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Brandy Camel (Nevalistis) on life at Blizzard and its challenges – Diablo Vidcast/Podcast Ep14 Part 1

In part 1 of this candid chat with the Diablo Vidcast team, former Diablo CM Brandy Camel (Nevalistis) shares her experiences working as the Diablo community manager, her highlights, community toxicity, leaving Blizzard, and more.

Brandy Camel (Nevalistis) on life at Blizzard and its challenges - Diablo Vidcast/Podcast Ep14 Part 1

This week we have a rather special Vidcast/Podcast. Joining HCXanth, Neinball, and MamaNic is Brandy Camel also known as Nevalistis during her time at Blizzard.

We have split this episode into two parts because it was a lengthy conversation running over one and half hours. Brandy shares memories of her time at Blizzard and working with Diablo community

Brandy talked through some of her highlights and lowlights while supporting the Diablo community and at times the conversation did get emotional.

This is a great episode and really gives you an idea of what it was like working at Blizzard, the role of a community manager, and much more.

If you are watching the Youtube version, Brandy has also shared some great pictures to go along with the discussion.

In part 2 Brandy talks about what she thought were her failures while at Blizzard which includes THAT announcement, setting up the team for Diablo 4, and fond memories shared within the Diablo CM team. It gets emotional. Stay tuned for Part 2 very soon.

Watch Episode 14 with Brandy Camel

Don’t forget to drop us a sub on the Youtube channel. Your subs help make The Diablo Podcast possible. Previous podcasts can also be found here.

Running Order – Part 1

  • 00:00:00 – Introductions and how Brandy got started at Blizzard and her role as a CM
  • 00:11:30 – How Brandy grew into the role of CM at Blizzard and how the job changed over time.
  • 00:19:30 – Toxicity as CM and communities.
  • 00:27:19 – Departing Blizzard and leaving a legacy.
  • 00:36:06 – Highlights of time at Blizzard and memorable moments.

Listen to The Diablo Podcast

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