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Another Diablo 4 Beta Test Announced

As expected following numerous teases, there’s another beta test, or Server Slam as Blizzard is calling it. New mount reward too!

Diablo 4 Beta

Following the cryptic messages posted on Twitter in the past 24 hours, Diablo players will have another chance to play the Diablo 4 beta.

Announced during the live stream, the new beta test session will start on May 12 – May 14 as a “Server Slam” event. This will include all the new changes made since beta. All rewards from the first two beta weekends will also be up for grabs.

Server Slam

The mount trophy looks great too.


This is great news for those who missed out and for fans who wanted to see all the recent changes that have been made since the open beta concluded. A full recap of the developer stream in which this was announced can be found here.

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