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Nesekem the Herald

From Diablo 4 Wiki

Nesekem the Herald is a Mythic Unique helm that can be equipped by any class and has a very small chance (0.5%) to drop from Elite monsters level 55 and above and will always drop at an item power of 925.

Nesekem the Herald can be crafted at the Jeweler using Runes.


Nesekem the Herald

"In the days when Ajaw Y'ishich ruled Nahantu, the phoenix constellation's crown fell in burning glory. From it was forged a blade that withered valor, heralding an age of despair."

Type: Mythic Unique Glaive
Class: Spritborn

Description: Every 2 seconds you randomly mark a Nearby enemy. Marked enemies are Vulnerable, and your attacks against them are guaranteed to Critically Strike and Overpower.

Hitting a marked enemy 10 times clears the mark from them.

  • 400% Damage to Elites
  • 1.00 Attacks per Second (Slow)
  • +[181.0 - 223.0]% Damage to Elites

Affixes: (Item Power 800)

Changes to Nesekem the Herald

Patch 2.0, October 8, 2024

  • Now craftable with runes.