1.13 Fixed Dupe Still Harming 1.12 Realms; Warden Useless; Gamespammers Unpunished

Re: 1.13 Fixed Dupe Still Harming 1.12 Realms; Warden Useless; Gamespammers Unpunishe

Call it the No More Excuses Fund. Let's say we could get 20,000 people to each donate $5/yr. That'd be $100k/yr--enough to hire a decent programmer who could work on Diablo 2 full-time; who could read the forums and understand the slang; who could do a week's worth of work in less than 8 months; who wouldn't have to stop patching a dupe method to work on warcraft sound effects. Count me in for $100.

This is my favorite quote :] The guy has a really good point over here... They really do seem to worry more about warcraft sound effects than rather "serious" bugs in D2 >.>
Re: 1.13 Fixed Dupe Still Harming 1.12 Realms; Warden Useless; Gamespammers Unpunishe

Amazing how pay for play provides more incentive for support than a game that hardly brings in revenue at all... Who'd have guessed?
Re: 1.13 Fixed Dupe Still Harming 1.12 Realms; Warden Useless; Gamespammers Unpunishe

Amazing how pay for play provides more incentive for support than a game that hardly brings in revenue at all... Who'd have guessed?

hehe good point :)

Not a bad article on that link to the link....I definitely like his pointn about hiring a dev with donations...heck, id even pay 5$ a month to get blizz to hire folsk to rework this like it deserves. D2 is one of the only games I know that has such a huge following more then a decade and a half after its release. Imagine what 15 yrs of 5$ per month per person would have done, or even his 5$ a year.

to his other comments...not sure where he's getting his info on the dupe or the warden. no links to sources, so in all honesty it could purely be guesswork. Reading his other articles below that one (with guesses on patch 1.13 that didn't come true), I think it could be safely said that hes about where everyone else is....wondering. Theory crafting. But well know when the patch hits if the dupe elimination works. But I'm not holding my hopes too high...I was hoping for allot more from this patch (like killing TPK for crimaninny's sake)

I know that Bal stated that they have more in store, but when they announce a patch an april, and it doesn't hit till December, I worry about what they mean when they say more in store...3 years? 5 years? will i be retired and have grandkids before we get a content patch?

Re: 1.13 Fixed Dupe Still Harming 1.12 Realms; Warden Useless; Gamespammers Unpunishe

It's just some guy saying that because there are Enigmas and Griefs now there are also dupes.

These runewords are most likely the product of forum gold, since that allows a player to start of a ladder very rich and buy the high runes when they show up.
Re: 1.13 Fixed Dupe Still Harming 1.12 Realms; Warden Useless; Gamespammers Unpunishe

PTR is tested for bots too u know ;) And since rune drop chance increased a bot running 24/7 will eventually find them.
Still if a lot of people have enigmas already it might be possible that duping is involved.
After all duping is possible even by accident; for example i traded a mal with somebody and he left the game; before i had a chance to exit the game crashed on me and after 10 mins or so when i was finally allowed to enter a game mal was still there. The other guy never complained that his mal was missing so i guess the dupe process was successful lol.
Re: 1.13 Fixed Dupe Still Harming 1.12 Realms; Warden Useless; Gamespammers Unpunishe

That's the kind of dupe that should be easy to prevent. I can think of at least two ways to do it.

1. If any player leaves the game for any reason all players in the game are saved at the same time, any items that have the same item ID are noted and one of them is selected at random to be removed.

2. If a game crashes then the item id's of every item involved is compared to item ID's of every other character that was recently in the same game. Duplicates are removed from a randomly selected character. This shouldn't be terribly difficult since the hosting server and the server that co-ordinates the login should be separate.
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