how to block whispers permanently?


New member
Dec 1, 2007
how to block whispers permanently?

i'm currently having a little problem with this guy keeps whispering me on bnet whenever i log on. i've told him to mind his own business but he still keeps talking to me for no reason. i've tried [/ignore acctname] syntax, but apparently, it only blocks him while i'm logged on. when i re-log in, he can talk to me again!!!

i dunt wanna take any drastic measure yet to get his acct banned or sth, but would anyone be kind enough to let me know any command i can use to block him from seeing my online status and stop him from whispering to me?
thank you!!
well..that's good to if this dude still keeps whispering me, i have to contact blizzard and get his acct banned? that's pretty harsh...
you can't really get him banned unless he was threatening you or something to that extent...
the only thing you can do is /squelch or /dnd, or just ignore him

and /dnd stops all whispers from being displayed... but i'm pretty sure you have to retype it everytime you log in
ya, tried that.....the thing is, he has mistaken me for someone that has scammed him in a game....and he wouldn't believe me when i told him i wasn't the one that scammed him....arggg..
There should be a way to do this, since if I enter chat I am bombed with spam from sites selling stuff.

Very annoying.

The /dnd is OK, but it blocks everything, and I cant get the PMs from people I actually want to talk to lol.
Had that same problem with a guy who kept using /f m to talk. Unfortunately I was on his friends list and I really didn't want anything to do with him (he swore a lot). Squelch stops working after you log out. He finally realized I wasn't a friend of his and took me off after like a month. Using dnd isn't as good as squelch. Dnd stops all whispers, so if you have someone who has a trade with you, he/she won't be able to contact you. Squelch is a much better option, unless you don't feel like typing the extra few letters :laugh:
Or this:
/o igw
This will ignore all whisper from non friends.

/o unigw to undo it.
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