Speedersin Question


New member
May 19, 2005
Speedersin Question

My helm currently is a 3shadow/20fcr/1socket magic coronet, and Speeder advised to put in a 15IAS/15res jewel in the socket. I'm in the process of buying a 13res/15IAS jewel, but I am wondering:

1) Is the one frame initial kick that important? I believe I hit 7/3 with Chaos/Fury anyways, can I get a check on this? Only when I switch to Jade or Fools will I have problems I believe.

2) Is it a waste of a jewel since my helm is only one socket instead of 3/20/2?
a fury in a -30wsm claw gloveside will give you 7/3&9 on it's own. it's when using a Chaos or fools claw on primary that you probably need the ias.

and yes, for a speeder'sin that 7 frame initial kick can make all the difference. you might not notice it against your run-of-the-mill pub, but come up against a skilled opponent and that extra frame on initial ckick can make a huge difference.
a fury in a -30wsm claw gloveside will give you 7/3&9 on it's own. it's when using a Chaos or fools claw on primary that you probably need the ias.

when looking at the tables it says on a -30 wsm claw you need 46% ias with no bos to have 7/3 frame kicks and trap laying is 42% ias with a -30 wsm claw. fury only has 40% ias on it, so you need 6% more ias to hit that last frame. unless the tables are wrong which it doesnt seem like it when using my sin.

when looking at the tables it says on a -30 wsm claw you need 46% ias with no bos to have 7/3 frame kicks and trap laying is 42% ias with a -30 wsm claw. fury only has 40% ias on it, so you need 6% more ias to hit that last frame. unless the tables are wrong which it doesnt seem like it when using my sin.

d'oh, ur right. i haev been *****slapped. i keep thinking fury has 60ias on it.

as to the 3/20/1, err, yuh sure, why not. its gonna take a while to find a better one.

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