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Diablo Vidcast/Podcast Ep14 Part 2 – Brandy Camel (Nevalistis)

In the second part of this special vidcast/podcast, Brandy addresses failures that happened including “that announcement”, setting up for Diablo 4 and much more.

Welcome back. This is the second part of our char with former Diablo community manager Brandy Camel (Nevalistis).

In this second part, Brandy touches on what it’s like balancing the good and the bad and connecting with players. She also addresses failures that happened including “that announcement” at BlizzCon and how it affected her at the time.

With Pez now in charge of Diablo 4 CM duties following Brandy’s departure she also talks about how things were being set up for Diablo 4 and how information is being shared with the community.

Since moving on, Brandy has landed in a good place and she talks about what when she left Blizzard, how the pandemic affected her move, and much more.

Watch Episode 14 Part 2 with Brandy Camel

Make sure you watch Part 1 first before diving into this episode.

Running Order – Part 2

  • 00:00:00 – Pleasant nostalgia questions within the community team.
  • 00:08:25 – Failures and not-so-upbeat memories Including THAT announcement.
  • 00:19:36 – What it feels like being a CM and balancing the good/bad and connecting with players.
  • 00:24:20 – Setting up for Diablo 4 and going full circle. Showing the process of development and sharing it with the community.
  • 00:30:55 – The Tavern Talks at BlizzCon.
  • 00:34:13 – What’s Brandy doing now?
  • 00:44:34 – Who had the best swag? Blizzard or Wizards?

Listen to The Diablo Podcast

Also available on iTunes or Spotify

In Conclusion

Many thanks to Brandy Camel for sharing her experiences working as a Diablo CM. It’s always great to get an insight into what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to looking after a community.

There’s no doubt there were problems dealing with the community during Brandy’s tenure as the Diablo CM. When Brandy joined the team, there was obviously a lack of procedure in place, and all that had to be worked out over time. Professionalise the role, for want of a better phrase.

Blizzard’s approach to community management has changed a lot over the years, as a team here at PureDiablo we’ve experienced that directly and seen many CMs come and go. Each time a new CM arrives there are always changes but it’s in a pretty good place right now under Adam’s guidance following the foundations put in place during Brandy’s spell as CM.

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