Javelin provided great fun in each of the WSK levels. I infected packs of my arch-enemy spawners in level 1, flayers in level 2, and blow dart flayers in level 3. Those flayers are really dense in WSK levels, more so than in Act 3. It was awesome to watch them twitch and drop en masse as my poison spread.
The Throne of Destruction had Hell Witches, Pit Lords, and wimpy Horadrim Ancients (sans skellies). No problem. Lister's pack arranged themselves perfectly. A few of them stun-locked the valk while the stragglers got stuck trying to get around a pillar. Mizan slowly and neatly made his way around the bunch.
Against Baal, I used the merc gear-switching as I had against the Ancients. What a joke! Baal could not even land a single hit after the slowing. I poisoned him while Mizan tanked effortlessly. Baal was soon slivered. I unsummoned the valk and changed Mizan yet again to his full magic gear, which includes the 7 PTopaz armor + crown. Baal died to the tune of 680% MF, but sadly only produced a
mediocre drop. I was hoping for at least one more uber-find from the WSK/Baal areas, but no such luck.
p8 Hell cows produced a massive amount of loot, but nothing noteworthy. In gambling away my last batches of gold, I did score a unique ring (Manald Heal). Thus ended Emerald's career, with a sputter. But I'll never forget my incredible run from the Chaos Sanctuary to the Halls of Pain.
Matriarch Emerald Lin, level 89 (about 80% to level 90)
Full-time end-game gear:
Dread Scourge Ceremonial Javelin +1 zon skills, +2 jav skills
Sigon's Guard Tower Shield, +1 skills
Blade of Ali Baba Tulwar , 97% MF, socketed with MF jewel and so-so resist all rare jewel
"Rhyme" Heater, 25% MF
Ethereal Harlequin Crest Shako, socketed with PTopaz, +2 skills, 74% MF, 4 of 7 durability left
Tal Rasha's Guardianship Lacquered Plate, socketed with PTopaz, 112% MF
Lancer's Gauntlets of Wealth, +3 jav skills, 74% Extra Gold
Goldwrap Battle Belt, 30% MF
Wraith Spur Scarabshell Boots, 18% MF
Doom Talisman amulet, +2 zon skills, 23% MF
Nagelring, 28% MF
Garnet Ring of Fortune, 24% fire resist, 24% MF
Full-time MF: +462%, with option for +680% on merc kills
Notable optional gear: Chance Guards (28% MF), Spirit Shroud Ghost Armor (+1 skills),
Rune Whorl ring (10% resist all, 15% MF), amulet of luck (35% MF)
Notable charms: Harpoonist GC of Sustenance (+1 jav skills). Gheed's Fortune (28%MF)
Skills / Stats: 93 Strength, 113 Dex, 322 Vit (1386 life), 17 Energy
Resists: 75 Fire, 63 Cold, 48 Lightning, -35 Poison
20 (+12) Poison Javelin
1 (+12) Lightning Bolt (prereq)
20 (+12) Plague Javelin
1 (+6) Inner Sight
2 (+6) Critical Strike
6 (+6) Dodge
1 (+6) Slow Missiles
6 (+6) Avoid
1 (+6) Penetrate
20 (+6) Decoy
1 (+6) Evade
20 (+6) Valkyrie
1 (+6) Pierce
All skills can be boosted +1 with Spirit Shroud armor.
Level 33 Plague Javelin does 29921-30143 damage over 15.8 seconds
Level 33 Poison Javelin does 37096-37961 damage over 72 seconds
Mizan the Holy Freeze Merc, level 89, stats / gear:
Life: 1927, Defense: 2553, Resists: 53 C,F,P, 63 Lightning
Woestave Great Poleaxe (socketed with Amn) 417-830 damage
Guillaume's Face Winged Helm
Black Hades Chaos Armor, socketed with 2 jewels of fervor + rare 20%ED jewel
Notable optional gear: Blackhorn's Face, Steel Pillar (548-2089 damage, yields 4033 defense)
edit: forgot the 2nd thread, will repost there