Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

Excuses, excuses....

I guess I'll go back to work then, been waiting at the airport all day. Probably for the best anyways, people were starting to give me dirty looks. Why do people have to be so prejudice, its just a turban...
i get bomb checked every time i go through the airport. it's BS.

I love the fact that in the 'bring it on' series. when the rich white girl goes to the 'coloured' school she becomes ghetto. but when the coloured girl goes to the rich white school she makes it ghetto.

colours, they'll get you everytime
Maybe if you would stop wearing your "I <3 Unibomber" T-shirt you wouldn't have such a problem.

Ghetto is just so much cooler than white, that explains it.
i wish i was ghetto. i'd pimp my ride and roll my homies
*Walks up during the conversation*

Uh, rax, I believe you mean "roll with my homies". Rolling your homies is something entirely unpleasant, unless you're in to that kind of thing...

Wanted to share this CNN article as it brought me amusement, and there was a recent converation about browsers in the EMB a few days ago. Since I am forced to use IE at work because the application the company I work for is based in IE, and doesn't work in other browsers, what's that say about this company?
silly IE users. *quietly shuts down IE and opens mozilla*
Don't be a fool! Get chrome!

Besides, apparently opera are the really smart ones (I use opera on my phone :p )
Heh, no worries, even the company stated that the individuals who took the test were self-selected, which is one of the least accurate methods for a sample in statistics.

I'd still use IE on occasion [EDIT]*outside of work*. I'm interested to learn about this Opera browser though, I recall coju and PCM talking about it, and you too kegs, IIRC.

EDIT: My "IIRC" got ninja'd. That sounds highly technical and uncomfortable. Kind of like rax's impromptu kung fu.
Ninja'ing people just never gets old :)

Someone in my wife's family keeps putting really stupid things on FB.
I have not been on the book of faces for... um... at least a month. I find I have more time for better things this way, like D2.

EDIT: That's the spirit PCM! And you did have an awesome post count. Kudos for sticking with it for so long.
my friends wife always post silly/whiny things on FB. i don't even try to resist the urge i just roll with it.

i use IE cos i'm lazy and it is what i am used too
If she wasn't family she would get it for sure, but I will continue to refrain.

I only look at the FB news feed on my phone, I post on FB maybe once a month at most.
I was more in to FB when it was still young. Got my account back in the fall of '04. Everything was new and exciting back then. Now, it's old. And a cluster-feck.
you guys are just jealous you aren't members of the abe society
FB is blocked at work (otherwise no one [but me] would get anything done here), and I've never heard of the Abe Society, what's it about? Or do I even want to go down this path...
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