It’s been a bit of time since the last Diablo Fan Art Watch hasn’t it? I figured to commemorate the upgrade of the gallery and the reveal of Diablo IV.
This time with D4’s reveal I wanted to find anything fan art related with the main antagonist : Lilith. There are many out there and many more coming. Here’s the first batch of many.
Featuring amazing fan art by MadSoullessQueen, Harpokrates, kronicArt, Droksie, and pydiyudie(x2). Let’s return to the Watch once again.
If you enjoy Fan art and want to contribute to this growing community, please stop by the Fan Creations Forum. Many artists visit frequently, posting works in progress looking for feedback and conversation. You don’t have to be “arty” to join in. If you have any questions, comments or have some fan art related news on the web please send me a PM or on twitter with @Holyknight3000 and I’ll get back to you. Also check out the wiki page for more art from the archives (needs updated).