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Diablo 4 – Rune words “very cool” says Lead Class Designer

Rune words are not a thing right now but could they return?

rune words

One of the features that was expected to appear in Diablo 4 was runes and rune words, in fact, we saw them early on in development. So what’s the deal?

In a new interview on wccftech, the question was asked whether they are to appear or not. While the answer is non-commital, it does sound as if they could make an appearance further down the line.   Lead Class Designer Adam Jackson added:

Yeah, totally. How would I say this? We like rune words. They’re very cool. We don’t have anything to announce as far as if they’re going to be in the game in the immediate future. We do think they’re still a really cool idea, and that’s all I’m going to say right now.

It was disappointing to see them slowly disappear from development updates and screenshots and I think most players would welcome their inclusion. We still have a lot to understand about the endgame and how all the pieces will affect builds in the final game, right now it’s a matter of theory crafting the possibilities. Launch can’t come soon enough.

Give the interview a read it discusses numerous class design and game system decisions that have been made by the development team. It touches on customization, aesthetics, skills, and more.

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