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Diablo Animated Series for Netflix Appears to be Going Ahead

A Diablo animated series appears to be going ahead on Netflix.

There have been rumours circulating for a while that an animated Diablo series for Netflix was being developed. According to Boom! Studios founder Andrew “Andy” Cosby, things are now moving ahead with the project.

In a now-deleted tweet from Andrew Cosby, he confirms that he is in final talks to write the series. The tweet stated:

I guess I can confirm I am indeed in final talks to write and show-run the new DIABLO animated series for Activision and Netflix. It’s very exciting and I hope to the High Heavens it all works out.

Despite this being an animated series, that doesn’t mean it’s not going to be edgy. A few weeks ago Andrew Cosby stated that if the project was to go ahead “it would DEFINITELY be Rated R”. Watch out for more news on this in the coming weeks or even at BlizzCon later this year.

Thanks fmulder.