- Jan 3, 2007
- 9,188
- 992
- 113
DISCLAIMER: Please do NOT post in this thread yet. We still need to migrate all posts from the old thread on diabloii.net to this thread. If you want to help, feel free to do so
To migrate a post, use the "multi-quote" function in the original thread for all posts of one page, insert the quotes, then copy and paste the text into this thread and insert quotes from original posts (i.e. quoted quotes) manually. Take a look at the latest post in this thread to see how migrated posts should look like. Once all posts from this thread have been migrated, the disclaimer will be removed and the thread open to new posts.
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by Cattleya on Jul 19, 2005. The last post was made Feb 6, 2006.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)
To migrate a post, use the "multi-quote" function in the original thread for all posts of one page, insert the quotes, then copy and paste the text into this thread and insert quotes from original posts (i.e. quoted quotes) manually. Take a look at the latest post in this thread to see how migrated posts should look like. Once all posts from this thread have been migrated, the disclaimer will be removed and the thread open to new posts.
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by Cattleya on Jul 19, 2005. The last post was made Feb 6, 2006.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)
A Quick Tournament 4
As promised, here is round 4! Most of the rules will be the same, with some minor changes. I've tried to keep the spirit of the tourney the same, while updating a few things. A point system will now be used to determine a winner, and people will be given the freedom to skip quests/WPs if they want to. One more option will be added not previously allowed, but at a significant point cost. :evil:
[highlight]A Quick Tournament IV[/highlight]
1. HC only, no game mods, any player setting may be used.
2. All builds are allowed (with the exception in 10a.)
3. There are no restrictions on running areas. Players may return to earlier Acts/Difficulties to run areas if they wish.
4. No save & exit to escape death.
5. Muling of items found by the character (both on and off) is allowed.
6. Trading is allowed only with other "A Quick Tournament" characters.
Note: Items found by dead characters (even those muled off prior to death) are not allowed into the trading pool of the tournament. This means no muling items found by the dead characters onto later attempts. I don't want second and third chance characters to have the advantage of being twinked.
7. MP is allowed only with other "A Quick Tournament" characters.
8. No town portal scrolls in the belt, hot-key is allowed.
9. All quests must be completed and all WPs must be collected before proceeding to the next Act to get earn points for them. Players may go back to early acts/difficulties to compete quests and grab WPs, but they will not get any points for this. Returning the Malus to Charsi, killing Shenk, and killing Nilathak are sufficient for the completion of these quests and collecting the points for them. The rewards do not need to be used.
Once you get the Guardian screen, you are considered to have completed Act 5 Hell, and will not get points for any quests or WPs completed after that point. You may still complete quests and collect WPs after killing Baal as long as you do not use Tyreal's portal or Save and Exit the game.
Now for the fun rules...
10. You may NOT use a shield of any type for any reason!
a. Assassins may not use Weapon Block. Dual wielding assassins may not place any points in Weapon Block, even as a prerequisite. This means no points can be placed in Shadow Warrior/Shadow Master when dual wielding claws.
11. You may NOT put any points into vitality! EVER! You may, however, use equipment that boosts your vitality.
12. I could have sworn there was a #12 last time...
Most quests and WPs are worth one point, but some get a bonus because they are difficult for little reward.
Waypoints: WPs are worth 1 point with the following exceptions:
Act II: Halls of the Dead -- 2 points
Act III: Great Marsh -- 2 points
Act V: Halls of Pain -- 0 points
Quests: Quests are worth 1 point with the following exceptions:
Act III: The Gibdin -- 2 points
Act V: Nilathak -- 3 points
Act Completion
Destroyer: 5 points [75 points total available for normal]
Conqueror: 10 points [80 points total available for nightmare]
Guardian: 15 points + level bonus [85 points (+level bonus) available for hell]
Guardian level bonus: 99 - Character level upon reaching Guardian
Maximum Points by Act
1: 15
2: 16
3: 17
4: 6
5: 16
Tank Penalties
Melee mercs were previously banned, but some characters still had access to tanks. These penalties give characters that do not use a tank a point advantage, and give all characters the opportunity for a tank. These penalties are designed with the history of the tourney in mind. So, things that have always been allowed will get a smaller penalty than something that wasn't previously allowed, even if they give the same advantage to characters. Life ain't always fair...
Characters that use the following minions at any point in the game besides the listed exceptions will be penalized the listed amount of points. This includes characters using these minions from OSkill items and charges, but not CtC. Using more than one of these minions will incur multiple penalties. (If the minions are listed on the same line such as Shadow Warrior and Master, the multiple penalty does not apply.) Players do not get a penalty for placing points in the skill as a prerequisite or synergy, only for actually using the skill in game.
Decoy: 5 points (no penalty if Valk is used and Decoy is only used from levels 24-29)
Valkery: 15 points
Sprit Wolves/Dire Wolves: 10 points (no penalty if Grizzly is used)
Grizzly: 15 points
Shadow Warrior/Shadow Master: 15 points
Skeletal Warriors: 15 points
Golems: 10 points
Skeletal Mages: 5 points
Revives: 10 points
There is a minion penalty cap of 25 points, so a full summoner necro using all 4 types of minions will still only have a 25 point penalty.
-A character that uses a Valk, and only uses Decoy to level 29 will have a 15 point penalty.
-A character that uses Valk and continues to use Decoy as well past level 30 will have a 20 point penalty.
-Druids that use wolves, but never a Grizzly have a 10 point penalty.
-Druids that use Wolves and the Grizzly have a 15 point penalty.
-Assassins that use Shadow Warrior and Shadow Master have a 15 point penalty.
-An Amazon that uses Valk, Decoy, and Sprit Wolves from a Crescent Moon weapon with have a 25 point penalty, due to the minion penalty cap.
Characters that use an Act II or Act V merc at any point in the game will be penalized by 40 points. This is in addition to any penalty from minions. (So a summoning necro with a 25 point minion penalty will have a total penalty of 65 if they use a melee merc.)
Sign Ups
Post your characters name and class in the tourney thread to sign up. New players may sign up for the tournament until [highlight]September-30-2005[/highlight]. Players whose characters die may restart a new character as long as the new character is started before September 30th. Players need to send in the prize stash for their previous character before starting a new character.
Character Updates
Updates should include the character name, class, level, loaction, current point penalty, and total points. The tournament host will be responsible for posting tournament progress updates.
End of Tournament:
This tournament will end when all characters have died or reached Guardian. If no updates have been made by any of the players for one month, and end date will be posted for the tournament. The winner is the player with the highest score. (If players tie, the prize stash will be divided among the winners.)
Prize Stash:
Upon the death of a character (or reaching Guardian) e-mail at least 2 nice items to the tournament host. The prize stash should NOT include any items on the character, in the character inventory, or in the in-game stash at the time of the character's death. The prize stash should not include runes, or items containing runes. A prize stash must be sent before starting a new character, unless the character died before muling off items. E-mail prize stashes to desertcattleya (at) gmail.com.
Good luck, have fun, and don't die!