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Diablo Vidcast / Podcast Episode 13 – Dev Stream Analysis

HCXanth, Neinball, and N3rdwards dissect all the information discussed in the first live Diablo 4 dev stream.

Diablo Vidcast / Podcast Episode 13 – Dev Stream Analysis

This week the Diablo4 team tried out their new live stream format Diablo 4 developer updates. So how was it? What did we learn?

In this emergency Diablo Vidcast episode, the team discusses yesterday’s developer stream covering topics such as the CE, Battle Pass, Codex of Power, Items, and the new dev stream format. Join HCXanth, Neinball, and N3rdwards.

Running Order

  • 00:00:00 Intro and CE Edition discussion
  • 00:11:58 Battle Pass and pricing
  • 00:23:16 Codex of Power
  • 00:30:41 Rare and Legendary item discussion
  • 00:40:31 Beta and the dev stream format.

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