[2004] HC Tourney, Low Level, Max Random Skills [by goltar25]

Jan 3, 2007
DISCLAIMER: Migration finished :)

This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by goltar25 on Jun 4, 2004. Last post was made Oct 10, 2004. (link to original thread on diabloii.net)

HC tourney, low level, max random skills

Alright, I'm new here, but I've got an idea for a tournament that seems interesting. Hardcore, SP, max random skills, low level. Here are the rules:

1. Hardcore only

2. Class chosen randomly, 1-7


If you don't like your first class, you may reroll once, but you are stuck with the second class. I am using the random number generator at http://www.random.org/nform.html

3. Skills are chosen randomly and maxed, one at a time. Skills will be chosen randomly from those available at the time. For example, if you are a paladin, your first skill will be chosen from Prayer, Resist Fire, Might, Sacrifice, and Smite. Let's say you get Prayer as your first skill. Once you've put 20 points into it, another skill will be randomly chosen, this time from Cleansing, Resist Fire, Resist Cold, Resist Lightning, Defiance, Might, Thorns, Sacrifice, Smite, and Holy Bolt. I will create random number charts for every class and skill combination by the time the tournament starts for the first skills, and as soon as possible for second, third, etc. skills. No rerolls are allowed for skills. Also, keep us updated on which skills you get.

4. You can only put points into the skill that is being maxed at the time, but you can use any skill available, including through charges and +skills items.

5. You can mule items off of your character and mule items on that were found by this character.

6. All quests must be completed and all waypoints must be activated.

7. Points will be awarded for each quest completed and each waypoint activated (except the town waypoint) as (100-Clvl)*(act+diffbonus)*mod where act is the number of the act for the quest or waypoint, diffbonus is 0 for normal, 5 for nightmare, and 10 for hell, Clvl is the Clvl at completion/activation, and mod is 2 for a quest, 1 for a waypoint. If completing a quest raises your level, use your Clvl immediately prior to completing the quest.

8. Ranking will be based on point total. Ties will be broken as follows: If one character has completed all quests and waypoints, and the other died, then the one who completed everything is ranked higher. If both have completed everything, then the character to finish first is ranked higher. If both died, then the character who died last is ranked higher.

9. Prizes. When your character dies or finishes, send the character to me, g***.com, and all items (except common things like potions, scrolls, etc.) will be stored in an ATMA stash. Upon completion of the tournament, players will select items from the stash, beginning with the winner, moving through everyone who participated, until all items are taken. Since there will probably be more items than players, higher rank players will get more items than lower rank players, the exact number will be determined at the end of the tournament.

10. Tournament will begin on Saturday, June 5, at 12:00 noon RPGForums time. All players who wish to enter should do so by Friday night, June 4, 12:00 midnight, RPGForums time.

11. Tournament will continue until either all characters are dead, finished, or everyone gets tired of it.

12. Updates do not need to be posted immediately, but all completions/activations must include your Clvl at completion/activation in order to count towards your score. I will try to post updated scores daily.

This should cover everything, but if there are any questions/comments, post them here. Good luck to all. I'll be participating as Nymarix the Paladin.

Also, you can MP if you wish, and any /players x setting is ok. Here is the initial skills random number chart.


2-Inner Sight
3-Critical Strike
4-Magic Arrow
5-Fire Arrow


1-Tiger Strike
2-Dragon Talon
3-Claw Mastery
4-Psychic Hammer
5-Fire Blast


2-Find Potion
3-Sword Mastery
4-Axe Mastery
5-Mace Mastery


4-Poison Creeper


1-Amplify Damage
3-Bone Armor
4-Raise Skeleton

4-Resist Fire


2-Frozen Armor
5-Charged Bolt

My initial skill is Smite.
Last edited:
I'm in :teeth: - I'll have some time on Sunday to play.

Random character: Amazon
Random skill: Fire Arrow
Name: FlameDame

I assume mercs are allowed.
i got sin with hammer :p fun name is Syix
Yes, any mercs are allowed. I'm slowly getting the skills for each step of the way uploaded, what I've got up right now is at http://www.geocities.com/goltar25/HCtourney/initialskills.html
looks good :) hope iget lucky bc hammer aint gonna work later on =/
I am in!

Okay ill join this torny.

I got the amazon class, with a magic arrow skill (its okay but hopefully ill get critical strike next)

Name : Magika the Magic Arrowess

Just have a question: Are we allowed to mulligen if we do not like the character we got randomly? For example, i wouldnt like to be the warmth sorc.
Pyromanic said:
with a magic arrow skill (its okay but hopefully ill get critical strike next)
Can't, magic arrow and CS are both lvl 1 skills. your next skill to be maxed will be a lvl 6 skill. so... no CS for your build this time :grrr:
It's a nice tourney (good set-up etc.), I'll maybe try it later on.. but I'm allready in the Viking and thinking or the Were-challenge :)

:drink: Sint :drink:
:D sounds fun, i got 3 and a 3 so that means Im gonna be a barb with big hurty sticks

Random character: Barbarian
Random skill: Sword Mastery
Name: MrChuckles

A question, so my next set of skills next time Im awarded a random skill will consist of these: Howl, Find Item, Bash, All the other masteries minus Sword Mastery?

OT: Man way underpowered and underskilled, this sounds like your kind of tourney AE :lol:

EDIT: @Sint Nikolaas: Actually if you look at gator's little skill list he made, you can get CS and MA together, if your lucky enough ;)
This sounds fun. I'll join.

Random character: Sorceress
Random skill: Icebolt
Random name: FreezerBurn :uhhuh:
Muse said:
i got sin with hammer :p fun name is Syix
No fair! Fix! Fix! Fix!

Heh sorry, thats got to be the worst of any possible combos (well sins are cool but not a hammersin...) except possibly the warmth sorc, raven druid or inner sight zon.

Anyway, gotta be happy with mine(2-1);

Class - Assassin
Skill - Tiger Strike
Name - SheRa
Sure, why not?

Class: Necromancer
Skill: Teeth
Name: The_Dentist
tenaka said:
Heh sorry, thats got to be the worst of any possible combos (well sins are cool but not a hammersin...) except possibly the warmth sorc, raven druid or inner sight zon.
Ok, those are going to be pretty tough, so if you get stuck with those, from your first class, and don't want to try them, (and I could see a warmth sorc working, you'd just have to watch merchants closely for a good staff or get a good orb, others similarly), then you can go ahead and use the second class try.

Also, yes, you can still get lower Clvl req. skills, any skill that you have the requirements for is available once you have mastered the previous skill. Check the website, it will show the possibilities, I've got the first step of Amazon filled in, about to start working on the others. Once everything gets started, I'll probably also post a detailed score breakdown for everyone there as well.
Okay i ran a little test... (Kinda long actully)

I wanted to figure out my secondary skill after maxing MA. Well the resultes were these:

My choices were:
Magic Arrow as first skill

1 Jab
2 Poison Javelin
3 Inner Sight
4 Critical Strike
5 Dodge
6 Fire Arrow
7 Cold Arrow
8 Multishot

Note: copied from the webpage

And in 25 rolls from the random number generator i got :
6 5 6 7 2
4 3 5 2 7
5 6 2 7 5
1 7 2 5 5
7 5 4 4 6

So i got:

1 shot for Jab which equals 4%
4 shots for poison jav which equals 16%
1 shot for Inner Sight Which equals 4%
3 Shots for Crit which equals 12%
7 Shots for Dodge which equals 28%
4 Shots for Fire Arrow which equals 16%
5 Shots for Cold Arrow which equals 20%
0 Shots for Multishot (!!!!) which equals 0% (go figure...)

Wow that was my first time writing a post that long.... and with numbers ( :cheesy: ) i hate math :lol:
If AE's in, I'm in. Let's see if I can survive this one.

-Initial Skill: Frozen Armor

Wow, nice job goltar25 on thinking of a good tourny! 👍

I am definently in this. ;:

Character: Palidan
Chracter Name: TanK
First Maxed Skill: Smite

Well it looks like i am also a smiteadin along with goltar25.

go TanK! :uhhuh:
Ok, I've uploaded the random number tables for the first skills, and the second skills based on your first skill. However, I don't think I'm going to go any farther, it's a little too time consuming to put all of it together, and it should be fairly obvious how to do it each time, if not, post your particular skills, and I'll set one up for you. Anyway, I'm going to start setting up the score sheets now. Remember, if you're interested, you've got until tomorrow midnight to join in, and it starts Saturday at noon.
I'm in.

Class: Assasin
First Skill: Fire Blast (*phew*)
Name: TBA

Perhaps we should score using screenshots? Just a thought.

Peace :winner:.
Lostprophet said:
Perhaps we should score using screenshots? Just a thought.
That could be useful, and if everyone wants to take screenshots of each, feel free to do so, but I don't think all of them should be posted. Maybe keep them around in case something is questionable, but that would be it. If anyone else has a take on this, speak your mind.
I am not really understanding the screenshot update thing, could someone please enlighten me. :)

I still think the normal update with list is best so far.
Ok, the updated score list will not be changed at all by the screenshot idea. The screenshot update, as I see it, would be to post a screenshot showing your level when you complete a quest/activate a waypoint, so as to verify your level at the time. I don't think that should be necessary, unless something seems impossible(level 1 killing Baal, etc.), so I'm not requiring it at the moment. It would not be bad if everyone were to take screenshots, but that can get annoying, and I for one don't have enough free space left on hard drive to have lots of screenshots floating around. I will probably keep some for a short time, just in case I do pull something extreme, but I won't keep them for more than a day or so most likely.
I rolled a 7 First..
Checked what class it was.. eww sorc.

So I re-rolled and got Sin.
Then rolled a 1.
To my delight.. TS!

Hope I can make this work.
I've never played a Sin utilizing the MA tree before :scratch:

Class: Assassin
First Skill: Tiger Strike
Name: TigerKitten
Heck this sounds fun count me in!

I got a 1 the first roll, no thanks. Second roll is a 6.

So I'm happy to introduce

His first skill Might. So the Mighty SaucyDin is born!

Class: Pally
Name: SaucyDin
Skill: Might
Ok, I've got the score sheet set up, go to http://www.geocities.com/goltar25/HCtourney/index.html to get to it and the tables for skill selection. On the score sheet, under your heading, the left number is the level at which you completed/activated the quest/waypoint, the right number is the number of points earned for that. When something is uncompleted, your level is listed as 100. Once it is done, the correct Clvl will be put in. Double check the info at the top, post any corrections. I'll set up a ranking page tomorrow, and all should be ready in time for starting on Saturday.

G'night all.
I can't miss this one 👏

Rolled 7 , but i don't like sorcs so i rolled again and i got 1. Now for skills i rolled 2. Inner sight? :cheesy: Thanks god it's not allowed. Second try was magic arrow.

Class : amazon
Starting skill : magic arrow
Name : Vepla
That isn't quite what I meant with the reroll if you got one of the harder skills, but it actually will probably work better. Note, that this is only allowed on the first skill, if you get something bad for second and future skills, you're stuck with it.
Allrighty :) I guess I'm in.. the were-tourney couldn't draw my attention away from this hehe..
first roll 3, second roll 6.. Guess I'll be a bash barb :lol:
good luck to all

:drink: Sint :drink:
I'm in. Rolled a 5 and then a 4, so it looks like I'm going to be doing a necro with raise skele. That seems to be a bit of an easy start.
Ok, rankings are now set up and posted, again, double check both to make sure I've got you in there correctly.
Pyromanic said:
Just have a question: Are we allowed to mulligen if we do not like the character we got randomly? For example, i wouldnt like to be the warmth sorc.
Um why would you not want to be a warmth sorc that would be an incredably fun build to get. Imagine using nothing but +skill and staff mods for 20 lvls. then having not to worry about placing mana since you won't need to. Also a leaf staff with its +6 to enchant can make for a healthy boost having 20 in warmth.
im i to late?
if not:

Char: barbarian
Skill: howl :cheesy:
Name: Ralf

PS: you cant mule anything from ohter chars on to this char right?
You are not too late. Entries accepted until midnight Eastern time, starts at noon tomorrow.

You cannot mule from other characters to this character, unless the items originally came from this character. You can store items from this character either on a mule or in ATMA, but no new items from another character, and no imbuing/socketing/etc. an item from this character with another character and then returning them.
Nice idea for a tournament. I am in with:
Random Character: Amazon
Random Skill: Critical Strike
Name: Criste

Looking forward to tomorrow so I can begin.
goltar25 said:
That isn't quite what I meant with the reroll if you got one of the harder skills, but it actually will probably work better. Note, that this is only allowed on the first skill, if you get something bad for second and future skills, you're stuck with it.
Well , i wouldn't mind to play inner sight zon , looks like a challenge :uhhuh:
If you , goltar25 , allow me to change it back i will gladly play it, cause at first i thought that these builds are banned. Yeah im stupid 🤤
I'm not forbidden just because I suck, right?

Let's see 4-Druid
Another 4-Poison Creeper
Name-Ceredwyn - Thank you War3!

Ahh, never been in an HC tourney before. I've had the game for 2 months and I'm ready to lose! This is going to be so much fun...I wouldn't want to be the HammerSin, though. Good luck to all!

edit:I wouldn't mind IS Zon either-while it's not worth 20 levels (and the Rogues have it), it's vastly underrated (imo).

Oh, and also, I'm not in the know here...how does this "send the character to me if it dies" thing work?
Ah, forgot to name my necro. In honor of this tournamnet I'll just name him Random, which just happens to also be the name of a character in a book that I'm reading.


if not this is what i got

maybe a lucky howler!

sry for double post
(computer f'd up)
well, i got a pally with might, quite nice if i do say so myself, btw i just got a new char, so could someone please send me a hardcore char so i can make hardcore chars of my own in the future? my email is br***.net with the t after turner supposed to be there
bradley_turner said:
well, i got a pally with might, quite nice if i do say so myself, btw i just got a new char, so could someone please send me a hardcore char so i can make hardcore chars of my own in the future? my email is br***.net with the t after turner supposed to be there
Email sent , good luck in tournament
Online said:
Well , i wouldn't mind to play inner sight zon , looks like a challenge :uhhuh:
If you , goltar25 , allow me to change it back i will gladly play it, cause at first i thought that these builds are banned. Yeah im stupid 🤤
Since it was your original skill, and you are willing to try using it, go for it. Those builds aren't banned, just if you get them, and you aren't willing to try them, you are allowed one more chance.
JicamaEater said:
Oh, and also, I'm not in the know here...how does this "send the character to me if it dies" thing work?
When you die or complete everything, email me your character file to put the items in the prize stash.
what the heck... i haven't joined a tourney in a while.

i will have an.... Amazon!
who will be focusing in.... Fire Arrow as her first skill. i guess it could be worse. doing fire damage with all of my attacks isn't a bad thing necessarily.
Name will be: Gizmo (for the scene in Gremlins where he's dressed like rambo and shooting a flaming marshmallow :lol: )
gordons-blade said:

if not this is what i got

maybe a lucky howler!

hey same clas and skill as me... :flip:
goltar25 said:
When you die or complete everything, email me your character file to put the items in the prize stash.
Doesn't that count as being unlegit since you typically can not get items off of dead HC characters?
uh.. to the guys with a howl-barb.. that actually is quite nice :D
when I was playing in the bowbarb tourney (hint hint .. ) howl was one of my most used skills along with taunt.. nothing better than scaring everyone and then lure them to you one by one :lol:

:drink: Sint :drink:
Uzziah said:
Doesn't that count as being unlegit since you typically can not get items off of dead HC characters?
I've always had ATMA set up where I can pull items off of a dead HC character. If anyone can clarify this, I would greatly appreciate. I would consider it legit, since you can allow someone to loot your corpse in game.
goltar25 said:
I've always had ATMA set up where I can pull items off of a dead HC character. If anyone can clarify this, I would greatly appreciate. I would consider it legit, since you can allow someone to loot your corpse in game.
Since I play on a macintosh, giving away a prize would be pretty difficult if I do die. Just a word of warning.
ok, im kinda confused how to use the randominator (TM) give me a hand, no?

im kinda stoopid today, argh :hanky:

goltar25 said:
I've always had ATMA set up where I can pull items off of a dead HC character. If anyone can clarify this, I would greatly appreciate. I would consider it legit, since you can allow someone to loot your corpse in game.
ATMA "can" do it, but most HC players consider it not legit. I'd say just have us mule off everything worth getting that we arent going to use on our char and then we can send you that stash.
dark_novastar said:
ok, im kinda confused how to use the randominator (TM) give me a hand, no?

im kinda stoopid today, argh :hanky:
basically just tell it to give you 1 number from 1 to 7 in 1 column. Then go back and tell it to give you 1 number from 1 to X (however many skills that class has to choose from) in 1 column.
tenaka said:
ATMA "can" do it, but most HC players consider it not legit. I'd say just have us mule off everything worth getting that we arent going to use on our char and then we can send you that stash.
Ok, that works, and if everyone agrees it is legit, then I'll go with it. Just send the stash instead of the dead character file. Thanks for clarifying.
tenaka said:
basically just tell it to give you 1 number from 1 to 7 in 1 column. Then go back and tell it to give you 1 number from 1 to X (however many skills that class has to choose from) in 1 column.
What about the max number of random integers? water on the brain!


Edit: NM i got it
Im in this tourney, babay!
Random Char got me a Druid👍
Random Skill got me Raven👍
His name: Korn_KeeperXLR:drool:

Looks like somebodys gonna have fun when this tourney starts :flip:

Isnt' ATMA considered Legit in the SPF?
Saucy said:
Isnt' ATMA considered Legit in the SPF?
aye, but different rules apply within the program itself!

Saucy said:
Isnt' ATMA considered Legit in the SPF?
Using ATMA is legit. Using ATMA to scavenge dead HC chars ranges anywhere from cheesy to cheating depending on who you are talking to.
Just wanted to drop the name of my Assasin, since I'm an attention *****.

Class: Assasin (I know I just said this. Go away).
First Skill: Fire Blast
Name: (*drumroll please*)... OnlyAshes.

Have fun everyone.
Ok, no more entries will be accepted at this point.

Sint Nikolaas and bradley_turner, don't forget to post your character's name, preferably before noon, so I can have that updated before starting.

Good luck to everyone.
madmaxxam said:
I'm in. Rolled a 5 and then a 4, so it looks like I'm going to be doing a necro with raise skele. That seems to be a bit of an easy start.
Don't be too sure, buddy. Without Skelly Mastery those guys won't be doing too much damage at first; there'll be a lot, but they won't be doing too much to help your cause.

Sorry, I think about this game way too much. Good luck to all, and I hope I'm proven wrong :).
Lostprophet said:
Don't be too sure, buddy. Without Skelly Mastery those guys won't be doing too much damage at first; there'll be a lot, but they won't be doing too much to help your cause.

Sorry, I think about this game way too much. Good luck to all, and I hope I'm proven wrong :).
Well, I'm thinking that if I can find or buy a + skele mastery wand or head within the first few levels that it'll help me a lot until they start doing more damage. We'll see, I'm sure luck with items will be a big factor with most people's builds.
Nymarix has cleared the Den of Evil and activated the Cold Plains waypoint, both at Clvl 4.
Right out of the gates there was a skill shrine that Ceredwyn couldn't use. He finished the Den of Evil at level 3 and got the Cold Plains Waypoint at level 4.

I'm disappointed to see the poison creeper doing limited damage even on /players 2...
Killed Blood Raven at Clvl 5. Got a decent rare hand axe, nothing special otherwise yet.
Korn_KeeperXLR is lvl 6 and activated cold plains wp and den o evil done, players 8, no good drops, ravens r doing awesome and thats about it!

Since the den of evil was so close to the cold plains, I got the wp first, at lvl 2, and cleared the den of evil at lvl 4. Got lucky and found a +skele mastery wand in the den. Blood raven was a challenge with my weak skeletons, but I managed to get her at 5, and I moved on to the stony wp at lvl 7. Dark woods wp was lvl 8, and cain quest was lvl 9. Skeletons are starting to get a bit more buff now.
Nymarix got the Stony Field waypoint at Clvl 6. Never used smite all that much before, but I'm starting to like it.
Magika is now level 6 with both Den of Evil quest done and the Cold Plains Waypoint. Going to work on blood raven.

Note: i figued out, as this is my first HC toon, that full clears of every area is a good experience gainer. Since i mostly twink my toons, save this one, i have enjoyed D2 more because of it.

Rock on Ya'll


P.S. No idea on what my points are at the momment.
After several near death experiences with skeleton archer boss packs and armies of rogues chasing me around the Dark Wood, I found the waypoint at lvl 6. I'm also posting current scores and rankings, again, the link is:
Update on the basher-barb

Random_Hit (yeah.. wasn't really in a mood to come up with something good)
lvl - 7
area - Cold plains
Quest done - Den
Skill(s) - lvl 7 bash

Nothing special to report, besides getting a 6% ED / 20 poison dmg jewel :D

:drink: Sint :drink:
Oh sorry, didnt read full thread.

Good luck everyone.
Sorry Dolph, no entries after last night, see the rules posting at the beginning.

Thanks for naming Sint. Were you 7 when you completed Den, and what level at wp?

Nymarix has rescued Cain at 6, and found the Black Marsh wp at 7, need to level some now, probably on Countess runs.
I don't know if i can still join.
Anyway if i can't i'll do it for my own pleasure.
Got a Paladin.
Skill is might. (Easy one...)

His name will be.. Loeth
Okay just finished clearing the crypt and the other place lol. Blood ravin died just before that.

Level 8 now
Magika-level 8
Magic Arrow- level 8
last wp i have-Cold Plains

Just another question.

Are we allowed to use /players X command? I have been using it so far but if we are not allowed i can start over.

Edit: Just had another question. Are we allowed to trade between each other? or is this stickly what we find, we can use?
Level 3

Got the cold plains WP at level 1. Cleared the den level 3.
OnlyAshes set out to find the Den of Evil right next to her doorstep. She killed the requisite Carvers and Quill Rats around the Den to level up, then grabebd a Skill Shrine in order to toss 6-9 damage Fire Blasts about the Den. She completed the Den at Level 4 (curse you, /players 4 setting) and grabbed the WP for the Cold Plains at the same level. Blood Raven fell at level 5, and the Stony Field WP was attained at level 7. We push on :).

Question: Are there any rules regarding the switching of the /players setting?
ok, I've managed to complete act 1 in pretty good time. Had to take 2 tries at andy too. The first time I got to her I was only lvl 14, and she ripped apart my skeletons. Then I got another level, a nice necro shield and wand and then my skeletons ripped her apart. 👏 Here's a summary:

Random Tourney
Act 1 Summary:
Cold : 2
Stony: 5
Dark: 7
Black: 9
Outer: 10
Jail: 11
Inner: 12
Cats: 13

Den: 4
Raven: 5
Cain: 9
Tower: 10
Smith: 11
Andy: 15

These 2 items have really helped out :flip:

Preserved Head
Defense: 2
Chance to Block: 23%
Durability: 17 of 20
(Necromancer Only)
Required Strength: 12
Required Level: 6
Adds 2-7 poison damage over 3 seconds
+3 to Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)
+1 to Clay Golem (Necromancer Only)
+1 to Bone Armor (Necromancer Only)

One-Hand Damage: 2 to 4
Durability: 12 of 15
Staff Class - Normal Attack Speed
+1 to Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)
+2 to Raise Skeleton (Necromancer Only)
+1 to Amplify Damage (Necromancer Only)
150% Damage to Undead
Loeth the paladin has completed is first quest and activated the first waypoint.
Den - lvl 6
WP1 - lvl 6.

And bishibosh just gaved me a uq short sword. :D

Finished Blood Raven. lvl 7.

Stony Field Wp - lvl 11.

Dark wood Wp. - lvl 13

Cain lvl 13 too.

Black Mawsh wp -- lvl 14

Countess -- lvl 15

Outer -- lvl 16
Ok, I've killed Countess at 8, planning on running her some when I get back.

Pyro-I need to know the levels you were at when you completed each quest/activated each waypoint, not just your current level.

mad-Check your levels for the waypoints, your earlier post had you getting Stony Field at 7, Dark Woods at 8, now Stony at 5, Dark at 7.

All-Any /players x setting is ok, you can switch as you wish, though keep in mind that you get more points for doing things at lower levels. As for trading, it's allowable, though only between others in the tournament. Same with MP.

I'm going to update and upload scores once more before I leave, Pyro, I'll put yours in once I have them, mad, I'm leaving yours at those in your first post for now.

Good luck all.
I am playing a critical strike amazon. It has been tough putting skill points in a skill I generally leave at 6. Currently, I am level 15 at the Catacombs waypoint. My summary follows:

Cold : 4
Stony: 7
Dark: 10
Black: 11
Outer: 12
Jail: 14
Inner: 14
Cats: 15

Den: 4
Raven: 5
Cain: 9
Tower: 11 Received Eth and Ith
Smith: 14

In order to complete the Smith quest I imbued a Hunter's Bow. Not much in the way of an improvement. 48%ED I've been trying to complete the quests before finding the waypoint to capitalize on the points but I seem to level up before I complete the quest. So far there has been no real benefit to this plan.
Resipsa said:
In order to complete the Smith quest I imbued a Hunter's Bow. Not much in the way of an improvement. 48%ED I've been trying to complete the quests before finding the waypoint to capitalize on the points but I seem to level up before I complete the quest. So far there has been no real benefit to this plan.
Ok, check the rules, you can save the imbue, socket, and personalize quest rewards. The smith quest is considered complete once you return the Malus. Others, similarly, killing Shenk/Nihlathak completes them.
FreezerBurn has made it up to the Stony Field waypoint.

Cold Plains - level 3
Stony Field - level 11

Den of Evil - level 6
Blood Raven - level 8

It was slow going to start, but now she has purchased a staff with +3 Ice Blast to freeze/shatter those annoying little fallen dudes. She had to sell just about everything she owned to get it. :grrr:
Got a great rare jewel :
lvl 9
20% ED
+ 9 Max dmg
+37 AR
-15% Req.

Thanks to the smith ! :D
Loeth the paladin is now lvl 17. With lvl 17 might. Just finished Malus Quest.

Jail lvl 1 -- lvl 17
Inner -- lvl 17
Cats -- lvl 17
Andy -- lvl 17

Started Act2
Sewers lvl2 -- lvl 18
goltar25 said:
Pyro-I need to know the levels you were at when you completed each quest/activated each waypoint, not just your current level.
Lets see

Umm, at the end of each quest i was:

Den of Evil - level 7
Blood Raven- level 9
Cain - Level 14
Countess- level 15

Cold plains- level 7
Stony Field- level 10
Dark Forest- level 14
Black Marsh- level 15
Outer Closter- level 16

Currently level 16 at the Outer Cloister Waypoint
Andy has been thoroughly owned, with only a brief pause to turn on my theme music ("Only Ashes" by Something Corporate. Imagine that).

Summary of Act 1
Den - 4
CP WP - 4
Blood Raven- 5
Stony WP - 7
Cain - 9
Dark Woods WP - 10
Black Marsh WP - 10
Tower - 11
Outer Cloister WP - 12
Smith - 13
Jail WP - 13
Inner Cloister WP - 14
Cata 2 WP - 15
Andy - 16

Yay :winner:.

Good luck to everyone and such.
goltar25 said:
Ok, I've killed Countess at 8, planning on running her some when I get back.

Pyro-I need to know the levels you were at when you completed each quest/activated each waypoint, not just your current level.

mad-Check your levels for the waypoints, your earlier post had you getting Stony Field at 7, Dark Woods at 8, now Stony at 5, Dark at 7.

Good luck all.
Oops, yeah, when I was copying over my levels into my new post I made a couple of mistakes. The first post had the correct levels for those. All the other levels are correct. I'm almost done with act 2, and I'll post that also soon.

I wasn't paying attention, and I forget exactly when A2 quests 4 and 5 are completed. Quest 4 is completed when you enter the arcane sanctuary, and quest 5 is completed when you kill the summoner? Or are they both completed when you kill the summoner? Can someone help me on this?
Oh, and I'm level 19, which means it's time to roll my second skill. I'm hoping for amp or mastery to make my skeletons more effective, but we'll see what the generator gives me after I'm done with dury.
SheRa is doing very well with her tap-tap-tap-BOOM tiger strikes. Even found Hsarus' shield from a random boss in the stony field.

den - 5
Blood Raven - 8
Cain - 14

Cold Plains - 2 (ran and got it before doing the den)
Stony Field - 9
Dark Wood - 12

She's currently 14 at the Dark Wood WP waiting to go up the tower.
Well, I don't think I'll be playing anymore tonight so here's my summary so far:
Random_Hit - Basher Barb
lvl - 10
Quest done - Blood raven
Area - Cold Plains

wp cold plains - lvl 4
Den of Evil - lvl 7
Blood Raven - lvl 10

Just killed her.. only drank one potion because I decided to get more dex then normal in these early stages so I blocked most attacks.

:drink: Sint :drink:
Den of Evil - level 7
Blood Raven- level 9
Cain - Level 14
Countess- level 15 (after countess i changed player setting to /player 1)
Malus- level 16
Sister to Slaughter- level 17 :winner: 🙇

Cold plains- level 7
Stony Field- level 10
Dark Forest- level 14
Black Marsh- level 15
Outer Closter- level 16
Jail level 1- level 16
Inner Cloister- Level 16
Catacombs level 2- level 16

Thats my act 1 wrap up... i think i started the quests and waypoints a little high, mabey it will slow down some.


P.S. Tell me if i missed anything... i probably did
ok, done with act 2. This pretty much summarizes it:

Act 2 Summary:
Sewer: 15
Dry: 16
Halls: 16
Far: 17
Lost: 17
Palace: 17
Arcane: 17
Canyon: 18

Raddy: 15
Staff: 19
Alter: 17
Arcane: 17
Summon: 18
Tomb: 19
I have completed act 1. Teeth, is extremely effective at taking down large packs of monsters. Not so effective against Andy however.

Cold plains lvl. 4
stony field lvl. 7
dark wood lvl. 8
Black marsh lvl. 10
Outer cloister lvl. 12
Fail lvl. 13
Inner cloister lvl. 13
Catacombs lvl. 14

Den lvl. 4
Blood raven lvl. 5
Cain lvl. 9
Countess lvl. 11
Smith lvl. 12
Andariel lvl. 14

I bought a sweet wand with + Dim vision, skeleton and amp damage. That combined with a head that has + clay golem skeleton and skelly mastery makes me no to bad for a teeth necro. The prayer merc from act 2 is going to be really helpful. I think I'll probably level some before really tackling act 2. I'm hoping to get clay golem as my #2 skill. I might actually be able to make it a decent ways if I do get it. :)
Just finished a half clear of stony field which does this

Lvl 9 killed blood raven, having finished a full clear of the cold plains, which bumped me up to 11(which included the cave, or whatever its name is)

did half of the stony field, wp at 12, and stopped at lvl 13, next is the underground passageway, after i finish the full clear of the stony field.

Unfortunately, no greens or golds, just yellows

Time to watch game 6 with my bud! GO CALGARY:buddies:

Missed anything?

Ceredwyn finished
Blood Raven-6
Smith-Killing the Smith put me at level 14, so is it 13 or 14?

Stony Field-8
Dark Wood-11
Black Marsh-12
Outer Cloister-13
Gizmo is well on her merry way! she's currently lvl 20 at the Dry Hills WP, Act 2.

Cold Plains - 5
Stony Field - 7
Darkwood - 11
Black Marsh - 13
Outer Cloister - 16
Jail - 17
Inner Cloister - 17
Catacombs - 18

Sewers - 19
Halls of the Dead - 18 (i skipped ahead here to get the cube before going after Radament)
Dry Hills - 20

Den - 4
Bloodraven - 7
Cain - 11
Countess - 16
Malus - 17
Andariel - 18

Radament - 19

That's it so far... not too much to mention except that i found a +8 to max jewel that is now residing in a Mechanic's Short war bow along with a Regular Saphire - couresy of Andy. Fire Arrow is now level 20, so her next skill will be.... i rolled a 4, which is Critical Strike! i'm not sure how i feel about that... i'd rather have something else in the bow tree, but whatever. its gonna hurt putting those last 15 points in CS. :flip:
Jail 1-14
Inner Cloister-14
Catacombs 2-14


I swear I'm the best at getting useless Wolf Heads...today I found
a Cracked Wolf Head
a Sturdy Wolf Head with no bonuses
a Wolf Head of Remedy with no bonuses
a Superior Wolf Head with no bonuses
a Wolf Head with +1 to Lycanthropy
a Wolf Head with +2 to Lycanthropy
a Wolf Head with +1 to Poison Creeper

On shifts I have a Wolf Head with +2 to Poison Creeper (put it on then switch it out)
and one with +2 to Werewolf and +1 to Poison creeper

It's been a bad day (except of course for the fact that I cleared Act One in a total of about two hours, and I didn't die).
Well, in act 3 and I passed level 20, so I got to roll my second skill. I was really hoping for amp or skeleton mastery to help out my skeletons. When I rolled I got an 8, so... skeleton mage. Pretty much useless without skeleton mastery. They only have 93 life, with the level 4 mastery I have from items, and they don't get any more life unless I can get more mastery. Probably won't even ben a worthwhile meat shield when I hit act 4.
Ok SaucyDin update.

Stoney 9
Darkwoods 11

Bloodraven 7
Cain 12

In the Viking Tourney I had 2 Cleg's shields in level one. THis Tourney I already have 2 friggin Hsarus' Iron Fists!??? Darn Green Shields.
Ok, I'm back home, but won't be playing any tonight. I am updating the scores before I go to bed though.

JicamaEater said:
Smith-Killing the Smith put me at level 14, so is it 13 or 14?

13. You use the level immediately before completing the quest.
Update time!

OnlyAshes got the Sewers WP, owned Rady, and found the Dry Hills WP all at 17, found the Halls WP at 18, and the Far Oasis WP at level 19 (I'm assuming the individual parts of the staff/cube don't count as individual quests).

She is now level 20 (*cue ominous music*) and the time has come to roll her second skill, which the Rady skill point will go into immediately.

*takes a deep, cleansing breath*



6!!!! OOOOOWWWWNED!!!!!!!!!!

You see, 6 is Shock Web. The one skill I was hoping/praying for. In addition to dealling nice lightning damage and the crowd control element, it synergzed Fire Blast.

Man, what luck.

G'night all.

EDIT: Wow, it's even better than I thought. Fire Blast ALSO synergizes Shock Web, adding one extra spike per three levels (6 spikes, at this point). Which equals 12 spikes at the moment. So, even dealin only 1-13 per second between spikes, it's a handy spell.

Man, I am so happy right now over a game that it's ridiculous.
For some reason I just kept playing and playing and I managed to beat all of act 2.

sewers lvl. 15
dry hills lvl. 18
halls of the dead lvl 18
far oasis lvl. 18
lost city lvl. 19
palace lvl. 20
arcane sanctuary lvl 21
canyon lvl 21

atma lvl 15
viper temple lvl 20
arcane sanctuary lvl 21
summoner lvl 21
staff lvl 22
duriel lvl 22

When I rolled up my new skill after teeth, I had some luck and ended up with Clay golem. Hopefully he and the merc can carry me to level 38 and then maybe I'll get lucky again and get Golem mastery or CE. I probably worry about the interim first however. That'll be much safer.
Ralf is now level 15 in the outer cloister. He has an nice 3 socketed long bow with 1 topaz 1 skull and 1 sapphire (all chipped) and is happily shooting everything in his path together with his merc who has an nice rare bow. (from corpsburn.) and everything that gets closed is howled at so they run away with arrows in there back.

Cold Plains - 6
Stony Field - 10
Darkwood - 12
Black Marsh - 12
Outer Cloister - 15

Den - 5
Bloodraven - 8
Cain - 12
Countess - 15
Ok, I've updated all of the early morning scores, and I realized a mistake I made last night.

JicamaEater said:
Smith-Killing the Smith put me at level 14, so is it 13 or 14?

Yes, your level would count as 13, if killing the Smith completed the quest. But the quest is completed by returning the Malus, not killing the Smith. Therefore, I have to change your level from 13 to 14 for quest completion. Sorry about that.
Well, the Countess was very nice to me, a +3 min dam/+3 life jewel, 3 els and a nef, rare gloves and ring. I'm at level 10, enough running for now, I'm going to take a short break and then start moving forward again.
Jail lvl. 15
Inner cloister lvl. 16
Catacombs lvl. 16

Smith lvl. 15
Andariel lvl. 16

also found an Blood Crescent Scimitar and for the rest mine game has been pretty dull... (shoot arrows, howl, shoot some more, howl some more)
Edit: sorry I didn't read that when you guys start up again though I'll definately join great idea for a tourney :)
Alright, I've activated Outer Cloister waypoint at Clvl 11. Moving on from here.

Also, for those who are trying to enter, no more entries are being accepted, see the original posting for rules, including deadline.
Long post: Well, I beat Diablo, was a pain in the *** because I had to make many trips to act 1 to resurrect my army. Anyway, here's the summary.

Act 3 Summary:
Forest: 19
Marsh: 20
Jungle: 21
Lower: 21
Bazaar: 22
Upper: 22
Trav: 22
Duran: 23

Bird: 19
Blade: 20
Will: 22
Tome: 21
Temple: 22
Meph: 24

Act 4 Summary:
City: 25
River: 26

Izzy: 24
Heph: 25
Diablo: 27

Also, since trading is allowed, I've saved some items that people might be interested in. I'll post them here, and if you want any, you can reply, pm, or AIM me at madmaxxam:

Soul Razor Cestus
One-Hand Damage: 8 to 20
Durability: 54 of 72
(Assassin Only)
Required Dexterity: 42
Required Strength: 42
Required Level: 22
Claw Class - Normal Attack Speed
+21% Enhanced Damage
+32 to Attack Rating
+2 to Maximum Damage
Adds 1-4 cold damage over 3 seconds
4% Mana stolen per hit
+1 to Assassin Skill Levels

Skull Mallet
War Hammer
One-Hand Damage: 34 to 53
Durability: 37 of 55
Required Strength: 53
Required Level: 24
Mace Class - Slow Attack Speed
+84% Enhanced Damage
+12 to Attack Rating
Adds 2-10 fire damage
7% Life stolen per hit
150% Damage to Undead
Level 1 Telekinesis (14/22 Charges)

Blood Eye
Required Level: 15
+12 to Life
+26 to Mana
+8 to Maximum Stamina
+1 to Maximum Damage
4% Mana stolen per hit
+1 to Offensive Aura Skills (Paladin Only)

Spirit Fringe
Defense: 5
Durability: 15 of 16
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 10
+2 to Strength
+10 to Life
+5 to Mana
+14 to Maximum Stamina
Fire Resist +10%
Attacker Takes Damage of 2

Platinum Ring of the Bat
Required Level: 21
+105 to Attack Rating
2% Mana stolen per hit

Fanatic Amulet
Required Level: 15
+1 to Masteries Skills (Barbarian Only)

Spiritual Amulet of Inner Sight
Required Level: 15
+1 to Shape-Shifting Skills (Druid Only)
Level 1 Inner Sight (21/33 Charges)

I'm essentially looking for items that would suit a summoning necro. Good luck with the tournament everyone.
madmaxxam said:
Spirit Fringe
Defense: 5
Durability: 15 of 16
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 10
+2 to Strength
+10 to Life
+5 to Mana
+14 to Maximum Stamina
Fire Resist +10%
Attacker Takes Damage of 2

Platinum Ring of the Bat
Required Level: 21
+105 to Attack Rating
2% Mana stolen per hit
I have a necro item

Sturdy Preserved Head of Balance
Defense: 7
Chance to Block: 28%
Durability: 11 of 20
(Necromancer Only)
Required Strength: 12
Required Level: 3
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 8
Fingerprint: 0x55111255
+30% Enhanced Defense
Adds 2-7 poison damage over 3 seconds
10% Faster Hit Recovery
+2 to Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)
+1 to Raise Skeleton (Necromancer Only)
+2 to Amplify Damage (Necromancer Only)

Not sure what you want for it though, hopefully one or both of those items
OnlyAshes = teh luckiest character I've ever played.

Act 2 is over, by the way. Summary is as follows.

Sewers WP - 17
Radament - 17
Dry Hills WP - 17
Halls of the Dead WP - 18
Far Oasis WP - 19
Lost City WP - 21
Claw Viper Temple Quest - 21
Pallace Cellar WP - 22
Arcane Quest - 22
Summoner - 22
Horadric Staff (Quest 2) - 23
Duriel - 23

As for the luck part (besides her awesome skill roll), in the real Tal Rasha's Tomb a random Mummy guy dropped me a pair of Sander's Gloves! Too bad they have a level 28 req :(. Then, the big nasty himself dropped me some Treads of Cthon :cheesy: :winner:.

I can't wait to see what Act 3 will bring me :flip:.
I have managed to grab the Malus at Clvl 11, I'm going to hop back in and kill the Smith, see what he gives me. Jail waypoint was near entrance, found at Clvl 12.

Lostprophet, what were your levels for the last two waypoints in Act 2? It seems like you were 22 for both, but please confirm.
A quick update for FreezerBurn:

Dark Wood - level 13
Black Marsh - level 14
Outer Cloister - level 16
Jail - 17

Cain - 13
Countess - 16
Maulus - 17

Not much else happening. :uhhuh:
FlameDame the zon has completed A1. Here are my levels:

Den=lvl6, Blood=8, Cain=13, Countess=14, Malus=15, Andy=17

1=lvl3, 2=12, 3=13, 4=14, 5=15, 6=16, 7=16, 8=17

I decided to play players8 early to get a jump-start on fire arrow, and to see if I could pick up some early items. Players3 since then. Yes, this reduced my tourney points, but I plan on getting pretty far with this char, and will make up for it in overall quests :teeth:

Notable finds include THREE jewels of envy :D , so my 3-socket hunter's bow does 60/2 poison damage! Andy dropped Bloodfist, and the Countess gave up an Eth (will give some needed mana regen).

Next up, the Lut Golein desert.
Nymarix is defeated at Clvl 12 in Jail 2. He got caught by a pack of champion skeleton archers with healing not happening fast enough and stuck in hit recovery. Good luck to all remaining, I'm uploading the most recent scores in a few minutes. The hand axe I'd gotten earlier was replaced by a scepter, and put into a stash, so I'm putting it into the prize stash, not much, but it's something.

EDIT: I'm also adding in my chipped gems and runes, and I'm going to be putting a list of everything in the prize stash on the website, in case you need it, link is:

Oh no Goltar!! Our first hero is down :( RIP Nymarix, you shall be remembered.

You are doing an awesome job running this tourney Goltar - thank you 👏
Pyromanic said:
I have a necro item

Sturdy Preserved Head of Balance
Defense: 7
Chance to Block: 28%
Durability: 11 of 20
(Necromancer Only)
Required Strength: 12
Required Level: 3
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 8
Fingerprint: 0x55111255
+30% Enhanced Defense
Adds 2-7 poison damage over 3 seconds
10% Faster Hit Recovery
+2 to Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)
+1 to Raise Skeleton (Necromancer Only)
+2 to Amplify Damage (Necromancer Only)

Not sure what you want for it though, hopefully one or both of those items
I'll trade you both of the items for the shield. Do you want to do an atma transfer, or meet in a multiplayer game?

Edit: RIP Nymarix. You should set up another tournament after this one's up, since you already have all the score sheets and everything, and I think it's a great tourny idea.
madmaxxam said:
Edit: RIP Nymarix. You should set up another tournament after this one's up, since you already have all the score sheets and everything, and I think it's a great tourny idea.
Hmmm, I think I might do that. For now, I'm going to be working on some more of my characters, and maybe set up some more of the skill tables for farther in than the second skill. Thanks for the support everyone, and good luck for the rest of the tourney.
FreezerBurn has completed the first Act and has killed Radamant as well. She is level 20 and needs to see what her newest skill will be...

let's see...um a 6 which means Inferno. That's not too bad. It could be worse. :uhhuh:

Inner - 18
Catacomb - 19
Sewers - 20

Andariel - 19
Radamant - 20
Heh, sorry, those last two wps were indeed grabbed at level 22. Sorry (forgot to write them down and such).
Thanks Lostprophet, got them in.
I polished off act 3. Killing mephisto was hard until I remebered the old necro standby IM+clay golem. Then it went really quickly.

spider forest lvl 23
great marsh lvl 23
flayer jungle lvl 23
lower kurast lvl 24
kurast bazaar lvl 24
upper kurast lvl 24
travincal lvl 25
durance lvl 25

golden bird lvl 22
blade lvl 23
tome lvl 24
khalim's will lvl 25
blackened temple lvl. 25
mephisto lvl. 25

so far only 2 sets and 1 unique found, and none of them were useful. Prize fodder I guess.
Ehh, doesn't make much difference-it's only two points anyhow.

Act 2-probably my last update for a while since I am leaving either tomorrow or Tuesday.
Dry Hills-16
Halls-16 (got the cube first, my stash was full of chippies and rejuv potions)
Lost City-19

The palace and the Frozen Highlands are the only places where I don't do any fighting. There's something I don't enjoy about hunting down imps, and there's something else I dislike about getting MURDERED by HORROR ARCHERS...(sorry about that)

Tainted Sun-19

Life is good. Save one NDE in the Viper Temple.

While I'm sitting here, I think I'll roll my third skill...
4 again?
Werebear...As long as it's not Carrion Vine, Firestorm, or Raven, I'm happy, or at least content.
FlameDame the zon has completed A2. No NDEs, but because of a very brisk pace, no great finds either (other than a 4th jewel of envy & 2nd Eth :) ).

Radament=lvl18, Staff=22, Sun=21, Sanctaury=22, Summoner=22, Duriel=22

1=lvl18, 2=18, 3=19, 4=20, 5=21, 6=21, 7=22, 8=22

Hired a definace merc to start the act. Later, I maxed my initial skill, Fire Arrow. I crossed my fingers for Critical Strike, but rolled a "1", granting me Jab - UGH :grrr: Not immediately helpful, but maybe later I can make her an effective hybrid. Time will tell.
a brief update on Gizmo... haven't had much time to play since i've been house-hunting. but i got one! :yep:

anyway, here's the skinny:
Far Oasis - 22
Lost City - 22

Tainted Sun - 22

so yeah, you guessed it! she's still lvl 22. i've still been playing on /players 8... and she's still dealing pretty good damage with her Gemmed Short Bow. i'm looking forward to taking on Duriel tonight. *Crosses fingers, knocks on wood**
Tiny update (wasnt int playing, and thats when you get chars killed)

Black Marsh - 14
Countess - 15
goltar25 said:
Ok, check the rules, you can save the imbue, socket, and personalize quest rewards. The smith quest is considered complete once you return the Malus. Others, similarly, killing Shenk/Nihlathak completes them.
So, can you run bosses/areas? For example, can I run Pindle 100 times, then go kill Nihlathak? Or if I run Meph 100 times, does only the first one count for "points" then I can just run him whenever I want? Yeah I understand, by the points system it hurts me, but let's just say I felt like it. Is that legal?

Wow.. Late start for me. Work was tiring :-/


TS Sin

I found out something today..
Like I said, I've never started or attempted to make a MA sin. So I got my first point into TS, leftclick hotkeyed it.. charged.. and my damage didn't change :scratch: I thought it said 100% Percent damage?!?! How do I release these charges???!

Anyway.. I figured out you can release them using a regular attack 👍 You learn something new everyday. I guess.

Den = LvL6
Blood Raven = LvL7
Saved Cain = LvL13

Cold Plains = LvL6
Stony Field = LvL9
Dark Wood= LvL12

Current lvl: 14
Current EXP: 142,990

Much thanks to Goltar for making this tourny possible :thanks:
GooberGrape said:
So, can you run bosses/areas? For example, can I run Pindle 100 times, then go kill Nihlathak? Or if I run Meph 100 times, does only the first one count for "points" then I can just run him whenever I want? Yeah I understand, by the points system it hurts me, but let's just say I felt like it. Is that legal?
You can run as much as you want. Only the first counts for points for the quest. Running will raise your level for later quests, so keep that in mind as well. I'm uploading scores again. Good night and good luck to all.
Well, heres some progress on TanK the Smiteadin. I have never used Smite before, and actually it isnt a bad skill. Smite's stun is very effective and also packs some "good" damage. I gambled a Spiked Shield with the 5-9 Smite Damage being the best I could get. I rolled a 3, so that means my second skill is gonna be Charge. This is going to be interesting with Smite/Charge.

Chracter Name: TanK
Chracter Class: Palidan
Current Level: 16
Next WP: Outer Cloister
Next Quest: The Smith
1st Skill: Smite
2nd Skill: Charge

1 - 6
2 - 7
3 - 14
4 - 15

1 - 6
2 - 11
3 - 13
4 - 14
Ahh...at least I won't have to worry about this while I'm gone.

Yes, the inevitable happened-the Summoner got me. On Ceredwyn's tombstone it will forever read "Foiled by Charsi and those damn Wolves."

I tried to imbue a Hawk Helm for the "Spiritual Bonus" at level 20 and instead I got Dire Wolves. "This isn't so bad I thought." So I found the Summoner and the useless canines blocked my way out of a staircase...

If we ever do this again I'm so in. But I'm gonna reroll if I get Druid...I like him a lot, I just think he's not the best for this.
Act 3 = teh done.

Golden Bird - 23
Gibdinn - 24
Khalim's Will (3rd quest) - 26
Lam Esen's Tome - 26
Travincal - 26
Mephy - 26

Spider Forest - 23
Great Marsh - 24
Flayer Jungle - 24
Lower Kurast - 25
Kurast Bazaar - 26
Upper Kurast - 26
Travincal - 26
Durance 2 - 26

OnlyAshes is one hell of a lucky char. She found her second unique, a Duskdeep Full Helm, from a boss Zakaramite in the Kurast Bazaar, and uncovered a Tal rune from a soldier corpse in Upper Kurast. When she went to Act 2 to find a 2-socketed armor to make a 'Stealth' runeword, she found a Superior 2-socket Splint Mail with 105 defense waiting for her. She'd also gambled earlier an awesome pair of Gauntlets with 3 different resists and an MF mod, and a Heavy Belt with fire resist (the one lacking resist) and some life. She is incredibly well set up for an untwinked character, and currently deals 100-200(ish) Fire Blast damage.

Man, I have been a on a perptual life high since I started this tourny 🤤. On another note, I can't believe I've wasted so much time playing on Battle.net :cheesy:.

Peace everybody.
SaucyDin Update

Here's an update on SaucyDin. Finished act 1 and got to the canyon in act 2.

Act 1


Act 2

1-17:3-19:4-20:5-20 Still need to do the staff and Duriel

I'm level 20 now. My second skill which has 1 big point so far is Holy Bolt(sigh). Smite would have been nice.

Haven't found much. I did find Clegs Shield again. Now I have 3 crappy green shields, all muled. I have made Nadir helm and just before I quit for the night I made Stealth chainmail armor. I don't know if Stealth will help much but its better then nothing.

Almost forgot. I have purchased a Septer with 2 to Zeal & 2 to Charge so I'm a Mighty Charging Zealot for the moment.
R.I.P. Ceredwyn.

I'm updating scores again. Also, for the two of us who have died, here are the final scores:

goltar25 - Nymarix - 1486
JicamaEater - Ceredwyn - 3594

I'm also thinking that since most of my finds with Nymarix weren't great, I'm going to dig through my other items and donate something to the prize stash.

Also, since there seems to be some support of the idea, I'm thinking that once this tourney is done, I'll run it again. Good luck to all remaining.
For the two that have died, sorry for your loss RIP.

As for the assassin getting fireblast then shockweb, what the heck is next 'CBSentry' Lightning trapper here we come.

Sounds like most are playing fairly well, congrads for the finds so far.
RIP Nymarix and Ceredwyn.

@goltar25- Your updates have been fantastic. Provides great motivation to keep our respective characters going.

Criste's update:

Andy 16 - Radament 18 - Staff 22 - Tainted Sun 20 - Arcane 21 - Summoner 21 - Seven Tombs 22 - Golden Bird 22 - Blade 23

Sewers 17 - Halls of Dead 18 - Dry Hills 18 - Far Oasis 19 - Lost City 19 - Palace Cellar 20 - Sanctuary 20 - Canyon 21 - Spider Forest 23 - Great Marsh 23 - Flayer Jungle 24

After defeating Duriel (one trip to town) I was rewarded with a single town scroll. I felt like going back to kill Duriel again just for that drop. But I moved on to get the 20 additional hit points.

I did not see reference to the "completion" of the imbue quest and imbued a hunter's bow in hopeful anticipation of the second skill in either the bow tree or passive tree. Needless to say I was disappointed with my second skill-poison javelin. As near as I can tell it is a fairly useless skill without access to its synergy.
For me to be sad about it would ruin the purpose of the game. If anything, it's made me way more motivated to play HC.

I'll see if I can scrounge up anything, but last night I got rid of my Assassin since she was really struggling in Act 1 NM. I've decided to try a Frenzy Barb (as some of the members of this forum were talking about recently) and I'll probably try a new Assassin or Amazon-I can't be displeased with the enormous speed each of them got through the first four acts.

I will be blown away with the success people are going to have in this tournament. Even with Fire Arrow and Plague Javelin...
Act 5 done, at a lower level than I've ever completed it before. I had some luck though, especially with baal. He killed all but one of my mages almost instantly, the one that survived was a cold mage, who managed to stay in a safe spot the whole time, keeping baal chilled. That plus decrep from my new necro shield kept him slow enough to be killed by my merc and the skeles, most of whom also died. Still no uniques, and my only 2 sets are cathan's mesh, and cleglaw's shield. Both of which dropped from non-bosses.
Oh, I also started taking some screenies, since I remember someone mentioned something about them.

Act 5 Summary:
Frigid: 27 Arreat: 28 Crystal: 28 Glacial: 29 Halls: 29 Frozen: 30 Ancient: 30 Worldstone: 31

Shenk: 27 Soldiers:28 Anya: 28 Nith: 29 Ancient: 30 Baal: 32

Good luck everyone remaining, and RIP Ceredwin.
Short update for FreezerBurn

Dry Hills - level 22
Halls - level 22

Cube - level 22

Not much noteworthy happening except that she is making steady progress.

RIP Nymarix and Ceredwyn
kramph said:
Cube - level 22
Getting the cube doesn't complete the quest, it is completed when you put the staff in the tomb.
goltar25 said:
Also, since there seems to be some support of the idea, I'm thinking that once this tourney is done, I'll run it again. Good luck to all remaining.
you should 👍

i didn´t join this time cause i normaly don´t play in tourneys and i had some other projects going on but i wanna join next time :)
ok, I've been playing way too much, but I guess that's what happens between graduation and the next stage of life. I beat A1 NM. 👏 Andy was a real pain, I had to re-raise my army and resurrect my merc more times than I could keep track of. I found my first two uniques though: Kinemil's Awl and Doomslinger. Neither from Andy of course. I also found an IO rune in tower level 3. Here's the obligatory summary.

Nightmare A1:
Cold : 32 Stony: 34 Dark: 34 Black: 35 Outer: 36 Jail: 37 Inner: 37 Cats: 38

Den: 33 Raven: 33 Cain: 34 Tower: 36 Smith: 37 Andy: 38

Level 37 had me rolling up another skill. With skeletons and mages I was of course hoping against all odds for a 6 - skeleton mastery. So I rolled... a 2. Looked that up on the table(essentially unchanged from last time), and found that to be dim vision. Not too bad. Better than poison dagger, teeth, and bone armor. Not something that'll help against bosses though, and they're the most trouble for my character. Oh well, time to forge onward. Good luck everyone.
Well, the 3rd (i think) char has died, Korn_KeeperXLR died at the hands of Pitspawn Fouldog and co., a crap death for the most part!

Ill post the last things done by Korn_KeeperXLR, to update what he did.

Dark Woods Waypoint Lvl 13
Tristram Quest Lvl 14
Black Marsh Waypoint Lvl 14
Finished Tower Quest Lvl 15
Outer Cloister Waypoint Lvl 16
Smith Quest Lvl 17
Jail 1 Lvl 17

Thats about it, farewell Korn_KeeperXLR:hanky::hanky:

Sorry to hear about Korn_KeeperXLR's loss.

I am finding that I was somewhat wrong about the poison javelin. It takes a bit of work but this might be a good way to control crowds. I'll know more as I build up this skill.

I made it through Act III without any near death experiences. Although, I focused primarily on the Quests and was concerned that an increase in speed may jeopardize the character when meeting Mephisto. My concern was not warranted as Mephisto went down after receiving all 60 of the javelin's in my stock and resorting to a bow and arrows. My summary continues:

Lower K 24 - Bazaar 24 - Upper K 25 - Travincal 25 - Durance of Hate 25.

Esen's Tome 24 - Khalim's Will 25 - Blackened Temple 25 - Guardian 25.

Continued good-luck to those who remain.
RIP Korn_KeeperXLR

dark_novastar, thanks for sending your stash over so quickly, I've added it in to the prize stash, and will shortly be updating the contents.

JicamaEater, could you send yours as well. Thanks.

I've also donated an item of my own.

Eagle Emblem
Unraveller Head
Defense: 10
Chance to Block: 28%
Smite Damage: 0 to 0
Durability: 19 of 20
(Necromancer Only)
Required Strength: 18
Required Level: 18
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 28
Fingerprint: 0x90f71971
Lightning Resist +14%
Adds 4-14 poison damage over 3 seconds
17% Faster Hit Recovery
+1 to Poison Explosion (Necromancer Only)
+1 to Bone Spear (Necromancer Only)
+1 to Life Tap (Necromancer Only)
12% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
Level 3 Teeth (60/82 Charges)

Good luck to all remaining.
So far I've got a rare Jawbone Cap that looks alright for a low level Barb (restarted hunting with my brand new Assassin). I'll send it over when I get the chance.
SaucyDin Update

So Saucy finished act 2 with not much of a problem. Saucy found a LL ring so he could stand up to Duriel and Zeal away without having to run back to town more then once.

Holybolt so far is pretty much useless. He did kill 1 boss PE ghost with it but thats it so far.

SaucyDin is up to level 22 and have not found anything worthwile tonight. Found green breast plate, but then who hasn't?

quest 2 & 6 = 21


Time for bed now.
Update so far on TanK,

Character Name: TanK
Character Class: Palidan
Current Level: 19
Act: II Normal
Next WP: Far Oasis
Next Quest: Staff of Kings
1st Skill: Smite
2nd Skill: Charge

Act I:
5 - 17
6 - 18

Outer Cloister - 17
Jail Level 1 - 17
Inner Cloister 17
Catacombs lvl 2 - 17

Act II:
1 - 18

Sewers - 18
Dry Hills - 19
Halls of Dead - 19

Beat The Rest of Act I, and killed Andariel without hitting me or my merc once and she died in a couple seconds. Killed Radament in Act II and then went to the Halls and got my cube finally!!!
Sorry for not updating , but i didn't had much free time to play my character. But here's summary :


Act 1

Quests :

Den of evil - 6
Raven - 11
Cain - 14
Countess - 16

Wps :

Cold plains - 6
Stony field - 11
Dark woods - 14
Black marsh - 15

I blowed through areas on players 8 chopping everything with my ultimate crowd killing skill *sigh* Inner sight now removes about 600 defense. At least i won't have trouble hitting things ;)
Character Name: TanK
Character Class: Palidan
Current Level: 20
Act: II Normal
Next WP: Palace Level 2
Next Quest: The Summoner
1st Skill: Smite
2nd Skill: Charge

Act II:
3 - 20

Far Oasis - 19
Lost City - 19

Got full staff now, going to Arcane to kill Summoner.
Thanks for the updates all. Current scores and rankings are uploaded.
SheRa finished up act I at lvl 19. Andy at players 3, after having TS released on her 4 times, was even kind enough to drop me Hsarus' boots for my second piece of the set. I'm using the same strategy as AE that a higher lvl char will stay alive longer and therefore get more points through more time.

malus - 17
Andy - 19

Outer Cloister - 16
Jail 1 - 17
Inner Cloister - 18
Catacombs 2 - 19

One more lvl, which I'll get while going after Radament, and I'll get to pick my 2nd skill. Oh gawd I hope its not Psychic Hammer...
I did not have a lot of time to play so a small update...

City of the Damned 26 - River of Flame 26 -- Frigid Highlands 27

Fallen Angel 25 - Hell's Forge 26 - Terror's End 26 -- Siege 27

This was the toughest Diablo I've ever faced. It took at least 30 minutes of throwing a javelin, running away, throwing a javelin....and five trips to town to restock the javelins. Of which I have an increased size of 119. So I know it took more than 500 to take him down.
Resipsa said:
This was the toughest Diablo I've ever faced. It took at least 30 minutes of throwing a javelin, running away, throwing a javelin....and five trips to town to restock the javelins. Of which I have an increased size of 119. So I know it took more than 500 to take him down.
Ouch, 30 minutes. Well, I've done worse, my first bowazon, probably about 4 years ago, took over 2 hours to kill Diablo on normal. I had bad equipment, no mana leech, and my stock of mana potions was gone in the first 15 minutes or so. Also, Clvl 26 or 27, iirc, so no Valk to help out, and in classic, so no merc either. Needless to say, I didn't play her very much more after that.

Anyway, I'm about to upload the newest scores.
Yea my first char to kill diablo (in 1.0 classic) was a paladin around lvl 21. He took easily 3 hours due to low AR, 500+ deaths, and the big Ds blocking. Oh I also had 1 pt in every skill...
goltar25 said:
You can run as much as you want. Only the first counts for points for the quest. Running will raise your level for later quests, so keep that in mind as well. I'm uploading scores again. Good night and good luck to all.
Awesome. That alone makes this tourney a Good Ideaâ„¢

I'll post my results after I beat Act1. GL to all.


Act 4: Everything (2 Wps, 3 Quests) at level 27.

Act 5
Shenk - 28
Frigid Highlands WP - 28
Arreat Plateau WP - 28
Soldier Rescue - 28
Crystalline Passage - 29

Diablo took me forever, too. Not because he was particularly dangerous, but because I kept running out of mana to Fire Blast his red pasty ***, and because the Blasts only slivered him. The longest Diablo time by far was my friend Ely, who took a little over 3 hours soloing Diablo with a Necromancer equppied with a Heavy Crossbow (his minions kept dying).

SheRa R.I.P.

Everything was going fine, fighting Duriel at lvl 24 and TSing his butt left and right. Then ... *slapslapslapknockbackcharge* From full health to death in the blink of an eye. Five rapidfire attacks with no pause. :rant:

Final Stats

Radamant - 20
Staff - 24
Tainted Sun - 24
Arcana - 24
Summoner - 24

Sewer 2 - 20
Dry Hills - 20
Halls 2 - 21
Far Oasis - 22
Lost City - 23
Palace 1 - 24
Arcana - 24
Canyon - 24
RIP SheRa.

Well, that's four down:

tenaka - SheRa - 4517
JicamaEater - Ceredwyn - 3594
goltar25 - Nymarix - 1486
dark_novastar - 1400

Good luck to all remaining. Current scores and rankings are uploaded.
Well, this will be my last update for a bit, since I'm heading out of town for a bit. Anyway, act 2 wasn't bad, except for radament, who spawned LE, right next to another unique with a might aura. Dim vision has helped a bit with the mummys, but the duration is still too short to be that useful. Here's my summary and good luck to those remaining.

Nightmare Act 2 Summary:
Sewer: 39
Dry: 40
Halls: 40
Far: 41
Lost: 42
Palace: 43
Arcane: 43
Canyon: 44

Raddy: 39
Staff: 45
Altar: 43
Arcane: 44
Summon: 44
Tomb: 45
SaucyDin Finished act 3. Meph took awhile to kill but he went down without to much trouble. He did find Witherstring Hunters Bow so he's trying the Ranger thing. Works pretty well with level 20 might going. Act 4 so far is kind of a pain! I think SaucyDins should have taken the AE method and been a bit higher level before he got here. I'll post the results for the rest of act 3 now and post act 4 when its finished.

Act 3

Frotz finished Act1.

Cold Plains - 1
Stony Field - 8
Dark Wood - 12
Black Marsh - 14
Outer Cloister - 19
Jail Level 1 - 19
Inner Cloister - 19
Catacombs Level 2 - 19

Den of Evil - 5
Sister's Burial Grounds - 7
The Search for Cain - 13
The Forgotten Tower - 15
Tools of the Trade - 19
Sisters to the Slaughter - 19

Stash items include a Buckler, rare tc3 grail item! Not bad.

Rolled my new skill...


Well, here we go.

Alright, the current scores have been uploaded.
~ 3 hours to kill Diablo in other games...now that shows dedication to winning the game!

Quick update for Criste--

Act V Q's Rescue 27 - Prison 28
Wp's - Arreat 28 - Crystalline 28 - Glacier 29
And Normal falls to my leet wrath.


Actually, I kind of went out with my tail tucked between my legs. Here's the rest of the story:

Act 5 (continued)
Anya - 29
Glacial Trail WP - 30
Halls of Pain WP - 31
Nihilithak - 31
Frozen Tundra WP - 31
Acnienct's Way - 32
Ancients - 32
Worldstone Keep 2 WP - 33
Baal - 34

The Ancients, Nihilitak, and the Worldstone weren't especially hard, so I figured I'd be in a for a not so much hard time against the big guy himself. How painfully wrong I was.

Colenzo and his pack fell easily enough, with me using Shock Web and meleeing the stupid Fire Immune ho. Achmael was even easier; I just stood back and alternated traps whilst my merc kept the Mages occupied. Bremm notched it up a little bit, but nothing a quick TP to town to ressurect my merc couldn't cure. Even What's-His-Face (the Balrog guy) wasn't insane; I just kept throwing traps and TPing when needed. Then came Lister. I lured his Minions out a few at a time and disposed of them (not all that quickly, but quickly enough). Then out rumbled Lister himself. Houston, we have a problem.

Holy ****, since when does he regen that fast!?

He was healing faster than I could throw Blasts at him, he kept killing my merc, and to make matters worse the bastard almost got me a couple of times! I was running out of cash slowly (at 6300 a pop my merc was getting a bit expensive), and everytime I came back the ****er had full health. I finally resigned myself to looking for a crappy Prevent Monster Heal weapon to hopefully hit him with a couple of times, but found something better: a War Javelin of Anthrax (150 poison damage). My Merc's Blessed Aim (thank God I didn't pick Defiance!) allowed me an 80-some chance to hit Lister, and the poison stopped him from healing and actually did him damage, too! From there I just alternated between throwing traps and javs, TPing to town (to conserve money by not having to revive mah Mercie), and yawning (it was 1:00 in the morning at the time).

After he fell, it was on to Baal. I was thinking, and I quote, Gee, nothing could be as bad as that fight..

I was terribly, horribly wrong.

I think I set a new ****ing record by killing the clone Baal at least six times during the fight, each time wasting valuable TPs, Javs (there were only 60) and money when my merc bit it. I only got a few Javs and Traps in with each TP, because I was down to about 10K and needed my merc as a distraction, and because of the frequent TPing I would get confused as to which was the real Baal. I had worked myself into a rhythm, throwing, dodging back through TPs, selling runes and gems to revive my merc when I wasn't quite quick enough on the retreat ( :cheesy: ) when tragedy struck: I ran out of TPs. In the Worldstone Chamber. Luckily the big nasty was down to about 1/4 life by then, so I just ran around wildly throwing traps and quaffing potions liek a madman hoping for the best (all of this at 2 AM, by the by). Finally he died, and dropped me crappy rare Pally and Necro only items as compensation for my sleep, gold, and precious time on this Earth.

Boy, did I feel accomplised :D.

Anyway, been doing some NM Act 1-ness.

Den - 35
CP WP - 35
Blood Raven - 35
Stony WP - 36
Dark Wood WP - 36

Also rolled my new skill: Fists of Fire (there goes the Trapper theme. Oh well). FoF should be interesting, to say the least.

Frotz - Act2 Clear

Radament's Lair - 20
Tainted Sun - 22
The Summoner - 22
Arcane Sanctuary - 22
The Horadric Staff - 22
The Seven Tombs - 22

Sewers - 20
Dry Hills - 21
Halls of the Dead - 21
Far Oasis - 21
Lost City - 22
Palace Cellar - 22
Arcane Sanctuary - 22
Canyon of the Magi - 22

Act2 was a cakewalk.

Duriel died so fast I thought the game messed up. Seriously, like 3 seconds. I don't even think he had time to swing. Static Field rocks in Normal.

Gear update:
Leaf (+2 Fireball) / Teleport on switch
MF gear

Act2 Def Merc:
MF gear

On to the jungles of Act3.

EDIT: I have a "EldEldEld" Polearm for anyone who wants it. It's devastating in Act2. Just leave your email.

Ok, scores have been updated and uploaded.
Nice work Lostprophet 👏

FlameDame has completed A3 without much fanfare. Again pretty much sped through the act, hitting WP and quests, but skipping all else.

One nice find though was Cathan's Mesh, "synergizing" with Cathan's Seal :lol: The extra 15-20 fire damage is pretty nice right now.

WPs: 1=23, 2=24, 3=25, 4=25, 5=26, 6=26, 7=26, 8=26

Quests: Bird=23, Gidbinn=24, Will=26, Tome=26, Temple=26, Meph=26
RIP - Frotz

Not that it was any big surprise...I knew after I rolled "Static Field" for my second skill that I wouldn't survive in NM, so I did what any respectful member of the SPF would do...MF ran like crazy till I died. Andy finally got me with her frighful poison nova, ouch. Not before I snatched her Nagelring, heh!

I have one question: can we loot our corpse? I was wearing my best gear, and I'd like the winner to have it. I managed to stash one tc3, and enough low level runes to cube a Zod, so it's all good either way. ;)

I'll email my stash once I get a response. Good luck to everyone, and if you don't get the skills you want, make it work.

Ouch! RIP Frotz, your deeds shall be remembered.

FlameDame just raced through A4. Only good find was an Ort in the RoF. Stupid hellforge coughed up an El :lol: The fight against Diablo took quite some time, but was pretty safe using Fire Arrow. I am doing pretty decent damage now since finding a Circlet of Pestilence. Jab is lvl11 & I may try it out in A5 just for kicks.

WP: 1=27, 2=27
Quest: Izzy=27, Hellforge=28, Diablo=28
RIP Frotz. By the way, did you complete anything in act 3, or did you go straight to mf runs after Duriel? As for the items, I believe the general consensus is that you cannot loot your corpse.

Scores will be uploaded shortly.
goltar25 said:
RIP Frotz. By the way, did you complete anything in act 3, or did you go straight to mf runs after Duriel? As for the items, I believe the general consensus is that you cannot loot your corpse.

Scores will be uploaded shortly.
Frotz - Act3

WP: Spider Forest - 22
Quests: The Golden Bird - 22

I had already done my requisite 100 Countess runs earlier in Act1, so I could get my Leaf staff and Stealth armor. So after trying my hands at the little jungle fellows in Act3, I decided that my skills weren't gonna cut it, and headed off to Andy. Got about 20 runs in before I kicked the bucket. I'll ship out what didn't die with me.

Best of luck to everyone who's still in it. AE, that Jab will do wonders against FI monsters, it's probably the best physical skill you could get. Kick Baal in the head for me ;)

Thanks for those levels, your score is updated and uploaded.
Am I still allowed to start?
Sorry, entry deadline was last Friday. Though there appears to be enough interest, so I'll be running this tournament again, with some slight variations, which I'm still working on. Any input on this would be appreciated, email me at [email protected] .
I made it into Nightmare with Criste. I also had problems with the Decoy Baal and killed it twice before finishing Baal. What I thought was humorous was the fact that my merc never died in the WSK or fighting Baal. But, the first swarm of Nightmare quill rats and he was down.

Qs Betrayal 30 - Rite of Passage 31 - Eve of Destruction 32
WPs Halls 30 - Frozen Tundra 30 - Ancient's 31 - WSK 32

Qs Den 33 - Sisters 33
WPs Blood Moor 33
I'm updating scores right now, will be uploaded in a few minutes. Also, the prize stash listing is updated.
Character Name: TanK
Character Class: Palidan
Current Level: 21
Act: III Normal
Next WP: Black Marsh
Next Quest: The Gidbinn
1st Skill: Smite
2nd Skill: Charge

Act II:
2 - 21
4 - 20
5 - 20
6 - 21

Act III:
1 - 21

Act II:
Palace - 20
Arcane - 20
Canyon - 20

Act III:
Spider Forest - 21

Well, TanK has beaten act 2.... everything was easy except Duriel. Duriel really owned me, he was hard because I was always cold and I died really fast because I didnt have much life. The whole time I just ran and charged him. I couldnt use my lvl 20 Smite at all because he killed me too quick and I didnt attack fast enough when I was cold. I started Act 3 getting the first WP and also getting the first quest done, with +20 life.
SuperSavage said:
Duriel really owned me, he was hard because I was always cold and I died really fast because I didnt have much life.
Um..... isn't this HC? If you died, how are you playing in Act 3 :scratch:?

*is confused*
SuperSavage said:
Duriel really owned me, he was hard because I was always cold and I died really fast because I didnt have much life.
Yes, please clarify this.
Oh, my fault guys.... When I said he owned me, it wasnt literally. I was just saying he was very hard and it was hard to beat him. :grrr: Also when I said I died very fast, it meant that he hurt me a lot and every time he hit me took lots of life.
I seem to have lost my "red" status on the rankings. I'm still dead. When Duriel killed ME fast, he KILLED me fast :p
SuperSavage - Thanks for clarifying, I've got your scores in.

tenaka - You're still 'red' in the score sheet. When I copy/paste the values to the ranking sheet, I have to redo the red there each time, and apparently forgot to do it last time. Thanks for letting me know.

I've uploaded the current scores and rankings. It probably wouldn't hurt to check up on your info, to make sure everything is ok.
R.I.P SaucyDin

Well that was fun while it lasted! SaucyDin is no more. His level 10 holy bolt was kick'n butt in the CS. THe grand Visor was dead in no time. Lord De Loser wasn't even a pin prick. Then SaucyDin opened the 3rd seal and out popped Pit Lords of course and they wern't undead. Normaly thats the easiest seal and it kicked his butt. Merc died in seconds with Saucy right behind.

Here's SaucyDin's last update.

Act IV


After the hellforge SaucyDin leveled and MF'ed for awhile. The stash i'll send in has a bunch of rares in it, some are ok.

Good Luck everybody! I'm in for the next round if there is one.
RIP SaucyDin.

Thanks for sending your stash. All has been added to the prize stash. The current scores will be uploaded shortly.

Due to the large number of chipped gems (and now some flawed) in the prize stash I think it would be better to have the gems cubed up, so unless there is some objection, I'm going to start doing that Monday.
RIP magicka

Just was done with getting my cube, and decided to do a full clear. I ran into a room way to fast fully of skellies and zombies with a champ back of the cat things. The enterence was blocked and i just ran out of potions.

Ill send you my character asap. Final update

Act 2
Sewer WP:17
Dry Hills WP:17
Halls of the dead 2:18


didnt finishs the horodric quest
Were dropping like flies now!
RIP Magika.

Pyro, I got the file you sent, but you sent the .key file. I need the stash file, .d2x. Thanks. I'm uploading scores right now.
If theres a next round count me in too 🤤 i was to late for the first one!
Sorry guys , but i won't be able to play in 5 nearest days. Thats because im going to a camp. But i'll be playing when i am back.

And good luck to those who are remaining.
Can I join please?
please, please, please
get_inSTAALed said:
Saucy said:
I'm in for the next round if there is one.
If theres a next round count me in too 🤤 i was to late for the first one!
I am in too just say when!
(hope it will be in a acceptable time zone... :scratch: )
I've rolled 1 and then 3
which means amazon with critical - not bad at all.
It's of course if I'm allowe to join the tourney.
Her name will be Fatality
The next run of this tournament will not be starting before the first one is finished. That could be a while, since we've got some who are temporarily unable to play, and some that afaik haven't started yet. Though if everyone else finishes/dies before they have any points, I may just drop them from the tournament.
a_shikoff said:
I've rolled 1 and then 3
which means amazon with critical - not bad at all.
It's of course if I'm allowe to join the tourney.
Her name will be Fatality
Well, the tourney has been closed to newcomers for over a week now. You'll have to wait until this one ends and see if goltar decides to start another one. People are starting to die at a decent rate though, so you might not have to wait too long.
A small update.

Nightmare Cain 36 - Forgotten Tower 37 (Only El dropped!)

Stony Field 34 - Dark Wood 36 - Black Marsh 37

My third skill is Magic Arrow. That makes two level one skills and one in each tree. Forget synergies in this character. I had been hoping for jab or penetrate for my javelins. As it stands my AR is low and my % of hitting is hovering between 50 and 55. It makes for a slow kill and very slow progress.

I need to decide what to do with the defiance merc. I am thinking of switching him for one with might or go back for the blessed aim and level. I need to do something because I doubt Criste will make additional progress if she cannot hit her attackers or do some damage when she does.
Good luck to those who remain.
Scores are updated. Good luck to everyone left.
Almost done with Act 1, thought I have no clue how I'm going to beat Andy. I'm suffering the same AR problems as Criste, except for my Blessed Aim Merc and newly found Sander's Boots. I'm still only hitting shiat 70-some percent of the time.


Black Tower - 37
Black Marsh WP - 37
Outer Clositer WP - 38
Malus - 39
Jail 1 WP - 39
Inner Clositer WP - 39
Cat 2 WP - 39

We'll see if I can even beat the stupid Demon.
Lostprophet, what was your level when you got Cain? I've got the others in, I'll upload them shortly.
36 for Cain.

Skipped right over it on my stat sheet. Heh.

Sorry bout that.
Another small update for FreezerBurn:

Far Oasis - level 22

Sorry I haven't played more. RL can be a ***** sometimes. I should get more gametime in the next couple of days. :uhhuh:
Update for FlameDame: She's moving briskly (when I have time to play) through the beginning of A5. Apparently her damage is superior to the merc, since every monster seems to be chasing her down. :eek: Just rescued Anya and was awarded a big ol' spear - not exectly what she needed :grrr: Next up, Nihlathak.

A5 WPs: 1-lvl29, 2-30, 3-31

Quests: Shenk-29, Soldiers-30, Anya-31
The most recent scores and rankings have been uploaded.
FreezerBurn Update:

Lost City - 23
Palace Cellar - 23
Arcane Sanctuary - 24
Canyon - 24

Tainted Sun - 23
Summoner - 24
Horadoric Staff - 24
Seven Tombs - 24
Golden Bird - 25

Found a staff with Static Field. Duriel wasn't much of a problem. :uhhuh:
Character Name: TanK
Character Class: Palidan
Current Level: 24
Act: IV Normal
Next WP: City of the Damned
Next Quest: Izual
1st Skill: Smite
2nd Skill: Charge

Act III:
2 - 23
3 - 23
4 - 23
5 - 23
6 - 24

Act III:
Black Marsh - 22
Flayer Jungle - 22
Lower Kurast - 23
Kurast Buzzar - 23
Upper kurast - 23
Travincal - 23
Durance Level 2 - 23

Well, TanK has beaten act III all on /players 1. Act III finds were boots, full helm, chain mail, and the famous breast plate. There was one VERY VERY CLOSE NDE against Mephisto, were I used Charge with a 43%ed Maul. I went to charge him and I was right next to him and he did his charged bolt and I had 2 life left!!!!! With level 20 Smite the stun is 4.4 seconds, with is awesome but very very weak damage. The shields have pretty small smite damage, which Spike Shield is best so far. Im trying to look for a good Palidan Shield, If I make it to Rescue Anya, I hope for a good rare one. I am still using "Sealth" Armor and "Nadir" Helm. I have 20 mf in boots, 24 in gloves, 15/12 in both rings, (total is 71) and hoping to socket a helm and Armor with topazes some time. Starting Act IV soon and hope to pass the Iron Maiden phase :).
This is the last update for TanK, as he was slain by Mephisto. I knew I shouldnt of gone back and tried to kill him more for items....

I had my mf gear on, gonna try and get some items, but it only took one chain lightning with full life and I was dead. I had 0 Light resist which probably did it. :grrr: Well it was a very fun tournament and I hope to see another one after this. Good luck to all the remaining players! :worship:
Wow, what a great tourney idea. I'll have to get in on the next one. Good luck to all remaining players!
AlterEgo said:
Apparently her damage is superior to the merc, since every monster seems to be chasing her down.
What do you mean by this? That monsters chase down the higher damage dealing enemy first?

I've updated the scores again. 8 defeated, 11 playing, and 4 haven't given me any updates yet. Good luck to all remaining.
FreezerBurn Update:

Spider - 25
Marsh - 26
Flayer - 27
Lower - 28

Blade - 27

After wandering through the jungle for what seemed like 40 days and 40 nights, FreezerBurn has arrived in Lower Kurast.
RIP Tank

I meet Nightmare Andy and found most of my javelins missing the target. A quick check of the % to hit and I was at 44. It was a lot of throwing a poison javelin and running. I went to Act II so that I could get a might merc. With it my max damage is 150. Better than the 121 I had.

Act I completed. Tools 38 - Andy 40
WPs O. Cloister 38 - Jail 39 - I. Cloister 39 - Catacombs 39

I've not noticed this before because I have not played an Amazon often. There seems to be no equipment which gives you +skills other than an overall +1 skill to javelin or bows. I hope I am wrong because a freezing arrow or strafe would be nice about now...in fact, anything other than poison javelin would be nice.
Ok, scores are updated.

@Resipsa - IIRC, the only + to a particular skill for an amazon will be found on certain uniques. Other than that, all of the amazon class specific only gives + to a tree.
Well, I've slowly made my way through act 3. Not that bad for the most part. The only time I was worried was with meph. I had to re-raise my skeleton army at least a dozen times. Sometimes he'd destroy them all in as little as 10 seconds. Dim vision started to come in handy, although it's not the ideal skill. After meph I went wand shopping and found a very nice +2 necro skill wand with +decrep and +summon res, so I'm hoping that will keep my skeles alive a bit longer when I'm going through A4. Anyway, here's the summary:

NM Act 3 Summary:
Forest: 45 Marsh: 47 Jungle: 45 Lower: 48 Bazaar: 48 Upper: 48 Trav: 48 Duran: 49

Bird: 45 Blade: 47 Will: 49 Tome: 48 Temple: 48 Meph: 49

The last of the council members that I killed levelled me, so I managed to get Q3 and Q5 at different levels.
Thanks mad, I'm updating scores again.
Uzziah said:
What do you mean by this? That monsters chase down the higher damage dealing enemy first?
I recall reading something like that a year or so ago - of course that was 1.09. But I'm not really sure. Maybe I'll start a thread on it :)

Cain named FlameDame a Destroyer after she defeated Baal at lvl37. :D

The second half of A5 went well, with the only scary parts being Lister & Co and then Baal himself. I had been going with Fire Arrow through most of the act, but once Jab hit lvl18 I switched over (except against the ancients). I maxed the skill in the WSK, and jabbed with LE javalins the rest of the way.

No notable drops. Nothing Green/Gold at all, and rares were the wrong item types...but I did put a few of them into the prize stash.

So after the closing ceremony I went out to roll my next skill. With 1-8 available I rolled a 5 = Critical Strike :surprise: Not a direct synergy, but will certainly help - with either range or melee! I'm rarely lucky in tournments like this :)

A5 WPs: 4-lvl33, 5-33, 6-34, 7-35, 8-36
Quests: Nihlathak-lvl33, Ancients-35, Baal-37
The scores are updated and uploaded.
ok, so after a few days I've finished act 4 nightmare and started a bit of act 5. Early in act 5 I found it time to roll my fourth skill, so I rolled and got a 5, which turns out to be confuse. Not such a bad skill, but after maxing dim vision that seems kind of repetitive. I was hoping for a non curse skill. Anyway, act 4 wasn't bad until the chaos sanctuary. If dim vision worked on the oblivion mages it would be a great skill, but as it is it's only an ok skill. The oblivion mages still got their curses off on me, which destroyed my skeleton army. Diablo himself wasn't as bad as the rest of the sanctuary one I had decripfy on him, with cold mages and a clay golem. Anyay, here's the summary of act 4:

NM Act 4 Summary:
City: 50 River: 51

Izzy: 50 Heph: 51 Diablo: 52

I'll post the next update when I die or when I finish act 5. I've barely started act 5 and I've already had 1 NDE. dim vision at least works well on all the range guys here. Also, without the skeleton mastery this character is an uphill battle. If I can beat NM baal I'll be pleasantly surprised. I also found an item for my grail, Pompei's wrath, which since it isn't really a good item I'll only donate to the stash if requested specifically by the winner. Anyway, RIP to all of those fallen comrades, and gl to all of those remaining. I think it'd be great if we all made it to hell at least.
FreezerBurn Update:

Bazaar - 28
Upper K - 29
Travincal - 29
Durance - 29

Tome - 28
Khalim Will - 29
Blackened Temple - 29
Mephisto - 29

A slow and steady progress, but not much of interest to report. :scratch:
Scores will be uploaded in a few minutes.
After a weekend of sun and fun I decided to continue with Criste. Unfortunately, the direction arrow/hand froze and there was nothing I could do. Potions could not be used and I could only watch as both my merc and Criste died and unfortunate death.

I did not make any further progress than my last update.

I will send the stash shortly. But I have a question. I know not to take any equipment from Criste or her merc...but do I remove what was in her private stash? Or, is that considered as gone as my character?

Good luck to those who remain.
RIP Criste.

Since looting the corpse is not allowed, I would say the same for looting the stash. Going on how mp hc works, you can allow someone else to loot your corpse, but anything in your stash is forever lost, so that's my take on it. For this tournament though, I'd prefer that no items be pulled from the stash after death.
RIP Criste.

As for random, he's now a bit more than halfway through A5 NM. He's killed Nith, and now is ready to trek to the deadly ancients. Quite frankly I'm not sure that there's any way he'll be able to beat them. All bosses that he's found he's had to re-raise his army several times. Confuse seems to be useless since I already have dim vision maxed, but maybe it'll come in handy if/when I get it maxed also. Contribution to the prize stash is also growing. I'll post levels for quests and waypoints when I beat act 5 or when the ancients kill me. Good luck to the others left in the tourny.
@Resipsa - thanks for sending your stash. It's been received, and dumped into the prize stash.

@madmaxxam - good luck on the Ancients. Hopefully you can get your hands on a good wand/head and get some more useful curses or even Skeleton Mastery for the fight.
ok, NM act 5 is done. It was actually pretty easy until the ancients, which I had to reroll several times before I got something that I was able to defeat. The first had a LE, which destroyed my skeletons, then an Amp. After a bit though, I was finally able to defeat them. Worldstone keep wasn't very hard. Dim vision pretty much incapacitated all of the burning souls, dark lords, succubi, etc. Baal's minions were a bit of a pain, especially Lister's pack, and Baal himself took forever to kill, with many trips to resurrect my guys. Confuse still seems useless as a skill, and it's really annoying because the duration of both dim vision and confuse are completely nerfed in hell. I also cleared Hell den of evil, but was barely able to defeat corpsefire. I'm going to try to mf a bit in NM before continuing with hell.

Here it is:

NM Act 5 Summary:
Frigid: 52 Arreat: 53 Crystal: 54 Glacial: 56 Halls: 55 Frozen: 57 Ancient: 57 Worldstone: 58

Shenk: 52 Soldiers: 53 Anya: 54 Nith: 56 Ancient: 57 Baal: 60

Also Hell Den of evil and cold plains wp, both lvl 60.
I now have, among other things a +fire skills charm that also has +22 life in the prize stash.
@madmaxxam - congratulations with the Ancients.

I've got the scores uploaded. Also, if you didn't notice, Online has dropped out of the tournament, so we're down to 9 still going, though I haven't gotten updates from some in a while, and 4 who have no updates at all, but did register. Good luck to all remaining.
This sounds like a cool idea, I will do it the next time.

GL to all that remain.
RIP Ralf

i havent been playing for a wile now since he was so boring since he took forever to kill anything... :sleep: so i thought today lets see how far i can get him now. he gottent he sewers wp and thend ied to radamant.

so here is mine last update:

act 2
sewers lvl 19

great tourney 👍 and il play it again next time if i get an more fun to play build. and an blood crescent has been added to the stash. good luck to those who remain.
RIP Ralf.

For the next run, I'm probably going to change things a bit, maybe roll a different skill every five skill points, or even every skill point. I haven't settled on a particular setup just yet though.
I've played FlameDame a bit here and there over the past days. She's working her way through A1.

She's had a few issues to overcome in NM. First, all of her resists were initially negative. :eek: So I've been adding them at every opportunity. Secondly, she rushed through Norm and finished pretty low (lvl37). Her AR & chance to hit was really poor, and she really poured through the arrows. But then a fortunate find - Visionary Crown, giving 1% bonus to AR/lvl - very nice! She now hits 92% when using fire arrow.

She's been using a Zephyr Edge Bow since A4 norm, so a new bow would be helpful. Crafted some blood gloves, giving 8% crushing blow, and slvl9 Critical Strike gives me 54% CS (or maybe 56%). So damage has improved a bit recently. It's rather surprising how well the three lvl1 skills have held up so far.

WPs: 1-37, 2-40, 3-42, 4-43, 5-45
Quests: Den-38, Blood-38, Cain-42, Countess-44
Thanks for the update AE. I've got your score updated, and the current scores have been uploaded.
Since I've probably had more of a chance to play D2, and gotten a bit farther than other people, I've been taking a break from the tournament, and now I'm going in the MFO. Is everyone that is alive still playing in this tournament? I'm curious as to what type of progress others are making.
Good luck MFing max :D I'll see if I can close the gap a bit...

FlameDame has completed A1 without too much trouble. Along the way she came across the Nokazon Relic, so fire is no longer an issue. :) Upon entering Lut Golein she hired a new might merc. This should help damage, but will result in a more frail (but deadly) companion.

A1 WPs: 6-lvl46, 7-46, 8-47
Quests: Malus-45, Andy-48

Destroyer FlameDame the highly nerfed Amazon, lvl48, NM A2, hanging at Atma's
I'm technically still alive, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep playing. I hate my character so much, it's hard for me to play him. Stupid necro's. They don't DO anything. Not like barbarians, those guys rule. :)
Ok, I've got the current scores uploaded. Also, I'm going to be on vacation for the next few days, so there will be no score updates until Sunday, maybe Saturday night if I get in early enough. Good luck to all.
TalkingDonkey said:
I'm technically still alive, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep playing. I hate my character so much, it's hard for me to play him. Stupid necro's. They don't DO anything. Not like barbarians, those guys rule. :)
Oh yah Barbarians Rule!! :yep:
Hmmm, interest in this touney seems to be winding down...

FlameDame is moving briskly through Act2. The passages between desert areas have come quickly, and the WPs were in favorable postions as well. Radamant was a bit tough and killed my brand new merc repeatedly, but the mummy eventually went down. Moved on to collect the staff, and will trigger the darkness :) next session.

This leg of the trip was without a single NDE.

NM A2 WPs: 1-lvl49, 2-49, 3-50
Quests: Radamant-49

Destroyer FlameDame, lvl50 A3 Far Oasis WP
With my place pretty much secure in the MFO I decided to take Random out into hell difficulty to see what he could do, and pretty much found that he can't do much of anything there. After not being able to get much past the cold plains wp I've decided that I probably need to get a few more levels and items in NM before I continue with progress into hell. I'm gonna try to run the countess for a sol rune to make the lore runeword, which should help out a bit. Other than that, hopefully a few more levels will allow me to press on with hell diff.
Alright, I'm back home, and am updating scores again.

AlterEgo said:
Hmmm, interest in this touney seems to be winding down...

So I've noticed. I think it may soon be time to end it, once those who are still playing either die or lose interest as well.
I think setting an end date seems to work when tourneys invariably get to this point. Then whoever is still interested makes their final run at a position. You also then can collect the prize mules in an orderly fashion and redistribute as you see fit.

Maybe another 2 weeks or 30 days?
AlterEgo said:
goltar25 said:
I think it may soon be time to end it, once those who are still playing either die or lose interest as well.
I think setting an end date seems to work when tourneys invariably get to this point. Then whoever is still interested makes their final run at a position. You also then can collect the prize mules in an orderly fashion and redistribute as you see fit.

Maybe another 2 weeks or 30 days?
I'd agree, setting a date does seem like a good idea at this point. That way people who aren't interested in continuing can send in their prize stashes, and the rest of us can make a final push to see how far we can get our chars. Either way, good luck to anyone still playing through.
Ok, due to loss of interest in the tournament, I'm going to be ending it soon. The last day will be July 25, and all scores must be posted by the end of the day (by spf time) to count. All prize stashes need to be sent in by July 31 to be accepted, and all participants who put something into the prize stash will have a shot at some of the items.
goltar25 said:
Ok, due to loss of interest in the tournament, I'm going to be ending it soon. The last day will be July 25, and all scores must be posted by the end of the day (by spf time) to count. All prize stashes need to be sent in by July 31 to be accepted, and all participants who put something into the prize stash will have a shot at some of the items.
That's fine with me. My character has seemed to hit a brick wall early in A1 hell. If I can't beat Blood raven soon I'll just e-mail in my stash and see if anyone else makes it as far.
madmaxxam said:
That's fine with me. My character has seemed to hit a brick wall early in A1 hell. If I can't beat Blood raven soon I'll just e-mail in my stash and see if anyone else makes it as far.
I'll see how close I can get :) I have 11 more days...

FlameDame is back in action, working through A2 up to the Canyon of the Magi. The act has been pretty uneventful. No really good finds (crafted a couple things), but no NDEs either. Still playing on players3 to see if I can find any decent bows, so the killing speed has steadily dropped. I may go to players1 just to try to catch mad max :)

A2 WPs: 4-lvl51, 5-51, 6-52, 7-53, 8-54
Quests: #2 (open), Tainted Sun-51, Sanctuary-54, Summoner-54, #6 (open)

So next up, a rush to Duriel. Also, two more levels to a new skill 👏

FlameDame the FireArrow/Jab/CriticalStrikazon, lvl54, NM A2
Thanks for the update, I've got your score uploaded.
Into the final week...

FlameDame has defeated Duriel and is cruising through the A3 jungle. Duriel wasn't too bad - Jab was his undoing, as he left kept attacking me, leving my merc to attack at will. A bunch of rejuvs later, the slug was dead.

As mentioned last update, I'm bring it down to players1. This will allow me to move more quickly, but it will cost me the in the chance-to-hit category. Act 3 has gone very well, with one NDE from a might-enchanted gloam pack - OUCH. Along the way, FlameDame maxed Critical Strike, so time to re-roll for a new skill... #5=Dodge. Finally a non-lvl1 skill :lol: and not too bad either.

We've collected a golden bird, dagger, and two body parts plus WPs along the way. Next up the Bazaar levels.

WPs: A3#1-clvl54, 2=55, 3=55
Quests: A2:Staff=54 Duriel=54, A3: Bird=54, Gidbinn=55
Your score is updated. FYI I will be gone Tuesday-Thursday, so there won't be any updates then.
FlameDame completed A3, defeating Meph, and has gone through much of A4, claiming the River of Flame WP.

No NDEs this session. I've gotten the hang of waking up a few monsters, jumping back behind my merc, and pummeling all with fire arrows from a safe distance. His resists are pretty decent, so even the Knights are not doing too much damage to him - all he needs is an occasional healing potion to stay alive.

My resists have been aweful for a couple acts now. And my plan is to tank Diablo, so I really needed to do something. So I made a radical decision. I went back to my stash & pulled out Sigons armor and belt. This maxes my fire/lightning resists (actually 85%FR with the Nokazon Relic), and gives me 10% more LL. Since I will be using Spineripper against D, this will help some.

I crafted a new set of blood gloves (standard affixes, and +10%IAS & CR), and picked up a Fal at the hellforge. What a crappy rune for untwinked play! :grrr: It goes into the prize stash along with the two useless Io's.

WPs: A3: 4-55, 5-56, 6-56, 7-56, 8-56, A4: 1-57, 2-58
Quests: A3: Will-56, Tome-56, Council-56, Meph-56, A4: Izual-57, Hellforge-58

I'll get madmax to start playing again yet :D
Good luck against Diablo. If mad doesn't start up again soon, at the rate you're going you'll be passing him soon. Anyway, your score is updated.
This will be my final tourney update. No, I didn't die, I just ran out of time. :)

I am fully booked tomorrow and Saturday, with zero gaming time. So I made a final lunge this evening...

FlameDame started with her attack on the CS - all went very well. No NDEs, but her merc bit the dust repeatedly. Then Diablo. He nearly killed our heroine when she charged the beast running headlong in the pink flame of death! A fast rejuv saved her dignity. Then it was a matter of tanking D while poking him with Spineripper - no jab, just straight attack. It was slow but worked well. Diablo neglected to cast fire rings, so the might merc stayed alive providing his very helpful aura!

Act 5 started well. The bloody foothills were conquered and Shenk killed. Then the clock expired.

WPs: A5: 1-lvl59
Quests: A4: Diablo-lvl58, a5: Shenk-lvl59

Congratulations to madmaxxam our tourney champ!! 👏

I've put all items not being worn onto a prize stash. I hope to play this gal again one day. I'll send the stash out very soon.

Thanks for the tourney goltar, and for your excellent work with the scoring and updates 👍
Well, I still haven't been able to make it past blood raven, and haven't been dedicating much time since I came to Japan, but it looks like I managed to win. Should I still send in my prize stash? I'm not sure how prize distribution will work, first, second, third, etc? Anyway, good job to all those involved, and I hope to compete against you again in future tourneys.
Yay, after an overnight stay in O'Hare, I'm finally home.

AE, I've got your new score in and uploaded.

Congratulations madmaxxam, you win! Technically, there is still a little more time for someone to pass you, but I seriously doubt that will happen. In order to simplify things, go ahead and send me your item stash, and I'll put everything into one big stash. What I'll do then is send the stash to mad first, to pull out some items of your choice, and then you send to to AE, and so on down the line of everyone who puts something into the stash. I'll put together a list of emails for who to send it to each time. The number of items you can take will depend on how many people submit something and how many items there are. Finally, if you sent me something and you aren't on the list, let me know so I can add you to the list. I should have the emails for everyone on the list, but I won't complain if you give me your email again.

Sorry I haven't sent in my stash yet... I still don't have internet up in my apartment in Japan. I'm hoping to get it up soon, within the next couple of days, but you know how life can be when moving to a new country where you only moderately understand the language... So hopefully you'll have my stash as soon as my internet is up. I just need to pester some of the people in my lab here.
Ok, final scores are posted. Congratulations madmaxxam.

Here are the people I have received stashes from at this time:


I have also uploaded an ATMA dump of the prize stash. Here's how I'm planning on distributing prizes. There are currently 10 people who have submitted a stash. These people, and any others who submit their stash in time, will get a chance to pull out a certain number of items from the stash. As it stands, there are 386 items in the stash, so everyone will get 38 items of their choice, with the top 6 getting 39 to take care of the odd items. For those higher up, take what you wish, but if possible, leave something a little nicer than low runes and gems for the others. Once the deadline for sending in stashes is reached, I'll send the stash to madmaxxam, along with a list of emails for who gets it in what order. Everybody take out the number of items you are entitled to (or less if you want), and send it on to the next person down the list. If somebody doesn't take some of their items, I'll probably do a giveaway for whatever is left at the end. Thanks to everyone who participated.

As for round 2, I'm going to be moving soon, so I don't have any date yet as to when it will begin.
Congratulations madmaxxam on your win.

And, thanks again, goltar25, for organizing and updating a very fun tournament.
Thanks to everyone who participated. I really enjoyed this, and once I'm settled in after moving and have a monitor that can handle D2, I'm going to run this tournament again, with a few changes. Congratulations madmaxxam, and everyone else.

The prize stash has been sent out. madmaxxam, please confirm via email once you have received it. Everyone will get a certain number of items to take from the stash, as I described before, and as is in the email.

Again, thanks to all for participating.
Update on the prize stash...

madmaxxam & I have looted the stash a bit, and it's moved on to Resipsa. There are still LOTS of goodies to choose from.
goltar25 said:
Thanks to everyone who participated. I really enjoyed this, and once I'm settled in after moving and have a monitor that can handle D2, I'm going to run this tournament again, with a few changes. Congratulations madmaxxam, and everyone else.

The prize stash has been sent out. madmaxxam, please confirm via email once you have received it. Everyone will get a certain number of items to take from the stash, as I described before, and as is in the email.

Again, thanks to all for participating.
Yes, I had fun... although if by any chance I roll a necro during the next one I'll take an instant re-roll. Thanks again for running the tournament goltar. I think half of the prize items I took were actually gems that I'll use for rune cubing.
Alright, I'm getting ready to start the new tournament. However, apparently the prize stash from this tournament is lost somewhere. So everybody, let me know whether or not you've had a shot at the stash yet, and if you have, whether you've sent it on or not. AE and mad, I already know that you guys had it and sent it on, but everyone else, lets find the stash.
Welcome back Goltar :)

I sent the stash to Resipsa, and he confirmed receipt on Aug 6:
Resipsa via email said:
Thanks...and congratulations on second place. I received the prize stash this morning but I do not have ATMA loaded on this computer. I will open the stash and send it on this evening or tomorrow morning.


I still have my email with a backup copy of the stash if needed.
Estimated market value