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Diablo 4 Beta Live Action Film – The Diablo Church

Want to give a real church a gothic Diablko makeover? Why not! Amazing work in these two videos.

Blizzard never fails to impress me when it comes to their filmmaking and today they have released something that is quite stunning, a Diablo 4 Beta Live Action Film.

This Beta Live Action film takes you to a real church where they have given it a complete Diablo makeover and the artwork is outstanding. As well as the trailer there is also an accompanying video that shows exactly how they have done it which you can also see below.

Finding an abandoned French church the artists have created something that is quite beautiful. If the town has any sense, it would be open as a public space and would be great publicity as an attraction until the game launches. Pilgrimage to the Church of Diablo!

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1 year ago

Simply stunning.

I wonder if people can visit the church to see this? Be a great place for a launch party.

Share your thoughts Nephalem.x