200 FCR gear for light sorc?


New member
Nov 23, 2009
200 FCR gear for light sorc?


Helmet: Griffons Eye socked with light facet -5/5 (griffon has 25 FCR wich you need and also -25 to enemy res)

Crafted Amu with 20 FCR and 2 to sorc skills and some other adds.

Shield 1: Spirit Monarch with 35 FCR (good shield with FCR and other good adds)

Shield 2
Another Spirit Monarch, FCR is not important

Armor: Viper 35 Uped (this armor has 30 FCR as well and a lot of res add. if needed you can sock it with um, but if not a Light facet -5/5)

Weapon 1: Hoto 40 (40 FCR is good, it gives mana and +3 to all skills as well.) First I was planning to use Wizardspik, but I lost +3 skills from hoto then, so hoto became my option here. It also give res wich this build need.

Weapon 2:
CTA with 6 to battle order

Rings: 1 SOJ and 1 FCR ring (If i use wizardspike i could use 2x SOJ, but then I lost the +3 skills hoto give. If I use a FCR ring I will only lose 1 skill from the other SOJ. much better option!)

Arach (20 FCR 1 to all skills.)

Gloves: Magefist (20 FCR and regenerate mana)

Boots: I really dont know, maybe WT or Treks. maybe even rare res boots?

FCR 20+35+25+30+40+10+20+20= 200 !!!!!! Nice tele speeeeeeeed

Your res will be good too, if not full, try to get a rare amu with 20fcr 2 sorc skills and some res. or maybe res boots thats RARE.

This is just a proposal how i would do it. anyone else have some better gear?

does someone know what skills to use with this gear?
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Re: 200 FCR gear for light sorc?


my maths is broken.

edited stuff was here...

and soket vipers with griffon with um for 30 res.

triple res boots > others in my eyes ( 55 fhr from spirit = 44 fhr bp = good enough for pvm )

teleport bp = 200 lighting bp = 198

you got fcr over kill :p

and skill....

1 tk
20 lighting
20 cl
20 cb
20 mastery
20 nova

for lighting sorc sounds okay, right?
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Re: 200 FCR gear for light sorc?

the gear imo, depends on what you want to do with it.
the +3 skill may seem nice on paper, but in practice I don't know if it will compare to Wizardspike+ 2x SOJ if you're going with an 95Energy Shield build or something of the sort.

Of course, going full ES would also largely limit the number of Lightning skills you would have at your disposal, so that's also something to think about. (Though I would imagine only Charged Bolt and Nova are really effective at 200FCR).

Re: 200 FCR gear for light sorc?


my maths is broken.

edited stuff was here...

and soket vipers with griffon with um for 30 res.

triple res boots > others in my eyes ( 55 fhr from spirit = 44 fhr bp = good enough for pvm )

teleport bp = 200 lighting bp = 198

you got fcr over kill :p

and skill....

1 tk
20 lighting
20 cl
20 cb
20 mastery
20 nova

for lighting sorc sounds okay, right?

You guys are hard to please :scratchchin::smug:

Re: 200 FCR gear for light sorc?

the gear imo, depends on what you want to do with it.
the +3 skill may seem nice on paper, but in practice I don't know if it will compare to Wizardspike+ 2x SOJ if you're going with an 95Energy Shield build or something of the sort.

Of course, going full ES would also largely limit the number of Lightning skills you would have at your disposal, so that's also something to think about. (Though I would imagine only Charged Bolt and Nova are really effective at 200FCR).

Another ES-item to keep in mind is Fortitude. It comes with:

- 25 FCR
- a nice chunk of +life (pretty nice when you're dumping a ton of points into Energy)
- some resists
- a little PDR
- and free Chilling Armor.

It's not necessarily better than Vipermagi, but it's a reasonable alternative for an ES build.

Re: 200 FCR gear for light sorc?

the gear imo, depends on what you want to do with it.
the +3 skill may seem nice on paper, but in practice I don't know if it will compare to Wizardspike+ 2x SOJ if you're going with an 95Energy Shield build or something of the sort.

Of course, going full ES would also largely limit the number of Lightning skills you would have at your disposal, so that's also something to think about. (Though I would imagine only Charged Bolt and Nova are really effective at 200FCR).


or if going ES build you might consider:

Wizzy + girffon + 20 fcr amu + enigma ( yy, ENIGMA ) 2 fcr rings arach mage, blah blah blah 200 fcr


WHY ENIGMA?!?!?!?!

answer: it gives strength, you should be looking at at least 66str+ from this armour.

but soj is more effective ^_^

Re: 200 FCR gear for light sorc?

I don't know how great the Enigma would be. Personally it doesn't sound too appealing, but it's something to keep in mind, because those damn Monarchs are so heavy :(

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