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Shattered Vow

From Diablo 4 Wiki

Shattered Vow is a Mythic Unique helm that can be equipped by any class and has a very small chance (0.5%) to drop from Elite monsters level 55 and above and will always drop at an item power of 925.

Shattered Vow can be crafted at the Jeweler using Runes.


Shattered Vow

"Malthael's last and only gift to mankind - a vow that our suffering shall end"

Type: Mythic Unique Chest Armor
Class: Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Rogue, Sorcerer

Description: Execute enemies afflicted by more Damage over Time than remaining Life.

  • [442 - 662] Damage per Hit
  • 0.90 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +400.0% Damage to Healthy Enemies

Affixes: (Item Power 800)

Changes to Shattered Vow

Patch 2.0, October 8, 2024

  • Now craftable with runes.