1.11 SPF SC Ladder [by Cattleya]


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2020
Originally posted August 5, 2005. This competition is closed.

1.11 SPF SC Ladder

Welcome to the first 1.11 SPF SC Ladder thread. The 1.11 Ladder website is www.spfladder.com. Please check that site for the most updated rules.

If you want to participate in this ladder, read the rules and post your character's info in this thread.

Here are the rules for the 1.11 SPF SC Ladder:
  1. The RTB 1.11 RWM may be used. Characters using this mod (or non-mod users who trade or MP with the mod users) must indicate their status as RWM users. This is the only mod allowed for ladder play.
  2. All ladder characters must have been started in 1.11.
  3. Ladder characters can only play with other ladder chars, and trade/use items that were found by ladders chars only, with the exception in the next rule.
  4. Ladder characters may participate in PvP games where no questing or exp is being gained, and no items are taken from the game.
  5. Partied players in MP games must be within 10 levels and 1 Act of each other. (The level limit does not apply if the partied characters in the MP game have all beat hell difficulty.)
  6. You can play solely SP, solely MP or both.
  7. There are no time restrictions, and no "seasons", so you can play at your own pace.
  8. You may create and play as many chars as you wish.
  9. You can mule and twink your chars as you wish, though only with items found by you, or other ladder chars.
  10. You may use whichever players settings, as well as complete or skip any quests that you like
  11. Trading will be done in the trade forum. Your post title should indicate the type of trade.
    • [SCL1.11] = Softcore Ladder
    • [SCL1.11R] = Softcore Ladder (using RWM or has traded with 1.11SCL-RWM players.)
  12. PK'ing of any kind is strictly-prohibited, and by using such tactics, you will get yourself permanently banned from the ladder.
  13. New players wishing to join the ladder who already have a previously created character must be created after August 1, 2005, meet all the rules in this laddder and not exceed character level 50. Characters over level 50 may be added to the ladder if they get approval of 3 active ladder participants. (Active participants are those who have updated their characters in the last 2 months.) The ladder administrator has the final say on late additions, however.
  14. Note that you can be in a tournament with your character as well as in this ladder provided that you use this set of rules. However you may use a stricter set of rules as long as none of it contradict with the SPF 1.11 ladder rules (eg. Septivarate).
Last edited:
Here is my first SC character.
Name          Level  Class  Build               Progress    RWM  Notes
Deborah         1    Sorc   Blizzard            Act 1 Norm   N
I may join up with this if I continue to play D2. I have to decide between this or b.net, I planned a while back before the patch to try a hammerdin untwinked since that's probably the only way I'd ever play a hammerdin. I won't put myself in yet but I might be here in a few days.
I would like to add my Fishymancer Necro named Ingram to the ladder. He is level 1 in Act 1 Normal and I will be using the RWM.
ok, time to add chars ....

blizzbabe lvl 41 blizz sorc act V norm :lol:
arrragorn lvl 15 ???(barb) act I norm
BONEfiedloser lvl 16 skellemancer act I norm

all will be vanilla

so this is my first tourney/things that deal with the rating box, do we let you change all of that of should we just edit what is there, PM me or respond here, either way.

shersman said:
so this is my first tourney/things that deal with the rating box, do we let you change all of that of should we just edit what is there, PM me or respond here, either way.
Well, somewhere down the line it will be set up so that you can update your character on the website. That is a little ways away however. For now, just update your characters in this thread. I will add them manually to the ladder on the website (once I get that up) until the edit feature is up. Using a format similar to the one I used im my post is usually easiest to read, and that's what most people were doing on the 1.10 ladder thread.
Name          Level  Class  Build               Progress    RWM  Notes
Etalla          1    Amazon Strafer             Act 1 Norm   Y

I don't think I can add my sorc as well because I started her in 1.10, is that right?
Humphrey said:
I don't think I can add my sorc as well because I started her in 1.10, is that right?
Correct, all items and characters must be purely 1.11. Anything started or carried over from 1.10 (or earlier versions) is not allowed.
OK. Might start a new sorc then, to mf for my other ladder characters.

Name          Level  Class   Build               Progress    RWM  Notes
Etalla         13    Amazon  Strafer             Act 5 Norm   Y
Rual            1    Paladin Hammerdin           Act 1 Norm   Y
TBA             1    Sorc    Meteorb?            Act 1 Norm   Y
Name          Level  Class  Build               Progress    RWM  Notes
Zeus           17      Bar    Axe/WW          Act1 Nor    N
Name          Level    Class      Build               Progress      RWM    Notes
Trivium          8       Pally   FrostZealot          Act1 Norm     N
Ok, got to ask. How is everyone putting their character in this box labeled Code:?

Ingram said:
Ok, got to ask. How is everyone putting their character in this box labeled Code:?


You use the "code" tags around the text, and it will use the monospaced font and allow you to format using spaces to line stuff up. You just enclose the text you want with {code} text here{/code} where you replace { with [ and } with ]. You can also just reply to someone elses post that has the table, remove the quote tags, and replace thier info with yours.
Thanks much, Cattleya.

Name     Level        Class         Build          Progress     RWM   Notes
Ingram     6      Necromancer    Skellimancer     Act 1 Norm     Y
Ok, that didn't last long. Haven't played untwinked for a long time and forgot just how much I do not like untwinked Necros. So please don't add that character to the SPL. Here is what I will be going with to start:

Name   Level   Class     Build       Progress    RWM    Notes
Tempus   1    Paladin   Hammerdin   Act 1 Norm    Y

Sorry about that. I will keep this one going.

Hey. No intro thread for me, but if ya wanna look me up I was JohnWillkins a long ways back. Participated in the Ladder before, so I guess here I am again.

Name             Level  Class      Build       Progress    RWM  Notes
DeathsStalker      1     Sin       TS/DS?        Act1       No

May take the RWM later, but I have no characters(even past normal, just had to buy Exp again since my CD was not working) so I am starting fresh. If I get anywhere I may make a conversion, at which point I'll make a note. Glad to be back.
 Name             Level  Class      Build       Progress    RWM  Notes
FreezeFrame      6      Pal        Freezealot  Act1        Yes

That's my baby. I'll ramp up the Blizz sorc once FF finds me a few itamz.

Name             Level  Class      Build       Progress    RWM  Notes
DeathsStalker      19    Sin       TS/DS?        Act2       No

Act one on Players 8, was a breeze except the ghosty guys. Gambled away 10,000's, which is a shame seeing as how I got nothing. Here comes Act 2.
Ingram said:
Ok, got to ask. How is everyone putting their character in this box labeled Code:?

I replied to a post with the code already set up, then just replaced the character with mine. I find it easier than typing everything out.
tonights update

Name             Level    Class      Build       Progress             RWM  Notes
BONEfiedLoser      23     necro      fishy        Act2                 N   
arrragorn          18     barb       frenzy       Act1                 N
Blizzbabe          57     sorc       blizzard     Act3 Nightmare       N

should have built a fireball sorc
I've been working on the website, and it I've been trying to figure out the best way to do things. I've realized that manually updating a table for the ladder will probably drive me insane. (I do still actually need time to play. :D ) So, the best solution is to get an updating feature up running pronto. The problem is I've got a learning curve to contend with. I won't know until I dive in how hard it will be (and therefor how long it will take.) What this means is that I won't be putting up the actual ladder on the website for a while.

For the time being then, let's keep the actual ladder in the thread. Thanks for being patient!

Here are the instructions for updating your characters and dealing with the code tags.

Note: "Tags" are instructions to the forum board on how to format your text. The surround the text they are supposed to format. [tag]Here is what I am formatting.[/tag] The "code" tag uses a monospace font and allows you to use spaces to line up columns of text.

(1) Reply to the last person whose post contains the ladder table.
(2) Remove the "quote" tags. [highlight]Important! [/highlight] If you don't do this, the next person will not be able to use your post to update the table.
(3) Add in/update your information. It can be very useful to use a monospaced font so that you can actually see how things line up. I copy the text in the code tags in to a text program, set the font for a mono-spaced font (like Courior New) and then I can see where I need to add and delete spaces. Don't use tabs to line up text, as your text editor may treat them differently from the forums.
(4) Make sure to renumber any rankings that have changed.
(5) Use preview to make sure it looks okay. Add/remove spaces as necessary to get things to line up.
(6) Hit submit and you are done!
Cattleya said:
(3) Add in/update your information. It can be very useful to use a monospaced font so that you can actually see how things line up. I copy the text in the code tags in to a text program, set the font for a mono-spaced font (like Courior New) and then I can see where I need to add and delete spaces. Don't use tabs to line up text, as your text editor may treat them differently from the forums.
What also works is copying an existing entry in the table (or just writing over your own if you are just updating), then writing over it using the Insert (Ins) key. Write your fourm name over the forum name there, add spaces til it covers up the previous name, then move to the start of the character name, and do the same etc.
The following items are for free to any up-and-coming fishymancer, just leave your email:

Crude Wand
One-Hand Damage: 1 to 3
Durability: 3 of 4
Staff Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 2
Fingerprint: 0x2b7b21e1
+1 to Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)
+1 to Raise Skeleton (Necromancer Only)
+1 to Amplify Damage (Necromancer Only)
150% Damage to Undead

Glimmering Preserved Head of Blocking
Defense: 5
Chance to Block: 43%
Smite Damage: 0 to 0
Durability: 17 of 20
(Necromancer Only)
Required Strength: 12
Required Level: 3
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 5
Fingerprint: 0x692dff31
+10% Increased Chance of Blocking
Adds 2-7 poison damage over 3 seconds
+1 to Light Radius
15% Faster Block Rate
+1 to Raise Skeleton (Necromancer Only)

Alright, I'm in. Fresh starts are always fun. Cheers!
a few things if anybody wants (assasin and sorc)

Sensei's Amulet of Revivification
Required Level: 30
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 45
Fingerprint: 0xbb122a7f
Replenish Life +12
+2 to Martial Art Skills (Assassin Only)

Jo Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 6 to 21
Durability: 14 of 20
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 24
Staff Class - Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 38
Fingerprint: 0xec633474
+3 to Chilling Armor (Sorceress Only)
+2 to Meteor (Sorceress Only)
150% Damage to Undead
Socketed (2: 0 used)

Jo Staff of the Bat
Two-Hand Damage: 6 to 21
Durability: 20 of 20
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 24
Staff Class - Fast Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 34
Fingerprint: 0xc96b07f9
5% Mana stolen per hit
+2 to Blizzard (Sorceress Only)
+1 to Chain Lightning (Sorceress Only)
150% Damage to Undead

I think these are worth a few flawless :lol:
new economies are great

just post email
Gonna use a blizz sorc to start off with, might change her to a hybrid later.

shersman said:
a few things if anybody wants (assasin and sorc)

Sensei's Amulet of Revivification
Required Level: 30
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 45
Fingerprint: 0xbb122a7f
Replenish Life +12
+2 to Martial Art Skills (Assassin Only)
Do ya mean for free or for a really lame trade? ;) I could use that, but I don't got anything to trade but maybe a few chipped things :rolleyes:

(email redacted -Pb) if you would be so kind. Don't know hw I could pay ya for it though.

[EDIT] Hmm... Guess I am the only Assassin so far. 👍
well, i added my druid Dandromar. he's my first druid since 1.08 - my 2nd druid ever...
atm i'm playing more tactical ops than d2, so it will take some time to get this guy in the 90ies.
Updated the level of my Hammerdin. After a rough start, he is doing pretty well now. Going to have to find some resist gear though, cause elemental attacks are hurting.
DeathsStalker in Act 3, just picked me up a brain. I hate all the lil flayer things. I can't wait for Meph and Act 4, and getting to make a HC character once I have the ability too again.
blizzbabe just got into hell, but I forgot how many cold immunes there are, oh well, will have to wait for some mp before getting to mephisto. ran NM meph for a while, got some decents finds, a good start to a 1.11 grail. with the "extra time" I decided to work on the skelle a bit and moved him through to act 3

Does your web space allow for PHP and Mysql? If not mysql do they allow scripts to access/rewrite flat files? Probally. I can code up some sort of tournament thing if you help me with what you want etc. This seems to be working relativly well tho. What would work would be to create a set out mysql database that can run all these tournaments. You could just clear the database after every tournament finishs for the next one. Make a login button with password supplied on this thread and then an update button, to allow people to copy, paste and put up the updating ladder information just as they are doing in the thread but on the webspace instead? This would be by far the easiest way to do it.

This all could be easily acheived with a flat file also what was I thinking. It would take me a few minutes to code this up or so.
parawizard said:

Does your web space allow for PHP and Mysql? If not mysql do they allow scripts to access/rewrite flat files? Probally. I can code up some sort of tournament thing if you help me with what you want etc. This seems to be working relativly well tho. What would work would be to create a set out mysql database that can run all these tournaments. You could just clear the database after every tournament finishs for the next one. Make a login button with password supplied on this thread and then an update button, to allow people to copy, paste and put up the updating ladder information just as they are doing in the thread but on the webspace instead? This would be by far the easiest way to do it.

This all could be easily acheived with a flat file also what was I thinking. It would take me a few minutes to code this up or so.
Yup, my host allows PHP and MySQL, and that is the ultimate plan for the website. I've started reading up on the two, and it does look like once I get going it won't be too difficult. I appreciate the offer to do the coding, but right now I am using this as a learning experience so I want to see if I can get it going on my own. That is assuming everyone is willing to give me a little bit of time and is okay with updating in the thread for the next little while. :) But if I get frustrated/too busy, now I know who to start pestering for help. :D
Cattleya said:
Yup, my host allows PHP and MySQL, and that is the ultimate plan for the website. I've started reading up on the two, and it does look like once I get going it won't be too difficult. I appreciate the offer to do the coding, but right now I am using this as a learning experience so I want to see if I can get it going on my own. That is assuming everyone is willing to give me a little bit of time and is okay with updating in the thread for the next little while. :) But if I get frustrated/too busy, now I know who to start pestering for help. :D
Contact me and add me to msn or what not I can help out with the process a bit if you get stuck or what not. It might be easier just to use php fopen commands for flat files instead of doing the rather huge mysql thing. Theres alot more involved with mysql for what needs to be done here. :)
Updated the paladin and added a Sorc who I am building up to do some MF runs.
Way to go Shersman! I see you've hit the "Blizzard Wall" hehe...don't worry, NM Meph can drop a metric ton of good stuff.

updated my druid and added my mf sorc. found a few uniques and 2 parts of the sigons set - a good basis for more 1.11 chars :)
I've removed my characters from the table because I've decided to use some of the pityful collection of unique and set items I have from 1.10 so they won't be purely 11.1 any more. I'm also planning to pat my non-ladder necro so I just know I'll find a WWS or something like that with him which I'll just have to use with my bowazon. Have fun in the ladder everyone!
The Goob moves up the ladder with a healthy dose of Countess runs.

To say "I enjoy low level runewords" would be to say "an alcoholic enjoys alcohol"...I am having a near-euphoric time with this.

Steel flail
Stealth breastplate
Ancient's Pledge Targe (yeah, I found 4 Rals)
Malice spetum
Stealth splint mail

I contemplated Nadir, but quickly realized that I can't handle the constant repairs, and it's eye-gougingly awful without the CoS.

/me looks forward to NM Countess and her sweet, sweet Shaels and Amns.

The Sorc is moving along nicely. She found my first Biggin's Bonnet ever. I think I am going to try Goober's stragety and get some low level rune words to use for the paladin and the sorc.

 Rank  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project      Level
1     shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N                71
2     nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N                32
3     Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y                31
4     ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N                28
5     shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N                26
6     GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y                22
7     nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N                20
8     Ingram            Titania          Sorc   Meteorb              Y                19
9     shersman          arrragorn        Barb                        N                18
10    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N                17
11    ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N                 8
12    Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N                 1
13    Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y                 1
14    Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y                 1
Ingram said:
The Sorc is moving along nicely. She found my first Biggin's Bonnet ever. I think I am going to try Goober's stragety and get some low level rune words to use for the paladin and the sorc.
Leaf is excellent, as is Stealth.

But don't underestimate the vast and limitless power of simply socketing Tir runes into everything! With a little creative shopping, you should very easily be able to get +16 mana per kill, which is enough to fuel just about any build.

If you need FCR on your sorc, I've got 2xRing/Ammy of the Apprentice, just leave an email.

Also found a +3 Polearm/+3 Axe Barb Helm with 1os, free to anyone who wants it.

DeathsStalker is trudging along, past Meph and Diablo, onto act 5. Accidently left Players 8 on for Meph, which made things difficult. Diablo was my first death, and second, and third. I just couldn't go one on one with him, and his lightning and fire destroyed my SM and Merc in one shot. Some nice finds from Meph and Diablo:
Chance Guards( 35% mf)
The Chieftain Battle Axe
Tearhaunch Greaves
(2x) Nokozan Relic
Sigon Guard and Gage

Only using the first three, and I have some other lower items, but I'm sadly thrilled at what I have found. Need to get me some armor and a better weapon, although the Chieftain was a great upgrade from what I had. Better upper end damage+ faster attacks.
so, the sorc keeps moving along, as was mentioned earlier, blizzard wall. I say blizzard free standing wall of un-mortered bricks, you can push it over if you want to. currently getting through act 2, its a little bit tough, but not as bad as the underground passage. that was a nightmare. I was looking for better gear, and stumbled across a +2 cold skills, +2 blizzard orb. thats nice, and Im looking around for other +cold sorc stuff, so if anybody has anything, I have tons of +skills circlets, and tiaras, and stuff. I chose to gamble on those from my NM meph profits, probably did about 3 million worth of gambling, but every 2nd one was decent. haha. waiting for ya'll to get up here, so that I get some help, Im gonna be gone till sunday so, that should give you fellas some time to catch up. :lol: its fun teleporting around, trying not to get hit, and because no points went into energy, drink drink drink.

what Im really in need of is a sol, for lore, but I know thats not going to happen here. haha. had luck with an UM though, fell off some beetle minion iin hell. what a surprise! 👍

most of the circlets came out to be shadow discipline, some +3 traps, all druid stuffs, paly, some light sorc, and necro. they are all mixed in there.also there is a staff with some teleport charges if anybody is interested.

I definitely played too much diablo my week off. hahaha
Um, so, this code in reply looks much more confusing than the quest for 99 thread, and, as I don't want to mess it up, could someone plug in my char the next time they update? In exchange for saving this thread from the fourth page? :D He's Mjolnir, currently level 7, hammerdin, no mods (yet).
Too long to edit my last, so sorry for the double post. Mjolnir is now level 16 if anyone updates the ladder. Also, question. Twinking in is forbidden, of course, but is it acceptable for me to mule items to my main stash, if I never plan to use those items again? The Biggin's Bonnet Mjolnir found tonight will fill a hole in my grail when he's finished with it. :)
Updated my Sorc and added Tarr's Hammerdin.
The Sorc has gotten to Act V Normal. Finally made her a Leaf staff and some Stealth Armor. Those really help. Also managed to find 2 sets of Sparkling Mail. 7 total uniques found and I already get a repeat. If anyone wants the 2nd set, leave your e-mail address and I will send it no charge.
I added my new Winddruid, Arundel, to the ladder. I currently don't have the RWM installed, but I might install it at a later date. I'll change the No to Yes when/if I do.
FF beat Baal, untwinked, at level 32. I'm sure that's my personal record for lowest level through Normal, which proves that Freezealots totally rock.

Lister was, by far, my hardest battle I've ever fought in D2. I just didn't have any way to counter his smite attack, and it did 3/4 of my life every hit. Ouch.

Holy Freeze is amazing. I had a situation where a full screen of bad guys was on me, but they were just moving too slow to actually kill me. Which is funny, because I still don't have any life leech.

Next up, NM Countess.

Could someone please explain how to paste into the code? The columns don't seem to line up at all and I'm really afraid I'll bugger the whole thing up with an update.

I'll go with the verbal update again for now...Mjolnir has finished the maggot lair and is level 24. :)
:D I've tried several times too, so I will wait for a reply and learn how to do it as well.

My Metorb Sorceress is sitting in Act 2 Nightmare at the moment. She is currently level 53 due to some running in Normal. Will breeze through act 2 and 3 and do some Nightmare Meph runs. Going untwinked on a new character can be quite challenging. Currently have a +2 to all skills, +1 to Cold Mastery staff which is quite nice. Need some more +skill items and better armour before even thinking of stepping into hell.


Name: Alena
Characeter: Sorceress
Type: Meteorb
Project: None
Sorc is about to face the Ancients in Norm. Will finally get her to NM and start doing some runs to get items.

I had trouble figuring out the code too, but I found a pretty easy way. After I reply and erase the quotes, I highlight the line I want to change and right click on it and use the Cut option. Then I go to where I want the line, hit enter to make a space, then paste it in. I then change the level info and go back and redo the numbers for all the characters below it. If I am adding a new character, I just copy and paste some other line and type the new info over the old stuff to get an idea of about where to line it up. When I am done, nothing ever lines up right though.

I solve this by using the preview post option. I start at the top and if I see something off, I add/delete spaces as necessary. Usually it is not too bad because I cut/paste the info and the change in position usually only makes the difference a space or two that I have to change. Hope this helps, I know it confused me at first until I kept playing with it and using the preview button to check.

DeathsStalker is in Act 5. Item of interest was a The Tannr Gorerod that dropped. Blessed aim has helped me kill much faster recently. Up to a 90% chance to hit as opposed to a 67% a little while ago. :rolleyes:
Titania ran the NM Countess for a bit to get some runes. First time through the tower, a Skin of the Vipermagi dropped, along with a 2 socket staff with +3 to Meteor. That quickly became my new Leaf staff. I ended up needing about 3 hours of runs to finally get the runes for a Lore helm for her and an Insight polearm for my merc. Now it is time to head to Meph and see what he can do for me.
Ingram said:
Titania ran the NM Countess for a bit to get some runes. First time through the tower, a Skin of the Vipermagi dropped, along with a 2 socket staff with +3 to Meteor. That quickly became my new Leaf staff. I ended up needing about 3 hours of runs to finally get the runes for a Lore helm for her and an Insight polearm for my merc. Now it is time to head to Meph and see what he can do for me.
Awesome! You got some lucky drops there. Post ATMA on the polearm, please??? :D

My first time throwing a character up onto any kind of ladder, so imagine my surprise when a couple days playing my first SC character in months nets me a top five spot. Guess I'll have to keep at it if I want to stay up there.
I added my Fishymancer to the list. His name is Bismark, and I'm in Act 2 Normal. (Yes, I'm taking my time.)

I have two questions. Is ATMA allowed on this? And, what is RWM? Some mod that allows you to have the Bnet-only Runewords in SP? I'll decide to use it or not once I decide what exactly it does.
threeofnineteen said:
I added my Fishymancer to the list. His name is Bismark, and I'm in Act 2 Normal. (Yes, I'm taking my time.)

I have two questions. Is ATMA allowed on this? And, what is RWM? Some mod that allows you to have the Bnet-only Runewords in SP? I'll decide to use it or not once I decide what exactly it does.
Atma is certainly allowed. The RWM is a mod that allows the realm only runewords that haven't been enabled for SP from 1.10 & 1.11. Using it is a matter of choice, but non RWM players may not trade with you. You must let people know if you are using it for MP & trading.

Edit: Small update. Alena is now Level 69 after defeating Nightmare Baal. Will do some more Meph runs to try and get some decent items before tackling hell. Found a very nice staff with (if I recall correctly) +2 all skills, +3 Blizzard, +3 Glacial Spike, +2 Energy Shield. Might trade this or keep it for my first Blizz sorc.
Tasdaz said:
Atma is certainly allowed. The RWM is a mod that allows the realm only runewords that haven't been enabled for SP from 1.10 & 1.11. Using it is a matter of choice, but non RWM players may not trade with you. You must let people know if you are using it for MP & trading.
Heh. I'll think about using the RWM once I have the runes for one of those Realm-only runewords AND a good item to put them into.

Edit: Removed parenthetical comment regarding installation of RWM.
threeofnineteen said:
Heh. I'll think about using the RWM once I have the runes for one of those Realm-only runewords AND a good item to put them into.

(So, for future reference, you just extract it to a new folder in the D2 directory called Runewords? And then in the Runewords\data\global\excel subfolder will be a file called runes.txt? And you add -direct -txt to the filepath? Is that all that's needed?)
Not sure how it works, but I think there is a readme somewhere. We can't provide support or talk about technical details for mods here. I'm sure there was a closed thread about this exact thing recently.

Edit: Here is the post

Rank  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project      Level
1     shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N                80
2     Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N                53
3     Ingram            Titania          Sorc   Meteorb              Y                51
4     ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N                40
5     SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            N                36
6     nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N                32
7     GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y                32
8     Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y                31
9     shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N                26
10    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N                24
11    threeofnineteen   Bismark          Necro  Fishymancer          N                22
12    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N                20     
13    Big_P             Arundel          Druid  Winddruid            N                18
14    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N                18
15    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N                17
16    ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N                 8
17    Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N                 1
18    Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y                 1
19    Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y                 1
Tasdaz said:
Not sure how it works, but I think there is a readme somewhere. We can't provide support or talk about technical details for mods here. I'm sure there was a closed thread about this exact thing recently.
Yeah, I didn't know that, being new to these forums. I deleted the question in that previous post, and won't repeat the mistake. :)
GooberGrape said:
Awesome! You got some lucky drops there. Post ATMA on the polearm, please??? :D

Here is the Insight:

Superior Halberd
Two-Hand Damage: 45 to 137
Durability: 60 of 61
Required Dexterity: 47
Required Strength: 75
Required Level: 27
Polearm Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 38
Fingerprint: 0x84b5671
+5 to Strength
+5 to Energy
+5 to Dexterity
+5 to Vitality
+206% Enhanced Damage
+3 to Attack Rating
+9 to Minimum Damage
Adds 5-30 fire damage
+75 poison damage over 5 seconds
Increase Maximum Durability 10%
23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+1 to Critical Strike
35% Faster Cast Rate
225% Bonus to Attack Rating
+2 to Mana After Each Kill
Level 12 Meditation Aura When Equipped
Socketed (4: 4 used)

Except for my Merc not having LL now, this thing rocks. I have kept my Sorc at base energy, which was causing her to go through potions like crazy. Now, the aura fills her blue bub up quick. Since these runes are all pretty easy to find, I think I will make quite a few of these in different polearms. I would like to have some that are on higher damage polearms for use on Mercs, and some on polearms that have low stat requirements to keep for a weapon switch on my characters once I get some decent fighting weapons for the Mercs to use at higher level.
Tasdaz said:
Atma is certainly allowed. The RWM is a mod that allows the realm only runewords that haven't been enabled for SP from 1.10 & 1.11. Using it is a matter of choice, but non RWM players may not trade with you. You must let people know if you are using it for MP & trading.

Edit: Small update. Alena is now Level 69 after defeating Nightmare Baal. Will do some more Meph runs to try and get some decent items before tackling hell. Found a very nice staff with (if I recall correctly) +2 all skills, +3 Blizzard, +3 Glacial Spike, +2 Energy Shield. Might trade this or keep it for my first Blizz sorc.
I want, and have some nice things for trade, as long as it +5 to blizzard
if of course, you havent already sold it.

what are you looking for?

Titania finished off Act II NM just now. This untwinked Sorc is actually doing better then most of the twinked builds I have played. I am looking for that to come to a screeching halt in Hell, but I will enjoy it until then. On a side note, I managed to find another unique that had eluded me in my 1.10 runs:

Blackbog's Sharp
One-Hand Damage: 30 to 76
Durability: 18 of 24
Required Dexterity: **
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 38
Dagger Class - Fastest Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 48
Fingerprint: 0x7487c8ec
+15 to Minimum Damage
+45 to Maximum Damage
+50 Defense
+488 poison damage over 10 seconds
30% Increased Attack Speed
+4 to Poison Explosion (Necromancer Only)
+4 to Poison Nova (Necromancer Only)
+5 to Poison Dagger (Necromancer Only)
Slows Target by 50%

Makes me think about playing a Poison Necro if I get some more equipment to build one up.
just got back and will continue to teleport my way through hell.

hope you guys catch up, I could really use some assistance. :lol:
duriel may be kinda hard with a pure cold sorc ... but Ill see if I can do it.

oh, and I found a lidless wall, so I dont need the +5 blizz anymore.
Doing some NM Meph runs now, and had some luck gambling. I have these items free for anyone that needs them:

Bitter Emblem
Required Level: 29
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 45
Fingerprint: 0xb98f19ef
+51 to Life
+17 to Mana
+17 to Attack Rating
+4 to Minimum Damage
37% Extra Gold from Monsters
+1 to Summoning Skills (Necromancer Only)

Bramble Brow
Defense: 43
Durability: 19 of 35
Required Level: 51
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 59
Fingerprint: 0x5e0603ab
+16 to Strength
+20 to Dexterity
+41% Enhanced Defense
+9 to Minimum Damage
Fire Resist +36%
+1 to Shape-Shifting Skills (Druid Only)

Golemlord's Amulet of the Jackal
Required Level: 45
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 60
Fingerprint: 0x57446bd3
+4 to Life
+3 to Summoning Skills (Necromancer Only)

Magekiller's Amulet of Life Everlasting
Required Level: 37
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 64
Fingerprint: 0x9c4ac1b9
Damage Reduced by 22
+1 to Assassin Skill Levels

If you want one of these items, just leave your e-mail address.
I'd like that Golemlord's Amulet with the +3 Necro summon skills.

Ingram, I'll send my email in a private message. :)
threeofnineteen - Got your private message. The amulet is yours if you want it, but I see that you are still deciding on if you want to use the RWM or not. I am a RWM user, so by the ladder rules, if you get the item from me, you will have to let everyone know that you have traded with a RWM user before you trade/MP. It will basically be about the same as you using the RWM yourself. Before I send you the amulet, just wanted to make sure you were aware of this and OK with the fact that your items would no longer be totally "Vanilla" anymore.

Ingram said:
threeofnineteen - Got your private message. The amulet is yours if you want it, but I see that you are still deciding on if you want to use the RWM or not. I am a RWM user, so by the ladder rules, if you get the item from me, you will have to let everyone know that you have traded with a RWM user before you trade/MP. It will basically be about the same as you using the RWM yourself. Before I send you the amulet, just wanted to make sure you were aware of this and OK with the fact that your items would no longer be totally "Vanilla" anymore.

Thank you for the warning. As I think I mentioned earlier up, I won't decide to use RWM or not until I actually have the runes and the item for one of the Forbidden Runewords (tm). With that information, I will pass on that amulet. No offense :)
I've removed my Winddruid from the ladder. I now know why I never made one in 1.10: I HATE them. Getting to level 24 is too much of a chore when playing untwinked and when I finally got him to level 24 I was really disappointed with Tornado. I did level Arundel to level 27 though.
Big_P said:
I've removed my Winddruid from the ladder. I now know why I never made one in 1.10: I HATE them. Getting to level 24 is too much of a chore when playing untwinked and when I finally got him to level 24 I was really disappointed with Tornado. I did level Arundel to level 27 though.
Ah, another one of those 1.1x builds that relies on synergies. It's actually quite powerful once you hit ~50, but a rough ride until then.

I suggest keeping your wind druid around, but starting a new melee werebear or something just to find items for your caster. That's my plan.

So I finally found an eth Partizan. No sockets.

Run countess for the runes, ok done.

Ral, Amn, Perf Amethyst...

Pray. Then pray some more.


Two-Hand Damage: 162 to 337
Durability: 33 of 33
Required Dexterity: 57
Required Strength: 103
Required Level: 27
Polearm Class - Slow Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 45
Fingerprint: 0x868a3c1e
+5 to Strength
+5 to Energy
+5 to Dexterity
+5 to Vitality
+201% Enhanced Damage
+9 to Minimum Damage
Adds 5-30 fire damage
+75 poison damage over 5 seconds
23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+4 to Critical Strike
35% Faster Cast Rate
200% Bonus to Attack Rating
+2 to Mana After Each Kill
Level 16 Meditation Aura When Equipped
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired), Socketed (4: 4 used)

It got four sockets.

Big_P said:
I've removed my Winddruid from the ladder. I now know why I never made one in 1.10: I HATE them. Getting to level 24 is too much of a chore when playing untwinked and when I finally got him to level 24 I was really disappointed with Tornado. I did level Arundel to level 27 though.
I feel your pain, amigo. Personally, my motivation was that I'd never played a Wind Druid before, but I used to see them all the time on Battle.net. Looked pretty cool at the time, and now that I've taken one halfway through Act 1 NM, I can honestly say it plays just as good as it looks. I'm diggin' it.
I've got a +1 druid ammy and +1 druid circlet in my stash if anyone wants, free for an email.

I've not played much but I'm going to move on to act 3 when I do. Thankfully I didn't move up any places so I'm not able to screw up the formatting at this time. :teeth:
Titania finished up NM tonight and is about to journey into Hell. I don't have anywhere near the equipment needed to really be effective there yet, but I am going to try to make liberal use of teleport and get her to Meph, where she will probably stay parked for a long time while I see what other builds I can make with the equipment she brings in.
Alena is now up to level 78. Been doing some Mausoleum runs on P7 to try and get some better items and prepare myself for meph & pindle running later on. Merc is doing ok thanks to Kelpie Snare, but no other note worthy items for my characters yet. Found three nice items in the 6 or 7 runs I did last night. Posted them in the item find thread.

I would edit the table but all the formatting goes askew when I reply. If someone could update me, I would be most appreciated. 👍
made it through mephisto, now farming hell mephy, and its paying off quite nicely. a lot better than NM meph. the teleporting strategy isnt working now that I have to get through the burning souls, or whatever they are. so now I die as soon as I get into the second level of act 4 ... guess Im waiting now.

and still in need of war travs and shako

edit: found shako first hell meph run after posting ... maybe travs will come soon too!

Figured I would make a note that I am now getting increasingly busy as time moves on, and I rather interested in taking a HC route with a paladin, so my Assassin is likely to remain her current status for awhile. Sorry I can't give you guys any competition, but at 70+ I doutb I could catch ya anyways.
shersman said:
made it through mephisto, now farming hell mephy, and its paying off quite nicely. a lot better than NM meph. the teleporting strategy isnt working now that I have to get through the burning souls, or whatever they are. so now I die as soon as I get into the second level of act 4 ... guess Im waiting now.

and still in need of war travs and shako

edit: found shako first hell meph run after posting ... maybe travs will come soon too!

And here I was thinking I might be some competition for you there at the top and you go and find the Shako. Hope my level 85 running gives me some luck and I find that Mang Song's Lesson I want. I have one in 1.10 so surely I'll get it in 1.11 as well :lol:

Rank  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project      Level
1     shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N                81
2     Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N                78
3     Ingram            Titania          Sorc   Meteorb              Y                70
4     SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            N                47
5     ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N                40
6     nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N                32
7     GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y                32
8     Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y                31
9     shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N                26
10    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N                26
11    threeofnineteen   Bismark          Necro  Fishymancer          N                22
12    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N                20     
13    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N                18
14    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N                17
15    ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N                 8
16    Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N                 1
17    Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y                 1
18    Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y                 1
Well, I beat Duriel and am now in Act 3 Normal. Didn't move up enough to get in the Top Ten, but... maybe next time!
Just finished a long fight with NM Duriel (decided against lowering the /players setting, this being SC and all) and stepped onto the Kurast Docks. Duriel had a good drop (good by my standards, anyway), giving me a green and a gold: Vidala's Barb and The Tannr Gorerod. Not exactly the most powerful tools in the game, but they do fill two open spots in my meager grail.

Speaking of grails, I'm officially up to 59 items found. Noobish bliss, my friends. Noobish bliss.
Titania made a few attempts to get going in Hell, but her equipment is just not up to it. So I went back to NM Meph and have been running him again for equipment. Tonight, he finally dropped my first HoZ. This, combined with the Fetid Sprinkler I found earlier and some magic/rare amulets and circlets with + to combat skills sets my Hammerdin up nicely. So Titania is going to be stuck at 71 for awhile while I start leveling Tempus again. I am anxious to see how he does with the Insight polearm on his Merc. Should be some good hammer spamming there.
Heading into Act 4 NM, I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel (the tunnel for me being NM Ancients, which is the farthest I've ever been). Now I've got a serious problem. Do I push on through the rest of NM in what would surely be a vain attempt to overtake Titania, or do I sit on NM Meph for a while and see what he can give me? Oh, what to do, what to do!

In other news, I realized last night that I haven't been playing a true Wind Druid. Anyone else besides me that didn't know they use Hurricane and Tornado, raise your hands. Yeah, looks like I'm the only one. All this time, I've just been bashing away at my enemies (first with an upped Crushflange, now with Aldur's Rythm socketed with some ED jewels) while keeping Hurricane on constantly. How's that for speaking Noobish?
The Goob climbs to top 5. Apparently, I spent a lot more time on NM Countess than I thought...I just got into the zone, doing run after run. So I made this beaut:

Gemmed Crowbill
One-Hand Damage: 14 to 34
Required Dexterity: 70
Required Strength: 94
Required Level: 25
Axe Class - Fast Attack Speed
Adds 6-300 lightning damage
Socketed (6: 6 used)

That gives me 614-994 damage @ 6 frame Zeal. Plus, it's cold/lightning/physical, so I don't need to worry about immunes. My only real problem is, big surprise, IAS and leech. When I start getting better gear, this will pass.

FF currently resides at the docks in NM Act3. Next stop, Meph.

It's tough trying to keep ahead of Goober, but with both Mephisto and Diablo between me and him, I'm hanging on by a thread. I finally started using Tornado as my main attack, rather than rushing in to do battle with my mace. It's taking some getting used to, but the damage is well worth the frustrations that targeting brings. My strategy at the moment is to cast Hurricane, run in to take one swipe at a monster, then spam Tornado until either me or the monster stops moving.

I was amazed at how well that worked against Diablo, and I've got a newfound love for a character I already enjoyed.

Now my mission is to beat my personal best (NM Ancients is the farthest I've been) and take my first tentative steps into Hell.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I started using RWM 1.11 today, after Hellforge dropped me my first Hel rune.
Alena has progressed along at a steady pace. She is now level 82 and has just collected Kalhim's Eye. Lack of decent gear is starting to have a bit of an effect on her effeciency at the moment. Just bought myself a better staff which has helped her killing speed. Need some more FCR to spam the Fireballs quicker. Will see how I go with Hell Meph before I think about going back and doing Nightmare Meph runs. Mausoleum runs have still been productive. 1 nice item found (posted in item find thread).

Level 82 Meteorb Sorc
Exp: 810603894

Still not using the RWM and still have no plans to, though some of them look very tempting. When my stash of runes increases I may look at using it, but it would take a lot for me to do that.

PS Should we add an exp column as higher level characters start to slow in level gaining and start sitting on the same level for longer time periods?

PPS Can someone please update me on the table. Formatting is still screwy on this PC. Thanks 👍
Hello all...figured I'd join in. Just made the character. Gonna be a strafezon, since It's been a long time since I've played any sort of amazon. Anyways, just started Act 1, so cheers! 👏
Halfway through Act 5 now. Went back and did a few Andarial runs, looking for ... I don't know. Something. A SoJ would be nice. Also, listen closely brothers and sisters, for I have found the cure for all your mana blues. Made an Insight runeword for my merc and haven't used a mana potion since. Meditation Aura for the win.

@Tasdaz: Updated for you. Congrats on taking the top spot.
In an effort to spark trading interest, I have devoted a thread specifically for 1.11 SPF SC Ladder trades.

If you wish to participate, first read the Rules.

Then head to the Trade Thread.

This will bring our community closer together, and encourage growth in the new 1.11 economy. Thank you for participating.

New on the ladder: Sogg the Frenzy-Barb. He's currently level 26 and has just entered Act3 normal. His best finds up to now are: 2*Hsaru's Buckler, Maelstrom (unique yew wand) and a Cathan's Ring (life leech!).
Been out of town all weekend, so I just got to update my hammerdin's progression from earlier in the week. He is in Act V Norm now. Just made the levels to equip the HoZ my sorc found, so that is going to be a big help. I put a PDiamond in it, so it is +69 to all resists. With just a bit more resist equip, he will be ready to run through NM and start killing in Hell.
Can our list get any cheesier? :teeth: (Cue the new hammerdin.)
Alena has progressed a little further over the last couple of days. Currently doing some Pindle/Andariel/Countess runs for something different. Will probably take her through to Baal over the next few days and Matriarch her.

Level 85
Exp : 1094624975
FF hits level 60, and finishes off NM Diablo. My wand of Life Tap made it a cakewalk, even his lightning hose could hardly scratch me. It was all over in about 45 seconds. My new gloves have 5% CB, which is just incredible. You'd be amazed how often that goes off with Zeal. I should push through to Baal this week, then do some more MF'ing before Hell.

I encourage everyone who wishes to trade, head over to the SCL Trade Thread. Remember to read the Rules first.

Finally finished NM Baal and have taken my first tentative steps into Hell. And I don't just mean my first steps with this character, no. I mean, for the first time in six years of playing Diablo 2, I'm just entering Hell for the first time.

Just cleared the Den of Evil, and I've got just one thing to say.

These guys hit hard!

Oh, and it looks like I managed to push past Titania, too. Look out, blizzbabe. I'm coming for you next.
started a new sorc today, dunno I hope people do catch blizzbabe, as she has reached her purpose ... Hell Meph farming, and its going quite well. the fire sorc sole purpose is running Hell countess for runes. I need to make some of the better runewords ... beast would be awesome, but Ill have to hope a little more for the ber. I might add some frozen orb, just to get rid of fire immunes ... this whole single element thing is rough.
Tempus is now in Act 3 NM. He is moving along nicely, I think he will be ready to move to Hell once I get the chance to do some questing and get there.
Went a little ways through Hell with Wirt before abandoning most (but not all) hope and starting a new Sorceress.

Let me tell you something. I hate Sorcs. Can't stand them. Especially in Normal, where I always have to struggle to get by as a Javasorc until I can get some decent skills and equipment. She'll be lightly twinked is she ever gets up to a high enough level. I plan on using the Hellcast crossbow until I can do a few NM Meph runs with my Druid and grab her a Demon Machine.
Earlier today, Alena took the throne of 1st Matriarch in the SPF SCL 1.11!!! Here is the thread I created for her.
Wow, what's happening at the top here? Am I scaring everyone off? :D I hope that you are all able to come back fighting with your new characters!

Matriarch Alena
Level 86
Exp : 1,177,388,905

Good luck all, and keep that exp rolling. I'm off to bash Pindle and Meph around a bit more until they give me some nice items. Here's hoping 👍

Edit @SourImplant - what kind of sorc are you going to make. With my characters I use firebolt and a weapon for the initial stages until you get Fireball and from then on it's plain sailing - max fireball, then points go into fire mastery, meteor and frozen orb as you like.

 Rank  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project      Level
1     Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N                82
2     shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N                82
3     SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y                75
4     Ingram            Titania          Sorc   Meteorb              Y                71
5     GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y                60
6     Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y                60
7     ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N                40
8     nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N                32
9     shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N                29  
10    Big_P             Sogg             Barb   Frenzy               N                26
11    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N                26
12    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N                26
13    threeofnineteen   Bismark          Necro  Fishymancer          N                25
14    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N                20    
15    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N                18
16    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N                17
17    SourImplant       Machine          Sorc   Enchant/Xbow         Y                 9
18    ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N                 8
19    Summoned          Cheisaden        Palad  Hammerdin            N                 8
20    Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N                 1
21    Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y                 1
22    Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y                 1 
23    Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N                 1
I guess i cant enter the ladder becouse I started my barb in 1.10?

Anyway if it's alowed then barbarian ready to be signed in.

Phobos -WwBarb lvl 86. ;)

If not I wont die;)
XDoomasX said:
I guess i cant enter the ladder becouse I started my barb in 1.10?

Anyway if it's alowed then barbarian ready to be signed in.

Phobos -WwBarb lvl 86. ;)

If not I wont die;)
No, you can't enter the ladder with that character unfortunately. They must be started in 1.11. Enter a new character if you like though. 👍
Tasdaz said:
Edit @SourImplant - what kind of sorc are you going to make. With my characters I use firebolt and a weapon for the initial stages until you get Fireball and from then on it's plain sailing - max fireball, then points go into fire mastery, meteor and frozen orb as you like.
I plan on making a ranged Enchantress, using bows and crossbows with explosive arrows/bolts (specifically the Demon Machine unique Chu-Ko-Nu as an endgame weapon). After looking at some of the other skills in her Cold/Lightning trees, I've decided to go with Thunderstorm as a secondary skill, just to be different.

And hey, congrats on getting the first Mat. You plan on taking her all the way to 99?
I messed up Bismark, so substituted Leviathan, another Fishy, in his place... and didn't bother removing Bismark till Leviathan passed him.

Well, Leviathan just spanked Mephisto with a Defiance merc, a lump of mud, and 10 skellies. And he now has some spiffy green Hawkmail (you know, the green of antifreeze, its cool property)? I'm quite happy - my second unique. My first was Leadcrow or something. (And I'm now in the top 10! 👏 )

Something else on here interested me...

SourImplant said:
I plan on making a ranged Enchantress, using bows and crossbows with explosive arrows/bolts (specifically the Demon Machine unique Chu-Ko-Nu as an endgame weapon). After looking at some of the other skills in her Cold/Lightning trees, I've decided to go with Thunderstorm as a secondary skill, just to be different.

This looks... too cool. How would it work. Enchant with T-Storm? Sounds like something I'd want to try.
threeofnineteen said:
This looks... too cool. How would it work. Enchant with T-Storm? Sounds like something I'd want to try.
There's a whole thread on the subject here, where I initially was trying to get a little information on how Thunderstorm works, then somehow wound up turning it into a character planning thread. I just did get her to a high enough level to use Enchant, but still not quite ready to use Thunderstorm or her first exlpoding crossbow, Hellcast. She's still a Javasorc at the moment, resting at the entrance of the Arcane Sanctuary.
SourImplant said:
There's a whole thread on the subject here, where I initially was trying to get a little information on how Thunderstorm works, then somehow wound up turning it into a character planning thread. I just did get her to a high enough level to use Enchant, but still not quite ready to use Thunderstorm or her first exlpoding crossbow, Hellcast. She's still a Javasorc at the moment, resting at the entrance of the Arcane Sanctuary.
I... well... that thread didn't do much to make your idea look very good. Is T-Storm so weak in PvM?
Small update. FF is getting spanked in Hell, so I'm heading back to NM Meph to get some better items.

FF looks like this right now:

20 Zeal
20 Holy Freeze
20 Resist Cold
5 Holy Shield

Should I max out Sacrifice for physical damage or Salvation for cold damage? With all the cold immunes in Hell, it seems like Sacrifice is a good option, if I can find a good weapon. Then again, fully synergized Holy Freeze can really dish out the cold damage, especially with +skills. I'm swinging at 6 fps, if it matters.

Tempus has made it past NM Diablo and is sitting at the start of Act V NM. I am going to make a run for Hell this weekend, then we will see if I need to spend more time in NM for resist items or if he is up to the task with what he has.
SourImplant said:
I plan on making a ranged Enchantress, using bows and crossbows with explosive arrows/bolts (specifically the Demon Machine unique Chu-Ko-Nu as an endgame weapon). After looking at some of the other skills in her Cold/Lightning trees, I've decided to go with Thunderstorm as a secondary skill, just to be different.

And hey, congrats on getting the first Mat. You plan on taking her all the way to 99?
Thanks sour! I hope to get somewhere near 99 depending on my patience and her ability to run P8 Baal. Your build sounds quite interesting and fun. I followed your Thunderstorm thread too. A shame it is so underpowered as it's a skill I would have liked trying too. Might not be a build to get you to 99, but could be quite interesting none-the-less. Good luck in what ever build you end up with!

Alena has been doing some more Pindle/Mausoleum/Countess/Andariel/Meph runs and has gotten to level 87 (nearly **). Found a couple of nice items along the way too 👍

Level: 87
Exp: 1,351,770,807

Re-read the rules, so I'd like to join up.
Name          Level  Class  Build               Progress    RWM  Notes
FizzCreep         8  Druid  Fissure/PC          Act 1 Norm   N
Finally caught up with myself. Tempus is at the WSK WP in NM, so Baal should die next time I get a chance to play and then it is on to Hell.
Isn't alena supposed to be at clvl 87 not 82?
FF is parked at NM Meph, doing hundreds of MF runs. His equipment just keeps getting better and better as I find/trade stuff. Soon I'll have plenty of gear, and I will either push FF through to Hell or start a new character. I guess it depends on what uber item pops first.

Done with NM Meph. Got a bunch of goodies for trade.

Time to start my sorc.

Started a new char last night and decided to go untwinked, turn of my RRM and al that. I may twink him later (and remove him from here) but for now he's nice clean SPL.
Tempus is currently parked at Hell Meph. Been getting some good items, but all the magic find items I want are eluding me.
Wow. I thought my skellies were a bit underpowered. At level 25 Skellie and 17 or so Skel Mastery, my darling... hollow... pets slaughtered the Ancients with zero casualties. (Not counting the walking turd, of course, but it's more replacable.) And then I beat Baal, only losing one of my friends - moving up to the 7-spot on the list. Now... to enter Nightmare mode.
Tempus is still parked at Hell Meph. I have a map where the waypoint and the entrance to level 3 are 1 wall away from each other. Using a Spellsteel that he found earlier, I can make the trip to Meph really quickly. Though his level hasn't changed, he has gotten better gear, including a Wizardspike. Some other notable finds were an Occulus and Snowclash, which are going to a future Blizz Sorc. Some of what I considered the more common items to find before (nagelrings/chance guards) are still eluding me though. I am going to keep running this spot for awhile I think, since I am still having fun doing it. I will continue to update the trade post with the extra items I find from these runs.

 Rank  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project      Level
1     Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N                87
2     shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N                82
3     SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y                80
4     Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y                80
5     Ingram            Titania          Sorc   Meteorb              Y                71
6     GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y                66
7     threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N                45
8     ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N                40
9     nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N                32
10    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N                29   
11    SourImplant       Machine          Sorc   Enchant/Xbow         Y                27
12    Big_P             Sogg             Barb   Frenzy               N                26
13    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N                26
14    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N                26
15    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N                20     
16    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N                18
17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N                17
18    ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N                 8
19    Summoned          Cheisaden        Palad  Hammerdin            N                 8
20    Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N                 8
21    jjscud            BeastMaster      Necro  MyOwn                N                 4
22    Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N                 1
23    Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y                 1
24    Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y                 1  
25    Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N                 1
Ingram said:
Some of what I considered the more common items to find before (nagelrings/chance guards) are still eluding me though. I am going to keep running this spot for awhile I think, since I am still having fun doing it. I will continue to update the trade post with the extra items I find from these runs.
Alena is now sitting around half way between level 89 and 90. The real work starts now. I think I have 2 Billion experience to go to get 99 (if I remember the exp required for 99 correctly). Pindle has been his usual stingy self, but I did find a few nice items off him.

@Ingram - I have a spare 19% Nagelring if you want it, no trade needed as I am self found - PM your email if you're inetersted.

Level 89
Exp: 1,533,992,142
Awsome, i'm still top 20 :x
Can someone give other link to RWM? This one not work for me, thinked was firefox and instaled IE and updates only to discover it don't work at all for me :( .
Thx for help people.
Added my Blizz sorc, Otter-Pops, to the ladder. She will be my Hell Meph runner.

FreezeFrame is parked at Hell Countess for runes. His survivability is very low right now, so that's where he'll stay until I get better gear.

Also, I crafted this beauty. Look at the level/stat reqs, the "HotO Light" is just an outstanding casting device.

Crystal Sword
One-Hand Damage: 5 to 15
Durability: 20 of 20
Required Strength: 43
Required Level: 25
Sword Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 30
Fingerprint: 0xe9210eb9
+22 to Vitality
+96 to Mana
+250 Defense vs. Missile
Adds 1-50 lightning damage
Adds 3-14 cold damage over 3 seconds
+75 poison damage over 5 seconds
7% Life stolen per hit
55% Faster Hit Recovery
29% Faster Cast Rate
+2 to All Skill Levels
+3 Magic Absorb
Socketed (4: 4 used)

Removed Machine. Something about that character just felt wrong, so I stripped her and deleted her. I may give the sorceress another go somewhere down the road.

Hell is frustrating as ... well, Hell. Got Wirt stuck in Act 5, and I can't decide whether I want to kill Nihlathak or not. Those Pit Vipers of his hurt, and the physical immune Frenzytaurs in the Crystalline Passage are a real pain. It's horrible to be this close to my first pat and to keep getting my *** handed to me like that.
Alena has now hit the big 90. After quite a few players 8 Pindle runs & a couple of deaths she finally levelled. Things start to get really slow now and deaths have a real impact on losing exp. Exp earnt is really falling off and I guess it's time to start running Baal. Starting some P1 Pindle runs with around 320% MF to try and get some better items.

Started a second character, Snu-Snu (in memory of my 2nd HC Amazon who died) who will eventually be a Spearazon or Javazon. She is currently level 9.

Level 90
Exp: 1,630,041,863

@GooberGrape - That is one awesome weapon, my Sorceress would even like that one! Too bad I don't use the RWM, very tempting after seeing that!

@SourImplant - I can sympathise with your dilema. Those last few levels of the Act are a real pain and can be very frustrating. It is certainly a well earned achievement when you finally kill Baal though, and going untwinked makes it all the harder. I have utmost respect for anyone doing this in HC. Keep at it and you'll get there. I usually level and once I've done that I go for it so if you die you don't lose too much exp. Oh, and good luck with the Ancients! 👍
Tempus has finally moved on from Hell Meph. I am now in Act 5, working on getting through Baal. After I finish the game with him, I am going to run either Pindle or Baal with him for awhile to finish gathering equipment for my next projects, which are a LF Zon, a Zealot, a Wind Druid, a Poisonmancer, and a Blizz Sorc. I have Titania parked at NM Meph when I want to run him, and I am planning on using these other builds to each run a specific area. So far all of them have decent equipment to start, but I am not going to actually start them until I get a full set of end-game equipment for them to use.
Tempus is still level 82, but he has beat Hell Baal finally. The fight with Baal and his minions was not hard, but I had a really tough time getting to him through the last parts of Act V.
Ingram said:
Tempus is still level 82, but he has beat Hell Baal finally. The fight with Baal and his minions was not hard, but I had a really tough time getting to him through the last parts of Act V.
Congratulations on your Patriarch! 👏

I had the same problem, finding the fight through the last few acts very hard and then actually killing Baal wasn't a problem. The archers are extremely nasty. Even the Ancients were kind to me this time around!

Little progress with Alena, and will be that way for a couple of weeks now, as I have my sister visiting from interstate this Saturday for two weeks.
I'd like to join but im not sure how to put my character in that box thingy character is Eve a blizz sorc in act 1 normal using the rune word mod
Grats on the Pat, Ingram!

The Goober has reclaimed his rightful #5 spot on the ladder. However, with both Ingram and I having multiple characters in Hell, anything can happen. Otter-Pops, my blizz sorc, is now firmly planted in the bowels of Hell Meph, with a very good map and a nice Gull/Rhyme switch (thanks Ingram!). Now, to run him 1000 times.

Alena has finally crawled her away along to level 91. She is getting close to beating my highest level character, which was level 92. Not much to speak of in good items lately, a couple of nice runes, but that's about it.

Level 91
Exp: 1,764,757,949
Thank you, Hell Diablo!

Tomb Reaver
Cryptic Axe
Two-Hand Damage: 110 to 501
Durability: 45 of 65
Required Dexterity: 103
Required Strength: 165
Required Level: 84
Polearm Class - Fastest Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 94
Fingerprint: 0x2b479f17
+234% Enhanced Damage
All Resistances +50
56% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+13 Life after each Kill
+4 to Light Radius
60% Increased Attack Speed
198% Damage to Undead
+338 to Attack Rating against Undead
10% Reanimate As: Returned
Socketed (3: 0 used)

My first, and it couldn't be better if I tried. 3 sockets and max resist!

(maniacal laughter ensues, as I debate which runes to socket...)

Nice find, GG. What are you planning to use that on?
Ingram said:
Nice find, GG. What are you planning to use that on?
Honestly, my merc. :rolleyes:

But I have to say, I'm awfully tempted to start a Were-Druid...

GooberGrape said:
Honestly, my merc. :rolleyes:

But I have to say, I'm awfully tempted to start a Were-Druid...

Nice item indeed. 👏

I think that would be very nice on a Fury Wolf. Perhaps a shael or two to hit the next break point and maybe an amn or two for LL.
Having done the research, I'm going to ShaelShaelAmn it.

4 frame Fury (max)
4 frame WW (max)
6 frame Jab (Act2 merc)

Otter-Pops will henceforth be known as Matriarch Otter-Pops!

Thanks to all the participants of the 1.11 SPF SC Ladder! You guys/gals make this old game new again. Shoutout to Ingram, thanks for some key trades.

Check main SPF forum for official "mat thread" with stats and such.

Tempus has gained a couple of levels while he is back to running Hell Meph. I tried to run a few other areas with him, but he is just not up to the task. I am planning some other builds to run specific areas once I get the equipment for them.

 [b]Rank  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project      Level[/b]
1     Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N                91
2     SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y                85
3     Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y                84
4     shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N                82
5     GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y                77
6     Ingram            Titania          Sorc   Meteorb              Y                71
7     GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y                68
8     threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N                45
9     ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N                40
10    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N                32
11    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N                29   
12    Big_P             Sogg             Barb   Frenzy               N                26
13    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N                26
14    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N                26
15    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N                20     
16    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N                18
17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N                17
18    ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N                 8
19    Summoned          Cheisaden        Palad  Hammerdin            N                 8
20    Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N                 8
21    jjscud            BeastMaster      Necro  MyOwn                N                 4
22    Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N                 1
23    Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y                 1
24    Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y                 1  
25    Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N                 1
Grats on the Mat, GG. I know it can't have been very easy with the single element. I still can't get Titania past Act 2 Hell with Meteor and Orb available.

Also, I saw you were thinking about using that weapon you found for your merc. If you want to use it for another build, I have an extra Reaper's Toll if you are looking for a good merc weapon. Let me know. Meph is dropping me multiples of nice items I really don't need, but not much of stuff I am looking for. I did finally find my first Harley's ever tonight though.

Name   Level   Class     Build       Progress    RWM    Notes
SMTP   33    Sorceress   Meteorb    Act 4 Norm    N

I'm joining. =P

EDIT: also a few of the items I got were from RWM. =P
I'd love to join the ladder, but my character will be based around a Hellrack I got from outside the ladder, I'll join with my next character. I always thought that the ladder was a tournement or something. :bonk:

Edit: I second thoughts I could probably get a 1.11 ladder Hellrack before I can use it anyway. I'll be busy for the next few hours, but I'll post my character details when I'm free.
Welcome aboard, SMTP! If you are accepting items from RWM, that's no problem, but you will have to put a "Y" into the RWM column. Some of the users prefer the "pure 1.11", and the rest of us (including myself) prefer the 1.11R mod. Thanks, and enjoy!

TheNix, welcome! I'm sure some of the Meph-runners will find you a Hellrack long before you can use one, so don't fear! The Ladder takes care of its own.

Here is Odinesk, a one-tree Druid summoner, a new addition to the 1.11 SC Ladder. Ok let's see if I can get this table thing to work.

Name     Level        Class         Build          Progress     RWM   Notes
Odinesk   32          Druid        Summoner       Act 3 Norm     N
Added SMTP & The Nix. Hardly any D2 lately, so no real progress towards level 92 :confused:

I moved the level column to the front & added an exp column. Hope no-one minds!
Update: My sorceress is now level47 and at Normal ACT5 right before beating baal for the first time. =p

Also, Shouldn't this thread be stickied?
Odinesk took down norm Meph last night and is now lvl 33. Collected the complete Cleglaw's brace in two minutes, in upper Kurast, too. Not to bad an evenings work.
I'd like to join as well. I wiped all characters and stashes and am starting fresh and new in 1.11. I play 1.11 vanilla, have a level 42 fishymancer named LordVoldemorte and obviously am totally untwinked. I am starting a septavirate as well. If this information could be added to the list, I would be grateful! Thank you.
Updated SMTP & The Nix and added Edmond Dantes. Alena is approaching the 1.8 billion exp after a few pindle runs this morning.
Big D fall to Odinesk, as he makes it to level 35. Diablo is a bastard on P8! I got killed three times by his radiating flames, they were a lot easier to avoid in 1.09. BTW the normal hell forge drop........ ETH!!! :cheesy:
My sorceress beat Diablo on players 8 in about 3mins.. =P
Been doing some normal Shenk and Eldritch runs with Odinesk, boy do they drop badly, he's now lvl 40. I'll probably take it up another couple of levels, or so, before continuing.
Updated The Nix & hit the 1.8b exp mark. No D2 yesterday :(
Did some questing, almost done with act I NM.

I posted this in the wrong ladder (I was looking for the HC ladder)

I'm entering this thing way late, so I hope that 'play at your own pace' thing still stands. Also, while the only mod I am using is RTB's RWM, I'll also be using a no-CD crack on occassions. This is because I sometimes play at school, by having the entire D2 directory on my USB drive (need something to do during boring lectures), and while I do own the game, the college doesn't let students have local admin access (not to mention most of the lab machines don't even have CD-ROM drives, lest someone install something 'bad'). I don't think this will be an issue, but if it is, let me know, and I'll withdraw.

Anyways, without further ado, here is my character:

Name     Level  Class    Build    Progress  RWM  Notes
Avialle    1    sorcy  undecided    none    yup   n/a

Ugh. After every preview, it mucked up the whitespace inside the CODE tags. If it still looks ugly after I post this, oh well.
Added pharaoh and my new character from the Untwinked MFO. No progress with Alena at all lately.
Did some more questing...at Lower Kurast in NM now.
My sorc has made it to level 53 and progress is Act1 NM. =P

Rank  Level  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project    Exp
1      91    Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N              1.8b
2      85    SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y
3      84    Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y
4      82    shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N
5      77    GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y
6      71    Ingram            Titania          Sorc   Meteorb              Y
7      68    GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y
8      58    Edmond Dantes     LordVoldemorte   Necro  Fishymancer          N
9      53    SMTP              SMTP             Sorc   Meteorb              Y
10     45    threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N
11     40    ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N
12     40    TheNix            Odinesk          Druid  Summoner             N
13     32    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N
14     29    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N
15     26    Big_P             Sogg             Barb   Frenzy               N
16     26    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N
17     26    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N
18     20    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N
19     18    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N
20     17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N
21     8     ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N
22     8     Summoned          Cheisaden        Palad  Hammerdin            N
23     8     Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N
24     4     jjscud            BeastMaster      Necro  MyOwn                N
25     1     Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N
26     1     Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y
27     1     Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y
28     1     Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N
29     1     pharaoh           Avialle          Sorc   ?                    N
30     1     Tasdaz            ColdHeart        Sorc   Blizzard             N    UTMFO     0
I have decided to retire Tempus for now and start some new characters. I have added Roxanne the LF/PJ Zon. I plan to get her to Hell Cows and have some fun there.
Got ColdHeart to Act 2 and just found the Horadaric Cube. She is level 22 and I am happy with her progress. Can't wait to actually start using Blizzard and see how powerful it really is.
Tasdaz said:
Got ColdHeart to Act 2 and just found the Horadaric Cube. She is level 22 and I am happy with her progress. Can't wait to actually start using Blizzard and see how powerful it really is.
Yesssss...another one turns to the Cold Side....embrace the power! :D

Not much in the way of levels, since I've been doing /p8 Hell LK runs. So far:

1x Amn
1x Sol
4x Shael
3x Dol
2x Hel
2x Io
1x Ko
3x Fal
2x Um

Still waiting on the higher runes, but I'm getting a pretty good representation of mid runes.

Odinesk is currently running around the Act 5 ice caves at level 46, but I shall introduce my new addition to the ladder - The_Weathergirl, lvl 13, a blizzard and lightning sorc.
I haven't updated in a while. I'm slogging through the swamps of Act 3 Nightmare - going to do sewer-diving to find some old rotten heart. Wow, the competition is getting fierce. I had to update to stay in the Top 10! :lol:

Edit: I forgot to mention something. Temptation is staring down at me. I have a decent exceptional superior bill with 4 sockets, and the first three runes for Insight. Once I find a Sol rune... I will have to decide whether to use the RWM for Insight or stay vanilla... dare I cross to the runic Dark Side?
ColdHeart had defeted Diablo & now sits in Haggorath awaiting her quest into the frozen wastelands.

@GooberGrape - The cold side, yes. Turn I should have, along time ago!
Removed Sogg the Frenzy-Barb.
Started my character, a Javazon, in the SC MF tourney.
Since I initially posted here, I've restarted Avialle, due to skill misassignment (I lacked a clear picture of what kind of build I wanted). She's now level 15, being built as a melee sorcy. I've also started two new characters, a paladin who hasn't left town, and a skellimancer who's made it to mid-Act III. I made the latter mainly for item runs to help my other chars get going, and was running some Act I superuniques for twink gear (Bishibosh, Blood Raven, Bone Ash, and since my Dark Wood WP was really close to the Tree of Inifuss, Treehead Woodfist), and on my last run of the session, Treehead dropped me a Gull. Pity I have to give up +3 Raise Skeleton on my wand, but hey- who can argue with +100 MF? Now all I need are a couple of perfect topazes for my helm.

Anyways, got school stuff to do now, but once I'm done, I'll be back at this damn game- maybe I'll actually get my paladin out of town. Current character stats follow (the underscores are to preserve the formatting; for some reason, whenever I have more than two spaces, the damn thing insists on replacing them with tabs).
Updated ColdHeart & also updated/added paraoh's characters
Made it to Act3 NM. Level 59. =P
Odinesk is now a lvl 51 slayer as Baal was take down in a marathon fight where he summoned at least three clones and my beasties contented themselves with fighting the festering testicles. Still he was much easier the Diablo though. :D
catching up

hi everyone. can i still join this ladder? might give some purpose to my single player gaming in d2. :D

been here in this forum since last year, mostly lurking, as i can't add enough "wisdom" to the already excellent posts made here.

a warm hello to everybody.
Up to Nightmare Mephisto & will be parked there for a while to get my UMF score up.

@Valen - Hi! 👍 Feel free to join the ladder & good luck.
Update for me.
Lev. 65, Act4 NM. Can finally wear the 2nd piece of the Tal Rasha set. Now if only I could find the armor and amulet....
Almost done with Act I Hell...still going strong.
Dropping the LF Zon. I got her to Act 2, but I am just not liking the style of play. I have changed her out with a Trapsin. I have never really tried this build before, but it appears to be what I am looking for in a character right now.
well, here goes. i'm not really so sure how i did it. i may have messed the table up. i hope somebody can fix it if i did. this is for softcore ladder, right? sorry, i didn't read all the past posts. this thread is 18 pages long already, and it's hard to keep track of all the messages here.

i'm building a zealot since the pally is my fave character. also, i've seen most of the builds here, and there's a noticeable bias towards casters/distance characters. can't blame the players, though. it's hard to play a melee char in 1.11; they're very item-dependent, but i'm going to try anyway. i don't care if i die a lot in softcore, as long as i like the build i'm playing. i get bored easily w/ casters. ;)

just a little intro, since this is still a role-playing game after all. :D

"...and there was the noble paladin, standing steadfast in this decrepit encampment. scanning the horizon with the dark clouds looming over it, he realizes he's arrayed against the mighty forces of darkness, with nothing but the faith in his heart and the strength of his convictions. he is alone, but he knows he must persevere, for nothing but the fate of sanctuary is at stake. his journey thus begins..."
Maldovius is now level 43, and just got the Worldstone Keep WP in Normal. Had some good luck on drops when I was playing in my HCI class tonight, too, with three golds (The Centurion, Skystrike, and Gorefoot), and when a green amulet dropped, I figured it'd be another crap set one, but it was Telling of Beads. I think I've only found two in my entire D2 career, including my cattle.net days (and silly me, I gave it away). I'm having odd luck with sets, it seems- I've found 6 Cleglaw's Pincers, but haven't yet seen an Isenhart's Case. I suppose Nightmare Meph bought up the Armory's entire stock. :)

edit: I might rebuild Avialle again, or add another sorc, since I found a pretty decent rare staff with +1 sorcy skills, big mana (+59, with +14 energy too), +2 CL, +1 GS and Enchant. I was toying with the idea of an Insight-powered ES sorcy with CL and GS as attacks, since both are spammable and somewhat mana-intensive when used this way, so it seems like a good fit. Now all I need is some DR/MDR gear to get started, and a Sol rune for Insight.

Rank  Level  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project    Exp
1      91    Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N              1.8b
2      85    SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y
3      85    Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y
4      82    shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N
5      77    GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y
6      74    Edmond Dantes     LordVoldemorte   Necro  Fishymancer          N
7      71    Ingram            Titania          Sorc   Meteorb              Y
8      68    GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y
9      65    SMTP              SMTP             Sorc   Meteorb              Y 
10     62    Tasdaz            ColdHeart        Sorc   Blizzard             N    UMFO
11     60    threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N   
12     51    TheNix            Odinesk          Druid  Summoner             N
13     40    ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N
14     32    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N
15     29    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N
16     28    pharaoh           Maldovius        Necro  Skellimancer         Y
16     28    Billybgame        JavvyLovesBilly  Zon    Ltng Jav             Y    UMFO
18     26    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N
18     26    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N
20     20    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N
21     18    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N
22     17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N
23     15    pharaoh           Avialle          Sorc   Melee Enchant        Y
24     13    TheNix            The_Weathergirl  Sorc   Lightning/Bliz       N
25     8     ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N
26     8     Summoned          Cheisaden        Palad  Hammerdin            N
27     8     Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N
28     4     jjscud            BeastMaster      Necro  MyOwn                N
29     1     Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N
30     1     Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y
31     1     Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y
32     1     Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N
33     1     Ingram            Keeva            Sin    Trapper              Y
34     1     pharaoh           Kelthos          Palad  ?                    Y
Maldovius is level 45, and he (or more precisely, his army) just finished beating Baal like a red-headed stepchild. At /players8, I leveled twice in the Throne, so exp is still pretty juicy. Got a Dragon Chang from a random monster, and Baal coughed up both Twitchthroe and Iceblink- very generous of him. Looks like I was right in thinking the stock of green breastplates was emptied by NM Meph.
just curious

pardon my ignorance, i know the SPF thrives on trust & honesty. i've read some posts here and members are just overly generous & trustworthy (just look at the giveaway thread). but is there a way of verifying the authenticity of the chars in this ladder? do i have to send a file or a profile of my char to cattleya or something?

i mean, i have so little posts here, and therefore not very credible yet. what if i just type "ohh my zealot just hit lvl 75 in hell difficulty after playing non-stop for 48 hrs, and my eyes are bloody red now. my char did not die yet but i think i'm close to dying myself" :D

i might just have missed it 'cause i haven't read it in the rules, about how to verify characters i mean.


valen said:
pardon my ignorance, i know the SPF thrives on trust & honesty. i've read some posts here and members are just overly generous & trustworthy (just look at the giveaway thread). but is there a way of verifying the authenticity of the chars in this ladder? do i have to send a file or a profile of my char to cattleya or something?

i mean, i have so little posts here, and therefore not very credible yet. what if i just type "ohh my zealot just hit lvl 75 in hell difficulty after playing non-stop for 48 hrs, and my eyes are bloody red now. my char did not die yet but i think i'm close to dying myself" :D

i might just have missed it 'cause i haven't read it in the rules, about how to verify characters i mean.


As far as I'm aware, there is no way to verify if a character is legit or not. For items you can use the fingerprinting, item level & dupe detector in Atma/Flavie to help. This forum is definately built on trust & honesty. There certainly have been instances where this has been breached, and by people who have several thousand posts. Posts themselves are no indication of trustworthiness alone. There are a lot of knowledgeable people here, and if you try and "cheat" you will more than likelyget caught out.

I don't trade in 1.11. I traded once in 1.10. I do like to give my items away, as I did when I put all my excess 1.10 items in the giveaway thread. I wanted a fresh start in 1.11 and had no need for the other items, except the grail ones. When I finish the Untwinked MF I will also put up all the excess items in the giveaway. Why would you need more than 1 of any item unless you build a lot of different characters. I am on the road to level 99 and I am sure that and grailing will take up my time.

Hope that helps a little.
valen said:
pardon my ignorance, i know the SPF thrives on trust & honesty. i've read some posts here and members are just overly generous & trustworthy (just look at the giveaway thread). but is there a way of verifying the authenticity of the chars in this ladder? do i have to send a file or a profile of my char to cattleya or something?

i mean, i have so little posts here, and therefore not very credible yet. what if i just type "ohh my zealot just hit lvl 75 in hell difficulty after playing non-stop for 48 hrs, and my eyes are bloody red now. my char did not die yet but i think i'm close to dying myself" :D

i might just have missed it 'cause i haven't read it in the rules, about how to verify characters i mean.


As Tazdaz says, there's no way to verify whether a character is legitimate or not. We generally give people the benefit of the doubt, unless they make claims that sound suspicious (such as claims of finding uber items; high-end runes/runewords in particular often spark such suspicion). However, there's no reason to doubt a claim that someone advanced to such-and-such a point in the game, or that they didn't die, etc, unless they provide a such reason ("I just beat Hell on /players8 with my naked punching barbarian!") or have proven to be untrustworthy in the past. For example, I beat Hell without dying with my swords-only assassin, without placing points in either Shadow Warrior or Shadow Master. People have made Guardian with much more fragile builds, and sometimes done it untwinked (I was heavily twinked). However, I was also playing the FE mod at the time, and when I inadvertently started an unmodded game, I died when trying to melee a FE boss.

The upshot- we're not going to doubt any reasonable assertions you make, or if we do, most of us will have the tact to not be outright accusatory.
Killed Diablo tonight. Was a fun, but rather easy battle, even on P8. Run, cast Blizzard, run, repeat until death. No great drops, except my second Skin of the Vipermagi.

Updated pharaoh

@valen - a small hint for you, when updating the table take out the quotes and it will look much better 👍

thanks tasdaz & pharaoh. i didn't really mean about the legitimacy of the items, but on the chars on this ladder. i just thought i may have missed something on the ladder rules since it seemed to me that anyone can just type their character's level on the rankings. i wondered if i should send a file to prove my character's being legit to cattleya, even though i don't know how to go about it.

anyway, if the case is as you said it is, then that's fine w/ me. ;)

btw, my pally is now lvl 18 and about to venture into the halls of the dead. he's completely untwinked and terribly poor, but i like the challenge. i've gone for most part of act 1 w/o a decent amulet nor ring, as i found mostly crap jewelry (+ 1 to dmg, + to stamina, etc.). can't wait to get to lvl 30 to get fanaticism.
multiple chars?

are we allowed more than 1 char in this ladder? i get bored easily w/ one char. i tend to play other builds just for fun. :)
Most certainly. There are no restrictions as such, but if you retire a character off it might be a good idea to remove it.

@ tasdaz: thanks. i updated the file to include my druid, whom i will be building into a summoner primarily.

also updated my pally's lvl, now at 24. got holy shield at last. w/ a defiance merc, my defense has been boosted nicely. he's starting act 3 now.
At River of Flame Wp...got a lousy Io from Hell HF. :(
Still Act5 NM. Now Level 70.
I'm taking the paladin off the list because I didn't bring the char to college, and since it was only level 20 when I left it, it shouldn't deserve a place. :eek:
my zealot reached lvl 28 last night. yey, 2 lvls away from fanat. took the city of the damned wp and preparing to storm the gates of hell later today. :D
Made pat about 10 minutes ago...killed Diablo and did all of act V in about 2 hours. I think I'll reserve this fishy for pindle/shenk/eldritch/meph runs. I have a wonderful map for meph, one left turn required, so the whole run takes about 5 minutes. Should be faster once I get some decent equipment. Found a 2 socket sup dusk shroud and made this as well:

Superior Dusk Shroud
Defense: 875
Durability: 22 of 22
Required Strength: 77
Required Level: 49
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 85
Fingerprint: 0x9abfcd13
+10 to Energy
+75% Enhanced Defense
+12% Enhanced Defense
+280 Defense vs. Missile
All Resistances +50
Increase Maximum Durability 10%
-1 to Light Radius
20% Faster Hit Recovery
Level 6 Weaken (18/18 Charges)
Socketed (2: 2 used)

Really helps with the resists...70/43/75/75 in hell.
just loking at the list and realized I had a lvl 4 char sitting here who has done nothing. Going to check the rules to see if I can add my lvl 54 Zealot that I just started this week.
Killed Baal & did some levelling off him.

@jjscud - I think the rules are, if the character is over level 50, then you need to get approval from 3 ladder members. I have no problem with you addidng your character 👍
@jjscud: Assuming the zealot obeyed all the appropriate rules outlined in www.spfladder.com, I second your addition to the ladder.

Welcome aboard, again. :D

Update: FizzCreep is now level 20. He just completed the Radament quest, and finished maxing out PC. He's now working on his fire skills. :D

The +3 to PC that Andy dropped is really helpful. lvl 23 PC! w00t! 👏

Rank  Level  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project    Exp
1      91    Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N              1.8b
2      85    SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y
3      85    Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y
4      82    shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N
5      82    Edmond Dantes     LordVoldemorte   Necro  Fishymancer          N
6      77    GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y
7      77    Tasdaz            ColdHeart        Sorc   Blizzard             N    UMFO
8      71    Ingram            Titania          Sorc   Meteorb              Y
9      70    SMTP              SMTP             Sorc   Meteorb              Y 
10     68    GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y
11     60    threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N   
12     51    TheNix            Odinesk          Druid  Summoner             N
13     45    pharaoh           Maldovius        Necro  Skellimancer         Y
14     40    ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N
15     32    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N
16     29    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N
17     28    Billybgame        JavvyLovesBilly  Zon    Ltng Jav             Y    UMFO 
18     28    valen             pure_heart       Palad  zealot               N
19     26    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N
20     26    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N
21     20    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N
22     20    Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N
23     18    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N
24     17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N
25     15    pharaoh           Avialle          Sorc   Melee Enchant        Y
26     13    TheNix            The_Weathergirl  Sorc   Lightning/Bliz       N
27     8     ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N
28     1     Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N
29     1     Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y
30     1     Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y
31     1     Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N
32     1     Ingram            Keeva            Sin    Trapper              Y
33     1     pharaoh           Kelthos          Palad  ?                    Y
34     1     valen             ancient_heart    druid  summoner             N
Keeva has defeated Meph in normal and is now level 30. I have never really played Assassins much, so I didn't know what to expect from her. She had to start out as a melee type, which worked pretty well. Once I discovered Cloak of Shadows, things really go interesting. I was able to keep her safe by pulling the monsters I wanted and not getting mobbed like I was used to. Then I got my LS trap, which was nice, but way too mana intensive for me to continually kill with. Then everything changed when my Merc hit level 27. I gave him an Insight polearm, and using that with his Prayer aura has made Keeva a true force. I can lay down 5 traps, which drains my mana, but by the time they are done, Insight has regained all the mana for me. I have never had any of my other builds dominate the early game like this Trapsin has done in the past few levels. I am sure that will change when the lightning immunes show up, but I am going to enjoy it for now.

@jjscud - I agree that adding your Zealot is fine as long as he has obeyed all the rules. That makes 3 people who have approved, so post him if you want.
I'll admit, I've been neglecting this thread. I forgot how much work school is. The good news is, it looks like the good people of the SPF have things under control here without me. :) However, I will try to be better...
Ingram said:
@jjscud - I agree that adding your Zealot is fine as long as he has obeyed all the rules. That makes 3 people who have approved, so post him if you want.
It may be superfluous at this point, I figured I would give "ladder administrator" final say on this one and say that the Zealot is welcome on the ladder.
Odinesk is about to face NM Andy in mortal battle, while poor neglected The_Weathergirl has just rescued that gray pain in the arse in normal.
An update on an undate: NM Andy falls under the claws, and beaks, of Odinesk and his menagerie.
Thanks all. I had been considering joining the SCL and decided that Hrus's tourney was a good place to start (and sounded fun by itsself). Stormlash really is a young lad, just 9 days old, I've pushed him faster than any char I've done before, not bad considering that if I stick to it he will be my first untwinked mat/pat. I did rush it a bit early (not as in char rushing but as in moving quickly) and reached hell on Friday at lvl 59. For the first time I found I couldn't survive in hell and spent the weekend doing NM WSK runs to reach 73 and then hit 74 in hell.

Hopefully my having to renumber almost the whole list will serve as some kind of penance.
Not much playing over the weekend, but did get a level just doing pindle/shenk/eldritch and lower kurast runs.
Also started a lightning sorc, as I've never played one before.
My MF tourney Javazon has entered NM and is level 50, now. No deaths to report, either, although I sure don't like that Pitspawn Fouldog. Especially on p7. Seems him and his crew's dangerous, no matter what level. I have more problems with that crew than Andariel herself.
21 levels in one day...hopefully I'll get the same tomorrow!
Edmond Dantes said:
21 levels in one day...hopefully I'll get the same tomorrow!
Actually, only 20- you start at level 1.

Never mind me; I'm just being annoying. Congrats on the levels. :)

Anyways, on another note, Maldovius is now level 58, and just getting started on Act II NM (I just got the Spider Forest WP). His army is a force to be reckoned with, leaving him free to load up on what MF gear he can scrounge, which paid off the other night with a 32 res Skin of the Vipermagi. Mmm.

I'm looking forward to the point at which I can do NM Meph runs to build up my ladder stash, and then maybe I'll start playing Avialle and Kelthos again. :)
Not much levelling for ColdHeart due to MFing off Nightmare Meph. Hell Meph is in my sights now! Poor Alena is tapping her feet impatiently waiting to get out and get some more exp.
Keeva has moved on to Act II NM. Hope to push her through to Hell in the next few days, if school is slow enough to get some play time in.
A bit of progress now that I am at Pindle. Will be running him heaps to MF & this character can run him at P8 without a problem, well only 1 - CI. I think this character will temporarily overtake Alena due to my focus on her. Will have to test her ability to run Baal soon.
#1 & #2 now... Woo Hoo... :D
Keeva finally made it to Hell. Things should get interesting now. I must say, I have been very impressed with this character so far. This is the first one I have had make it to Hell without dying. This is a build that works really good with a prayer/Insight merc. But now comes the fun part of immunes. Might be time to rely on Cloak of Shadows again.
My Javazon is through NM Mephisto.
Gained another level for ColdHeart from Pindle runs. About half way to 90 now.
37 levels since I last posted...been pretty busy, but still finding time for some SP. Just starting act III NM
Reclaiming my rightful #5 spot on the Ladder. You hear that, everyone-who-isn't-Tasdaz? You've got competition. :D

If you're interested in trading items with other Ladder members, we've got our own official Trade Thread. Go check it out.


How would one go about getting on the ladder?

Would I have to start a completely new character to get in?
Joining up since I had to delete all my items/toons.

 Rank  Level  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project    Exp
1      91    Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N              1.819 b
2      89    Tasdaz            ColdHeart        Sorc   Blizzard             N    UMFO      1.559 b
3      85    SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y
4      85    Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y
5      84    GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y
6      83    Edmond Dantes     LordVoldemorte   Necro  Fishymancer          N
7      82    shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N
8      74    jjscud            Stormlash        Palad  Zealot               N    UMFO
9      73    Ingram            Keeva            Sin    Trapper              Y
10     71    Ingram            Titania          Sorc   Meteorb              Y
11     70    SMTP              SMTP             Sorc   Meteorb              Y 
12     68    GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y
13     63    Billybgame        JavvyLovesBilly  Zon    Ltng Jav             Y    UMFO 
14     60    threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N   
15     58    pharaoh           Maldovius        Necro  Skellimancer         Y
16     58    Edmond Dantes     MissSpaz         Sorc   Lightning            N
17     55    TheNix            Odinesk          Druid  Summoner             N
18     40    ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N
19     32    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N
20     29    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N
21     28    valen             pure_heart       Palad  zealot               N
22     26    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N
23     26    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N
24     20    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N
25     20    Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N
26     18    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N
27     17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N
28     15    pharaoh           Avialle          Sorc   Melee Enchant        Y
29     15    TheNix            The_Weathergirl  Sorc   Lightning/Bliz       N
30     8     ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N
31     1     Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N
32     1     Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y
33     1     Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y
34     1     Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N
35     1     pharaoh           Kelthos          Palad  ?                    Y
36     1     valen             ancient_heart    druid  summoner             N
37     1 Todesritter Blitzkrieg Amazon CS/LF Y
Starting Act I Hell and fixed Todesritter's entry.
No change rank wise but several more levels gained. Stil mostly hanging with Meph, because that's the thing to do in UTMF tourney, though I've finished the first quest in act 5. Will probably do a quest a day, and should pat him early next week.
Decided against joining, because I want the ability to trade with 1.10 also.
NightBurst said:

How would one go about getting on the ladder?

Would I have to start a completely new character to get in?
Greetings, NightBurst. As a new 1.11 SC Ladder recruit, you should start by checking out our website.

To briefly answer your question, you can use an existing character if:
1) He/she is not over lvl 50.
2) You started the character in 1.11.
3) You have not traded/MP'ed with anyone outside the Ladder.
4) You do not use game-altering mods.

Please visit the website for more details. It has all the official rules for Ladder play. I encourage you to join, and feel free to voice any questions you may have. We are here for you, NightBurst. Enjoy your stay.

Sitting at hell countess, looking for a pul rune to make the 1.11 sorc armor with. Traded my +2 orb for a wizard spike the countess was kind enough to give me. Certainly speeds up my killing speed!
I would like to join this ladder. Not sure what my mod's nickname is around here, but it enables realm runewords and nothing else.

Name: Quezacotl

Level: 18

Class: Sorceress
Build: Lightning

Progress: Act 1 Normal
Moved ColdHeart on to level 90. Added NightBurst.

@NightBurst - Welcome to the ladder! The mod you are talking about is the Rune Word Mod (RWM). If you trade/MP you should let people know you use this mod up front. Some people will only trade unmodded (Vanilla) items.

What thread do we post in for MP Ladder games? 👏
I ask because I haven't seen anyone state whether they're ladder or not in the SC MP thread. So, I'm in the air with this one.
Updated Keeva. Haven't been able to play much since my desktop has died. I spent about a week trying to revive it, but it is beyond my help. So I had to move all my school and gaming stuff over to my laptop, which is good, but I don't like spending long amounts of time on it. I ordered a new computer from Alienware today, so in a couple of weeks, I should be back to killing Diablo on an even faster system then before.
I would like to join this ladder, should I just update the chart?
NightBurst said:
What thread do we post in for MP Ladder games? 👏
I ask because I haven't seen anyone state whether they're ladder or not in the SC MP thread. So, I'm in the air with this one.
You use the MP sticky at the top. Just say you want people who are in the sc ladder only.
Been running the countess, lower kurast, shenk, eldritch and pindle. Haven't found much, a lem rune and some m'avina's items, but leveling quite nicely.
kolemsai said:
I would like to join this ladder, should I just update the chart?
As long as your characters meet the criteria in the rules sections, just add your characters to the table in the appropriate position.

I'm hoping to get the website going over my winter break from school. I tried to get my group for my Into Web Programming class to do it as the group project, but they all ran away screaming at the thought of dealing with a database. :D Ideas that would get us put on a terror watch list, however, are right up their alley. :rolleyes: Boys. *sigh* ;)
Looked for this a couple days ago and stopped looking after a few pages. Pat'ed StormLash. He's now on hold for other projects. I'm not sure if I'll leave him SCL, its a guarantee that if any of my non SCL chars finds a Stormlash, He'll get it.

@Cattleya - you've got the right idea. I do a few hackerish White hat type things for my jobs that are fun and exciting but most the time I do DB/web programming. DB programming is a much larger market and alot easier to get jobs (still good paying jobs) in. Not to mention it does keep you out of trouble. Have fun, and if you need a hand, let me know.
Gained another level doing countess runs. I did 200+ between yesterday and today. Nothing great rune-wise, but lots of sets and uniques.
Gained another level from countess runs. I've done 300+ in the last couple days and my best finds have been a mal rune, Trang's Shield and Arm of King Leoric. Not too bad!
I have been running Pindle at P8 with ColdHeart. Netted me 2 levels and a Death's Web!
This is the fourth time I've tried to update...keeps faulting out on me. In any case, gained another level from countess runs. I've done 950 now and am a quarter of the way to 89. She's been generous, giving me a mal, um, pul, 3x lems and enough lower runes to cube 2 more lems, plus have 2 lums, 3 kos and 2 fals left over. I also 450 runes from tal to io to cube up yet! I'm not bothering to pick up anything lower than tal, and if I continue, I probably won't pick up anything lower than thul or amn. It sounds boring, but it's actually going quite well.
Tasdaz said:
I have been running Pindle at P8 with ColdHeart. Netted me 2 levels and a Death's Web!
HOLY CRAP. That is one of the rarest items in the entire game!


Post ATMA!!!

GooberGrape said:
HOLY CRAP. That is one of the rarest items in the entire game!


Post ATMA!!!

Lucky me hey 👍

Even more so when I can give you TWO readouts. The second readout is my latest find, and was a very good roll indeed.

Death's Web
Unearthed Wand
One-Hand Damage: 22 to 28
Durability: 10 of 18
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 66
Staff Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0xeb7e477d
+12 Life after each Kill
150% Damage to Undead
+2 to All Skill Levels
+7 to Mana After Each Kill
+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)
-46% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Death's Web
Unearthed Wand
One-Hand Damage: 22 to 28
Durability: 15 of 18
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 66
Staff Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x8c6e9055
+8 Life after each Kill
150% Damage to Undead
+2 to All Skill Levels
+11 to Mana After Each Kill
+2 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)
-47% to Enemy Poison Resistance

I've had an unbeliavble run on Unearthed Wands lately. Got this one too and 1 plain unearthed wand with 2 sockets and no +skills.

Superior Unearthed Wand
One-Hand Damage: 23 to 30
Durability: 17 of 18
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 64
Staff Class - Normal Attack Speed
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 86
Fingerprint: 0x371f1b16
+9% Enhanced Damage
+1 to Fire Golem (Necromancer Only)
+3 to Lower Resist (Necromancer Only)
150% Damage to Undead
Socketed (2: 0 used)

Rank  Level  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project    Exp
1      92    Tasdaz            ColdHeart        Sorc   Blizzard             N
2      91    Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N              1.819 b   
3      **    Edmond Dantes     MissSpaz         Sorc   Lightning            N
4      85    SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y
5      85    Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y
6      85    jjscud            Stormlash        Palad  Zealot               N    UMFO
7      84    GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y
8      83    Edmond Dantes     LordVoldemorte   Necro  Fishymancer          N
9      82    shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N
10     77    Ingram            Keeva            Sin    Trapper              Y
11     71    Ingram            Titania          Sorc   Meteorb              Y
12     70    SMTP              SMTP             Sorc   Meteorb              Y 
13     68    GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y
14     63    Billybgame        JavvyLovesBilly  Zon    Ltng Jav             Y    UMFO 
15     60    threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N   
16     58    pharaoh           Maldovius        Necro  Skellimancer         Y
17     55    TheNix            Odinesk          Druid  Summoner             N
18     40    ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N
19     32    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N
20     29    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N
21     28    valen             pure_heart       Palad  zealot               N
22     26    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N
23     26    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N
24     20    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N
25     20    Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N
26     18    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N
27     18    NightBurst        Quezacotl        Sorc   Lightning            Y
27     17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N
28     15    pharaoh           Avialle          Sorc   Melee Enchant        Y
29     15    TheNix            The_Weathergirl  Sorc   Lightning/Bliz       N
30     8     ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N
31     1     Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N
32     1     Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y
33     1     Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y
34     1     Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N
35     1     pharaoh           Kelthos          Palad  ?                    Y
36     1     valen             ancient_heart    druid  summoner             N
Got another level running the countess. Doing very well finding runes and making some runewords for future projects. I think I'll stop at 2000 total runs and continue with some other characters.
Now that the boards are working halfway decent, I'd like to pimp the Trade Thread for a second. It's the Official Place (TM) for trading your items between other Ladder players.


Thank you.

I haven't gained a level yet, but hit the 2 billion experience mark which is post worthy enough IMO :)
Finally got my new desktop in, so I was able to finish questing with Keeva. She is now my first Mat, as the only characters I have made it through with before were Paladins and Necros. I was really impressed with how deadly and tough she was, especially with her merc using an Insight polearm. Now off to do some MF with her to load up for my next project.
@Tasdaz, you can take my one entry off the ladder.

Thank You
Removed Nightburst and added Miriel, my new Blizzard Sorceress
Moved on to level 93.
Its been about a month since I last updated my characters, so here it goes. Firstly, Odinesk has had a name change, I was never satisfied with it anyway. He is now Beastdancer, lvl 57, touring the lost city in Act 2 NM. The_Weathergirl, lvl 23, has just picked up the cube. I have found it difficult to concentrate on any one character at the moment, so I have three other characters, that with the ladders permission, I'd like to add.

Shadowdancer, lvl 21 shadow/traps assassin, just killed Andy
Firedancer, lvl 18 single tree fire melee sorc, about to take on Andy
Skellidancer, lvl 12 skellimancer.

I'm also concidering changing The_Weathergirl to Stormdancer to keep the theme going.
TheNix said:
I have found it difficult to concentrate on any one character at the moment, so I have three other characters, that with the ladders permission, I'd like to add.
Seeing as the characters are under level 50, as long as they meet all the other rules, they can be added without needing permission 👍
Updated my sorc
Starting a wind druid...never played one before.
Updated my Blizz Sorc. She is flying though NM right now. Also removed my old Meteorb, since she will never quest again. Now I just use her to cube runes and reroll charms, so no since in tracking her anymore.
Up to level 30, enjoying hurricane and starting Act IV normal. Removed my fishymancer, as he won't be questing anymore.
LittleD falls to The_Weathergirl who climbs to lvl 29
Wow...I'm loving my winddruid! I flew through the rest of normal today, hitting level 45 right before fighting baal and donning my +3 to elemental skills ammy. Gotta love that. Starting NM tomorrow!
Made it to Hell with the Blizz sorc. She is currently at the countess. I am going to run her until I get a good rune drop off her. The first run tonight netted me an Eth and an El, so this might be a long run...
Ingram said:
Made it to Hell with the Blizz sorc. She is currently at the countess. I am going to run her until I get a good rune drop off her. The first run tonight netted me an Eth and an El, so this might be a long run...
EthEl? :p

I don't really feel that Countess is a good target for a Blizz sorc. Maybe a HelHel Bonehew would speed things up? Tell me how you do.

GooberGrape said:
EthEl? :p

I don't really feel that Countess is a good target for a Blizz sorc. Maybe a HelHel Bonehew would speed things up? Tell me how you do.

Yeah, the Blizz sorc wasn't the greatest for the Countess, but this is the best equipped character I have ever had, so she did ok. I have a Bonehew I could use, but instead just used Static Field to get the Countess and her crew down to 1/2, then my merc finished them off. Worked good enough. Got a Ko finally on my 12th run. Not the best rune, but much better then what I had been getting. Now back to getting the Sorc to questing.
Did some major questing again today...this winddruid is proceeding a lot faster than any other character I've ever played. He's fun and great to play! Such a powerhouse. Starting act IV NM tomorrow morning...hoping for an um at the HF!
Getting very close to level 90 with the zon as well...I need some more mid runes, so maybe I'll do a couple hundred more countess runs with her and level up as well.
The Blizz Sorc hit 86 while doing some Pindle runs earlier. I am holding her at Pindle for a bit while I get some runs in. She has been going back and forth between Meph and Pindle all day. So far, they haven't been great to me, but they did drop a Cerebus' Bite, M'avina's Embrace, and my second Guardian Angel. If things work out well with the runs, she is going to find enough for me to equip my next project, a Wind Druid.

Rank  Level  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project    Exp
1      93    Tasdaz            ColdHeart        Sorc   Blizzard             N              2.097 b
2      91    Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N              1.819 b   
3      89    Edmond Dantes     MissSpaz         Sorc   Lightning            N
4      86    Ingram            Miriel           Sorc   Blizzard             Y
5      85    SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y
6      85    Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y
7      85    jjscud            Stormlash        Palad  Zealot               N    UMFO
8      84    GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y
9      84    Ingram            Keeva            Sin    Trapper              Y
10     82    shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N
11     70    SMTP              SMTP             Sorc   Meteorb              Y 
12     68    GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y
13     63    Billybgame        JavvyLovesBilly  Zon    Ltng Jav             Y    UMFO 
14     62    Edmond Dantes     OakHeart         Druid  Winddruid            N
15     60    threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N   
16     58    pharaoh           Maldovius        Necro  Skellimancer         Y
17     57    TheNix            Beastdancer      Druid  Summoner             N
18     40    ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N
19     32    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N
20     29    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N
21     29    TheNix            The_Weathergirl  Sorc   Lightning/Bliz       N
22     28    valen             pure_heart       Palad  zealot               N
23     26    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N
24     26    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N
25     20    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N
26     20    Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N
27     18    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N
28     17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N
29     15    pharaoh           Avialle          Sorc   Melee Enchant        Y
30     8     ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N
31     1     Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N
32     1     Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y
33     1     Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y
34     1     Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N
35     1     pharaoh           Kelthos          Palad  ?                    Y
36     1     valen             ancient_heart    druid  summoner             N
Finished NM today. Both acts were a breeze and I never dropped it from players 8, even at the ancients and Baal. I think hell will be a bit tougher with more CI, but it really shouldn't be too bad. Got a lousy Io from the HF.
My Blizz Sorc beat Hell Baal today. 3 Mat/Pats since I restarted. That is really good for me considering I only had 1 for my whole time of playing before.
Hit level 90 with the sorc and 75 with the druid. Once the druid makes it through, that will make 3 pats/mats for me too! 👍
Ingram said:
My Blizz Sorc beat Hell Baal today. 3 Mat/Pats since I restarted. That is really good for me considering I only had 1 for my whole time of playing before.
Congratulations on the Matriarch. 👏

Any plans for this character now? I've tried running Baal with ColdHeart, but i'm finding it too slow and frustrating with all the Ci around & Pindle was getting a bit boring ;)
Tasdaz said:
Congratulations on the Matriarch. 👏

Any plans for this character now? I've tried running Baal with ColdHeart, but i'm finding it too slow and frustrating with all the Ci around & Pindle was getting a bit boring ;)
I tried Baal a few times too, but as you said, it was too much of a hassle. I am basically going to use her for Pindle and Meph. Between her and the Assassin running the Countess, I plan to outfit the other builds I want to try with some really good gear. I will probably get bored of some of the runs before I get there, as you did with Pindle, but for now that is my plan.
Added SirRoldar my new SPUMF tourney character. Will probably unretire Alena soon and start running with her and get her up a level or two & maybe do a few Pindle runs with ColdHeart. For the moment SirRoldar will be the main focus here.
Ditto to most of what Tasdaz said, added my SPUMF char and will probably retire Stormlash
Added my own character :)
Updated SirRoldar, who after full clears of act 1 & 2 is now level 28, and added 8 million exp for Coldheart. Woo Hoo :lol:
Patted my winddruid at level 81. That's probably the lowest level I've ever patted or matted a character at. He was pretty decent, still needs to max oak sage and cyclone armor though. I don't know if I'll continue much with him, but he'll probably become my pit runner. Lots of fun to play, especially through normal and nightmare! That makes my third mat/pat of 1.11, time now to start a blizz sorc, my favorite mf character.
Still running the countess with my lightning sorc, so I'll keep her on this list.
Updated SirRoldar. Cleared act 3 & moved onto level 31.

@Edmond - Congrats on the Patriarch. 👏
Updated my sorc, Meteor and Orb is reigning havoc in A5 :)
I would like to join the 1.11 SP Ladder. I haven't decided on what build my sin will be yet. I'm also got her in the SPUMF tourn aswell.
In the last couple of days The_Weathergirl downs both Norm Meph and Diablo and jump to lvl 34. Now for a few days of Bloody Foothills runs.
Just rescued Cain. Moving onto the countess. 👍
Brainfart time, The_Weathergirl is lvl 36 not 34. :bonk:
Just rescued Cain. Moving onto the countess. Hopefully get some goodies from her!👍
Just finished Normal and made it to level 48 with full clears of everywhere killing everything at P8. Now lets do it again in Nightmare :lol:
Updated my Trapsin and Blizz Sorc. I have been using them on runs trying to get items for my Zealot, Wind Druid, or Hybridzon I am working on. Instead, I found a Griffon's Eye and Eschuta's Temper. So I decided to go ahead and make a build I have always wanted to try, the Lightning Sorc. I have added her to the ladder list, hopefully she is a fun build to play.
Been a long time since I've updated...

I'm now level 83 and in act 3 HELL.

Rank  Level  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project    Exp
1      93    Tasdaz            ColdHeart        Sorc   Blizzard             N              2.105 b
2      91    Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N              1.819 b   
3      90    Edmond Dantes     MissSpaz         Sorc   Lightning            N
4      89    Ingram            Miriel           Sorc   Blizzard             Y
5      87    Ingram            Keeva            Sin    Trapper              Y
6      85    SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y
7      85    Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y
8      85    jjscud            Stormlash        Palad  Zealot               N    UMFO
9      84    GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y
10    83    SMTP              SMTP             Sorc   Meteorb              Y  
11    82    shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N
12     81    Edmond Dantes     OakHeart         Druid  Winddruid            N     
13     68    GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y
14     63    Billybgame        JavvyLovesBilly  Zon    Ltng Jav             Y    UMFO 
15     60    threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N   
16     58    pharaoh           Maldovius        Necro  Skellimancer         Y
17     57    TheNix            Beastdancer      Druid  Summoner             N
18     48    Tasdaz            SirRoldar        Palad  Zealot               N    SPUMF
19     40    ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N
20     34    TheNix            The_Weathergirl  Sorc   Lightning/Bliz       N
21     33    Mruthyu           pG_MeteOrb       Sorc   MeteOrb              N
22     32    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N
23     29    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N
24     28    valen             pure_heart       Palad  zealot               N
25     26    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N
26     26    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N
27     20    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N
28     20    Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N
29     18    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N
30     17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N
31     15    pharaoh           Avialle          Sorc   Melee Enchant        Y
32     11    jjscud            Tempest          Druid  Windy                N    SPUMF
33     11    ShadowStalker     Shadowreaper     Sin    Shredsin(ww)         N
34     8     ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N
35     1     Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N
36     1     Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y
37     1     Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y
38     1     Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N
39     1     pharaoh           Kelthos          Palad  ?                    Y
40     1     valen             ancient_heart    druid  summoner             N
41     1     Ingram            Jalana           Sorc   Lightning            Y
I've just changed my build for my Assassin.
A few days running the bloody foothills and The_Weathergirl goes up 8 lvls, she's now lvl 44.
This came up in another thread, and I realized that it hadn't been addressed here. (Or if it was, I missed it.) Does anyone have a problem going with the idea of 1.11 = 1.11b for the ladder? I'm assuming that some people have upgraded and others have not.
Is there any real difference in SP? If not, is there a point in declaring whether you play 1.11b or not. There was never any problems with 1.09b and 1.09d.

BTW I've never bothered ungrading.
TheNix said:
Is there any real difference in SP?
The only difference is that you can put Peace on a merc without crashing the game. (The CtC Valk just doesn't trigger at all on a merc in 1.11b.)
I don't think that we need to worry about 1.11 or 1.11b, as the differences aren't that great so 1.11 should cover both patches. I personally use 1.11 myself, as I don't use runewords very often. I think I've made 3 entry level runewords.
I was in a hurry when I wrote the last post and it came over a bit harsh. I was only asking about the patches, not questioning the wisdom of your decision. :bonk:
Updated my lightning sorc.
Hey guys you mind if i get my windy druid in on the fun? He's level 86, RWM in act 5. Started him sometime last month. According to the rules i have to get the approval of 3 active members first so uh.. whaddya say :D
Dunedain said:
Hey guys you mind if i get my windy druid in on the fun? He's level 86, RWM in act 5. Started him sometime last month. According to the rules i have to get the approval of 3 active members first so uh.. whaddya say :D

Since it looks like you traded stuff for him from outside the ladder, I'm afraid he doesn't qualify for the ladder anyhow. Sorry.
Cattleya said:
Since it looks like you traded stuff for him from outside the ladder, I'm afraid he doesn't qualify for the ladder anyhow. Sorry.
Oh jeeze. thought i was more careful in reading the rules than that. I planned on starting a sorc soon, Ill try again later. Thx anyways :)
Hey guys,

Im new to the SPF, but one of the main reasons I joined was to sign up on this ladder. I tryed looking for an easy way to sign up for the ladder but I couldn't find a clear answer, can anyone please direct/assist me in my signup? I already read the rules to signing up so Im all ready for the fun.



p.s: Im thinking on making a summoner necro to start things off with.
CaptainBlack said:
Hey guys,

Im new to the SPF, but one of the main reasons I joined was to sign up on this ladder. I tryed looking for an easy way to sign up for the ladder but I couldn't find a clear answer, can anyone please direct/assist me in my signup? I already read the rules to signing up so Im all ready for the fun.
Just add your character to the table. (There should be instructions on how to do that if you head back to post #21 in this thread.)
Captain-Black is now in action, thanks for the help.

Killed the Countess....only had one good item drop so far, which was Rixot's Keen.
Updated my lightning sorc. She is now in act 3 NM and moving along rather well. I am really liking the damage and speed with her. This is the first character I have really worked on getting high FCR with. Soon she will be able to use the Griffon's Eye and Eschuta's Temper I have waiting for her, so that should make her damage really soar. Now, if I could only get some lightning facets instead of the poison and fire ones I keep finding.

BTW, for you other RWM users, I made a great caster shield for this Sorc. Here are the stats:

Superior Monarch
Defense: 168
Chance to Block: 42%
Smite Damage: 12 to 34
Durability: 91 of 95
Required Strength: 156
Required Level: 54
Item Version: 1.10 Expansion
Item Level: 80
Fingerprint: 0x4c65fd03
+22 to Vitality
+93 to Mana
+13% Enhanced Defense
+250 Defense vs. Missile
Lightning Resist +35%
Cold Resist +35%
Poison Resist +35%
Increase Maximum Durability 11%
Attacker Takes Damage of 14
55% Faster Hit Recovery
32% Faster Cast Rate
+2 to All Skill Levels
+4 Magic Absorb
Socketed (4: 4 used)

I was planning on using a Stormshield with her, but once I found the Monarch for this, I had to try it. While I lose a lot of the blocking from SS, the + 2 skills, FCR, and resists really make this a good shield for her. I can see a lot of my caster characters are going to be using this runeword shield along with their merc using an Insight polearm.
My sorc is now Level 86 near the end of act 3.
new char

I got bored with DII again, so I decided to start over, and what better place than the ladder
I think I'm gonna do a Usa-mancer (summons and poison) but I don't know for sure, I will update the chart when I am a bit more worthy of being on the page
I'll update later, I hope
'Bout time I entered my SPUMF character, PastyFace. Level 25, and movin' on up.
Just throwing in my dudes, MFing sorc, semi-retirded fishy, and my adolescent daggermancer.

Rank  Level  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project    Exp
1      93    Tasdaz            ColdHeart        Sorc   Blizzard             N              2.105 b
2      91    Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N              1.819 b
3      90    Edmond Dantes     MissSpaz         Sorc   Lightning            N
4      89    Ingram            Miriel           Sorc   Blizzard             Y
5      87    Ingram            Keeva            Sin    Trapper              Y
6      86    SMTP              SMTP             Sorc   Meteorb              Y
7      85    SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y
8      85    Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y
9      85    jjscud            Stormlash        Palad  Zealot               N    UMFO
10     84    GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y
11     82    shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N
12     81    Edmond Dantes     OakHeart         Druid  Winddruid            N
13     79    abarlament        HoorayII         Necro  Fishymancer          N
14     79    abarlament        CookieQatar      Sorc   Meteorb              N  
15     68    GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y
16     63    Billybgame        JavvyLovesBilly  Zon    Ltng Jav             Y    UMFO
17     61    Ingram            Jalana           Sorc   Lightning            Y
18     60    threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N
19     58    pharaoh           Maldovius        Necro  Skellimancer         Y
20     57    TheNix            Beastdancer      Druid  Summoner             N
21     48    Tasdaz            SirRoldar        Palad  Zealot               N    SPUMF
22     44    TheNix            The_Weathergirl  Sorc   Lightning/Bliz       N
23     40    ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N
24     33    Mruthyu           pG_MeteOrb       Sorc   MeteOrb              N
25     32    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N
26     29    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N
27     29    abarlament        Sack             Necro  Daggermancer         N
28     28    valen             pure_heart       Palad  zealot               N
29     26    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N
30     26    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N
31     25    Billybgame        PastyFace        Necro  Summoner             Y    SPUMF
32     20    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N
33     20    Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N
34     19    CaptainBlack      Captain-Black    Necro  Skellemancer         N
35     18    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N
36     17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N
37     15    pharaoh           Avialle          Sorc   Melee Enchant        Y
38     15    ShadowStalker     Shadowreaper     Sin    BF/Trapsin           N    SPUMF
39     11    jjscud            Tempest          Druid  Windy                N    SPUMF
40     8     ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N
41     1     Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N
42     1     Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y
43     1     Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y
44     1     Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N
45     1     pharaoh           Kelthos          Palad  ?                    Y
46     1     valen             ancient_heart    druid  summoner             N
abarlament said:
Just throwing in my dudes, MFing sorc, semi-retirded fishy, and my adolescent daggermancer.
Just to let you know, for characters over level 50 you need approval from 3 ladder participants before adding them :)

I don't have a problem entering them, provided they have followed all the rules 👍
Oh, sorry, didn't catch that. What is the deal with approval? Do I have to MP with them or something?
The_Weathergirl swats normal Baal and is lvl 54. Now to play with the cows and do a few more Baal runs to get another couple of lvls before going on to NM.
abarlament said:
Oh, sorry, didn't catch that. What is the deal with approval? Do I have to MP with them or something?
No, you need 2 more other ladder participants to approve the addition of your characters as well as Cattleya. It in the rules on the first page :cool:
abarlament said:
Oh, sorry, didn't catch that. What is the deal with approval? Do I have to MP with them or something?
I know Tasdaz already explained the important parts of this, but I thought I would go into more detail.

The level limit is in place to keep new characters from coming out of nowhere onto the top of the ladder. (It would be silly to allow someone who had just joined the forum and had like 3 posts to add a level 95 character to the ladder without some sort of examination.) However, aside from the friendly compitition, the ladder is meant to be a place for people who are looking for a trade MP pool that follows a certain set of rules, the most important being that any characters that they have come into contact with have only ever known 1.11 and 1.11 items.

When we set up the ladder, we recognized that sometimes, people don't get their characters on it in time for various reasons, and we wanted to allow people who had been following ladder rules a chance to get on the ladder even if they were too high a level. So, we decided on the current rules.

Offically, I don't even qualify as an active participant of this ladder, so I can't help you get to 3 people. When I see a request like this, I do look through past posts to see if there are any problems (sometimes people forgot that they did some trading for the character or whatnot) and if anything comes up I will post about it. I didn't see any problems with your characters, so you won't get a veto from me once you get approval from 2 more people.
Completed act1 and killed Radament.
Pindle runs has netted me 70 million more exp for ColdHeart, just over 100 million to go for 94. SirRoldar has gained a whole 1 level.
The_Weathergirl swats NM Countress and is now lvl 56. I made a total of six runs and got the following:

El X 3
Eld X 1
Tir X 1
Nef X 1

My sin is in the Lost City about to take on the those sssssssnakessssss.... :creep:
2 unrecoverable deaths for ColdHeart lost me roughly 40 million exp :mad: . That would be the hardest part of Pindle running, as it's so hard to recover your corpse due to all the garden minions being cold immune.

SirRoldar has moved on to level 54, and I've added my first assassin character LeatherMistress who will be a twinked up trapper.
So close. Made it within 16 million of the next level & I die 3 times. Doh, serves me right for playing whilst tired. I give up for now. Moving tomorrow, so no PC with Diablo for at least 3 weeks :(

Maybe someone can overtake me in the meantime 👍
Thought I'd update PastyFace, from lvl 25 to 47, in the SPUMF tourney.
Finally made it to 94. Have started a lightning sorc who is level 18 and going along quite nicely.
Just updating my sin's level
The_Weathergirl beats NM Druel, eventually :rolleyes: , and leapfrogs the semi-retired Beastdancer to be lvl 61. Look out Meph, she's on her way. :D
Signed up adding my lil level 1 hammerdin. Finally going to start playing SP for real, maybe I should download ATMA now. :eek:
Necrology said:
Signed up adding my lil level 1 hammerdin. Finally going to start playing SP for real, maybe I should download ATMA now. :eek:
Welcome to the SP ladder 👏 . You can also trade here if so inclined. Let the hammers fly & get to 95 & topple my meager throne!
Haha, thanks for the kind encouragement, I'll be really happy to get to 80 by next Monday =D
Updated Meg who is Act NM and cruising along at level 58. Will hopefully finish through to Act 5 today. Dungeon Siege 2 has been taking up some of my Diablo time lately. Nice game.
Meg has moved on to Act 2 Hell. Did a few Baal runs in NM to level her up a bit.

Rank  Level  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project    Exp
1      94    Tasdaz            ColdHeart        Sorc   Blizzard             N              2.286 b
2      91    Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N              1.819 b   
3      90    Edmond Dantes     MissSpaz         Sorc   Lightning            N
4      89    Ingram            Miriel           Sorc   Blizzard             Y
5      87    Ingram            Keeva            Sin    Trapper              Y
6      86    SMTP              SMTP             Sorc   Meteorb              Y  
7      85    SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y
8      85    Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y
9      85    jjscud            Stormlash        Palad  Zealot               N    UMFO
10     84    GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y
11     82    shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N
12     81    Edmond Dantes     OakHeart         Druid  Winddruid            N
13     79    Tasdaz            Meg              Sorc   Lightning            N
14     79    abarlament        HoorayII         Necro  Fishymancer          N
15     79    abarlament        CookieQatar      Sorc   Meteorb              N     
16     68    GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y
17     63    Billybgame        JavvyLovesBilly  Zon    Ltng Jav             Y    UMFO 
18     61    Ingram            Jalana           Sorc   Lightning            Y
19     61    TheNix            The_Weathergirl  Sorc   Lightning/Bliz       N
20     60    threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N   
21     58    pharaoh           Maldovius        Necro  Skellimancer         Y
22     57    TheNix            Beastdancer      Druid  Summoner             N
23     54    Tasdaz            SirRoldar        Palad  Zealot               N    SPUMF
24     47    Billybgame        PastyFace        Necro  Summoner             Y    SPUMF
25     40    ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N
26     33    Mruthyu           pG_MeteOrb       Sorc   MeteOrb              N
27     32    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N
28     29    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N
29     29    abarlament        Sack             Necro  Daggermancer         N
30     28    valen             pure_heart       Palad  zealot               N
31     27    ShadowStalker     Shadowreaper     Sin    BF/Trapsin           N    SPUMF
32     26    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N
33     26    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N
34     20    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N
35     20    Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N
36     19    CaptainBlack      Captain-Black    Necro  Skellemancer         N
37     18    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N
38     17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N
39     17    Tasdaz            LeatherMistress  Sin    Trapper              N
40     15    pharaoh           Avialle          Sorc   Melee Enchant        Y
41     11    jjscud            Tempest          Druid  Windy                N    SPUMF
42     8     ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N
43     1     Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N
44     1     Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y
45     1     Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y
46     1     Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N
47     1     pharaoh           Kelthos          Palad  ?                    Y
48     1     valen             ancient_heart    druid  summoner             N
49     1     Necrology         Necrologism      Palad  Hammerdin            Y
The_Weathergirl takes down NM Meph and is now lvl 65, I'm doing some MF runs before going on to Act 4.
My 3rd Matriarch for the ladder!
Levelled Meg to 87, but am contemplating fitting her out with my new goodies from my recent trade so I might need to remove her. Lightning facets, Griffon's eye, the works and see how she goes then. Not much action on the ladder front recently.
Beastdancer, lvl 61, comes back from holidays to swat NM Duriel, as The_Weathergirl, lvl 66, takes her turn on the bench.
Beastdancer, lvl 66, kills NM Meph. Now to see if I can get some decent drops MFing. The_Weathergirl is stlll on the bench.
I have deleted Shadowreaper.
May I join? I currently have a Level 79 Windy druid and a 35 Zeal pally..o_O
I have added my Amazon and Sorceress to the ladder.
Introducing Draconus my Shapeshifting Druid, he lvl 18 and soon to be facing Andariel.
Just wanted to update my SPUMF characer PastyFace, to level 64.
Beastdancer, lvl71, is now exploring the NM Bloody foothills.
Probably is already too late, but I have noticed that tourneys go, giveaways go, and I haven't participated in most SPF activities. So, I'm asking if I can join?

I'm currently using a fishymancer (my first 1.11 char, I just upgraded from 2 years playing 1.09) with almost no restrictions (any skills allowed, any players settings, re-running areas) except for items, in which I re started everything, my 1.09 stuff is stashed and my 1.11 chars will not touch such stuff (I don't know what I'll do with all that stuff, it includes some um's,a gul, and most items up to windforce).

With such things I don't know what tourneys I could participate, but I'm seeing that I can join the ladder.

Morbius, the fishymancer, is currentlyl clvl30 and is in normal act IV (just started it)

Edit: By the way, I'm completely vanilla, no trades, no MP, no mods, just ATMA
I would ask to join aswell.. I have 5 characters that I'd like to add if possible.. not sure which one I like the most though :p

ps.. 4 of them are over level 30, the 5th will be shortly :p
Tempest has dropped out the the SPUMF but is still SCL and crusing thought NM at p8 (feels like most of my chars at p1 in nightmare). Also added my new, tobe main mf'er, a Blizz Fireball hybrind.
PastyFace became a Champion tonight, and hit level 73, so was worthy of a standings update.
Well, since nobody say anything I joined. Currently in place #29 with my fishymancer Morbius, my first v1.11 char
Just updating Tempest. He's still moving along nicely, but my lack of decent SCL is starting to slow him down a bit. Not to mention Maggot Lair is a absolute pain with a Wind Druid, any ideas?
Removed Sheena from the ladder and moved my Druid to 35 on the ladder.👍
Morbius gained 2 levels, and it would have been more if it wasn't because of normal diablo, I can't seem to kill the fu***ng bastard

Rank  Level  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project    Exp
1      94    Tasdaz            ColdHeart        Sorc   Blizzard             N              2.286 b
2      91    Tasdaz            Alena            Sorc   Meteorb              N              1.819 b   
3      90    Edmond Dantes     MissSpaz         Sorc   Lightning            N
4      89    Ingram            Miriel           Sorc   Blizzard             Y
5      87    Ingram            Keeva            Sin    Trapper              Y
6      87    Tasdaz            Meg              Sorc   Lightning            N
7      86    SMTP              SMTP             Sorc   Meteorb              Y  
8      85    SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y
9      85    Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y
10     85    jjscud            Stormlash        Palad  Zealot               N    UMFO
11     84    GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y
12     82    shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N
13     81    Edmond Dantes     OakHeart         Druid  Winddruid            N
14     79    abarlament        HoorayII         Necro  Fishymancer          N
15     79    abarlament        CookieQatar      Sorc   Meteorb              N     
16     73    Billybgame        PastyFace        Necro  Summoner             Y    SPUMF
17     72    jjscud            Tempest          Druid  Windy                N
18     71    TheNix            Beastdancer      Druid  Summoner             N
19     68    GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y
20     66    TheNix            The_Weathergirl  Sorc   Lightning/Bliz       N
21     63    Billybgame        JavvyLovesBilly  Zon    Ltng Jav             Y    UMFO 
22     61    Ingram            Jalana           Sorc   Lightning            Y
23     60    threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N   
24     58    pharaoh           Maldovius        Necro  Skellimancer         Y
25     54    Tasdaz            SirRoldar        Palad  Zealot               N    SPUMF
26     40    ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N
27     33    Mruthyu           pG_MeteOrb       Sorc   MeteOrb              N
28     32    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N
29     32    Arreat_Mercenary  Morbius          Necro  Fishymancer          N        
30     29    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N
31     29    abarlament        Sack             Necro  Daggermancer         N
32     28    valen             pure_heart       Palad  zealot               N
33     26    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N
34     26    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N
35     23    ShadowStalker     Draconus         Druid  Werebear             N
36     20    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N
37     20    Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N
38     19    CaptainBlack      Captain-Black    Necro  Skellemancer         N
39     18    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N
40     17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N
41     17    Tasdaz            LeatherMistress  Sin    Trapper              N
42     16    ShadowStalker     Freezya          Sorc   Blizzard             N
43     15    pharaoh           Avialle          Sorc   Melee Enchant        Y
44     8     ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N
45     5     jjscud            HellFreezthOver  Sorc   Blizz/Fball          N
46     1     Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N
47     1     Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y
48     1     Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y
49     1     Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N
50     1     pharaoh           Kelthos          Palad  ?                    Y
51     1     valen             ancient_heart    druid  summoner             N
52     1     Necrology         Necrologism      Palad  Hammerdin            Y
I forgot about the SPF Ladder! Morbius is now clvl 46 (from clvl 32) and is now in nightmare, gained 4 levels in the ladder :jig:
I brought ColdHeart out for a bit of a play and levelled her 15 million exp from Pindle & Ancient Tunnel runs.

Edit: Removed LatherMistress
Seeing how no one responded last time.. I would like permission to add a "few" characters.. Only the ones I'm currently leveling which would be MistressGale and TheForgotten..

Gale is currently breaching the 2 billion EXP mark on the 92nd level.. TheForgotten is past the halfpoint on 80, a hammerdin who I'm hoping will become my character for the 99 run..

(I don't want to be greedy :p.. because I also have 2 level 83's.. 2 73's and an 74 :p)
Well, truly jackalope I didn't got permission either, so I thought no one would have something against it and just joined 😁

I don't see why not, join us in the Ladder
Well, on the rules page it says if you're over level 50 :p
Well, I still see many under clvl 50, and some even haven't left clvl 1, besides, new members should always been welcome and tasdaz and billybgame already sought me and didn't say anything, besides I'm about to reach clvl 50 anyway 😁

Edit: oh sorry, I got the other way. Mmm, send a PM to cattleya to ask about it. But I think there should be no problem jackalope, anyway, I'm gonna play heavily next week and will get the first place anyway :evil: 😆
nono.. I mean you're spose to join before the level 50 mark.. or get permission if you're above that mark :p
See the edit of my above post ;)
If you can get through 2 billion exp in a week.. then you deserve to be number one :p
Nah, who needs eating and sleeping anyway :rolleyes: :wink3:
Arreat_mercenary said:
Nah, who needs eating and sleeping anyway :rolleyes: :wink3:
Well, early 90's.. like 91 would be reachable.. with a rush.. but I don't see you getting close 👅 :flip:
I just pated Tempest, I plan to run him a bit more to reach the uper eighties. Then its HellFreezthOver, a blizzballer and Eleanor, another try at improving on the Hybridzon build. After that I plan to leave SC behind.

@Jackalope: Are all your chars, items etc... a complete restart since 1.11 came out?
I started playing D2 SP about a week before I joined the forum.. so ya I guess it would be :p
@Jackalope: I'm not active on the SC ladder, so I can't actually vote to approve the high level characters, but I do have a couple of things that need to be clarified. (Since I do have ultimate veto power.)

It is important that all characters on the ladder use items only found by other ladder characters. If any of your characters have used items from your characters that you are not putting on the ladder, or from giveaways or trades that didn't specify that they were 1.11 ladder items, the characters will not qualify for the ladder.

So, if the above critera is met, then you just need to get permission from active ladder participants (I can't remember the number listed in the rules offhand) to put your characters on the ladder.
Well, that would cancel out Forgotten, but Gale is 100% self-found MF.. so :D.. and the rules stated 3 people.
Arreat_mercenary said:
Well, I still see many under clvl 50, and some even haven't left clvl 1, besides, new members should always been welcome and tasdaz and billybgame already sought me and didn't say anything, besides I'm about to reach clvl 50 anyway 😁

Edit: oh sorry, I got the other way. Mmm, send a PM to cattleya to ask about it. But I think there should be no problem jackalope, anyway, I'm gonna play heavily next week and will get the first place anyway :evil: 😆
Cool. A challenge for my long held throne at the top of the SC Ladder!!

I give approval for jackalope to join. 👍
If Gale is allowed to join.. I'll be farming baal instead of pindle ;D
Gale's ok by me
I'll 3rd the vote for Gale....:flip:

Rank  Level  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project    Exp
1      94    Tasdaz            ColdHeart        Sorc   Blizzard             N              2.301 b
2      90    Edmond Dantes     MissSpaz         Sorc   Lightning            N
3      89    Ingram            Miriel           Sorc   Blizzard             Y
4      87    Ingram            Keeva            Sin    Trapper              Y
5      86    SMTP              SMTP             Sorc   Meteorb              Y  
6      85    SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y
7      85    Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y
8      85    jjscud            Stormlash        Palad  Zealot               N    UMFO
9      84    GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y
10     83    Billybgame        PastyFace        Necro  Summoner             Y    SPUMF
11     82    shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N
12     81    Edmond Dantes     OakHeart         Druid  Winddruid            N
13     79    abarlament        HoorayII         Necro  Fishymancer          N
14     79    abarlament        CookieQatar      Sorc   Meteorb              N     
15     79    jjscud            Tempest          Druid  Windy                N
16     71    TheNix            Beastdancer      Druid  Summoner             N
17     68    GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y
18     66    TheNix            The_Weathergirl  Sorc   Lightning/Bliz       N
19     63    Billybgame        JavvyLovesBilly  Zon    Ltng Jav             Y    UMFO 
20     61    Ingram            Jalana           Sorc   Lightning            Y
21     60    threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N   
22     58    pharaoh           Maldovius        Necro  Skellimancer         Y
23     46    Arreat_mercenary  Morbius          Necro  Fishymancer          N
24     40    ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N
25     33    Mruthyu           pG_MeteOrb       Sorc   MeteOrb              N
26     32    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N        
27     29    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N
28     29    abarlament        Sack             Necro  Daggermancer         N
29     28    valen             pure_heart       Palad  zealot               N
30     26    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N
31     26    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N
32     23    ShadowStalker     Draconus         Druid  Werebear             N
33     20    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N
34     20    Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N
35     19    CaptainBlack      Captain-Black    Necro  Skellemancer         N
36     18    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N
37     17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N
38     16    ShadowStalker     Freezya          Sorc   Blizzard             N
39     15    pharaoh           Avialle          Sorc   Melee Enchant        Y
40     8     ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N:smiley: 
41     5     jjscud            HellFreezthOver  Sorc   Blizz/Fball          N
42     1     Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N
43     1     Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y
44     1     Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y
45     1     Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N
46     1     pharaoh           Kelthos          Palad  ?                    Y
47     1     valen             ancient_heart    druid  summoner             N
48     1     Necrology         Necrologism      Palad  Hammerdin            Y
She gets another vote from me (although I just joined :rolleyes: ), that makes 4 votes and I think that's more than needed to join, so, welcome Jackalope! Feel free to join the table whenever you want to, or I can add you if you want :wink3:

For me, after having meetings with all the important people of the empress, working 4 extra hours per day, and finishing other works, I finally had some time to play, get ready Tasdaz :evil:

Morbius did 10 levels, so he went from clvl 46 to clvl 56, right now in his worst "nightmare": currently in the NM arcane sanctuary :nervous:
Well.. MistressGale has been added.. seeing how I'm the in Hunt for SoJ and I'm about 3/4 of the way to 93.. I'm hoping that either with the runs of that or pindle I can get close to taking the #1:p
Wow, another contestant I have to win to....... :cry:

Okay, I won't sleep, nor eat. I have some pounds to lose anyway 😁
Well, well, someone coming along with a high level character. A blizzsorc no less 😃

Added another 19 million to the tally.
Total dimwatt here.

Do these take place on battle.net? Are they on individual computers and done LAN style?

Basically have NO clue. Or did you already notice that, lol? I'm asking because I just started a new character on U.S. West on battlenet and am trying to figure out why in the world I did it.

Getting into a tournament/grouping system might be justification!

DudeAbides said:
Total dimwatt here.

Do these take place on battle.net? Are they on individual computers and done LAN style?

Basically ha NO clue. Or did you already notice that, lol? I'm asking because I just started a new character on U.S. West on battlenet and am trying to figure out why in the world I did it.
Our ladder isn't done on B.net at all. This is our little simulation of the B.net ladder, where all items and characters involved are from 1.11 and not from any of the earlier patches. Most of the games are played SP, but there might be the occasional TCP/IP game. As for the details of our rules and such, that's in the first post, so I won't repeat it here. 😃
My SPUMF Necro, PastyFace, has tied my previous highest leveled character already, and reached level 85, and has made the top 10!

More to come, as we're halfway to level 86 and 7th place, so it seems. If not for 14 deaths in act 3, due to wholely going for MF, I'd probably already be at 86. 12 of the 14 were to Gloams. Naturally.
30 Million more 👍
Piscine lvl 19 Fishymance in Act-1 Normal. Just returned the hammer after harassing the Countess. Now to wait fot the merc to become lvl 19 so she can don her Andykiller (TM) Hunter's bow.
HellFreezthOver is my main focus for the moment so she should be shooting up the list. Right now she has death's set (never used that before) and 9 points in fireball, both of these are very powerful at this level.

Once she's matted I'll retire Stormlash and maybe Tempest.
I just wanted to ask a question of the ladder participants and organiser (hi Cattleya). Is there any chance we can remove the rule for trading within the ladder only and open it to all trades. I don't think it will make much difference and will hopefully get more people on the ladder. I have removed characters because they have traded items on them now.
Piscene reached lvl 24 and is still easily slaying everything @ players 8. Radament wa a breeze, finally got the cube (mán I miss having it before Act-2), will start cubing gems and possibly runes.

Traded my act-1 merc for a defensive act-2, that's running around with a 3-Ith Brandistock. 8 Skellies now, CE from a voodoo head. Fast going, found the lost city waypoint, but still have to do the Coldworm quest, which is alway a royal pain with a summoner. Tonight, I hope....
Tasdaz said:
I just wanted to ask a question of the ladder participants and organiser (hi Cattleya). Is there any chance we can remove the rule for trading within the ladder only and open it to all trades. I don't think it will make much difference and will hopefully get more people on the ladder. I have removed characters because they have traded items on them now.
Well, that's kind of the point of the ladder. It's supposed to be it's own little world. If you are looking to compete with others for high levels without worrying about trading with non-ladder participants, the quest for 99 thread is probably more suited for your playstyle.
Cattleya said:
Well, that's kind of the point of the ladder. It's supposed to be it's own little world. If you are looking to compete with others for high levels without worrying about trading with non-ladder participants, the quest for 99 thread is probably more suited for your playstyle.
No probs. It was just a question more than anything. I am only playing 1 character at the moment to try and get ColdHeart to 95. Thanks for the ruling 👍
Offed Duriel, lvl 26, just starting Act-3.

No deaths, though I had a tight scrape in Durie's caves. Hurrying to get to a "mark" is never good, but with my limited playing time I sometimes have to. Almost had a death on this one, will have to slow down, I guess.....
Had to delete The_Weathergirl and Beastdancer because I had to trade outside the ladder to get the items that I needed.
Freezya jumps 2 lvls to 18:jig:
Piscine now lvl 28. Counting.....
Lowlander, remove the quotes when you add the table to your post :|..

No updates yet, but Gale is almost at the 93 mark.. maybe 5-600 pindle runs on /p3
Sorry 'bout that.:embarassed:

Picine is lvl 30 now, killed the council, on his way to Normal Meph. Made a "malice" pike for the merc. Slow, but killing well. Blood all over the place with 100% o/w. :cool: Found (and donned) 34 % chance guards, and I'll be equipping the merc with some MF the next time I find 3-sock. armor and 2-sock. headgear.

Ridiculously easy, Normal with a fishy...... I'll have to start something harder to go alongside it. Nice to have restarted on a clean install as well.

Rank  Level  Player            Character        Class  Build               RWM  Project    Exp
1      94    Tasdaz            ColdHeart        Sorc   Blizzard             N              2.350 b
2      92    Jackalope         MistressGale     Sorc   Blizzard             Y
3      90    Edmond Dantes     MissSpaz         Sorc   Lightning            N
4      89    Ingram            Miriel           Sorc   Blizzard             Y
5      87    Ingram            Keeva            Sin    Trapper              Y
6      86    SMTP              SMTP             Sorc   Meteorb              Y  
7      85    SourImplant       Wirt             Druid  Winddruid            Y
8      85    Ingram            Tempus           Palad  Hammerdin            Y
9      85    jjscud            Stormlash        Palad  Zealot               N    UMFO
10     85    Billybgame        PastyFace        Necro  Summoner             Y    SPUMF
11     84    GooberGrape       Otter-Pops       Sorc   Blizzard             Y
12     82    shersman          blizzbabe        Sorc   Blizzard             N
13     81    Edmond Dantes     OakHeart         Druid  Winddruid            N
14     79    abarlament        HoorayII         Necro  Fishymancer          N
15     79    abarlament        CookieQatar      Sorc   Meteorb              N     
16     79    jjscud            Tempest          Druid  Windy                N
17     68    GooberGrape       FreezeFrame      Palad  Freezealot           Y
18     63    Billybgame        JavvyLovesBilly  Zon    Ltng Jav             Y    UMFO 
19     61    Ingram            Jalana           Sorc   Lightning            Y
20     60    threeofnineteen   Leviathan        Necro  Fishymancer          N   
21     58    pharaoh           Maldovius        Necro  Skellimancer         Y
22     56    Arreat_mercenary  Morbius          Necro  Fishymancer          N
23     40    ZeratulsAvenger   DeathsStalker    Sin    TS/DS                N
24     33    Mruthyu           pG_MeteOrb       Sorc   MeteOrb              N
25     32    nobo              Zaragula         Sorc   Blizzard             N 
26     30    LowLander         Piscine          Necro  Skelliemancer        N      
27     29    shersman          Melea            Sorc   Fire                 N
28     29    abarlament        Sack             Necro  Daggermancer         N
29     28    valen             pure_heart       Palad  zealot               N
30     26    shersman          BONEfiedloser    Necro  Skellemancer         N
31     26    Tarr              Mjolnir          Palad  Hammerdin            N
32     23    ShadowStalker     Draconus         Druid  Werebear             N
33     20    nobo              Dandromar        Druid  Winddruid            N
34     20    Parapsycho        FizzCreep        Druid  Fissure/PC           N
35     20    jjscud            HellFreezthOver  Sorc   Blizz/Fball          N
36     19    CaptainBlack      Captain-Black    Necro  Skellemancer         N
37     18    shersman          arrragorn        Barb   frenzy               N
38     18    ShadowStalker     Freezya          Sorc   Blizzard             N
39     17    Zealar            Zeus             Barb   Axe/WW               N
40     15    pharaoh           Avialle          Sorc   Melee Enchant        Y
41     8     ScarsOfTomorrow   Trivium          Palad  Freezealot           N 
42     1     Cattleya          Deborah          Sorc   Blizzard             N
43     1     Boddah_khan       Jothrael         Necro  Fishy                Y
44     1     Immortal_Slayer   Shiverlia        Sorc   Blizzard             Y
45     1     Razaki            Damascus         Zon    Strafezon            N
46     1     pharaoh           Kelthos          Palad  ?                    Y
47     1     valen             ancient_heart    druid  summoner             N
48     1     Necrology         Necrologism      Palad  Hammerdin            Y
Estimated market value