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Blizzard heading to Gamescom 2018

Blizzard heads back to Cologne this year to share their games with fans at Blizzcon 2018.

Blizzard always pop over to Cologne for Gamescom and this year is no different. It doesn’t look like anything new will be announced based on the line-up, and by new I mean a new game.

[BLUE]From August 21-25, Blizzard will be back in Cologne, Germany for gamescom 2018. We’ll have the latest playable content for Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, StarCraft II, Diablo III, Hearthstone, and World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth at our booth in Hall 7 of the Koelnmesse.

As always, epic merchandise will be available at the Blizzard store, and we’ll have plenty of activities on our main stage throughout gamescom—including the Blizzard Dance Contest on Thursday, August 23, and the famous Blizzard Cosplay Contest on Saturday, August 25. Check out our blog post for contest details.[/BLUE]