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Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 2 start date update

The PTR will get another update next week.

Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 2

Following the update on what’s happening with Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 2 and the delay, there’s a further update.

The PTR is going to be updated next week, probably with some of the Terror Zone changes mentioned in the previous post. The good news is that update will come with a definitive start date for Season 2.

Just an update on PTR status. We are expecting a new PTR build next week for the community so expect notes and news about that sometime next week.

We are still on track with our internal schedules for 2.5 and will also have a Season 2 start date in the PTR notes that are posted so people can properly plan out their time well in advance of the Season 2 start.

Looking forward to the feedback on the new PTR changes.

Doesn’t look like we’ll have to wait too long now assuming the next PTR changes go to plan. Fingers crossed.

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