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Diablo 4 Season 5 Wishlist

The most popular changes Diablo 4 fans want in Season 5.

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The introduction of the new gear systems in Diablo 4 has been a great success thus far. Diablo fans have been singing the praises of Season 4 for several weeks now. Be that as it may, we’re all still eager to know what additional changes the Devs will reveal tomorrow during their Season 5 PTR Campfire Chat. As we wait with bated breath to discover what surprises they have in store for us, let’s take a moment to review some of the improvements that have been most frequently requested by the Diablo community.

Hotfix for Patch 1.4.3

Before we get to the proposed changes for Season 5, first is a reminder that a Hotfix is scheduled to go live sometime later today. This update should reactivate the Elixir of Holy Bolts power as well as address some other bugs associated with the most recent Patch.


The overhaul of item stats in Season 4 has been a huge step in the right direction by putting more control directly into the hands of players. Yes, we’re still chasing loot in an attempt to find high quality drops with multiple GAs, but we no longer have to deal with the monotony of sifting through mountains of Rare items. Nevertheless, players are still calling for some additional QOL enhancements.

Tempering 1Tempering

The issue of bricking items while Tempering continues to be a highly contentious topic. A few of the most common suggestions for improvement include the following:

  • Remove Tempering Durability altogether.
  • Add a “No Change” option like Enchanting.
  • Add a Reset option like Masterworking.


Masterworking has been relatively more well received, especially now that it’s easier for casual players to clear Tier 61+ Pits in order to farm Neathiron. In keeping with that, the suggestion to introduce a Partial Reset option to the Masterworking UI would make the materials economy much more efficient. For example, players could choose to reset only the last four upgrades if they wanted another chance at a better Level 12 stat bonus, rather than having to reset all of the Masterworking in order to achieve the same results.


It’s certainly exciting to finally get an item drop with multiple GAs, but then only to discover that one or more of the boosted stats is completely and utterly useless for your build. Not a huge problem, though, because all you need to do is run over to the Occultist and re-roll the worst stat. Well, not so fast, because when a Greater Affix is enchanted, it is no longer Greater. On the other hand, the bonus is preserved when Enchanting a stat that has already been Masterworked. So, it seems pretty clear that the same rule of preservation should apply when Enchanting stats with Greater Affixes.

Diablo 4 Harlequin CrestMythic Uniques

I almost accidentally sold a Shako that dropped from a Tier 66 Pit reward chest, first of all because I totally did not expect a drop like that from the Pit. At that point in the game, I was also focused on looting gear with at least one GA, and I nearly overlooked the Shako in my inventory. Long story short, the overall appearance of Mythic (Uber) Unique items needs to be markedly different than other Legendary and Unique items.

Favorite Items

I am most certainly not the only player who has accidentally mishandled a Mythic Unique item in one way or another. Right now it is, unfortunatley, far too quick and easy to un-favorite an item, especially when in a hurry to sell or salavge loot, resulting in unintentional losses of high value gear. A mechanism is needed to lock favorite items in the inventory with either a cooldown to unlock, a two-step hard stop to unlock, or both.


The initial version of NMDs required players to travel to the dungeon entrance after activating a Nightmare Sigil. The next version allowed players to teleport to just outside the dungeon entrance after activating the sigil. The current version allows us to teleport to right inside the dungeon entrance to save even more time. Needless to say, this progression was a huge QOL improvement because the only practical reason for running NMDs is to farm Glyph XP. It’s just that simple.

Dungeon Reset

The same goes for Ladder Bosses. Players are not so much concerned with the lore of Ladder Bosses as they are with just farming Legendary and Unique items. The current requirement to repeatedly leave the dungeon, reset all dungeons, and then run through the dungeon again to defeat the same Boss is unnecessarily time consuming. Players want to be able to reset the dungeon from right inside the Boss room because killing the Boss over and over again is their only reason for being there.

And, for the love of Inarius, please make it possible for the Dungeon Reset button to be added to the Emote Wheel so we don’t have to keep opening the Journal in between every single run. Sheesh!

His real name is Kevin Wendell Crumb

The Beast in the Ice

It was a nice idea to add Pincushioned Doll drops the Beast dungeon because our chill friend in the Glacial Fissure definitely needed some love. The problem, though, is that hardly anyone is running this dungeon because it still takes up too much time, even if you place a marker pin in the Boss room.

Consequently, it can be a challenge to find other players to join an Uber Andy rotation because it seems like nobody ever has enough Dolls. The format and layout for the Beast dungeon needs to be brought in line with the other Ladder Bosses so that players can farm Andy mats more efficiently. Again, it’s just that simple.

the pitTHE PIT

There’s really no such thing as doing a party rotation in the Pit because followers get less Masterworking materials than the player who opened it. This is the only instance currently in the game where it is less efficient to get into a multi-player rotation. Maybe the Runeshard drop rate needs to be adjusted accordingly, or something like that, but there shouldn’t be any disincentive for farming the Pit in a party.

While we’re on this topic, is the Pit really just meant for farming Masterworking materials? Many players have shared comments about more ways in which the value of this new endgame feature could be improved:

  • Add Leaderboards, full stop!
  • The timer should remain visible until the character exits the Pit, rather than disappearing when the Boss is defeated. This way players can more effectively keep track of their progress.
  • Scale up the chance to drop items with GAs as the Pit Tier increases.
  • Checkpoints should be located right at the portals so characters don’t end up resurrecting at some random location in the dungeon.


A wide variety of general suggestions for improvement have also been shared on the forums over the past few weeks and months. Below is a selection of some of the most common and worthwhile suggestions pertaining to characters and gameplay.

  • GandalfIf Gandalf the Grey can equip both a staff and a sword (see photographic evidence to the right), then why can’t my Sorcerer or Necromancer do the same?
  • The Resistances percentage values change to the color green when the cap is reached. The same is not true for the Armor stat, and the result is that many players are still unaware there is now a cap on this stat as well. The fix for this is another no-brainer.
  • I really like the name, titles, and appearance of my current Seasonal character, so would it be asking too much to be able to Rebirth the same character at the beginning of next Season?
  • Some players will have at least one character from each of the five classes at Level 100 this Season, but there doesn’t seem to be an Achievement for that, per se, and there should be one.
  • It would be nice to be able to be in a party with other players for doing things like dungeon rotations without having to go to a Discord server to find a group.
  • Character builds have become more specialized as more build variations have become available and viable, making the need for an Amory even more apparent.
  • Being able to extract Legendary Aspects directly into the Codex of Power and moving Gems into the materials inventory has saved a lot of stash space, but we could still make good use of additional stash tabs in service of a more robust Seasonal roster.
  • Raising the Obol storage cap from 1000 to 2500 has certainly helped, but the Obols storage still seems to get filled up pretty quickly and several players have suggested removing the storage cap altogether.
  • Shadow dropping Pets with the mid-Season update was a lovely surprise, which has made running Helltides, etc., noticeably less burdensome. However, my little doggy still seems to have a hard time keeping up with my character, and I end up having to pick up a lot of the Aberrant Cinders myself. So, it would be nice if the pets moved a little faster and had a wider pick-up radius. The option to “train” pets to pick up only certain types of loot would also be very nice.

Season 5 PTR

The next Campfire Chat will livestream tomorrow and the Devs will announce some of what we can expect for the upcoming PTR as well as Season 5. Please provide them with your feedback on YouTube, Twitter, or the Diablo 4 Forums, especially if you think they’ve overlooked something really important.

See You Next Time

The PureDiablo community would like to know your opinion on this topic, so please sound off in the comments section below, or contact me on Twitter. Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions for future topics here at PureDiablo. In the meantime, be sure to keep an eye on the news feed so you’ll have all the up-to-date info you need to get the most out of your game.

If you believe that any of the information shared above is inaccurate in any way, please let us know, along with a reference for the correct information, so we can update this document accordingly.

Gazerrick ArmsGazerrick is a staff writer for PureDiablo who focuses primarily on casual gaming interests and lore for the Diablo community. When not hacking and slashing his way through a new Season, he can be found participating in, and presenting at, various pop culture conventions in southern Arizona. You can follow him on Twitter @Gazerrick9000 for even more of his gaming indulgences. A collection of his creative media is also available at Cactus Palm Perspectives.

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2 months ago

Loadouts. It has to be 100%. I think this will bring so much to the game.

From a testing pov you can create some builds and practice at the dummy, swapping between the builds (including gear). From the gameplay pov you can swap between builds that suit the boss fight or pit or gauntlet.

It makes so much good sense I can’t believe it wasn’t in D4 when it was released.

2 months ago

After finally getting to level 100, a few things pop out:

Still way too much gear drops. I spent way too much time going over items that should have been spent playing.

I’d love to see a loadout for Paragon; manually redoing 150 plus points was a pita. For that matter, I’d love the whole system to be revamped with a simpler UI, but one thing at a time.

I think more in game stuff should be available in different places. Get glyph xp from the pit and/or helltides, MW mats from NMD’s and whispers. People should play the content that suits them. Specific items or gear hunting is fine the way it is.

Tortured chests should display how many cinders are needed on the map.

I’d like a potion or incense that gives you an immune barrier when casting TP in the helltide.

I can’t think of any more at the moment.

2 months ago

I’m gear locked and I regularly weed out my gear down to around two lines when I’m at a higher level, but switch or add a new character in the same class and it becomes a dumpster fire.
One tab for uniques, which will be overrun more when they introduce new class specific items. I’d like to see a tab for each character class for the uniques specific to them, and maybe the items for summoning included in the materials tab with the ability to trade them.
– A helltide count down bar instead of numbers that you can rarely see.
– The same options as the blacksmith for gear disposal with a filter for aspect upgrades/items with gems exempt from the “sell all”
– Incense not being removed on death (thought that was fixed at one point?)
– Regardless of resistance, poison is just mean. Elixir of antivenin, incense and max resistance not mitigating the poison swimming pool that monsters love to spawn? My dog gets poisoned!

++ Overall, the devs have done a great job with this season and it has been fun! There are always some rough edges when you change mechanics across a complex system, and rng has been a scary thing with tempering and enchanting, but rand/rng is what they use. The fact that they seek out player input and act on it makes it feel like the player is an active participant in the game design.

Thanks for all the hard work, Team Diablo!

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