[2004] A quick tournament! [by El Communisto]

Jan 3, 2007
DISCLAIMER: Please do NOT post in this thread yet. We still need to migrate all posts from the old thread on diabloii.net to this thread. If you want to help, feel free to do so :)

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This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by El Communisto on Jul 22, 2004. (link to original thread on diabloii.net)

A quick tournament!

I feel the need to build a short lived HC character, but I want others to do it too so we can tell war stories at the EMB. :lol:

A quick tournament with only a few rules:
1 - HC only.
2 - No save & exit except in town.
3 - Muling off is ok, muling on is forbidden. When you die, email the prizes to el*@*.net and I will distribute them to the winners.
4 - MP only among other tournament participants.
5 - No townportal scrolls in the belt, hotkey ok.
6 - All waypoints must be collected, but you can skip any quests you feel like.

Oh, and the three rules that make this difficult.
7 - You may NOT use a shield of any type for any reason!
8 - You may NOT put ANY points into vitality! EVER! You may, however, use equipment that boosts your vitality if you get that far. :lol:
9 - You must use either an A1 or A3 merc!

Any build is allowed, even energy shield sorcs. I find it unlikely that most people will get far with 10-25 vitality, and I seriously doubt that an ES sorc will find enough +skills equipment in her travels to ger her the coveted 95% damage absorbed.

The tournament will end when everyone gets bored, dies, or someone reaches Guardian. Feel free to run areas as much as you like, as you are taking your own very fragile character into your own hands.

As usual, post your updates and such here. You may start as soon as you feel like it. I'll keep it open for a week or so. Might close it sooner if nobody wants to play, or keep it open longer if I get a big response.

Remember to have fun!
Note: These are posts #2-20 from the original thread.

I'm gonna think real hard.

I may very well join in on this one.

Edit: Got a start date for us?
Mythological said:
I'm gonna think real hard.

I may very well join in on this one.

Edit: Got a start date for us?
Right... Start when you feel like doing so. :)

Ok EC, this obviously is my kind of challenge. :teeth:

The necro would be too easy - should be disallowed from this tourney. :)

But we do need summons or some sort of meat shields. Maybe a no vit fire/summoner druid. Yeah, yeah, I've sorta done that one!

Ok, how about a no vit javazon? Yup, that's the ticket. I'm in!
I'm in. I'm thinking a blade fury Assassin. Woo hoo I might make it past act 1.
Hmm... I just Matted my Frost Nova sorc, so I guess it's time for a tourney :)

I gotta decide what character. I was thinking either a thorns or martyr paladin, but those would be too easy...

I'll get back to you on the character!

Edit: Going with a bow-wielding Amazon.

Also, rules clarification: When you say no muling on, is that no muling on at all, even items that we muled off of the character?

And, any /players setting allowed?
No points in Vit, no Act II merc... that is insane EC!

Count me in for a Druid. Go Go Oak Sage!
Well, since I have a hatred for Assy's and it looks like who ever I play will die quickly, I'm going to make a Trapper.

mrflippy said:
Also, rules clarification: When you say no muling on, is that no muling on at all, even items that we muled off of the character?

And, any /players setting allowed?
I'm going to say no muling on at all, just to be extra irritating. :lol:
And you may use any players setting you like.

@AE - good to see you rise to the challenge, with a melee character no less. I wouldn't have expected anything less of you. :D

@steelsixtyIV - Oak sage, eh? Are those extra 50 HP going to be worth 20 skill points? :)

Also, let's not all play amazons! There are 7 character classes!

I don't belive it you can actually put tp's on your belt. I guess I can try but I

doubt that ill get far. I supose ill go for some kind of barb.
Can we trade (in MP game) with other participants? :)
mrflippy said:
Can we trade (in MP game) with other participants? :)
Aren't you Mr. Inquisitive? :D

Sure. Trading is allowed between players.

Also, I do plan to participate in this, but I'm really tired so nothing sounds appealing right now. I briefly thought of playing a mojomancer, but then sanity returned.

AlterEgo said:
Ok, how about a no vit javazon? Yup, that's the ticket. I'm in!
El Communisto said:
@AE - good to see you rise to the challenge, with a melee character no less. I wouldn't have expected anything less of you. :D
Ok, melee it is :teeth: I change it to a spearazon! And don't lecture me about choosing an amazon I picked it first. :)
What better way to return than a tournament. :)

Ok, count me. I'm feeling in touch with nature at the moment. I'll be a summon-druid. Let's make him a bowler (the knockback HAS to help). To that end say hi to:

Lebowski, L1 No-Vit Bowl-summoner Druid.

Butz. :teeth:
Butzull said:
What better way to return than a tournament. :)
Hey, long time, no see. Welcome back :)
I haven't played enough Assassin, so I'm going to go with a trapper I think, since I'm not in it to win, I'm just going to do whatever, even though I have no idea how to make an assassin.

Neophyte - Lvl 1 Assassin
AlterEgo said:
Ok, melee it is :teeth: I change it to a spearazon! And don't lecture me about choosing an amazon I picked it first. :)
I thought Javazons were mostly melee characters? On the other hand, I've never actually played a javazon, so who knows. Go with what you feel like AE. Oh, and I wasn't lecturing you old man. Don't go and have a stroke on us. :teeth:

@Butzull - Welcome and enjoy! Nice character name too. :)

Thanks guys. I've never seen the movie, but it just seemed, err, appropriate! ;)

Butz. :teeth:
Javazons are both ranged and melee. Jab/Charged Strike for massive melee damage, lightning fury for extreme whoop ***. I'm just wondering, since you can't use a shield, would a dual-claw assassin with weapon-block be allowed?
Since I don't expect her to live long, I'll make a Blade Sentinel assassin.

Oh yeah, her name's Fleeting.
Estimated market value