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Shroud of Khanduras

From Diablo 4 Wiki

Shroud of Khanduras is a unique Chest Armor that can only be equipped by the Rogue and can be found in any World Tier. Better versions can drop in higher Difficulties.

Shroud of Khanduras can be target farmed from Grigiore.

The Rogue has access to other specific Rogue Unique Items.


Shroud of Khanduras

"In fairer times, the Emperor gifted Prince Aidan a gilded shroud. Still a boy, not yet full height, it dwarfed poor Aiden. Briefly, Leoric's growing madness abated from laughter." -Deckard Cain

Type: Unique Chest Armor
Class: Rogue

Description: Casting Dark Shroud makes you Immune for 2 seconds, but your Evade Cooldown is increased by [9.0 - 3.0] seconds.Evading while Dark Shroud is active leaves behind an explosion that deals [450 - 1,350] Shadow damage and Pulls (CC) In enemies.

    Affixes: (Item Power 925)
    • Evade Grants +[16 - 25]% Movement Speed for 1.5 Seconds
    • +[57.0 - 75.0]% Non-Physical Damage
    • +[2 - 3] to Dark Shroud
    • +[46.5 - 60.0]% Shadow Resistance

    Changes to Shroud of Khanduras

    Patch 1.5.0, August 6, 2024

    Unique Items