Why are berserker axes so rare?


New member
Jun 24, 2003
Why are berserker axes so rare?

I've found 3 Andy's helm, 10 raven frosts, and an SoJ before i found one WHITE berserker axe. wtf?

At the rate these things actually drop, I wouldn't be surprised if I found a Ber before I found another : /

Also, I found 2 eth Colossus blades before that white zerker, as well

IS it just the rarest "normal" item in the game? Or have I been inordinately unlucky.
Re: Why are berserker axes so rare?

Try doing the Pits with no MF on in fact reducing your MF will increase the chance of whites dropping all round.
Re: Why are berserker axes so rare?

Berserker axes are from TC 87, the highest treasure class, just like CBs. However, only 1 in 20 CBs are ethereal and SoJs are3 far, far more rare, so you just had really bad luck with BAs - or good luck with eth CBs and that SoJ :smug:

To give you an idea about the rarity of a few items: In all the years I played the game I have found perhaps 40 BAs (a few of them ethereal), 30 Ravenfrosts, 15 Andy's Visages and 10 HRs, but only two SoJs. It seems that had a bit bad luck with SoJs, as I found perhaps 5 BK rings which are as rare (when considering only monsters which can drop both).
Re: Why are berserker axes so rare?

Found my first ever eth BA today after however many years playing.
Found is perhaps a strong word, was leveling a char in bot dia runs and thankfully no one has programed the bots to know what white/greys have value :). Certainly made up for the Hel i got from hell hellforge.
Re: Why are berserker axes so rare?

And you must understand that in the latest patches, TC87 is frigging overcrowded
Re: Why are berserker axes so rare?

So I can kinda attribute my 600 mf towards finding less BAs, yes?

And also...Hell cows cannot therefore drop BAs and CBs, yes?

Alrighty, thanks guys ;p I now have a 0 mf barb jsut running around willy nilly hoping for some monster to pop a high rune, maybe now I can also find these elusive BAs.. ;p

And ya, I got lucky on those CBs...I had found only about 3-4 up to that point, I ended up making them my own weapons for my frenzy barb (Death and BOTD), it was an adventure to do so : )
Re: Why are berserker axes so rare?

More MF will result in more unique, set, rare and especially magic (blue) items. That means less white (socketed) items overall.
I counted this for lower MF amounts in My MF guide and came with this table:
(with 0MF, ~95% items will be white/grey, with 400MF 79% items will be white/grey)

Chance for higher magic quality:
MF    unique   set     rare    magic       rest (%)
0     1:400    1:160   1:100   1:34        ~95%
100   1:234    1:87    1:54    1:17        ~91%
200   1:190    1:66    1:40    1:11        ~87%
300   1:169    1:56    1:33    1:8         ~82%
400   1:158    1:50    1:29    1:7         ~79%
Based on that table, I would also suggest running lvl85 areas with ~100 MF. Your chance to get white/grey items is not lowered much, but you "almost double" your chance to get a unique item like Griffons, Windforce, Death Fathom, Death Web or even Tyraels.

Cows can drop from TC87, but with small probability. You are better hunting lvl85 areas (Pits, Ancient Tunnels, WSK)
Estimated market value